Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1947: Martial Arts Practice

Let the students read it once, and Chen Xiucai explained the meaning of the scripture to them, citing many annotations. He did not respect the outstanding learning of the Yan Kingdom today, and even criticized it.

This may be one of the reasons why he frequently failed to make the list.

There was no trace of decadence on Chen Xiucai's face, and he was meticulous in teaching Meng Tong.

He didn't notice that his two proud disciples were wandering around.


Even though he used the magic spell to transmit the sound into the secret, Yulang still lowered his voice subconsciously.

There is no way the gods will be lost in vain.

After entering the school for more than a year, the changes in the senior sister are visible to the naked eye. She is no longer as taciturn as before, but her words are very concise.

From the words used by the senior sister, I knew that the person definitely did not land normally.

Xiao Wu nodded slightly.

"Is he someone we know?"

Yulang continued to ask. His cultivation was not enough and he could not sense anything.

Xiao Wu thought for a while and nodded again.

Yulang's expression suddenly became serious.

At Qingyang Temple, they didn't come into contact with many practitioners, mainly the ghosts and gods of Jin County. As for the Yin family from Yinping Mountain, after visiting them once, they knew enough not to bother them anymore.

"Only one person? I don't know if the injury is serious... Senior sister, let's go take a look!"

Yulang is eager to try.

Not long ago, he had just broken through the sixth level of the Qi refining stage, and his master allowed him to practice magic weapons, one of which had the ability to fly.

Knowing that the man had fallen into the deep mountains behind Qingyang Temple, where the terrain was rugged and inaccessible, Yulang immediately thought about trying a new magical weapon.

Sunset is approaching.

It's time for school to end.

Yulang and Xiaowu said goodbye to their companions, walked through Qipai Village, and came to the foot of the mountain. They cast a spell to hide their bodies, and white mist rose up from their feet. They were lifted up by the mist and flew slowly toward the back mountain.

Xiao Wu is used to it.

This is the first time Yulang has flown so high with his own abilities.

Gradually, their height has exceeded the top of the mountain. Yulang has a novel look on his face, which is completely different from the feeling of being taken flying by his master.

"Over there!"

After flying for a while, crossing more than a dozen mountain ranges, the environment became darker and darker.

Most places in Nanshu Prefecture are covered with deep mountains and old forests.

At this time, Yulang saw a mountain from a distance. On the steep mountain wall, there was a broken old pine, which was obviously broken by a huge force.

The traces go all the way down into the valley, with numerous broken branches.

‘Whoosh! ’

Yulang became more and more skilled, stepping on the mist and falling into the valley.

Entering the valley, I felt a sense of coolness, accompanied by the sound of gurgling water. It turned out that there was a river at the bottom of the valley.

There was a depression in the grass on the river bank. When Yu Lang and Xiao Wu landed on the grass, they saw a man lying on his back in the weeds.

"It's him again!"

Yulang recognized him at a glance. No wonder the senior sister said she knew him. It was actually the young man in white robe who had been rescued on the Pingjiang River when he first came to Yan Kingdom.

The young man in white robes was sealed by Xuan Bing and was seriously injured. If he had not been rescued by his master, he might have sunk into the river in the end, which would be a disaster.

Now, the young man is also wearing a white robe, which is a cassock, but the cassock is damaged in many places.

The young man in white robe was obviously seriously injured again, not much better than before.

"What's going on with this guy?"

Yulang muttered.

Every time he meets a young man in white robe, he is always seriously injured.

In such a short period of time, I am afraid that this person has not recovered from his previous injuries, and he is too aggressive.

Yulang thought of the last time. Since the master saved the life of the white-robed young man, there might be some connection. He couldn't just ignore the situation this time.

"Senior sister, should we take him back to the Taoist temple and let Master make a decision?"

Yulang asked.

At this moment, Xiao Wu suddenly reached out and grabbed Yu Lang's left arm, flying back a hundred feet in an instant.

The next moment, blue water waves suddenly flashed under the white-robed young man.

There was a splash, and water waves rose in the middle of the river, and a little blue light shot towards the place where they had stood.

'boom! ’

The blue light exploded.

The aftermath swept through, and a large area of ​​jungle was turned into powder, and a big hole suddenly appeared on the ground.

Yu Lang was shocked and broke into a cold sweat. The young man in white robe was so seriously injured that he could actually lay such a terrible trap.

He was actually careful enough and didn't get too close to the opponent, but he still almost got hit.

The young man in white robe woke up from his coma and sensed two auras next to him. He immediately wanted to activate the chaotic true energy in his body at all costs. When he caught a glimpse of Yu Lang and Xiao Wu from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but be startled.

"Hey, you guys..."

Yulang's temperament has changed greatly, but his appearance has not changed much. Xiaowu has almost no change.

The young man in white robe obviously still remembers them.

Yulang was shocked, patted his chest, and complained: "We still want to take you to see the master and ask the master to heal your injuries. You almost died here!"

