Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1885 Nine Heavenly Tower

Qin Sang heard a loud noise behind him as he escaped from the temple.

The spiritual light barrier was overwhelmed and destroyed by the impact of the black rainbow, and the temple collapsed in response.

To Qin Sang's disappointment, the Gengchen Tai Sui enshrined in the hall was hit and fell to the ground, but there was no reaction and no counterattack was launched against the culprit.

In this way, even if he hides in the Talisman Temple of the higher karma, the black demon roc will not have to worry about anything and can attack the temple unscrupulously.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The demonic wind rushed over the ruins of the temple.

The black demon roc appeared and recalled the thunder mirror. Seeing the dim light of the treasure, he became furious and a white light flew out from his chest, turning into a fine iron treasure ring.

The outer ring of the fine iron treasure ring is covered with spikes, and the inner ring is hollow. As it rotates rapidly, the spikes on the outer ring light up one after another, blooming with sharp light.

The light converged towards the inner circle, becoming more and more dazzling. When the light condensed to the extreme, it suddenly burst out.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

The sound of breaking through the air is endless.

Arrow-like white streams of light shot out wildly, each one extremely sharp, chasing Qin Sang crazily.

Qin Sang knew very well that if he was stabbed by an arrow, his fate would never be good, so he could only try his best to dodge.

The fine iron treasure ring flew around, arrows kept shooting out, and the momentum was not inferior to that of a thunder mirror.

Qin Sang secretly sighed that it was indeed impossible to reverse the situation with just a bloody divine light, so he gave up any thoughts of luck and concentrated on escaping.

Both sides chased away from the mountain, leaving only the collapsed temple and a talisman god crooked on the ground.

Facts have proved that abolishing the radar mirror is not a useless move.

Although the Jingtie Baohuan's offensive was intensive, it was unsustainable, and Qin Sang's back was under less pressure.

During the chase, whenever Qin Sang felt that the enemy's attack was fierce and he could no longer hold on, he would look for opportunities to hide in the temple.

Hiding in the temple not only allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief, it was also good for patrolling the divine chariot.

Every time the Sky Patrol Chariot was repaired by his hands, it was approaching destruction.

However, Qin Sang discovered that the degree of damage to the Xuntian Divine Chariot was also related to the Golden Dragon of the Chariot.

The golden dragon seems to be able to draw energy from the divine court and feed the divine chariot back. If the Xuntian Divine Chariot stays in the Divine Court for a while, it will probably recover on its own.

However, it was impossible to do so while escaping. The golden dragon could only recover while hiding in the temple.

This kind of recovery is better than nothing, and cannot reverse the fate of the Xuntian Divine Chariot's destruction.

As time goes by, the golden dragon's figure becomes more and more illusory.

But every time he leaves the temple, the golden dragon becomes a little more solid.

Moreover, if you are prepared before teleporting, the pressure on the Sky Patrol Chariot will be less.

Qin Sang racked his brains, trying to seize even the slightest factor that was beneficial to him!

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

The divine chariot of patrolling the sky passes between the stormy arrows.

Qin Sang sat on the jade throne, with a solemn face, and quickly glanced at the surrounding fairy mountain temple.

He is looking for the Talisman Temple of higher karma.

Most of the temples I encountered before were the sixty-year-old Tai Sui God, the Sanxing Lord among the Hehan gods, and other talisman gods.

The status and karma of these talisman gods are roughly the same, the spiritual light enchantments are almost the same, and their power is limited.

A Talisman with a higher level of karma may have a stronger spiritual light barrier.

"This is the Western White Tiger Qisu, and above the scattered stars, it should be the Qisu Xingjun..."

Qin Sang first passed through Kuisu among the seven places in the west, but did not find the temple of Kuisu Xingjun.

The star area of ​​​​Yisu includes many stars, and Qin Sang cannot guess where the Taoist court will enshrine Lord Kuisiu.

There were pursuers behind him, but he couldn't search carefully. Maybe he missed it, or maybe the temple of Lord Kuisiu had been destroyed long ago.

