Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1909: Coming to the door

Qin Sang and Xiao Wu entered the store. Suzaku flew to Qin Sang's shoulder and followed them in.

When the young man saw Suzaku, he hesitated but did not stop him. He winked and asked the maid to keep a closer eye on him.

Suzaku is not as eye-catching as the clever horse, so he can be accommodated as long as it does not disturb other guests.

Qin Sang and Xiao Wu sat down at a table by the window in the hall.

"Xue Yuye is the signature of our store. It is a fine jade liquid carefully brewed from the nine-color lotus growing in the Cold Fire Pond. Everyone in Sihuo Town knows about it. The Cold Fire Pond is the domain of fire. There is a rare cold pool in the cold pool, which is covered with ice and snow all year round. The surrounding magma is like a sea, but the ice and snow do not melt. Not only is the scenery unique, but the extreme cold and heat also create unique creatures in the cold pool, forming a unique flavor. You must try it. One taste..."

"This ichthyosaur spits beads using silver arowanas raised in the Cold Fire Pond. The beads are carved from the top beads of the rare spiritual beast Youli Bird..."

The maid introduced the dishes one by one.

Qin Sang listened with great interest, and Suzaku was already smacking his lips.

Xiao Wu also raised his ears, with a serious look on his face, but he still couldn't understand some of the words.

Qin Sang asked the maid to explain in more detail.

It wasn't until the maid's mouth went dry that Qin Sang waved her hand to interrupt.

"Three-hundred-year-old silver arowana, forget about that, it's too expensive. The girl is so tongue-tied, it sounds like those first-class dishes are also rare delicacies in the world, making your mouth water. Come all. One portion is ready, um, three pots of snow jade liquid as well."

"Sir, please wait a moment."

The maid's smile did not fade, and she bowed and retreated. After a while, the waiter brought the snow jade liquid, and the dishes were also presented one after another.

The pure jade pot is filled with nectar and jade liquid, and its light blue color is like the clear sky.

Through the jade pot, you can feel the abundant spiritual energy. It seems that the maid is not exaggerating.

Qin Sang poured a glass.

The snow jade liquid is sweet in the mouth, and then there is a refreshing feeling that penetrates the throat and enters the abdomen. Finally, it explodes in the stomach like a ball of fire, but the power is extremely mild. Even monks in the Qi refining stage can withstand it and can obtain good results. of nourishment.


Qin Sang nodded in approval and poured a small cup for Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu should try it too."

As for Suzaku, he took off the stopper of the jade pot without any effort on his part, and drank a lot while holding the mouth of the bottle in his mouth.

Xiaowu took a small sip of the snow jade liquid, his expression unchanged, it seemed no different from ordinary water.

Qin Sang brought some more dishes to Xiao Wu, which he specially selected with different flavors.

"Dishes have five flavors, pungent, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty, and the same is true in life. It may be difficult for you to experience the bitterness of the world now. You can start with these flavors and taste them carefully..."

Xiaowu imitated Qin Sang and picked up a piece of snow-white petal with his chopsticks, chewed it gently and frowned slightly.

This is Yue Chen flower, which tastes bitter and can be used as medicine. It has a special taste when made into dishes.

After tasting the snow jade liquid first and then eating the moonflower, Xiao Wu obviously felt the difference.

Zhuque gloated and fell down laughing on Qin Sang's shoulder.

Qin Sang also smiled.

As Xiao Wu continued to take the same sample, his expressions gradually became richer, although not by much.

"Which one do you like best?" Qin Sang asked.

Xiao Wu thought for a moment and pointed to the snow jade liquid and two plates of cakes with his little finger.

"They are all sweets. It is indeed a child's nature," Qin Sang smiled and shook his head, inviting Xiao Wu to enjoy the food.

If it's a little later, Suzaku will rob them all.

Private room on the third floor.

The dancing girls were all kicked out.

While drinking and drinking, they drank and drank.

On the other side, the shrewd man and the strong man called Second Brother put on tea and drank it in silence.

Suddenly, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and a person walked in, came close to the two of them, whispered a few words, and finally said disdainfully: "I found out clearly, the silver arowana can't even eat it, it's not a hard problem. "

"If you can afford to raise two spiritual beasts, you seem to have some wealth," the shrewd man mused.

"That green horse is really good," the man chuckled.


The second brother slapped the table and said, "Seventh, this time the mission is heavy, so we will do it outside the city. Divide your brothers into five, move quickly, and don't cause any trouble, so as not to make it difficult for Master Yin."


Enjoyed delicious food and strolled through markets.

After putting on a complete show, Qin Sang went to some shops to buy the necessary things for entering the Fire Domain, and led the horse slowly towards the north city gate.

After leaving the city, Qin Sang raised a spiritual wind, swept up the people and horses, and flew away through the sky.

The scenery gradually becomes desolate, and red clouds appear on the northern horizon.

