Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1942 Drunken Feast

"The poor Taoist breeze."

Qin Sang looked up and looked at the storyteller.

It was when the girl stepped into the teahouse and was bewitched by the storyteller that he noticed a strange fluctuation and realized that the storyteller was an extraordinary person.

Before that, storytellers had been telling stories in teahouses.

It was impossible for Qin Sang to let go of his spiritual consciousness all the time and target the county town hundreds of miles away, but he was able to hide it from his spiritual sense, which shows the storyteller's cultivation.

At first, Qin Sang thought there was some connection between the storyteller and the girl, but later he realized something was wrong.

The storyteller probably exposed himself deliberately and came after him.

The other party had known about him for a long time, but he didn't discover the other party until the storyteller took action, and he made a judgment.

Qin Sang guessed that the storyteller must have noticed the explosion in the main altar and was attracted by the thunder and fluctuations.

He originally thought that no matter whether the storyteller was Yun Dutian or a master of Luohunyuan, he would be in trouble this time.

However, the other party's attitude is somewhat intriguing.

The storyteller took the initiative to show up, stir up trouble in Jin County, and pulled the girl and the ghosts and gods of Jin County into the story. He clearly told himself that he was here, but did not come directly to the door.

In a way, it seems to be releasing a kind attitude?

Just as the storyteller said, Qin Sang could not move away from the main altar, nor could he let the storyteller arrest all the ghosts and gods and focus the world's attention here.

After thinking about it, Qin Sang decided to let the avatar come to the door in person to see what this person wanted to do.

"Taoist Master Qingfeng," the storyteller Qingyuan said, "should it be a pseudonym?"

His words seemed to mean something.

Qin Sang's eyes flashed and he said calmly: "To each other."

Qingyuan smiled and said: "I'm just a storyteller, it doesn't matter my real name or pseudonym."

A storyteller?

Qin Sang looked at the teahouse behind Qingyuan.

In the teahouse, the girl and the ghosts and gods all escaped from the story, but some ghosts and gods still looked confused and didn't know what happened.

Yu Chenghuang, the two judges, and the girl, who were the first to regain consciousness, had different expressions at this moment.

The girl was a little angry.

Yu Chenghuang and the two judges looked solemn.

Without exception, they are all afraid of storytellers.

The storyteller's back was turned to them, but it was like a mountain. No one dared to step out of the teahouse.

There was dead silence in the teahouse, and the atmosphere was strange.

"I am the same as the Taoist Priest. I like to watch the fireworks in the world and savor the various delicacies of the world. The craftsmanship of the owner of Zuixianglou is really good, and the Zuixiang Banquet is a masterpiece. Can I please appreciate it, Taoist Priest?"

Qingyuan pointed the folding fan in the direction of the City God's Temple.

Not far from the Chenghuang Temple, there is a three-story wooden building. Every detail has been carefully crafted, but it does not appear luxurious. It has a restrained nobility and a unique charm.

Even if placed in the capital of the Yan Kingdom, Zuixiang Tower is not bad, and it is even more outstanding in the small Jin County.

Qin Sang just heard Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi talk about the Zuixiang Banquet yesterday, "I heard that the owner of Zuixiang House is a sweetheart, and it is difficult for ordinary people to have such a good taste?"

The sound entered the teahouse.

Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi looked strange. Are you two ordinary people? You can level the Zuixiang Tower with just a breath.

"I'm not boasting. Although my boss and I have known each other for a short time, we met late. Today, we will definitely let the Taoist priest enjoy a drunken feast," Qingyuan said proudly, raising his hand to invite him.

Qin Sang nodded slightly and walked side by side with Qingyuan.

Yulang sensed something unusual and followed silently.

"Sir, what should I do?"

Judge Wu asked in a low voice.

Yu Chenghuang pondered for a moment and said, "Wait!"

With that said, Yu Chenghuang sat back down, and the other ghosts and gods looked at each other and had no choice but to sit down.

The girl kept gritting her teeth secretly and did not dare to act rashly. When she saw Qin Sang and Qing Yuan entering Zuixiang Tower, she stamped her feet and rushed out of the teahouse without knowing where to go.

Compared with the outside, the interior furnishings of Zuixiang Building are more elegant, and you can smell the light sandalwood when you enter.

There were not many diners in the hall.

The clerk was familiar with Qingyuan and spoke casually, "Sir, you got off work so early today? You go to the third floor first, and I'll go and invite my boss here."

"Tell the host that I want to invite a distinguished guest to a drunken banquet today," Qingyuan warned.


The boy looked at Qin Sang in surprise, "Yes! I understand..."


A sudden shout sounded particularly harsh in the quiet environment of Zuixianglou, causing the diners to frown.

Everyone heard the sound and went out, seeing that he was a young man, they could only shake their heads helplessly.


Yulang also frowned.

The nickname was indeed correct, it was Tao Wen who we just broke up with yesterday.

"You also come to Zuixianglou for dinner?"

Tao Qi just came out of the private room. When he saw his friend, he was filled with surprise and ran over.

It was too late for Yulang to stop him.

