Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1897 Nirvana

In the Taoist sect, those who have cultivated to the level of Dongzhen Dharma are respected as Heavenly Masters.

Heavenly Master can also represent status.

The Taoist sect was in decline, but Zhang Zhenjun led the Taoist court, and his cultivation was the highest among all the Taoist sects. He was the worthy leader of the Taoist sect, and could be called a heavenly master!

Moreover, his incarnation as Emperor Gou Chen already possesses strength comparable to that of a Heavenly Master.

‘Whoosh! ’

A rein of starlight was thrown out in front of the emperor's chariot, and it was harnessed to the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon did not dare to resist and let the reins hit its neck. It immediately jumped up, drove up the golden cloud, and pulled the imperial chariot through the Nantian Gate.

The emperor's chariot entered Leicheng, passed through the sky, and went up to the nine-level sky tower.

The vitality of the sky is chaotic, purple clouds are glowing, and the sky is natural, some are clear and some are turbid, some are moving and some are still.

It is bright up and down here, with endless illumination.

There is no spring and autumn, no winter or summer, no heat or ice, the light is soft, and all decay and decay are alive.

I saw an ancient palace in the sky where the wind was flowing and the clouds of happiness were filling the sky.

This palace is not as dazzling as the temples of the gods, and it is not at all magical. It is like an ordinary stone palace, with the door tightly closed and hanging in the void, silent and imageless.

This palace is the origin of Taoist court - Shenxiao Shanggong, also known as Jiutian Golden Palace!

It is hard for the world to imagine that the legendary Taoist Holy Land could be such an ordinary stone temple.

The five-clawed golden dragon pulled the imperial chariot, flew outside the palace, and crawled in front of the imperial chariot.

Zhang Tianshi stood up from the throne and looked at this holy land that he had only seen in Taoist scriptures. With his character, he could not suppress the excitement in his heart.

Shenxiao Shanggong has been silent for too long, and the Dao Sect has declined for too long!

Countless sages have struggled along the way, pursuing hard, and finally emerged with regrets.

Finally, through his hands, the long-dusted palace door will be pushed open!

From now on, the Taoist sect will flourish!

"I also asked about Sanqing,

The rise and fall are all recorded in Jianzhong.

Recalling the old sceneries in the sky,


Tianshi Zhang was full of emotion and recited in a low voice. At the last sentence, he paused, looked up at the sky, and his tone suddenly turned high-pitched.

"The third watch of the Golden Que Moon!"


The five-clawed golden dragon responded with a roar, empathizing with Zhang Tianshi's feelings.

The Dao Sect is trapped in this world, so why not Guifang Country.

It's a pity that Gui Fangguo lost.

The five-clawed golden dragon's eyes flashed with sadness, and it lowered its head.

Zhang Tianshi raised his hand towards Shen Xiao and went up to the palace. The palace door slowly opened, and immediately a stream of light shot out and flew towards Zhang Tianshi. Zhang Tianshi held it in his hand.

Inside the streamer is a square seal, which reads 'Tao Jing Master's Treasured Seal'!

There are three treasures in Taoism: Tao, Sutra, and Master.

Daobao refers to the legendary Taoist Lord, who was born before chaos, before Tai Wu, and at the beginning of vitality.

Sutra treasure refers to the Taoist Canon and all kinds of Dharma.

Master treasure refers to the sages of Taoism who have learned all the truths of Taoism.

One of the most important precepts of Taoism, the "three refuges" among the three refuges and five precepts, is to take refuge in the three treasures of Taoism, scriptures and teachers before entering Taoism to show sincerity.

The Taoist Master's treasure seal is the supreme divine seal of the Taoist sect and the hub of the divine court!

Zhang Tianshi held the Taoist Master's seal tightly, and the woman's voice came out just at this moment.

He laughed and responded, "Why not!"

Say it.