Lousu and Kuisu are connected and are the second place in the west.

Qin Sang passed through the Kuisiu star area, fled into Lousu, then into Weisu, Pleiades, and finally Bisu, where he finally found the Bisu star Lord!

Directly ahead, a significantly higher fairy mountain emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, and the temple shone with aura, which was particularly eye-catching.

On the plaque in front of the temple, there are six words written in Yunzhuan - Biju Tianerxingjun!

Judging from its appearance, the Temple of the Hyades Lord is intact.

Qin Sang immediately drove the Xuntian Divine Chariot to escape to the temple.

The black demon roc in the rear also saw the Temple of the Aldebaran Lord. A hint of anger flashed in its demonic eyes, and more murderous intent broke out.

It uses all its methods, but no matter how powerful it is, if it can't hit or stay, it's all in vain.

Qin Sang can always dodge or teleport with the powerful magical power of the Sky Patrol Chariot.

The black demon roc did not hesitate to use a magical power that was extremely destructive. Not only did it fail to trap and kill Qin Sang, but Qin Sang took the opportunity to distance himself and became furious.

Before leaving, it boasted to the green-scaled demon snake. Unexpectedly, it failed to capture Qin Sang for so long, and it lost all face.

It came under the command this time, but could not quickly capture the Divine Chariot of Patrolling Heaven. Instead, it was dragged here by Qin Sang. If it ruined something big because of this, how would it explain to the Great Sage when it went back?

Qin Sang didn't know what the black demon roc was thinking, so he urged the golden dragon to plunge into the temple and pass through the aura barrier smoothly just like before.

'boom! ’

The divine chariot landed on the ground, and the golden dragon lay motionless on the ground, recovering with all its strength.

Qin Sang looked at the statue in the hall and saw Lord Alejandro looking majestic. He was wearing a white fur single coat with a sword hanging from his waist. He had an extraordinary bearing. His facial features were close to those of an ordinary person, not a statue.

The statues of gods he saw in the divine court were all kinds of strange. Some had three heads and six arms, in line with legends, while others were more human-like.

"When the Taoist court created the Talisman God, it should not only follow the legend, but also have other considerations, such as selecting sages who have contributed to the Taoist sect, and integrating them with the legendary image of the gods, which is also another form of worship and inheritance..."

Qin Sang thought to herself, staring at the Aldebaran Lord, and saw the Aldebaran Lord's divine light shining, and his expression became a little more agile, as if he was about to come to life.

Strange power emanates from its body.

'boom! ’

There was a roar outside the hall, and the ground shook violently.

Qin Sang's heart tightened, and when he saw the situation outside the palace, his expression gradually relaxed.

I saw hundreds of arrows shot out from the fine iron treasure wheel, aiming at the spiritual light barrier, but all of them were bounced away by the barrier.

Although the spiritual light has its fluctuations, it is obviously stronger than the previous temple and can last longer.

Qin Sang ignored the outside and stared at the Aldebaran Lord carefully.

He had seen other Fu Gods in this state before, and he was pressed for time and had no time to investigate.

"Could it be..."

Qin Sang's heart moved, and he thought of a type of magic passed down by the Taoist sect - asking the gods to summon generals.

It is said that you can obtain the power of the gods to bless yourself and your troops, and even attract the gods to come down to earth and possess you, transforming you into a god.

Because the god did not respond, all such spells were ineffective, and Qin Sang even doubted the origin of the god.

Now we know that the God of Heaven is the God of Talisman, and the reason for not responding is because the divine court is closed and contact is interrupted.

Now that the Divine Court is here, can those spells be used again?

"Someone please summon the Aldebaran Lord. Are the Taoist monks fighting with demons? Do we have to wait for the winner to be decided in the lower realm before we can wait for a turn?"

Qin Sang's thoughts flashed as he thought about his situation and was inspired at the same time.

"The demons of Guifang Kingdom are also rooted in the Divine Court, and those who summon the gods may not be Taoist monks. However, why don't you see the demon roc summoning the gods?"

