Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 2142 Funeral

Chapter 2143 Funeral

He opened the formation and sent Qin Sang out of Ziyun Mountain and back to the previous sea area.

Qin Sang flew straight into the sea of ​​fog and returned to the Zhu Yan clan through the moving formation. The leader of the Yuan Xiang clan happened to be in the cave.

"Did Zhenren Qin meet Zhenren Ning?" Clan Chief Yuan Xiang stopped being secretive.

Qin Sang nodded, "Thanks to Master Ning's advice, I have solved many doubts for Pindao. However, Pindao still has one thing that I don't understand. I don't know what the relationship between Master Ning, Ziyun Mountain and the Zhu Yan clan is. Chief Yuan Xiang is willing to give away two A quota for a holy land?”

Chief Yuan Xiang exclaimed, "Zhenren Ning has also told Zhenren Qin about this matter. Are we going to send Zhenren Qin into the Holy Land this time?"

"That's the intention, but Pindao doesn't want to owe Ziyun Mountain a favor and plans to find a place from the Siyou clan," Qin Sang said.

"I don't know exactly what the origin is. I only know that it became a convention a long time ago. When I was young, one of my closest ancestors had been practicing in the Holy Land for many years. When I saw Master Ning, he would call himself a junior. ," Chief Yuan Xiang said meaningfully.

Qin Sang's heart sank.

Unless the other party's aura is not concealed, it is difficult for the Void Refining cultivator to spy on the Fusion cultivator and the Mahayana cultivator. From his induction, he only feels that Zhenren Ning is unfathomable.

Could it be that Master Ning is a Mahayana monk?

When Ning Zhenren mentioned Liuli, he seemed to be sincere and considerate of Liuli. But how could Qin Sang completely believe Ning Zhenren's words?

I have no choice but to endure.

No matter what he wants to do, he must consider the consequences of going against the other party's will. If the other party is a monk in the integration stage, there is still hope of getting rid of the restraint in the future.

Patriarch Yuan Xiang changed his tone and said, "Zhenzhen has won a great victory this time. We are planning to hold a celebration. I will prepare some gifts and go to taste the fine wine collected by Zhenren Qin. There are also several clan chiefs from several tribes who have heard about Zhenren's impressive achievements." , I admire them and want to visit them. Some tribes are gentle and have no xenophobia.”

Qin Sang said with a smile: "Clan Chief Yuan Xiang doesn't mind that the wine is too light, so Pindao sent someone to bring it. But there is no need for the celebration, so as not to make people laugh. If other Taoist friends want to come, Pindao welcomes them. According to Pindao's original intention, , I would be satisfied if I could have a place to live and stay in a corner. However, being isolated from the world is not a long-term solution. It will only deepen the estrangement, but I don’t know who to make friends with, so I can only trouble the Yuan Xiang clan leader to recommend him. "

Chief Yuan Xiang said cheerfully: "It's easy to talk! It's easy to talk! After the external troubles have been eliminated, there are still thousands of things waiting for Qin Zhenren to deal with. I won't stay with you anymore. See you someday."


Qin Sang left the cave, the smile on his face faded, he pondered a little, and went straight back to the Storm Realm.

Qingyang Temple.

When Li Yufu learned that Qin Sang had returned, he came to report and presented a jade slip, "Uncle, the exploration of the Sea of ​​Storms has been basically completed."

The Storm Realm has been integrated into the world, and it is no longer convenient for the outside world to call it the Storm Realm. Qin Sang named the three major areas of the Storm Realm and the sea area ceded by the Changyou Clan as the Sea of ​​Storms.

Qin Sang's spiritual consciousness touched the jade slip, and a map appeared in the void, and a faint green light illuminated the cave.

The annotations on the chart are very detailed and you can see the whole picture of the Storm Sea.

The sea area where the Storm Realm and the Changyou Clan coexist is roughly square in shape, with the Nie River to the east and the remaining three sides surrounded by mist tides. Originally, only the Changyou Clan lived here, free from competition and very comfortable.

