Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1921 Troubled Times

Chapter 1922 Troubled Times

One of the three directions that Qin Sang guessed was located to the west of Leixiao Sect, and they were heading in that direction now.

Crossing over the mountains and reaching a new country, they would sometimes fly through the sky and occasionally land on the ground, or enter the mortal world, or visit ghosts and gods. They were traveling faster than before. Qin Sang also wanted to find the Dharma altar as soon as possible and find out these Dharma altars. The true origin and function of the altar.

The land we passed along the way might not be rich, but at least it was stable and the people could live with food and clothing.

As we went westward, things gradually started to get a little weird.

Qin Sang intuitively felt that the atmosphere in some important border towns was tense and wars often broke out.

Continuing to the west, ruined cities and deserted villages began to appear, with no human beings inside.

Especially in those remote places, temples and statues of gods have collapsed, and the incense has long been gone. Some statues have had their heads knocked off, and some have been completely broken into dirt. There is an air of desolation everywhere.

Along the way, the power of Shinto gradually weakened.

In some places, the strength of a county town god is not even comparable to that of Gao Ruoxu, but even to the normal county town god of Liuguo.

Some monsters come down from the mountains to cause trouble and feed on mortals. The Shinto do not dare to leave the town to suppress them. They even have to worry about their own safety when encountering big monsters.

Qin Sang thought of the reminder from the leader of the Yanshui Temple. They were walking west, getting closer and closer to the Muluo Mountain area. There were countless demons in the Muluo Mountain and it was in chaos. The monks from Yundu Mountain changed their expressions when they talked about it. They were as powerful as Yundu Tian. Nor can we clear away the sunset.

It seems that the mortal world is also affected by the world of cultivating immortals, and the place close to Yundutian is more stable.

According to this trend, there will only be more chaos ahead!

The fact was just as Qin Sang expected.

This day.

As they flew through the sky, Qin Sang's eyes swept across the ground and suddenly pointed to a mountain top ahead.

"Go down."

Luohou immediately put away the evil wind and gently landed on the top of the mountain. Qin Sang and Xiao Wu turned over and dismounted, and the surrounding scenes came into view.

In this place, you can tell at a glance that it has not rained for a long time.

The mountains are bare, and the areas where there are weeds are also burnt yellow. You can't feel the slightest bit of greenery or moisture, and they will catch fire at a moment's notice, but it's obviously not autumn yet.

The sun was just beginning to set, and the earth still smelled of burning.

There is a dirt road at the bottom of the mountain.

The hot wind stirred up the loess on the road, sending dust and smoke flying.

It can be seen that this dirt road is relatively flat and wide, not the rugged mountain road among the people. It should have been carefully built as an official road of the country.

Although the sun was still shining brightly, there were already pedestrians like ants on the dirt road, moving forward slowly regardless of the scorching sun and smoke.

These people were neither merchants nor soldiers.

Almost all of them were sallow and thin, their clothes were shabby, and they were covered in dirt. Some were even as skinny as firewood. They walked tremblingly and might fall down at any time. They abandoned all their luggage and relied on a wooden stick to support their bodies. The thoughts persist.

They were carrying rags and leaves on their heads, and some were directly exposed to the sun. Their expressions were dull, like zombies.

Obviously, this is a group of people fleeing.

Behind the official road, there is a long queue and a winding crowd.

With so many people fleeing their homes, there is either a major famine or a war ahead.

Qin Sang was no stranger to this situation. He had witnessed it before entering the world of cultivation.

'call! ’

A hot wind blew from nowhere and rolled up a lot of loess.



Amidst the coughing, people covered their mouths and noses, closed their eyes, and waited for the evil wind to pass.


Suddenly the cry of a child rang out from the crowd, and then it seemed as if it was choked. When the wind passed, it started wailing again.

When the child cried, he was as weak as the people around him. After crying a few times, he ran out of energy.

Next to the child, there was a woman with a square scarf on her head. Her face was covered with dirt, and her true appearance could no longer be seen.

She should be the child's mother, holding the child's wrist with her rough hands.

The child was only three or four years old, but she had no strength to hold the child.

Fortunately, the mother was not tall and the child could barely touch the ground. However, he was still young after all. He was dragged forward by the mother, staggering and leaving intermittent pull marks on the ground.

The mother's expression was as dull as the others. When the wind and sand came, she only lowered her head slightly, but her palms were like iron hoops, firmly grasping the child's wrist.