Qin Sang looked outside the palace and saw darkness swallowing up the sea of ​​clouds and approaching.

Who knows, demons can indeed cast such spells, but they are far less proficient than Taoists.

First of all, the Yaolu comes from changing the Taoist magic, and it is inevitable that there will be inconsistencies with the Taoist magic. What Gui Fangguo wants is the god general who protects the altar. The priority is to ensure that Yao Lu can hire the god general to protect the soul. It is difficult to take care of everything at the same time.

Secondly, from the very beginning, the divine court was in decline, and spells such as summoning generals from the gods were ineffective. Naturally, Guifang Kingdom would not waste its energy in this regard.

The black demon roc has also studied such spells in his spare time. If he entered the divine court before changing to the divine way, he might be able to do it.

Now it has entered the Shinto, and is in harmony with the Fushen in the twenty-four days of hell. It is not yet fully familiar with the Shinto, and I don't know if there is any special magic to summon gods.

Even if you can summon gods, you may only be able to summon the gods of the twenty-four heavens. The remaining talisman gods in the heavens are not as high as it, and receiving the blessing of divine power cannot change the current situation.

Qin Sang didn't understand these twists and turns. What he was thinking about was whether he could use the power of the Talisman God to resolve the crisis.

It's a pity that he only has a superficial understanding of this type of magic. High-level divine summoning spells are all secrets of the Taoist sect. It was impossible for him to pay a high price in exchange for spells that were useless to him.

As far as he knew, summoning a general from the gods must be supplemented by special rituals, including finger tricks, steps, incantations, etc.

Yu Bu Gang Dou and Zhang Mu Jue are the essence of Tao and the origin of Dharma. Cultivation of immortality and truth, impeachment and subjugation are all worthy of this.

It is indispensable especially when summoning high-level Talisman Gods who are beyond one's own cultivation level. The ritual is extremely complicated and can only be performed by the high-level Taoists.

Even though Lord Aldebara was right in front of Qin Sang, he didn't know how to use his divine power.

"I cultivated the Heavenly God of Heaven, which corresponds to the God of Thunder, but I failed to obtain the corresponding scriptures. If the person in front of me is the God of Thunder, can I rely on the Nine Heavens Thunder Seal in the altar to be possessed by the god? "

While Qin Sang was meditating, the black demon roc was frantically attacking the aura barrier outside the temple.

The Immortal Mountain Temple is crumbling.

The spiritual light barrier gradually dimmed.

Qin Sang sighed secretly, "It seems that the status of the Twenty-eight Star Lords is not high enough to stop the Demon King. Above the Seven Star Lords in the West, there is also the White Tiger God Lord, one of the four elephants..."

If I continue to stay in Western Qisu, there will be fewer and fewer places to go.

The black demon roc continuously breaks through the temple and becomes more and more skillful. If the white tiger god's temple cannot stop it, his situation will become very dangerous.

‘Boom! ’

Qin Sang was awakened by the shock. When he saw the situation outside, his expression changed slightly. He immediately awakened the golden dragon and used teleportation.

You can't wait for the black demon roc to break through the temple before leaving. There are Taoist monks in the lower world who summon the gods to kill the enemy. If the talisman gods are destroyed, the spells related to the Aldebaran Lord and the monks' strength will be greatly damaged.

It may even affect the situation of the battle, as the Taoist masters are slower to arrive.

The golden light disappeared from the temple.

The black demon roc who was attacking the spiritual light barrier felt something in his heart, and immediately locked on Taiyi Xingyu who teleported to a distance, and chased away with the demonic wind.

"Zi Weiyuan..."

Qin Sang looked towards Sanyuan as he fled.

Sanyuan is the core of Zhoutian Xingdou. In the Taoist scriptures, the god who lives in Sanyuan has the highest status.

For example, the Five Dou Star Lord, the Nine Yao Star Lord, etc., and even the legendary emperor!

There, there are more temples for refuge.

