Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1956: Mountain Man

Chapter 1957 Mountain Man

Yulang calmed down and said, "Have you ever visited the Master?"

He and Chen Zhenqing still exchanged letters, and he would report to Chen Zhenqing on the school's situation every once in a while.

Chen Zhenqing will also talk about his current situation.

After passing the Jinshi examination that year, Chen Zhenqing asked himself to be sent to the border as a county magistrate. He said that he had made no achievements and had no fault. Although he had been promoted, he still stayed in the border.

Tao Qi shook his head and said: "You know the master's talents better than I do. When I became the prince's staff, the first person I recommended to the prince was the master. I wanted the prince to work secretly and transfer the master to Beijing as an official. Only then did I know that the master My teacher, before becoming an official, also asked my master to come to Beijing, but such a good opportunity was rejected by my master."

Yulang sighed softly, "Before going to Beijing to take the exam, Master went up to the mountain to visit Master and raised a glass to express his determination..."

He recounted Chen Zhenqing's ambition to Tao Qi.

Tao Qi's face was full of admiration, but he was also a little worried, "Master has great ambitions, but it's only because of Mistress and the others' suffering."

When Yan State officials are promoted, their family members can accompany them.

At that time, the master's wife was very kind to them, and the students in the school respected the master's wife as well as the master.

"Before leaving, my senior sister and I gave the master a jade pendant, which can regulate the health of the master and his family. Since the master is willing to do this, we should not disturb him. How can the prince lack helpers around him," Yulang shook his head.

"The prince naturally has no shortage of manpower, but there are also various factions under the prince's command with different political views. Now they are working together to conspire for the prince's enthronement. When the great cause is accomplished, I am afraid that there will be internal fighting immediately. Even now, there are still All kinds of overt and covert struggles. I just joined, my foundation is shallow, I can’t use my magic power, I have no one under my command, and I am often powerless.”

Tao Qi talked about his situation with a sad look on his face, and suddenly changed his tone, "Brother, life is so difficult, why don't you recommend some talented people to me?"

"You mean my disciples?"

Yulang laughed in surprise, "How many great talents can come out of a small village school in Jin County? Even though I know their past temperaments, I haven't seen them for many years. They have gone through ups and downs in officialdom, and I don't know how much they can still keep their true intentions." "

Speaking of this, Yulang couldn't help but think of himself again, sighing secretly in his heart, and picked up the pen on the case, "If you go to see me, I will write a few letters for you."

Tao Qi immediately stepped forward and personally studied the ink for him. He said with a smile, "I still can't trust your disciple?"

I quickly finished writing a thick pile of letters.

Tao Qi took it in his hand, weighed it, moved his lips slightly, and couldn't help but said: "You really can't tell, who do I really want to invite this time?"

Yulang raised his head and looked at Tao Li calmly, "You want me to go down the mountain with you?"


Tao Qian nodded heavily, "I'll explain it to the City God, so you don't have to worry. I still remember when we were sitting on the edge of the stone cliff outside Qingyang Temple, you once mentioned your ambition, but I couldn't understand it at the time. Now I understand. You want the people on the mountain to go back to the mountain and not be manipulated in the human world, but you don’t even understand the human world, so how can you talk about anything else? This time should be the first step you take to fulfill your ambitions in the future. !”

Tao Qi held Yulang's hand tightly and said earnestly: "Brothers, you and I will work together and work hard to restore the Yan Kingdom to a glorious and prosperous age!"

Tao Yan was impassioned and looked at Yulang with expectation.

He believed that Yulang's ability, even if he didn't have the slightest cultivation, was definitely extraordinary.

Between the two of them, one is building the foundation and the other is refining the Qi.

Wanting to change the entire world is tantamount to wishful thinking. But there is still a chance to change a country in Yan.

Yulang took out his hand, walked to the bed, and looked out the window.

Tao Qi looked at Yulang quietly, looking forward to his decision.

This window faces the west, while Yulang is looking to the north, which is the direction of Qingyang Temple and the capital of Yan State.

Yulang's eyes flickered, and it was undeniable that his heart was moved.

Over the years, he went to and from school and Taoist temples every day. He never neglected his practice because of his studies, nor did he neglect his studies because of his practice.

He spent a lot of money to buy various books from various places, and then read them eagerly.

Not only the Yan Kingdom, but also books from other countries outside the Yan Kingdom were also sent to Jinxian through various channels.

He has several mustard bags to store all kinds of books. If he takes them all out, they will be filled with Qingyang Temple.

Learning without thinking is useless.

Reading naturally requires summarizing and thinking, but he has been trapped in Qipai Village and has almost no chance to verify what he has learned.

If he had been practicing on the mountain, he might never be useful.

Tao Qi said it well, without practice, everything is empty talk.

At least, you should know what the human world is like.

Otherwise, if he really does it and lets the people on the mountain go back to the mountain, then what? Can the world be beautiful?