Now that most of the sea belongs to the Storm Realm, the Changyou Clan can only huddle in the southwest corner.

There are three island chains between the Storm Realm and Sheng Muyuan. The Changyou Clan originally built three strong lines of defense here, but now they are all surrendered. In addition, there are large areas of open sea to the north and south of the Storm Realm. Although there are no large continents, there are many islands and reefs inhabited by many monsters and creatures. The Changyou tribe members there also evacuated to Shengmuyuan.

Today's Storm Sea is vast and boundless to the monks of the Storm Realm.

Li Yufu sent people to travel throughout the Storm Realm, discovered the terrain, and marked them one by one on the Kan map.

"The disciples plan to set up several lower courtyards in these places..."

Li Yuaxu clicked several places with his fingers.

Qin Sang nodded slightly. The places Li Yuaxu chose were places full of spiritual energy and were in special locations. Occupying these places, Qingyang Guan will be fully aware of any disturbances that occur in the Storm Sea, and it has obviously been carefully considered.

"And here," Li Yuaxe pointed to the southwest, the outermost of the three island chains, "This island chain is adjacent to Shengmuyuan, not far apart in the middle. If it is too close, friction will inevitably occur. From the perspective of disciples, It means that the Sea of ​​Storms is enough to accommodate the monks of the three tribes. By not allowing others to establish sects here, we can avoid major conflicts. We only send some monks to stay here all year round to prevent the Changyou tribe from becoming restless."

His proposal was also in compliance with Qin Sang's previous order.

Chief Yuan Xiang’s meaning was obvious. The battle between the Storm Realm and the Changyou Clan was over, unless another second-level Sky Realm powerhouse appeared in the Changyou Clan and took the initiative to attack.

"Is anyone willing to move the mountain gate, or go out to establish a sect?" Qin Sang asked.

The internal and external troubles have all subsided, and the Storm Realm has become Qin Sang's dojo, but there is still the most important step - setting up an altar to teach the Dharma!

The spiritual materials have already been prepared, and we are ready to start building the altar.

Moreover, Qin Sang will rely on the Chuanlu Dharma Altar to rebuild the Five Thunder Courtyard!

One of the purposes of Li Yuaxu's exploration was to find a place suitable for building the altar of Chuanlu.

Qin Sang does not plan to cover the entire Storm Sea for the time being. The Storm Realm monks are basically in the three major areas. This will be the main body of the dojo. After the dojo is completed, it will be expanded outward as appropriate.

However, once the dojo is completed, the Storm Realm will become Qin Sang's dojo, and other sects and monks will look up to him and be supervised and restrained by the Five Thunder Academy.

Immortal cultivators pursue freedom and freedom, but there are always some who do not want to be restrained. Many people have just made meritorious deeds in the war. Qin Sang can't get rid of all the dissidents. Even when Daoting was at its peak, it could not be done, and the collapse of Daoting may have a lot to do with this.

Qin Sang left a way for them. Those who did not want to be restrained could move out of the three major regions. Of course, freedom was only relative, and at the same time, they had to give up some things.

For example, Qin Sang built the altar of Chuanlu Dharma and set up the Five Thunder Courtyard. Those who wished to practice the Lei Dharma could be awarded the Heavenly Heavenly Basilica, regardless of their origins, and selected people to be admitted to the Five Thunder Courtyard as immortal officials. This was equivalent to building a small Taoist temple. Court, those monks and sects who moved out are naturally not qualified.

Even so, some people are willing to give up these and seek freedom.

"The disciples sent messages to contact some sects and monks and inquired about their wishes. Those large sects were more willing to hedge their bets and send some of their disciples out. Most of the people who wanted to move the entire sect to the outer sea were demon sects. Among them, the demon tribe is the most urgent, especially the major water tribes from the East China Sea, who have already chosen a place and are preparing to move their entire clan..."

Li Yufu briefly mentioned the current situation.