As he was flying over a deserted hill, Qin Sang felt something in his heart. He suddenly stopped the spiritual wind and landed on the top of the hill.

Luohou is also very good at acting. His hooves keep tapping the ground, restless.

Only Suzaku couldn't help but feel excited. Fortunately, no one paid special attention to this inconspicuous fire crow.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

As soon as Qin Sang landed, the surrounding sand exploded, and six figures appeared, all dressed in black robes and masks, surrounding them.

"Hey, this Taoist priest's spiritual sense is so sharp," one of them said in surprise.

Even through the mask, Qin Sang could recognize that this person was the shrewd man who was discussing them on the third floor of Juxian Building.

"Pindao has just arrived. He is going to the Fire Realm to collect medicine. He has never made any enemies with anyone. What is the purpose of a few friends blocking Pindao's way? If Pindao accidentally breaks into the treasure land, I will apologize to you and leave now."

Qin Sang cupped his hands.


Several people laughed wildly.

They have already set up formations around them and are confident.

"Taoist, I see you are also a veteran of the world. You really don't understand the rules? Hand over all the mustard bags on your body and be honest. We brothers only want wealth, not life," the shrewd man said with a smile.

Qin Sang's performance made the shrewd man inexplicably uneasy.

He looked calm and said: "Do you only want money but not your life? If you can always abide by this principle, it is not impossible to discuss."

"Brother Seven."

The person next to him, who had been staring at Xiao Wu since he appeared, suddenly interjected: "Do you remember that Grandma Hong asked us to help her find babies? My elder brother sent so many before, but only a few met the requirements, and there are still two Yes. I think this little girl is very smart. Even though she is blind, she might be attracted by Grandma Hong."

After saying that, he chuckled twice, "Taoist priest, if your daughter can be favored by Grandma Hong, you will be rich. Then don't forget our brothers!"

"Is Grandma Hong a powerful person? What does the baby do?"

Qin Sang turned to look at the man, and seemed to be really moved, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Even Grandma Hong has never heard of it. She really came from somewhere else. Grandma Hong is the founder of Yuanying and the elder of Shangxue Palace. She practices the prestigious "Seven Blood Infant Transformation Technique"..."

The man became interested and revealed all the details about Shangxue Palace and Grandma Hong.

"Old Ten!"

The shrewd man yelled, trying to interrupt the man.

The man turned a deaf ear and spoke eloquently.

'Snapped! ’

A whip shadow struck the man hard.

The black robe was a cassock, and it tore open on the spot. The man was whipped far away and turned into a gourd rolling on the ground. He still didn't know how to shut up while lying on the ground.

"Your daughter has become Grandma Hong's baby. She is the most considerate person to Grandma Hong. Even if she is given to another powerful person to fill her house in the future, you can at least make a fortune out of your father-in-law. Hehe..."

The man was stunned and kept talking.

The familiar laughter of his companions now stopped in the ears of the shrewd man and others, like a ghost seeking life, and everyone felt the chill that penetrated into the bone marrow.

At this moment, if they didn't know that there was something wrong with the prey, their journey for so many years would have been in vain.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

Everyone flew back, and the shrewd man clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "It's because we are blind and don't know the masters. What happened today must be a misunderstanding..."

Qin Sang ignored him, secretly noted down Shangxue Palace and Grandma Hong, and murmured: "Seven Blood Infant Transformation Technique, it sounds like a technique for refining cauldrons and servants, not like the righteous path... …”

He glanced at Xiao Wu, whose expression was calm.

Xiaowu didn't understand what it would mean if she was just an ordinary girl and was taken to be a baby.

"It seems that we are still standing too high, and we have to continue heading south..."

Qin Sang is even considering sending Xiao Wu to a mortal school to live a mortal life.

Before leaving, let's settle the cause and effect here.

Seeing Qin Sang's fearless performance, several people felt increasingly uneasy.

Another person shouted loudly: "If you dare to hurt us if you dare to hurt us, you won't be able to get out of the Sihuo Town! No matter how high your cultivation level is and how many people you can defeat, you are not afraid of accidental injuries during the fight." Kill your daughter!"


Qin Sang turned around and asked, "Do you still have a backer in Sihuo Town?"

"The Yin family and the Gou family in Sihuo Town have an irreversible friendship with our eldest brother. They are as skilled as a cloud. They can easily mobilize half of the forces in Sihuo Town and surround and kill you with ease..."

The same scene reappeared in front of the shrewd man. The brother who was so aggressive just now seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit.

And he hasn't noticed any movement from Qin Sang so far, and has no idea how he did it.

Uneasiness turned to panic.

The shrewd man secretly activated his movement skills and was about to escape, but he saw Qin Sang's eyes and heard a question, "Who are you? Where have your accomplices gone?"

He stood blankly on the spot, all his thoughts vanished except for his unstoppable desire to answer.