When he asked those questions in front of his master, Yulang didn't realize how grand the proposition was and how naive he was.

The difficulty of solving these problems is probably no less than becoming an immortal, right?

After pondering for a long time, Yulang shook his head in Tao Qi's disappointed eyes.

He turned around, met Tao Li's eyes, and smiled, "Do you think I am worried about affecting my cultivation, greedy for life, and afraid of death? I suddenly feel that my character is lacking, and I should stay in seclusion for a period of time. There are also matters related to Taoist temples and schools. , is the hard work of the Master and the Master, and cannot be wasted. Proper arrangements must be made before leaving..."

Tao Qi's eyes became brighter and brighter, "You agreed!"

"I will ask Master to allow me to go down the mountain."

Yulang nodded with a firm expression, "Where are you going to go next?"

"I asked the prince to travel to the Yan Kingdom on his behalf to observe the people's sentiments. Next, I will go to various state capitals. After completing it, I will return to the capital. After you come down from the mountain, go directly to the Tao family in the capital. I will make arrangements. If you feel that the world is too If there is chaos, you can also first settle in Duxian Temple outside the capital."

Tao Qi has already made appropriate arrangements.

"This trip is to enter the human world, so why be afraid of chaos?"

Yulang responded with a smile and looked at the sky. Unknowingly, it was evening.

"Will you stay overnight at the Taoist Temple tonight?"

"No, in full view of the public, we can't use the shuttle, we can only ride on horseback and sail. The speed is too slow and the schedule is too tight! With your promise, I can rest assured. We will meet again in the capital!"

Tao Qi's face was full of joy, and the harvest from this trip far exceeded expectations.

"That's good, the days are long!"

Yulang refused to hold him back and sent Tao Qi out of the bamboo forest himself.

Tao Qi got on his horse, bowed his hand to Yulang, flicked his whip, and left with his entourage Juechen.

Yu Lang turned around, only to see Xiao Wu standing behind him at some point, "Senior sister?"

"You want to go down the mountain?" Xiao Wu asked.

Yulang knew that the conversation between him and Tao Qi would definitely not be hidden from his senior sister. It was no surprise that he asked, "Senior sister, do you want to visit the capital?"

Over the years, Xiaowu was neither a master nor a student, but she was never absent. When someone asked for advice in the school, she did not hesitate to give advice.

But Yulang always felt that the sense of alienation between his senior sister and the people and things around her became stronger after the last female classmate got married.

Perhaps, a change of environment would be better.

Yulang thought to himself.

Xiao Wu was in a trance and murmured: "Master will not agree."

Yulang was stunned.

Over the years, he has naturally been able to see that the senior sister is definitely not a human being.

But he didn’t know the origin of his senior sister, why he didn’t grow up, and why his master didn’t let his senior sister leave his side.

Yulang hesitated to speak, and finally didn't ask any more questions.

After school.

Yu Lang and Xiao Wu walked side by side up the mountain and talked about their ideas, "Senior sister, I am going to let Brother Shi Heng take over the school. He is over the age of 10 and has failed in many trials. His knowledge is not bad, but his spirit has been wiped out. He had approached me before and wanted to stay in the school. Over at the Taoist temple, Dr. Liu often stayed overnight in recent years. His medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds. His disciples have also received the true teachings, which are enough to be in charge of the medical clinic. Dr. Liu is already old. Your body is still very strong, so you should be willing to come here. Senior sister, you don’t have to worry about these trivial things in the future, it’s still the same as before.”

Xiao Wu listened and just nodded silently, without comment, and suddenly glanced towards the sky.

Yulang also noticed it and stopped in front of the Taoist temple with Xiaowu.

Immediately, a breeze came from the sky, rustling the grass blades, and two beautiful shadows fell.

One of them is an acquaintance, Yin Qiaoer, the eldest lady of the Yin family.

Traveling with Yin Qiao'er was also a woman, similar in stature to Yin Qiao'er, whose face was covered with a gauze.

The gauze is a magic weapon. Mortals cannot see through it, and Yulang will not be rude to peek at it.

However, one can also feel through the gauze that the woman's beauty is definitely not weaker than Yin Qiao'er, and she has a temperament that Yin Qiao'er does not have.

The woman's eyes were exposed, and her eyes were like the lingering autumn rain, filled with unbreakable sadness.

"Auntie, this is it."

Yin Qiaoer whispered to the woman, stepped forward and saluted: "Taoist Xiaowu, Taoist Yulang, this is my aunt, her name is Nian Hui."

"It turns out it's Taoist friend Niangui, who is a poor Taoist and has good manners."

Yulang returned the favor and secretly looked at this woman with a strange name.

Yin Qiao'er had visited alone before, and once mentioned this girl, saying that she had suffered from a hidden disease since childhood, and asked the master for diagnosis and treatment, and asked when the master would be released from seclusion.