"My injury occurred suddenly. I have no choice but to cough, cough, cough..."

The young man in white robe looked embarrassed.

The kindness of saving one's life has not yet been repaid. If one kills one's savior, wouldn't it be repaying kindness with hatred?

"Forget it, stop talking. Be careful of the backflow of energy and blood, which may cause more injuries. Can you move? Do you want me and senior sister to take you back?"

Yulang waved his hand and asked.

The young man in white robe hesitated, "Where are you going?"

He looked at Yulang and Xiaowu, and couldn't help but feel scared. He really didn't know how the two children avoided the Youbo Sword.

There may be protective treasures given by the teacher.

"Of course we are going back to Qingyang Temple. Master is treating people at the Taoist Temple," Yulang said.

"Qingyang Temple? Cure?"

The white-robed young man's expression moved slightly, with a look of surprise on his face, "Your master turns out to be a master of alchemy?"

He obviously misunderstood.

"Master of Alchemy?"

Yu Lang didn't know whether it counted, but the master's vast supernatural powers and superb medical skills might really count, so he nodded and reminded: "Your breath is getting more and more confused."

The young man in white robe knows his own family affairs.

Just now, while he was flying away, the injury suddenly broke out, and he had no choice but to use his secret skills to suppress the injury.

Due to the arrival of Yulang and Xiaowu, the restriction was triggered and his secret technique was forcibly interrupted, which made matters worse.

Meeting an alchemy master at this time was undoubtedly a God-given opportunity.


The young man in white robe was hesitant, but it wasn't that he didn't trust the other party.

If he hadn't been fished out of the river by the other party last time, he would have gone to hell long ago. At worst, he would have given his life back.

The young man in white robe thought to himself that he must have been abandoned since he had been running away here for so long without any enemies chasing him.

At least it won't cause trouble to Qingyang Temple.

"I have the audacity to ask the two Taoist priests to take me for a ride." The young man in white robe sat up and suddenly felt that the real energy in his body was showing signs of chaos again, so he reluctantly held his hands.

Yu Lang urged Bai Wu to lift the white-robed young man and himself back to Qingyang Temple.

During this delay, it was already dark, and the main hall of the Taoist temple was lit with dim lights.


Yulang helped the young man in white robe walk in. He saw that the patients had all come down the mountain, but the master did not close the stall, as if he was waiting for them.

"I've met the Taoist priest."

The young man in white robe suppressed his pain and bowed, "I was saved last time, but I didn't have time to repay you. I didn't expect that this time I was seriously injured, but I was saved by the disciple of the master. The word fate is really wonderful."

"Sit down."

Qin Sang pointed to the wooden bench opposite.

The young man in white robe sat in front of Qin Sang and looked at the main hall of Qingyang Temple, secretly surprised in his heart.

This Taoist temple, except for its richer aura, has the same internal and external furnishings as a mortal Taoist temple.

When he came, he asked some indirect questions, and the young man in white robe realized that he had made a mistake.

According to the little Taoist priest, those who come to see the sick are all mortals.

"I wonder if Taoist Master Qingfeng understands alchemy..."

The young man in white robe thought to himself.

"Eh? Qingfeng..."

The young man in white robe suddenly felt something in his heart, but he remembered something from the long past.

At the beginning, his family suffered drastic changes, and he fled into Yunding Mountain alone, and then went through all kinds of hardships to reach Yunding City.

His cultivation level is low and it is difficult for him to gain a foothold in Yunding City.

He was eager to take revenge, but he lacked a vital treasure in his technique.

At that time, he only had a few relics from his father, and he was so anxious that he took them out and sold them.

Thinking about it now, I still feel scared.

Fortunately, the laws in Yunding City are strict and the city lord is very majestic. Otherwise, this little monk in the Qi Refining Stage would have been swallowed up with his bones and flesh.

He still remembered that he exchanged the cave token left by his father for three important treasures, including not only the Huanli Stone, which was necessary for cultivation, but also the most precious Ziyuan Dan.

It can be said that it was because of that transaction that he was where he is today!

Later, he asked Manager Lu of Fudifang that the person he was dealing with seemed to be also named Qingfeng? It's a pity that the other party never looked for him again, and he never heard of this person in Yunding City in the future.

The white-robed young man's heart beat violently as he quietly looked at the Qingfeng Taoist Priest.

Regardless of temperament and appearance, he is obviously not the same person.

"Probably not..."

The young man in white robe secretly shook his head.

The name Qingfeng is not uncommon. It can make the stewards of Fudifang bow their knees. The guard commander of Yunding City must obey his orders. He must be a peerless powerful man. How could he stay in this ordinary Taoist temple with a humble appearance.

Moreover, if the great master took a fancy to the cave left by his father, it should be in the Fire Domain.

