Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 191 The five elements build the foundation

Slavery has never been said to be eternal. As long as the mind is open and the instinct is still there, few people are willing to accept slavery.

It is said that high-level magic weapons will give birth to weapon spirits, but the relationship between the weapon spirit and its owner is more similar to that of relatives and fellow Taoists, and is essentially different from slavery.

Once the enslaved party has the ability to break free, he will not hesitate to turn against his master.

The same goes for refined living corpses.

According to the secret method, it is best for corpse refiners to use monks of the same realm to refine living corpses. Corpse refiners in the early stage of the foundation building stage, if they turn monks in the middle stage of the foundation building stage into living corpses, they will be able to manipulate the corpse to fight against the enemy. Be careful and vigilant.

The gap in a realm is not very big, and if nothing unexpected happens, it can still be suppressed, but if it is a living corpse made by a monk in the late foundation building stage, the person who refines the corpse should not think about controlling the living corpse, it will definitely If you are attacked, you should escape for your life first.

With the help of the Jade Buddha, he should be able to break through this limit, Qin Sang thought thoughtfully.

However, refining a living corpse is the most difficult part. Not only must you defeat the opponent first, but you must also capture the opponent alive and imprison the opponent's soul.

I can't even defeat the monks in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and without the help of my teacher, how can I turn the monks in the later stage of Foundation Establishment into living corpses?

Thinking of this, Qin Sang shook his head, throwing these useless thoughts behind his mind, looking at the 'Baiyun Mountain Man' intently, recalling the secret method.

After being refined into a zombie, two more steps are needed. First, the five elements of evil are used to build the foundation, and then the evil energy of the earth is introduced into the body, and finally the "Baiyun Mountain Man" is completely transformed into an evil zombie.

Ordinary corpse refining methods do not require the step of building the foundation of the five elements. Before the monk dies, as long as the position of the Dantian is not damaged, he can absorb the Yin evil energy into the body, form a sea of ​​Yin energy in the Dantian, and transform it into an evil corpse.

If a corpse with a destroyed Dantian is placed in a place where Yin Qi is extremely strong, it can transform into an evil corpse after a long period of time, but it will definitely not be used for refining the corpse.

Just because the earthly evil spirit is more violent than the yin energy, the five elements of yin are needed to help stabilize the Dantian to prevent the evil corpse from being destroyed.

Moreover, the five elements of Yin objects are also the key to condensing the energy of Earthly Evil. Only by using the Five Elements of Yin as a guide and integrating the secret law prohibition with the "Baiyun Mountain Man" can the energy of Earthly Evil be subdued.

Baiyunshan majored in Wood Walking Technique during his life. Qin Sang turned his eyes, looked at the locust wood core in front of him, and took it into his palm.

The wood core is white and exudes a peaceful atmosphere, which is the essence of this six-hundred-year-old Sophora japonica.

Using his spiritual power as a knife, he carefully cut out a piece from the locust wood core, then floated it in front of him, and then Qin Sang shot out a series of secret spells to restrain and land on the wood core.

After a short time, the wood core began to melt like ice. Finally, the locust wood core was tempered to an extremely pure state, leaving only a small lump of liquid-like substance.


Qin Sang aimed at the Dantian of the 'Baiyun Mountain Man', and with a flick of his finger, the locust wood core penetrated into the 'Baiyun Mountain Man' Dantian, and the aura of the 'Baiyun Mountain Man' fluctuated.

Under Qin Sang's control, the power of the locust wood core immediately spread in the Dantian of the 'Baiyun Mountain Man', nourishing the dry Dantian, and the depleted Qi sea seemed to begin to glow with life.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Sang kept moving and summoned a ghost eagle feather according to the order of the five elements. The spiritual power wrapped the ghost eagle feathers, and carefully extracted the yin fire in the middle of the feathers.

As the Yin Fire was forcibly extracted, the Ghost Eagle Feather cracked into pieces, and the great spiritual material was destroyed. However, Qin Sang did not even look at it, staring intently at the Yin Fire, and continued to use the secret method to restrain it. Refining.

Next is the Nine Aperture Stone, Blue Mingjin, and finally Yinling Water.

In this way, the five elements of Yin were injected into the body of the 'Baiyun Mountain Man'. The essence of the Five Elements of Yin was fused in his body. His Dantian became extremely stable and restricted.

Next comes the highlight!

Qin Sang took a long breath, adjusted his posture, and took a Shaoyin magnetic bottle.

After opening the bottle cap, a chilly air immediately filled the air. Qin Sang carefully grabbed out a wisp of the evil air. Ignoring the deep chill, he tried his best to suppress the wisp of evil air. After it became calm, he slowly Slowly introduce it into the Dantian of 'Baiyunshanren'.

'boom! ’

As the earth evil spirit entered the body, the Dantian of the 'Baiyun Mountain Man' was like a frying pan, causing a sudden uproar!

'Baiyun Mountain Man' was pulled by Qi, and his body suddenly trembled violently. Qin Sang was distracted to stabilize the body of 'Baiyun Mountain Man', and did not dare to hesitate. He hurriedly activated the restraint left in Dantian with all his strength to refine this ray. The evil spirit of earth.

'puff! ’

A burst of black energy emerged from the Dantian of the 'Baiyun Mountain Man', causing violent fluctuations, as if it was about to explode.

Qin Sang's face darkened, and he waved his hand to shoot out a burst of spiritual power, which silently wiped out the black energy.

The first time he failed, but this was expected. Qin Sang was not discouraged. After a short rest, he grabbed a wisp of earth evil energy again.

After failing again and again, until less than half of the bottle of Yin evil energy was consumed, Qin Sang's expression moved slightly, and a touch of joy appeared on his face. His consciousness could clearly sense that a black energy was like a swimming fish. The 'Baiyun Mountain Man' swam in his dantian and finally subdued the first wisp of evil spirit!

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but things will become easier later on. The probability of success is getting higher and higher. When the evil corpse is refined, the bottle of earth evil energy has not been used up.

Qin Sang let out a long breath, waved his hand and put the spiritual objects back into the mustard bag, and looked at the 'Baiyun Mountain Man' in surprise.

Compared to when he was a zombie just now, the "Baiyun Mountain Man" has not changed much. There is only a layer of black energy lingering on the surface of the body.

He is not yet a real evil corpse, and it will take some time for the earthly evil energy in his body to invade his whole body, and with the help of the restriction, he can temper his body and increase its physical strength.

When the 'Baiyun Mountain Man' and the evil spirit of the earth merge into one, and become indistinguishable from each other, and the black energy fills the whole body, turning into an evil corpse like an evil ghost, the strength will reach its peak!

Qin Sang doesn't need to worry about this process. He can just put it into the corpse bag and let it transform slowly. It won't take too long.

'boom! ’

The evil corpse disappeared on the spot, then appeared in front of Qin Sang, and hit him with a heavy punch. Qin Sang easily caught it with his fist and felt the power of the evil corpse.

After all, it has just been refined, and its speed and strength are slightly weaker than those of the monks at the thirteenth level of the Qi refining stage. After the transformation is completed, they will definitely win.

Then, Qin Sang did some more experiments.

The evil corpse can move at will, and can do two things at once. If it is controlled well, it can do a lot.

But the flaws are also obvious. Qin Sang walked out of the cave and tried it. He found that if the evil corpse left him too far, the connection with the soul mark would be greatly weakened. Not only was it impossible to control the evil corpse, but it was also difficult to sense it. He could only let it move on its own. .

In this way, the idea of ​​using evil corpses to explore the way when encountering dangerous places was shattered.

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