He knew that Tao Yun's family was well off, but he didn't expect to meet him at Zuixianglou. It was nice to see his friend, but it was not the right time!

Yu Lang opened his mouth and was about to speak when he suddenly saw Tao Qi's expression darken, the joy on his face was replaced by a sad look, and he let out a long sigh.

"Oh, today may be the last time we see each other!"

"What's wrong?"

Yulang asked with concern.

"My father received a letter from home last night. My second uncle has made a fortune in the capital. He has bought a big property and needs manpower to take care of it. My father is planning to move the family to the capital and will set off this afternoon. Fortunately, I met you here, otherwise I would have to I left a letter for you and my wife, and I didn’t even have time to say goodbye," Tao Qi sniffed and his tone became deeper and deeper.

For ordinary people, the country of Yan is vast enough.

This time we say goodbye, it is very likely that we will never see each other again.

"So hasty?"

Hearing this, Yu Lang was also a little depressed. He did regard Tao Yu as a true friend.

"That's right! My second uncle is urging me so hard that I can't pass the new year! It's a pity that you won't come to Beijing to take the exam, otherwise we will meet again soon, and I will definitely entertain you well." Tao Qi knew his friend's ambition and devoted himself to cultivating Taoism. He didn't care Fame and fortune.

"I will travel with Master in the future, maybe I will go to the capital, and I will definitely visit your home then," Yulang said.

"Then let's make a deal! My dad and the others won't finish eating for a while, so let's talk."

Tao Qi turned his worries into joy.

As they talked, the two of them followed them up to the third floor unknowingly and arrived at the private room with the best location.

Seeing the master and the storyteller walking in, Yulang suddenly remembered that it was inappropriate to bring Tao Qi with him. While hesitating, he heard the master's voice.

"Come in, everyone."


Yulang suddenly felt relieved and pulled Tao Qi to sit on the seat behind the door.

Qin Sang was moved to the front seat.

He seemed casual, but in fact, facing this mysterious Qingyuan, he never relaxed for a moment and carefully considered every word.

Just as he was about to speak, Qin Sang's expression moved slightly, he looked out the window, and said with a playful smile: "Trouble is coming."

The city of Jin County is uneven, and the terrain near the Chenghuang Temple is higher. Sitting on the third floor, you can see the mountains outside the city.

At this moment, a blue rainbow flew from the sky and headed straight for Jinxian County.

Qingyuan said: "I didn't harm the girl at all. The girl broke into the teahouse by herself. The Taoist priest has to bear witness for me."

Qin Sang shook his head repeatedly, "I have been here for less than half a year. I deal with mortals all day long. I don't recognize a single immortal cultivator. No one will believe me. I can't help."

He leaned back slightly, looked at the door of the elegant room, pretended to be watching a show, and cast a spell to isolate Yulang and Tao Qi.

The two little guys were gathering together, whispering, unaware of what was going on.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Qingyuan coughed lightly and said, "Please come in."

‘Squeak! ’

A skinny hand pushed the wooden door open.

The person who came was an old man in black robes. His face was as thin as his palms, and his eyes were bright and bright.

Glancing over Qin Sang and Qing Yuan, the old man clasped his hands and said in a loud voice, "I'm Lin Baoshan, the general of the Yin family in Yinping Mountain. I've met two Taoist friends."

Qin Sang made up his mind not to get involved.

Qingyuan said in surprise: "Fellow Daoist Lin, with his level of cultivation, actually condescends to become a family general. It seems that the Yin family must be a famous family."

Lin Baoshan is a late-stage Jindan cultivator. Although he is quite old and has little chance of breaking through the Nascent Soul, he is still considered a master in various countries.

"Fellow Taoist, don't you know the Yin family? All my cultivation is given by the master of the family. The kindness is as deep as the sea, and there is no way I can repay it."

Lin Baoshan frowned slightly and handed over his hand again, "My young lady's temperament is undecided and she went down the mountain to have fun. If she accidentally bumps into a fellow Taoist, she will apologize to the fellow Taoist in the future."

"You are serious, Fellow Daoist Lin, your lady did not rush into me, I just made a little joke for her," Qingyuan shook his head repeatedly.

Lin Baoshan nodded and said solemnly: "That's it, fellow Taoist, please release the restrictions on the young lady's mind!"


Qingyuan was stunned and suddenly laughed, "Don't worry, this is good for her. She will feel it in just three days."

The girl was immersed physically and mentally in Qingyuan's story and experienced another kind of life. Although she woke up, the influence of the story did not disappear, and she felt more and more awkward.

If the mind is controlled by others, it will undoubtedly cause great obstacles to spiritual practice, and they cannot help but be careless.

Lin Baoshan really didn't believe Qingyuan's words, and said solemnly: "In that case, I dare to invite fellow Taoist to Yinping Mountain as a guest. We will see the result in three days."

"What if I don't go, are you going to take action against me?" Qingyuan asked.

Lin Baoshan stepped across the threshold in one step and emphasized: "Yes, please!"

"You can't beat me, so don't ask for trouble," Qingyuan persuaded him kindly, as if he was thinking about the other person.

Anyone else would have been angered by Qingyuan.

