Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 2123: Nine-day Bitan Thunderstorm Method

Chapter 2124 Nine-day Bitan Thunderstorm Dharma

Dabei Zen Temple.

Because it is located in the desert and the climate is dry, it only rains a few times a year.

At this moment, it is pouring rain. It is pitch black in all directions. There is only the sound of heavy rain, as if the sky is leaking, and endless water is pouring down from the sky.

Such a violent rain has lasted for a long time, without a moment's rest in the middle, and the rainfall is enough to flood any place.

But there are no rivers or lakes on the earth. The desert is still the desert. When the rain falls on the ground, it will seep into the ground. There seems to be a bottomless pit underground, and no amount of rain can fill it.

Several monks are suspended above the Dabei Zen Temple, surrounding an old monk.

The old monk has sallow skin and a thin face, but his eyes are bright and terrifying, like a bronze sculpture.

On his left is a young monk. The young monk looks around, and finally moves his spiritual eyes to look to the far west.

The rain is pouring down, and above the rain curtain, there is occasionally a flash of lightning, illuminating the sky and the earth.

These thunder and lightning, no matter in number or momentum, are far from comparable to the previous ones.

From the beginning of the battle between the two sides, the Thunder Altar turned the desert into a thunder lake, and the thunder talismans had the power to destroy the world. The scene of thousands of thunders was no longer surprising. The monks in the Western Land finally felt directly how terrifying the fighting between the cultivators of the Void Refining Sect was.

This kind of fighting method that stirred the power of heaven was unimaginable to them before. In comparison, the war between the Storm Realm and the Changyou Clan was like two children fighting with weapons, clumsy and ridiculous.

Just a while ago, the thunder suddenly disappeared and the momentum weakened.

However, as the heavy rain continued until now, the invisible pressure gradually accumulated and became more and more terrible.

This is indeed the case. The power of the altar has not weakened, and the heavy rain has firmly blocked the enemy there.

"If the enemy gets through this period, it will approach the Zen temple," the young monk whispered, with a worried tone.

Over the past year, the enemy has broken through one formation after another. Every time they lost, the Storm Realm had to retreat a long way and give up a large area of ​​land.

Today, most of the Western Desert has been occupied. If someone looks down from the sky, they can see a clear boundary. The east side of the boundary is full of yellow sand, while the west side has changed dramatically, transforming from a desert to green mountains and clear waters.

The desert is rejuvenated, but it does not bring hope, but a strong murderous intent.

The fall of the desert is not only the invasion of territory, but also the destruction of the altar carefully built in the desert. Fortunately, Qin Sang did not abandon the monks stationed at the altar. Every time they lost, they could withdraw in time. Therefore, although the Storm Realm seems to be retreating again and again, the casualties are not serious.

Now that the enemy has approached, Master Huaiyin is leading the monks to sit on the altar in the back mountain of the Great Compassion Zen Temple. If they continue to retreat, will they abandon the Zen Temple again?

As the saying goes, people are attached to their land and reluctant to move. The monks of the Great Compassion Zen Temple do not want to experience the painful memories of the past again.


The old monk is the elder of the Arhat Hall. He clasped his hands together, neither sad nor happy, "I believe that the great immortal must have a plan."

At this moment, a fierce battle is going on in the rain.

For this battle, Qin Sang carefully selected several thunder talismans from the Five Thunder Envoys' Court Seal, which are similar to the Twelve Thunder Gods' Summoning Talismans, all suitable for battle formations. This Nine Heavens Green Pond Thunder Rain Method is one of them.

The water of the Nine Heavens Green Pond is drawn into the world. There is no thunder, but the power of thunder is everywhere. The raindrops of the thunderstorm are not the rain that ordinary people know, but the primordial energy of heaven and earth is mobilized to turn into thunder water. Every drop of 'rainwater' contains a majestic thunder power.

As the rain falls to the earth, the power of thunder will dissipate and return to the sky, repeating and circling, never stopping, so the rainstorm will not bring floods to the desert.

Qin Sang looked ahead coldly. The rain would explode when it fell on him, and his figure was like in the mist.

There were crowds of people in the rainstorm.

Raindrops can turn into thunder soldiers when they fall into the world. These thunder soldiers have no intelligence, no thoughts, and no pain. They are pure killing machines.

However, Qin Sang can use the altar to draw the will of the cultivators from various altars and infuse them into the bodies of the thunder soldiers.

At this moment, in the altars, the altar masters and altar protectors seemed to have entered a kind of "illusion".

In the "illusion", they entered a battlefield covered by heavy rain, with a thunder clone, and could feel the killing on the battlefield and the oppression of the enemy, as if they were on the battlefield.

They seemed to be integrated with the thunder soldiers, controlling the thunder soldiers to fight from a distance.