Zhang Tianshi held the treasure seal of the Taoist Sutra Master, rode in the emperor's chariot, drove side by side with the Earth Killing Sword, and broke through the boundary!

The divine blade is unsheathed.

The sword cuts through the void!

Qin Sang looked at the Earth-killing Sword flying through the air with complicated eyes.

There is no doubt that the boy in green is the sword spirit of the Earth Sword.

The Earth Killing Sword has followed him for many years, and the sword spirit has always been sleeping.

Qin Sang only received a brief reminder from the sword spirit and never had a face-to-face communication with the sword spirit. It was only today that he saw the true image of the sword spirit.

He could guess that the "Yuan Shen Yang Sword Chapter" and the Earth Killing Sword had a lot to do with each other. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it was far beyond his imagination.

The woman actually wants to use the earth-killing sword to deal with a strong man in the Mahayana stage!

The exchange between the sword spirit and the woman was heard by Qin Sang, which brought him too much shock and confusion.

According to the woman, she swam in the Nie River and sank into it, always looking for and calling for the Earth-Slaying Sword and its owner.

If she is Blood Moon, could it be that the demonic sound of heaven that troubles the monks in this world is just her calling the sword spirit?

In retrospect, according to the descriptions of Saint King Qinghu and Saint Huiguang, the demonic sound of heaven should have appeared after the Immortal Palace ascended.

Could it be that the rising fluctuations of the Immortal Palace attracted her, and because she was sinking into the Nie River, she was unable to extricate herself. Her voice was like a demonic voice, and she was mistaken for the demonic voice of heaven by the monks from the Storm Realm?

The more Qin Sang thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

He speculated countless times about the origin of the Demonic Sound of Heaven, thought of various possibilities, and did not forget to look for the reason when he read through the Taoist classics.

I have never thought of such a ridiculous and unbelievable answer!

If Zilei Zhenren, Zhitan Master and others, who are extremely talented but whose paths were cut off by the demonic voice of heaven, were allowed to know the whole story, they would surely die without peace of mind.

Things in the world are unpredictable, and every move by the mighty might bring disaster to the low-level monks!

Very sad.

However, since 'Blood Moon' is not the enemy, who is the powerful enemy they are dealing with?

What is the origin of that palm print and the enemy coming across the blood pool, and why do you know that the killing sword is on him?

"Could it be..."

Qin Sang's heart moved.

Among the forces outside the Storm Realm that he has come into contact with, besides the Taoist Court, there is another one!

The scene of escaping from the Star Platform at the Wushen Mountain Shrine came to Qin Sang's mind.

The star platform was guided, and the starlight shook down, but was blocked by the blood rainbow.

He originally regarded the other party as his savior, but was it actually the opposite of the truth?

If this is the truth, 'Xingguang' was eyeing the Earth Killing Sword at that time, and the woman was saving him and sent Master Tianyue to this world to guide him. The woman has been entangled with the enemy to this day.

Didn't he just throw himself into a trap and take the initiative to provoke a strong man in the Mahayana stage!

Qin Sang almost broke out in a cold sweat. He subconsciously looked to his side and found that the woman did not kill the sword and leave. She should not be her real body.

The woman also looked over.

"You should have a lot of doubts. What do you want to ask? Time is running out. I can't last too long."

Only then did Qin Sang notice that the woman's figure was becoming more and more unreal.

For a moment, he didn't know where to start the question. He hesitated and said, "How can I be so virtuous and capable?"

He is so virtuous and capable that the woman protects him in every possible way.

Not only did he block powerful enemies, but he also allowed Master Tianyue to enter this world, making careful plans and arranging various opportunities.

If it was just to get back the Earth-Slaying Sword, the woman could just ask Master Tianyue to take the sword away. Why go to such trouble?

The woman looked at Yun Youjian beside Qin Sang, and said in a sad tone: "Just because you are his descendant, that's enough!"

"Heir? Yuan Shen Yang Sword Chapter?"