Lin Baoshan's expression showed no signs of confusion, nor did he flinch. His body shook slightly, and his thin body burst out with a ferocious aura like a tiger or a wolf.

"I am a family general, but if I fail to protect the lady, I will die without redemption. If I lose to my fellow Taoist and die at the hands of my fellow Taoist, it will be considered a well-deserved death!"

Lin Baoshan's voice was like a bell, and his momentum was rising steadily. When he uttered the last word, it had already reached its peak.

The momentum condensed into one force, like a mountain pressing against the top, pressing towards Qingyuan.

When he heard the eldest lady describe her experience in the teahouse, he knew that this storyteller was not a simple person.

However, the eldest lady of the Yin family has been manipulated for the past two days, and a restriction has been planted in her mind. If word spreads, she will definitely lose her face, which is something the Yin family cannot tolerate.

Lin Baoshan has summoned the Yin family and ordered his subordinates to send the young lady back to the mountain.

This time I came alone to risk my life and try the method of clearing the source.

In this way, the Yin family's subsequent response can be targeted.

If Qingyuan is really a top powerhouse, the Yin family will only lose one general, and it is not an irreconcilable life-or-death feud.

It will not attract powerful enemies to the family, causing the Yin family's strength to be greatly reduced, or even the family's annihilation.

Both Qin Sang and Qing Yuan could see through Lin Baoshan's intentions.

Qin Sang sat upright slightly.

Qingyuan stopped talking and said seriously: "Fellow Daoist Lin, let's take action first."

‘Wow! ’

A strong wind suddenly rose in the private room.

Lin Baoshan raised his hands flat, green light emerged from his palms, and his skin turned into wood, as rough as bark.

In the rich blue light, the arms and fingers quickly glowed with life from dry branches.

Above the palm of his hand, streaks of blue light were entangled like a python, a strange phenomenon emerged, and a wooden stake was instantly transformed.

'boom! ’

When the wooden pile shook, the void seemed to shake, but unexpectedly it faded away and disappeared.

At the same time, a rune that seemed to be woven from rattan appeared out of thin air above Qingyuan's head.

Without any warning, the wooden pile reappeared with the help of runes.

This move was really unexpected.

The next moment, Lin Baoshan suddenly froze.

The wooden stake appeared above Qingyuan's head. It was supposed to be smashed down, but it fell into Qingyuan's hands like a leaf. Lin Baoshan completely lost control of the wooden stake.

"A good Taoist technique, you created it yourself? With your cultivation level, it is not easy to achieve this level." Qingyuan held the wooden stake in his hand and turned his wrist with a look of approval on his face, "According to your I have the idea that this mastery of Taoism should be able to transform into a real spiritual tree, right? Like this?"

The wooden pile suddenly sprouted branches and roots, and in the blink of an eye it reached the roof of the elegant room.

The crowd was shrouded in the shade of the trees, leaving Lin Baoshan stunned.

Qin Sang stared at Qingyuan's palm, feeling shocked.

Facing Lin Baoshan's attack, Qin Sang had countless ways to resolve it, but even if he came in person, he couldn't do this.

Qingyuan did not imprison the wooden pile, nor did he just cut off Lin Baoshan's control of the wooden pile, but directly took it for himself.

The true energy and spiritual consciousness contained in this Taoist technique have all become pure and have nothing to do with Lin Baoshan anymore.

It seemed as if Qingyuan had performed it himself, but from beginning to end, there was no real energy fluctuation in his body.

And throughout the entire process, the wooden piles remained original.

Before Qingyuan stimulated the vitality of the wooden pile, there was no slight fluctuation inside and outside the wooden pile.

Qin Sang himself can break up the wooden stakes, use his great magical power to imprison the wooden stakes and keep them in their original appearance, or he can imitate this Taoist technique by imitating others.

But he absolutely couldn't do it. The first time he saw the other party perform it, he just downplayed it and took it as his own.

'Snapped! ’

Qingyuan flicked his fingers, scattered the small trees, and looked at Lin Baoshan with a smile.

"Thank you, senior, for showing mercy. I will say goodbye, junior."

Lin Baoshan couldn't see through these mysteries, but he knew that Qingyuan was extremely powerful, unimaginably powerful, so he bowed deeply and retreated respectfully.

He is not afraid of death, but the gap is too big, and fighting to the death is meaningless.

Lin Baoshan came and left quickly.

As soon as he left, someone knocked on the door again and came in. This time it was the owner of Zuixiang Tower, a silver-haired but energetic old man.

"There are three kinds of drunken fragrant banquets, the seven-head banquet, the eight-qiong banquet and the nine-zhen banquet. It just so happens that the main ingredients have been sent from Zhoucheng. Which one would you like to order, sir?" The host presented some wooden signs with the dishes written on them.

Qingyuan signaled, "Taoist Master is the host and guest."

Qin Sang picked up the wooden plaque and looked at it just from the name, Ya Ze Ya, but he really couldn't tell why.

After thinking about it, Qin Sang asked a question that stunned both Qingyuan and Dongjia, "Which kind has steamed buns?" ()

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