Alarmed by the child's cry, the mother's dull eyes turned slightly and she glanced at the child blankly. She subconsciously reached out and wiped the child's eyes with the inside of her sleeve.

The child was bewildered and the sand was still in his eyes. The more it rubbed, the more painful it became.

It would be better to blow with your mouth at this time, but my mother seemed to have forgotten it, and just stubbornly wiped it hard.

The child cried more and more loudly.

Someone nearby noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you!"

An old man patted the woman and wanted to help.

The mother suddenly went crazy, pushed the old man away, hugged the child tightly, and shouted in horror: "My child! Don't snatch my child..."

This scene is sad, but the crowd is only slightly commotion. Who has the energy to sympathize with others now?

Not far away, a family was also walking slowly, a pair of thin men and women with three children, each leading one, and taking turns carrying a small one on their backs.

In the fleeing team, it is very difficult for a family to survive here intact, but how many people there means how many mouths there are.

When passing by the mother and child, the man glanced at the mother and child. When he saw the child's tear-stained skin, an inexplicable image flashed in his mind.

Yesterday evening, someone set up a pot on the roadside, and the tempting smell of meat came from inside.

However, there is a severe drought and the animals here cannot survive.

His eyes were fixed on the child's face, as if he smelled the fragrance again, his throat rolled, he subconsciously slowed down, and his eyes became a little weird.

The child seemed to feel something and huddled tightly in his mother's arms.

The wife and three children didn't notice the man's movements and kept walking forward.

The man felt his arm being pulled and turned his head around. When he saw his child, the look in his eyes did not disappear.

The clothes of the three children were stuffed with grass and rolled in the mud. They were so dirty that they couldn't tell whether they were male or female.

In fact, all three of them are daughters. If they hadn't been with the clan before, they would have been targeted long ago.

Not long ago, they ran into soldiers and bandits. They were separated from their clan and had eaten all their food. Without support from their clansmen, they were about to starve to death. How could they raise these three children?

Can't survive.

It's impossible for them all to survive.


The man chanted this over and over again in his heart, and his throat suddenly rolled again.

He didn't dare to do anything to others, and he couldn't bear to do anything to his own children, but a crazy idea came to him.

He stood still, and his wife and daughter looked over in confusion.

The husband and wife are connected, and the wife sees something in her husband's eyes. First she feels disbelief, and then she reveals deep fear.

'Snapped! ’

The wife raised her hand and slapped her husband on the face, screaming, "You are crazy! They are your biological children, the flesh that fell off your body!"

This slap from my wife actually didn't use much force.

The man fell to the ground as if he had been hit hard.

"Dad! Dad!"

The daughter beside her was frightened and hurriedly went to help her father, but she forgot her parents' previous instructions not to let them speak.

Fortunately, not many people paid attention to her voice now, and everyone's eyes were on the man.

Seeing that the man could still get up from the ground, the expressions on some people's faces changed from expectation to disappointment.

The man covered his face and lowered his head, not daring to look at his daughter, let alone his wife.

At this moment, there was a sudden 'pop' and another person fell down on the roadside.

This time it was an old man.

The old man brought a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, who might be his grandson.

These days, the old man's body is getting weaker and weaker, and he walks tremblingly. Someone has noticed him for a long time.

To this day, I finally can’t hold on any longer!

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

The young man pulled the old man's arm hard, trying to pull the old man up, but the old man's head dropped lower and lower, his eyes closed, and his breathing was weak.

Suddenly, the young man saw his grandfather's body covered by shadows. He raised his head and realized that a circle of people had gathered around him, all looking at his grandfather with wolf-like eyes.

"don't want!"

The young man was so frightened that he threw himself on his grandfather, shook his head and begged, "No! Don't eat grandpa! Grandpa is just asleep! Grandpa is not dead! Grandpa is not dead!"

In the young man's plea.

Someone grabbed the boy's shoulders, and someone else grabbed his legs and pulled him back hard.

Seeing that the young man was hugging the old man tightly and unwilling to let go, someone on both sides squatted down, pinched the young man's hands, started from the thumb, and opened his fingers one by one, making the sound of bones cracking.

In the beginning, only a few people took action.

The young man begged, which only attracted more.

Most people didn't have the guts to watch from a distance, and an epidemic had just spread a few days ago, and the old man's body collapsed after that epidemic.