Now in person.

Nian Hui is obviously a cultivator of immortality, and his cultivation level is very high, at least Yulang cannot see through it.

It is rare for someone with such a level of cultivation and a powerful family to have a hidden disease that cannot be cured.

"Two Taoist priests are polite," Nianhui bowed slightly and spoke softly, but also had a hint of melancholy just like people.

"Senior Qingfeng has come out of seclusion?" Yin Qiaoer asked repeatedly.

"Master is still in retreat."

"This... how long does senior have to be in seclusion for each time?" Nianhui's expression remained the same, but Yin Qiaoer was very anxious for her aunt.

"Master's cultivation of magical powers can be long-lasting or short-lived. As disciples, we dare not make any assumptions." Yulang opened the door, "You two fellow Taoists, please come in and sit down."

Yin Qiaoer glanced at her aunt and said, "My aunt's illness is getting worse and worse, and I don't dare to delay it any longer. In this case, can the Taoist master be accommodating and let us stay in the Taoist temple for the night, waiting for the senior to come out of seclusion?"


Yulang hesitated.

Taoist temples do often let patients stay overnight, but they have never stayed overnight for cultivators.

The young man named Shi always stayed for a while and then left.

Moreover, immortal cultivators can open caves anywhere, so why do they have to live in Taoist temples?

"Don't worry, Taoist Master. We know the rules and will stay in the room peacefully. There will never be any prying eyes. Otherwise, dad will not spare us without senior taking action."

Yin Qiaoer spoke softly, pulled Yulang's sleeves, and begged softly.

Yulang had never experienced such a battle before. He coughed lightly and looked at his senior sister. Seeing that her senior sister had already started cleaning the main hall, he calmly took out his sleeves and said: "There are several rooms in the side hall for the folks to spend the night. If you two fellow Taoists don't mind it, just live there."

"Thank you, Taoist Master."

Yin Qiaoer immediately jumped for joy. She turned around and saw her aunt walking into the main hall. She was looking at the statues of gods in the main hall. She turned her eyes and picked up a broom.

After pretending to help for a while, he asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Taoist Master Yulang, why didn't you see that fellow Taoist Shi this time?"

"You mean Brother Shi?"

Yulang had no doubt that he was there, "Brother Shi is usually away and only comes back once in a while."

"Oh, no wonder I didn't see him last year. I thought Taoist friend Shi was also practicing in a Taoist temple! We don't dare to expect to become a disciple of such an outsider as our senior. It's a great opportunity to be able to follow him all the time!"

Yin Qiaoer seemed to be impressed and secretly complimented her.

Yulang thought for a while, "Last year? Speaking of which, Brother Shi seems to have not been here for more than a year, right?"

Xiao Wu didn't even raise his head, and said 'hmm'.

Next, the two women stayed in the Taoist temple.

Yin Qiao'er couldn't bear her temper and would go down the mountain in disguise from time to time and play around. However, Nian Hui lived in seclusion and rarely saw her.

Yulang arranged his affairs as planned and went into retreat. This retreat was not for cultivation, but for the purpose of clarifying his mind.

Time flies, and more than half a year has passed.

Entering midsummer, the weather is hot and dry.

While in retreat, Yulang suddenly woke up from his trance. Then he looked happy and hurried out of the quiet room. When he entered the main hall, he saw a familiar figure.


Yulang saluted and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Qin Sang.

"My teacher already knows your thoughts. You have foundation-building skills, it's time to go down the mountain."

After a pause, Qin Sang said again, "Let your senior sister come down the mountain too."

"Ah? Yes, master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely take good care of senior sister!"

Yulang was sincerely happy for his senior sister, even more excited than he was going down the mountain.

Xiaowu is in school now.

Qin Sang looked down the mountain with a gloomy look. Making this decision was actually a bit risky.

He would not follow him, and no one knew whether Xiao Wu could suppress his murderous nature without him.

However, we have to face this day.

Initially, Xiao Wu was in a bad mood and wanted to kill someone, but later he persuaded him to do good. Later, after experiencing the world, leaving his sight, and being betrayed, he was able to suppress his murderous intention.

The changes are huge for all to see.

It’s time to test the effectiveness of this experience.

At this time, a figure walked in outside the door, it was Nian Hui, who was alarmed by Yu Lang's movements.

Yulang opened his mouth, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a familiar breath approaching.

"Huh? What a coincidence! Brother Shi is here too!"

Yulang glanced at the master secretly, wondering if the master deliberately chose to leave seclusion at this time.

He hurriedly walked out, but he didn't notice that Nianhui turned around and stared outside, holding the door frame tightly with his palms.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The young man surnamed Shi landed in front of the gate, stepped into the Taoist temple, and saw the woman at first sight.

He stepped carefully, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled, "Brother, I'm late this time, are you in a hurry?"


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