This is a novel feeling. They could only help Qin Sang cast the thunder talisman through the altar before. For the first time, they felt immersive. Only then did they know what the battlefield looked like and how terrifying the enemy was.

When they joined the battlefield, they were infected by the atmosphere on the battlefield. Although they didn't know whether the death of the thunder soldiers would affect them, they felt extremely nervous.

After all, they were just a wisp of will transmitted over, and they still needed the leader to lead them, that is, the real cultivators on the battlefield.

Countless thunder soldiers formed a huge battle formation. Gui Hou and others were in the center of the battle formation. Their true bodies were here and should be protected.

More and more thunder power surged, causing the battle formation to transform and form a power far beyond their cultivation.


The roar shook the sky.

The thunder soldiers turned into black rivers and rushed towards the enemy formation. The momentum was so great that the earth trembled and the void shook.

The enemy and us collided in an instant.

It seemed that only Gui Hou and others really joined the battlefield, but behind them was the power of the entire Storm Realm.

Although the enemy had several masters of the Refining Void level, the Thunder Soldiers were still not afraid. Even if they were defeated, they still had one last trick when they were on the verge of death - self-destruction!

‘Boom! Boom! Boom! ’

Instantly, countless lightning flashes shone on the battlefield, like the most dazzling fireworks, blooming with sad and beautiful light.

A moment later, Qin Sang also rushed into the battlefield.

After fighting again and again, Qin Sang's physical cultivation methods were almost exposed, and he even used the Five Elements Crown many times.

As expected, Qin Sang immediately attracted the strong men in the enemy camp as soon as he appeared.

He did not show weakness, and the Great Vajra Wheel Seal and the Sun Wheel Seal were used together. With the Nine Heavens Bitan Thunder Rain Method on his back, he was still majestic even when he was besieged.

Seeing an opportunity, Qin Sang once again sacrificed the Five Elements Crown, and two Five Elements Divine Lights were shot out alternately.

The cultivator locked by the Five Elements Crown had no time to respond.

During this period, the Five Elements Crown repeatedly showed its power. Although it failed to kill anyone, the companion beasts hit by the Five Elements Divine Light were either dead or disabled, which made the Lu King's party very afraid.

This cultivator looked feminine and dressed in brocade clothes, like a female cultivator.

The cultivators brainstormed and finally deduced a way to crack it. This time they had a purpose, which was to draw out the Five Elements Divine Light, so someone had to be the bait.

At this time, the bait was the brocade monk.

‘Swish! ’

The Five Elements Divine Light came one after another.

Others stopped their original actions and offered a token.

The token was red, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, shaped like a command arrow, surrounded by flames, and dragged a long stream of fire when it moved.

The flames were flying, and all the tokens were facing the brocade monk, and the flames were dazzling.

Just as the five-color divine light hit the brocade monk, a ball of fire burst out in front of him and turned into a ring of fire.

Through the ring of fire, it can be seen that the monk in brocade clothes was not completely imprisoned when the positive five-color divine light approached him. He twisted his body obviously, but unfortunately he still failed to avoid the reverse five-element divine light. At the critical moment, Lu Qian made a timely move, and the dark yellow light flashed, taking the monk in brocade clothes away.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the cultivators brightened. The token was a treasure made by the great worshiper himself to restrain the five-element crown. Although they failed to save the man, they finally saw a glimmer of hope.

While they were constantly testing, Qin Sang became more and more familiar with the Wuding Bajitu. When the monk in brocade clothes escaped just now, he clearly felt a resistance. If he was a step slower, he might be in danger.

Therefore, the treasure that restrains the five-element crown is very important.

There is still room for improvement in this treasure. The cultivators achieved their goal this time, called out, and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The battlefield gradually returned to calm, the thunder soldiers turned into raindrops again, and the rainstorm never stopped.

East of the Demon Sea.

There is an isolated island on the sea. The island is not large, but the spiritual energy is extremely abundant. There are monks stationed on the island all year round. Their task is to monitor the changes in the dirty land.

This island is adjacent to the dirty land, and there is a risk of being attacked by ferocious beasts, and they must also be vigilant against the Changyou tribe.

However, there are still many monks competing for this task, because there is a large formation arranged by the Liuli Fairy herself on the island, which can hide the location of the island, and nothing has happened in these years. Moreover, here you only need to keep an eye on the dirty land, you don’t have to go to the battlefield, and it doesn’t affect your cultivation. It’s a good job.

There is a stone hall built on the small island, and three caves have been opened up. There are a total of three monks stationed together, and they can take turns to retreat.

At this time, in the stone hall, a monk in brocade robes has a mirror plate in front of him.

The monk in brocade robes sits cross-legged, with his hands on his knees, constantly changing seals, comprehending a Taoist technique, and occasionally glancing at the mirror plate.

The mirror plate reflects the scene inside the dirty land, with black fog whistling back and forth, with great momentum. This scene has lasted for nearly a hundred years, and only changes will occur when the tide goes out.