Qin Sang frowned and asked, "Who is he? What is the identity of the senior?"

"Some people respect him as Ziwei Emperor, and some people call him Ziwei Sword Lord, but he doesn't like these titles. However, his sword likes the name 'Ziwei Emperor Sword'..."

Before he finished speaking, the Earth-killing Sword that was about to break through the boundary seemed to sense it, and there was a sword cry.

"As for me," the woman murmured softly with a look of wistfulness and nostalgia, "I am his number one swordsman."

"Emperor, Sword Master, Emperor Sword, Sword Attendant..."

Qin Sang thought about the meaning of these names and was about to continue speaking when he suddenly felt something move inside his sleeves and a red light rushed out of the cuffs.

Without his call, the Sun God Tree appeared on its own.

It turns out this guy is not dead!

Qin Sang cursed that just now he called the Suzaku young spirit, but there was no response, but now he ran out on his own.

Along with the red light, there was a rapid scream.

"you you you……"

The Sun God Tree was suspended in front of the First Sword Attendant, and the nine firebirds on the treetop came to life one after another, glaring at the woman.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The nine firebirds raised their wings in unison and pointed tremblingly at the First Sword Attendant. It can be seen that the young Suzaku spirit was very excited and seemed to know the First Sword Attendant.

Its cry was extremely sharp, and the eyes of the nine firebirds were widened, as if they had met an enemy rather than an old friend.

Qin Sang's heart moved, and he remembered what the young Suzaku spirit had said, and vaguely remembered being pinched by a hand around his neck.

Could it be that the First Sword Attendant captured the young Suzaku spirit and stuffed it under the alchemy furnace to light the fire?

"Ah! It's you! It's you!"

The young Suzaku spirit became more and more excited.

However, it seemed to be too excited, and it couldn't figure out the reason even after turning over and over.

The First Swordsman turned a blind eye to the Sun God Bird, stared at the roots of the Sun God Tree, and suddenly smiled, "It turns out to be the Fire Crow."

With a smile on her face, the hostility in her body was reduced a lot.

The sun birds all froze, and then their hair exploded.

New grudges are added to old grudges, the anger of Suzaku's spirit arises from the heart, and evil is born in the guts, and he shouts angrily, "I am Suzaku!"

The first sword attendant was unmoved and continued: "I didn't expect that even the sword pavilion was knocked down, but you, the little fire crow, survived until now. It's your fate..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The young Suzaku spirit was filled with rage.

The Sun God Tree was swaying, and the nine Sun God Birds seemed to be about to flap their wings.

Unexpectedly, the first swordsman stretched out a finger and lightly touched the sun tree, and all the sacred birds were imprisoned.

The power of the flames in the sacred tree was also completely solidified.

The young Suzaku spirit was hiding in the Suzaku True Feather. Sensing the powerful strength of the First Sword Attendant, its screams suddenly stopped and it became frightened.

Only then did it remember that the person in front of it could pinch it like a chicken back then, but if it was not good for it now, it would have no power to resist at all.

'puff! ’

The nine divine birds exploded together.

'call! ’

The power of the flame inside the Sun God Tree was actually stripped out and turned into a ball of flame, with two fire feathers floating in the center of the flame.

One true Vermillion Bird Feather, one True Phoenix Feather!

The flames were stripped away, but the body of the Sun God Tree still shone with red light. After years of tempering by the Suzaku True Fire, it seemed that unknown changes had occurred.

The first swordsman singled out the Suzaku True Feather and suspended it on his fingertips. There was a trembling and frightened atmosphere inside.

Before the young Suzaku spirit could ask for mercy, Suzaku Zhenyu heard a subtle cracking sound.

The feathers fell off one after another, and the feather shafts were also full of cracks. Finally, they shattered together and turned into a ball of blazing fire.

"Ah! Help!"

The screams of the Suzaku spirit came from the blazing fire.