"Our brothers are the Thirteen Eagles of the Northern Desert. We received two commissions this time and passed through Sihuo Town. The eldest brother is leading people to the west to kill the old man Hongxi in Chilang Mountain. The second brother is leading people to the east to give Chao The Chengzou family sent several boxes, sealed with yellow talismans, and the eldest brother did not allow anyone to open them, so we don’t know what’s inside..."

"It turns out to be the famous Thirteen Eagles of the Northern Desert. I have admired them for a long time."

Qin Sang nodded.

The world is uneasy and sand pirates are prevalent.

The Thirteen Eagles of the Northern Desert are considered the most notorious group. They accept commissions and do not forget their old profession halfway through.

"Keep an eye on them, I'll go get the others."

Qin Sang said something to Xiao Wu and Luo Hou.

Suzaku was originally lying on Qin Sang's shoulder, but felt that there were too many rules around Qin Sang, so he took the opportunity to sneak up on Luo Hou.

Qin Sang's figure moved, and suddenly he heard a bang behind him. When he looked back, all the sand bandits disappeared.

In the void, five-colored brilliance flashed away, and the source was Xiao Wu's delicate fingers.

With a swish, Suzaku used all his strength to escape behind Qin Sang, his face full of panic.

"It scares the birds to death! It scares the birds to death!"


Luohou hesitated to speak, his hooves trembled, and he looked at Qin Sang with eyes pleading for help.

Xiao Wu, who had just casually killed a few people, had his eyes closed tightly, his expression was calm, and he was still so innocent and innocent.

"Why kill them?" Qin Sang asked softly.

Xiao Wu said seriously: "They want to run away."

Qin Sang asked her to watch out for the Sand Bandit, but the Sand Bandit wanted to escape, so he killed him.

Suzaku couldn't help but shudder.

It dared to be arrogant in front of Qin Sang because it was sure that Qin Sang would not do anything to it. What if Xiao Wu got it wrong one day...

The consequences are unimaginable!

Qin Sang rubbed Xiao Wu's hair, "From now on, unless I ask you to take action, you can only use the Five Elements Divine Light, okay?"


Xiaowu nodded obediently.

“There’s still a long way to go!”

Qin Sang sighed secretly and thought of another question, "You claim to be a chivalrous and righteous man, so you can't abuse your private conduct. If Xiao Wu kills people who have committed crimes that are not worthy of death, does he also have to seek justice for those people? Where in the world? There is absolute fairness, and different positions will reverse good and evil. Emperor Ziwei cannot distinguish absolute good from evil. Besides, the world is so chaotic, can we really kill it? I must have not understood the key... …”


A group of people were flying in the sky on a gray-winged giant eagle. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, easily breaking the gray-winged giant eagle's protective demonic aura.

Everyone took action to no avail. They felt dizzy and fell hard to the ground. They found that the brother who had been taken away by the eldest brother was actually beside them.

"I once had a grudge against a person and massacred his entire clan. Hundreds of innocent people were killed..."

"I can't remember how many people I killed. The men were beheaded, and the women were drained of their vitality..."

"I won't suck their vitality dry. I'll keep it and enjoy it slowly. When I get tired of it, I'll change it to another one. Hehe..."

In the wind and sand.

The sand pirates told themselves about their bloody experiences, and as they talked, their heads were divided, and the yellow sand was stained with blood.

In the end, two people actually escaped death, and Qin Sang was quite surprised.

Inside the city.

Yin family.

The reception hall was brightly lit, and a white-haired old man was sitting in the main seat.

Sitting next to him was a wealthy man with a gentle expression and a folding fan in his hand.

The two were discussing something.

Suddenly, the palace door was pushed open from the outside, and two figures, one tall and one short, appeared in front of the door.

The old man's expression changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became as sharp as a hawk, "Who dares to be so presumptuous! Come on, take it down!"

He thought it was some family member who didn't understand the rules, but when he took a closer look, he turned out to be a stranger.

There was silence outside the door, no response.

Only then did the old man remember that in order to discuss important matters with the Gu family leader, he used a formation to seal the hall, but someone broke it open silently.


A chill ran down the old man's spine, and he was about to get angry, but was suppressed by a terrifying force.

"You must be the head of the Yin family...who are you?"

Qin Sang led Xiao Wu into the hall.

The wealthy man tightened the folding fan in his hand and forced himself to calm down, "I am the head of the Gu family. I wonder who you are?"

"The Gu family, the nominal lords of Four Fire Town," Qin Sang understood. "Is the Gu family also involved with the Sand Bandits?"

At this time, the old man regained his senses and said in a deep voice: "As the saying goes, grudges are easy to resolve but not easy to end. I don't know where the Yin family offended fellow Taoists, but Yin is willing to apologize. Yin's mentor is Yu Daozi, the great elder of Tianliang Mountain, said Maybe he has some friendship with fellow Taoist."

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