But there are too many hungry people here.

"These are troubled times."

Qin Sang said.

Compared with the scene in front of me, the suffering described by those on the Fuchun River was nothing.

He took Xiao Wu's hand and walked down the mountain.

A pot was quickly set up beside the earthen road and a fire was lit.

Some people held the boy down, while others found that there was not enough water. They remembered that there was a live spring in the ditch behind them and collected water bags to get water.

Several people moved the old man to the pot and wanted to take off his clothes.

While they were busy, they suddenly heard someone say: "He is just sick and weak. He has not yet died. Can I let Pindao take a look?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the uninvited guest. Three people stood up and blocked the front, glaring at Qin Sang fiercely.

When they saw Qin Sang's attire, these people's courage immediately dropped.

Nowadays, only ghosts and gods can bring them hope. No one dares to disrespect Taoist priests, and Qin Sang has a good demeanor.

The madness in their eyes dissipated somewhat, and they hesitantly moved out of the way.

Qin Sang walked to the old man, reached out and touched the old man's forehead, took out a black pill the size of a mung bean, and put it into the old man's mouth.

On the dirt road, everyone stopped, and their eyes focused on the old man.


The person who suppressed the boy also stopped his hand. The boy finally broke free and rushed towards him crying.

I saw that after taking the black pill, the old man's eyelids immediately trembled, and his previously undetectable breathing gradually became obvious.

There was even a hint of rosiness on his face, which was as dry as tree bark.

It seemed that not only his illness was cured, but his energy and blood were also restored.

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened, and the young man's face was full of surprise. He wiped away the tears on his face and carefully helped the old man up.

'cough! cough! ’

The old man coughed violently several times, calmed his breathing, slowly opened his eyes, and saw his grandson.

"Badger Lang..."

He raised his hand and touched his grandson's face, opened his mouth, and was about to say something when he suddenly felt something was wrong with his body.

The pain like a knife in my throat was gone, the hunger in my belly was gone, my head wasn't dizzy, and I could lift my arm with just a little effort.

It's like I've just eaten a full meal, and my whole body has endless energy.

The old man put one hand on the ground and stood up immediately. He even jumped twice. He didn't feel any weakness at all, just like in a dream.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened.

"Magic Pill!"


"Hurry and worship the gods!"

Everyone went crazy and rushed over from the dirt road. They knelt on the ground and worshiped Qin Sang.

"The gods are here to save us!"

"Gods save us!"

"Save us!"

They shouted with all their strength.

The old man already knew what happened to him, so he pulled his grandson to his knees and kowtowed repeatedly.

"God bless you! God bless you!"

These people were already extremely weak. In their excitement, several people fainted on the spot.

Qin Sang sighed, looked at the crowd of people, and said: "I still have a lot of these pills in my body, so you don't have to squeeze."

He glanced at the iron pot next to him, frowned, kicked the pot over, and pointed at the crowd a few times, "You guys put the pot up, and if you still have the strength, go get water and firewood. The more you do, the better." Okay, let’s light the fire to melt the elixir, line up a line, everyone has a share.”

Everyone followed Qin Sangyan's advice, a row of pots and stoves were quickly set up, and firewood and water were continuously delivered.

Qin Sang rubbed Xiao Wu's hair and said, "Xiao Wu, go and light the fire."

Xiao Wu nodded and went to light a fire. He didn't use any magical powers, but he didn't rush around either.

Seeing a little girl in charge of several pots and stoves, everyone was a little uncomfortable. More importantly, they were worried that the little girl would burn out the magic elixir and whether they could drink the elixir water.

But this was an order from the gods. No one dared to say anything and silently watched Xiao Wu busy.

The news spread in the fleeing team, and people from the front and rear gathered together and lined up in front of the stove, forming a long queue.

The family just reacted quickly enough and squeezed in front of the crowd.

The wife looked at Xiao Wu walking back and forth between the stoves, her heart moved, and hope flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly he pushed his three daughters forward with force and whispered: "Go and help the little fairy."

Xiao Wu raised his head, then lowered it again.

The three girls came over anxiously. Seeing that Xiao Wu didn't say anything and Qin Sang didn't scare them away, they timidly picked up the firewood on the ground and handed it to Xiao Wu carefully.

Xiao Wu reached out to catch it and added it to the fire.

With this move, the three girls became bolder and started working accordingly.


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