"There are three forces in your body, one is yang fire, one is yin fire, and there is a force of gold and mercury. It is violent and difficult to train. It is the main reason why your true energy is disordered and your injuries are getting worse. Pindao has a bottle of Yuluo San here. , to be able to reconcile with it, all you need to do is disperse the energy of gold and mercury. It is not difficult for you to reconcile the two fires of yin and yang on your own..."

Qin Sang took out a white porcelain bottle and interrupted the white-robed young man's thoughts.

This bottle of Yuluosan was a trophy seized from a certain sand bandit's lair.

The young man in white robe was slightly startled and hurriedly took the porcelain vase. He no longer had the slightest doubt in his mind about Qin Sang's alchemy attainments.

The other party pointed out the crux of the matter in just a few sentences!

With this bottle of elixir, he can save a lot of time in healing.

The young man in white robe was overjoyed, "Thank you, Taoist Priest, for giving me the medicine. I am deeply grateful, but I can't repay you in return..."

"Together with the medical fee and the Yuluo Powder, I'll give you one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones. Should you pay it now or keep it in the account?"

Qin Sang sat still, picked up the pen and licked the ink, looked at the young man in white robe and asked lightly.

The young man in white robe froze on the spot, looked at the line of accounts on the account book, and finally forced out a smile, "Can I also keep accounts?"

Qin Sang nodded, "Everyone who enters Taoism for consultation and diagnosis will be treated equally."

The young man in white robe rummaged through the mustard bag, took out the spirit stones, and said awkwardly: "I have spent too much money recently, and I only have 80,000 spirit stones left with me. The rest will be delivered within a month!"

Qin Sang put the spirit stone away without comment, "I wonder what your surname is?"

The young man in white robe hesitated and said, "My surname is Shi."

Qin Sang nodded and wrote down another item in the account book.

The young man surnamed Shi opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by a rapid knock on the door.

Yulang was doing his homework, put down his pen, trotted out and opened the door.

It turned out that a patient with an acute illness came. After finally carrying the patient up the mountain, several strong men were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

The young man surnamed Shi took a step back and watched the three masters and apprentices busy.

He is obviously a cultivator of immortality, but he still works tirelessly to treat illnesses for mortals.

Qin Sang administered several injections to stabilize the patient's condition. Xiao Wu and Yu Lang made medicine and heated hot water.

Under the dim light, even the outline of the statue became softer.

This scene makes people feel inexplicably warm.

The young man surnamed Shi stood aside and watched quietly for a while, and suddenly sighed.

"so good!"

He seemed to understand a little bit, why he lived in seclusion in the mortal world even though he was a master of alchemy.

He left the Taoist temple silently without disturbing the other party.

One month later.

early morning.

There was a sound of horses neighing beside the bamboo forest in the school.

The next moment, several horses rushed out of the bamboo forest and galloped on the road like arrows.

On the horseback was Yu Lang and several other young men.

They hold bamboo spears in their hands and run on horses. They also dance the bamboo spears while running, performing thrusting, teasing and other movements.

The State of Yan worshiped literature as well as martial arts, and scholars were not incapable of restraining a chicken.

Chen Xiucai knew everything about the six arts of etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and mathematics, and required his disciples to learn them.

Also riding a horse and dancing with a gun, among the several teenagers, Yulang stood out.

I saw his body leaning forward slightly, his body and horse united into one, each move was sharp and sharp, showing the true meaning of this spear art.

Seeing Chen Xiucai nodding his head repeatedly, he couldn't help but secretly thought it was a pity.

He became more and more fond of this disciple and believed that one day he would be both civil and military and become a pillar of the country!

But let his tongue bloom like a lotus flower. This disciple has no intention of becoming an official, and there is nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiucai couldn't help but feel excited, shook his head and walked towards the school.

After practicing the spear skills, Yulang then practiced riding and shooting, then returned to the starting point and handed the horses to the next group of students.

After the others finished practicing, some stayed in place to watch the excitement, while others went back to rest.

Yulang picked up a bamboo spear and walked into the depths of the bamboo forest. He swung the bamboo spear in his hand, held it in a spear, used the spear as a stick, and pointed it at the void.


The bamboo spear suddenly slashed down, causing a harsh whistling sound.

'boom! ’

A few feet away, a purple bamboo suddenly exploded, as if it had been stabbed by a bamboo spear.

In this attack, Yulang did not use magic power or spells, but used his true energy!

After worshiping Qin Sang as his disciple, Yulang once asked about martial arts, but the fire in his heart has not extinguished.

The two arts of archery and martial arts brought back memories of the past, and during the leisure time in the school, I couldn't help but pick up martial arts again.

I don't know if it was due to his cultivation of immortality or the effect of the medicinal bath, but he actually developed true energy.

Standing with the gun put away, Yulang stroked the gun body with a thoughtful expression on his face. He was suddenly awakened by the sound of clapping hands and turned around suddenly.

‘Papa papa…’

A person walked out of the bamboo forest. It was a young man named Shi. He came over and clapped his hands, "What a spear!" ()

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