Qin Sang vaguely guessed something and did not stop the first sword attendant, feeling extremely shocked.

The cry of the Suzaku Spirit became weaker and weaker, and an outline gradually emerged from the blazing fire, looking like a divine bird bathing in fire.

The first sword attendant suddenly frowned and summoned Tianfeng Zhenyu again.

'Snapped! ’

The Heavenly Phoenix True Feather shattered in response, turning into wisps of Phoenix True Fire and blending into the blazing fire.

Two completely different flames, but without any sign of conflict at this moment, merged together perfectly.

The outline of the divine bird became increasingly clear.

At this time, the First Sword Attendant ordered Qin Sang to separate a ray of consciousness and throw it into the flames.

'boom! ’

‘Bah! ’

Flames shot into the sky, and with a loud roar, a divine bird spread its wings and flew high.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, reborn from the ashes!

"I have a body! My body has recovered!"

The young Suzaku spirit was ecstatic and in disbelief. It kept flying around and scratching its body with its little paws, trying to determine whether it was real or fake.

The joy even overshadowed the hatred, completely forgetting that the 'enemy' was still in front of him.

Her body was only as big as a fist, and she was clearly a baby bird. She didn't have the appearance of the sacred beast Suzaku, but she did look like a fire crow.

I don't know if the power of the two true feathers was exhausted during the spirit shaping, but the flame aura exuded from the young Suzaku spirit was not even as powerful as when the nine sun birds came out together.

But everyone understands that Suzaku is tantamount to being reborn, which is of great significance!

"I punished you back then. From now on, you will follow him. If you serve the Lord well, I will pardon your crime of disrespect!"

The first swordsman looked tired, his figure became a little more unreal, and he said calmly.

The spirit of Suzaku was still immersed in joy, shaking its head and tail, not hearing what the woman was saying.

Amazing skills!

Qin Sang sighed.

Interrupted by the young Suzaku spirit, he had already sorted out his thoughts and spoke quickly upon seeing this.

The first thing you need to ask clearly is, of course, things related to yourself.

"What are you going to do for me, senior?"

Qin Sang knew very well that no merit would be rewarded, and past experience told him that opportunities are not so easy to come by.

"What can you do with your little cultivation?"

The woman's rhetorical question left Qin Sang speechless.

‘Boom! ’

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook.

The vibration seemed to come from outside the world, and the void storm spread in deep space.

She looked into the sky and continued: "You inherited his mantle and were recognized by his sword. Do you know how many people want to find you?"

Qin Sang had a premonition about this, but could only smile bitterly. Who knew that the Earth Killing Sword and the "Yuanshen Sword Chapter" were so closely involved.

“I need to heal, and I still have a lot to do, and I can’t shelter you all the time.

Since you can withstand Lei Zu, no one can predict you if Lei Zu protects the altar in the future.

Even though Lei Zu is a crippled god, his Mahayana status and karma are still there, so he can conceal his energy and hide it from the sky.

As long as you are careful, even if you meet face to face, there should be very few people in the world who can see through your true heel! "

After hearing these words, Qin Sang finally understood.

No wonder Master Tianyue wants to help him refine his weakness in this world.

It turns out that they had an agreement with Tao Ting to plan for themselves a general to protect the altar.

After refining the void, it would undoubtedly be much safer to gather the power of Taoist sects and invite Lei Zu or other talisman gods of similar status for him.

"Who is our enemy?"

After a moment of silence, Qin Sang asked.

The word he used was 'we'.

As the saying goes, get its inheritance and inherit its cause and effect.

It's not that Qin Sang really trusts the First Swordsman and Master Tianyue and is ready to completely tie himself to their chariot.

He understands a truth better.

Sometimes, a person's position is determined at birth.

You can change the family, but first you have to be strong enough to be worthy of being won over by all parties, and be able to withstand any consequences!

"What if I say the whole world is the enemy?"

The first swordsman said meaningfully.

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