The brocade monk was immersed in Taoism and did not notice that the scene in the mirror gradually changed.

The flow of the fog suddenly slowed down, and the collisions became less and less. Finally, all the fog seemed to solidify, and it was clear that the fog flow was stagnant and piled up to form a fog wall.

The next moment, the extreme stillness moved, and all the fog flows exploded, and the fog formed a huge tide and suddenly exploded.

The brocade monk seemed to have sensed something, turned his eyes around, and his eyes were fixed, and he hurried to the mirror.

After the explosion, there was a rapid collapse, and the fog rolled back, as if the power accumulated over a hundred years was deflated all of a sudden, and it retreated madly, revealing the sea surface that was previously shrouded in fog.

Immediately, there was another round of explosion, and the fog regained the lost ground, and this scene kept reappearing.

‘Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

Three figures rushed into the hall.

The brocade monk saluted an old man and said, "Uncle Master Bai."

This was his first time to be stationed here. He was not sure if it was a sign of ebb tide, and looked at the old man nervously.

Uncle Master Bai stared at the mirror plate, and after a moment, he laughed up to the sky, "The dirty air is finally going to ebb tide! Quick, go and report to the master!"

There was a reason for his excitement. According to the rules, he was expected to get a ray of Qingling Qi this time!


The brocade monk and the other two immediately arranged the formation. They were all monks from Xuantian Palace, and they quickly passed the news back to Xuantian Palace.


Qingyang Temple.

The mountain protection formation was activated, and the clouds and mist covered the sky, covering the strange phenomenon caused by the main altar.

At this moment, all the masters of Qingyang Temple were sent to sit in the branch altar, and there were not many left in the mountain gate.

At this time, a beam of light flew from the west, getting closer and closer to the mountain protection formation, with no sign of stopping.

A Taoist child flew out of the clouds and mist, shouting, "Who is coming?"

Dun Guang paused for a moment before manifesting a human figure.

The Taoist boy saw the appearance of the visitor clearly and saluted hurriedly: "Junior, I have met Master Shi!"

Shi Xue nodded, "I have something important to report to the Great Master."


The Taoist boy hesitated, and suddenly there was a voice in his ear, "Let her come in."

Hearing the voice of his ancestor, Tao Tong felt relieved and bowed: "The master of the building has invited you!"

On the altar, Qin Sang's body looked towards the mountain gate. He didn't know what Shi Xue had to do, so he came in person.

When Shixue entered Qingyang Temple, he saw an altar, which was nine days high and extremely majestic. Suppressing the shock in his heart, he flew high into the sky and said, "The filthy air is showing signs of ebbing!"


Qin Sang's eyes flashed. According to the rules, it was indeed time for the tide to ebb, but this time it was earlier than in previous years.

"Liu Li hasn't come back yet?" Qin Sang guessed why Shi Xue came in person.


Shi Xue shook her head, a look of eagerness flashed across her pretty face, "Will something happen to my junior sister?"

Before leaving, Liuli said that she would not miss the fight for Qingling Qi. Without her, it would be difficult for the previous Storm Realm to compete with the Changyou Clan.

According to common sense, she should have returned half a year ago, but now there is no news at all, so they can't help but worry.

Qin Sang frowned. Ever since he knew that Liuli had a mysterious 'master', he felt relieved, but now he was inevitably a little unsure.

"With Liuli's mind, there is no need to worry about her safety. She may be entangled in other things," Qin Sang said with relief.

Thinking on the bright side, Liuli still doesn't know that the Minzhuo clan leader has made a breakthrough. She may have found an opportunity to make a breakthrough and made some trade-offs. He believed that as long as he could successfully break through the Void Refining Stage, it didn't matter if he failed once, so he chose to concentrate on breaking through.

"I hope so..."

Shi Xue suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and asked again, "Do you still want to compete for Qing Ling's energy this time?"

The timing was unlucky, the enemy army was pressing down on the situation, and the masters of the Storm Realm were all at their wits' end. Sending some random people there would definitely not be a match for the Changyou Clan.

One side is Qing Ling Qi, and the other side is a matter of life and death. She can clearly distinguish which is more important, and she secretly thinks that she should give up this time.

Western soil.

There are some caves carved out of the stone wall in the mountain, which serve as caves for Minzhuo and Changyou monks.

In a certain cave, an elder of the Changyou clan was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath. Suddenly a light flashed on his wrist. He immediately woke up and learned the message from outside. He hurried out of the cave and flew to the stone cave closest to the top of the mountain. Touch the ban.

"Come in!"

In the cave, the leader of the Minzhuo clan was recovering from his injuries. The injuries were not serious and were caused by the last battle.

The clan elder quickly walked into the cave.

Minzhuo asked: "What's the matter?"

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