The temples of ordinary star gods are also denser than elsewhere. In Ziweiyuan's Beidou Star District alone, there are not only the seven Seven-Yuan Star Lords corresponding to the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, Zuo Fu and You Bi, but also the Thirty-six Tiangang Stars, the Seventy-two Earthly Evil Stars, etc. wait.

In Ziwei Yuan, the high-level Talisman God closest to him should be Xidou, one of the Five Dou, with a total of four palaces: the White Label Star Lord in the first palace, Gaoyuan Star Lord in the second palace, Emperor Lingxing Lord in the third palace, and Juwei in the fourth palace. Star Lord.

The status and karma of the four star kings are definitely better than those of the twenty-eight star kings.

However, those demons who entered the divine court all went to the direction of Sanyuan. If they escaped by themselves, they would be surrounded and more dangerous.

"Where is the God of Thunder?"

Qin Sang had doubts in his heart and looked up at the layers of fairy clouds above the three walls.

"Is Lei Bu there?"

The Raibu Tenjin should be no less than the Dobu Tenjin, and it is very likely that they will occupy another area in Shenting.

At one glance, Qin Sang immediately gave up the idea of ​​going to the Lei Department.

I saw a stream of demonic energy rushing into Sanyuan, then heading straight to the sky, passing through the layers of heaven.

Now and in the past, isn't it just a trap?

Besides, the damage there is obviously more serious and the temples are sparse, so it would be better to stay in Dobu.

After some weighing, Qin Sang drove the divine chariot and headed straight to Xidou!

Between the three walls, fairy clouds are arranged in layers, standing in the sky for nine days.

Nine heavens and nine skies are Leicheng!

At this moment, the green-scaled demon snake led a group of demon gods and continued to rush towards the Shenxiao Upper Palace on the top of Leicheng City.

After entering Leicheng, the demons and gods realized that it was not that simple to enter the Shenxiao Palace.

Otherwise, the Great Sage of the Monster Clan would not have personally taken the remaining map of the Twenty-Four Heaven Hell and forced his way into the Nantian Gate.

Every level of heaven is a level of restriction.

They started to rush upward from the first heaven, and the beginning was quite smooth. Leicheng was damaged, and they looked for flaws in the restriction, and went to the seventh heaven in one go.

When they hit the eighth heaven, they ran into trouble.

The restrictions in the eighth heaven are also damaged, but there is an amazing pressure in the gap, which most demon gods cannot bear.

The green-scaled demon snake had no choice but to lead the demon gods above the Dongxuan Dharma position, and broke in in formation, only to find that there was only one solitary temple in the eighth heaven.

They are familiar with the history of the court and know that this temple is dedicated to the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord, the highest talisman god in the Thunder Department!

"Lei Zu was not destroyed!"

The green-scaled demon snake looked shocked.

The door of the temple was closed tightly, but it exuded a terrifying pressure that made people palpitate.

The demon gods looked at each other, avoided the Leizu Hall, and continued to rush upward.

As long as the ninth level of heaven is broken, one can seize the upper palace of Shenxiao and make the Taoist sect bow!

But they searched around and found only a few suspected cracks. Even with their strength, they couldn't break through.

The demon gods joined forces to create a demon array and attacked with all their strength, but they still could not shake the restriction of the Nine Heavens.

The green-scaled demonic snake's eyes were shining brightly, its head was lowered, and it looked across the eighth heaven to the power of the seven constellations in the west.

The Yao Peng failed to capture that man for so long, so he brought the Sky Patrol Divine Chariot over.


The green-scaled demon snake snorted coldly. Regardless of whether the divine chariot can help them ascend to the Nine Heavens, they must bring it over for a try.

He looked sideways at the demon beside him and said, "Fellow Taoist Ancient, let the other Taoists continue to set up the formation and find a way to break the ban. You follow me down."

Saying that, the green-scaled demonic snake swam its demonic body and returned to the eighth heaven.

It points to a bull demon with golden horns.

The bull demon followed closely behind in the glow of the glow.

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