Qin Sang was not surprised by this. The Taoist sect was the least friendly to the Demonic sect and the demon clan.

They had decided to leave, and Qin Sang did not force them to stay.

Li Yufu then reported: "Some disciples with outstanding talents have been selected in the sect. When the altar is completed, they will receive the Dharma basket and modify the thunder method, but they are all disciples of the younger generation. The Chongxuan Guan inheritance passed down by the uncle who practiced Junior Brother Shen Chen, Junior Brother Huanhen only has swordsmanship in his heart, and Fellow Daoist Yunu is a demon cultivator, and they are not suitable for practicing the Taoist thunder method."

At that time, Shenxiao had a consensus and the Taoist Court was first established. It brought together many Taoist sects and inherited the power. It was necessary to take into account the forces of all parties, so no one sect could dominate.

The Storm Realm is different. This is Qin Sang's dojo. The Five Thunder Academy was established by him, so naturally he will not hand it over to others. Some key positions must be occupied by Qingyang Temple disciples and Qingyang Temple allies.

"What about yourself? Have you ever considered it?" Qin Sang looked at Li Yuaxe and asked.

At the beginning, although Qin Sang had excellent skills, they were not suitable for Li Yuaxe. What Li Yuaxe cultivated was the inheritance left by Yun Youzi, and he was facing the dilemma of being unable to cultivate. After entering the stage of becoming a god, it was the follow-up exercises that Liuli helped him deduce.

Compared to Dao Ting Lei Fa, the gap cannot be measured.

This inheritance was not created by Yun Youzi, but was born out of the Taiyi Dan Sect. It only needs to be left with successors. There is no need for Li Yufu to stick to it all the time.

Li Yuaxu is not only the successor of Yunyouzi, Qin Sang has already regarded him as his disciple. He may not be as outstanding as Shen Chen and others in some aspects, but he is not bad in talent, mature and prudent, and has the demeanor of a general as a temple leader. He is Qin Sang's favorite and the best person to take charge of the dojo.

It would be a pity if Li Yuaxu ended up in the stage of becoming a god.

Different inheritances have huge differences in potential, and the Daoting inheritance is undoubtedly the most superior one. Moreover, Qin Sang can help him even more by practicing Dao Ting Thunder Technique.

It is foreseeable that the Leifa lineage will become the mainstream and the most powerful lineage of Qingyang Guan in the future.

"Disciple, I respectfully obey my uncle's orders!" Li Yuaxu said respectfully.

"You have the dual spiritual roots of water and wood. The water spiritual root is one of the five elements of spiritual roots that is most suitable for practicing the thunder method. After receiving the magic basket, you will take charge of the Five Thunder Academy on my behalf and temporarily take over the position of deputy envoy of the Five Thunder Academy... …”

Qin Sang explained a few more words, then suddenly sensed something and looked towards the sky.

Li Yuaxu exited the cave and came back after a while, with a solemn look on his face, "It's an urgent message from the Wu clan. Fellow Daoist Fang has exhausted his vitality and has no way to save himself. We will be dispatched soon."

Qin Sang sighed softly, stood up and said, "Let's go see Fellow Daoist Fang off for the last time."

Li Yuaxu responded with a yes, and chanted the formula. A phoenix cry sounded outside the cave, and a colorful phoenix fell in front of the cave, with its body prostrate.

Caifeng was the Phoenix King and had made great contributions in the previous war. Qin Sang thought that she was not the mastermind of the demon rebellion, so he allowed her to leave the demon soldiers and become the mountain guardian spirit beast of Qingyang Temple.

King Huang was also able to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, and volunteered to be the master's mount for three hundred years in order to regain his freedom after three hundred years. As the master of the temple, Li Yufu couldn't leave the mountain without ostentation. After asking Qin Sang for instructions, he agreed to King Huang's request.

The two masters and apprentices flew out of the mountain gate on the colorful phoenix. Qin Sang released his true energy and enveloped the three of them. Their escape speed suddenly increased greatly.

The colorful phoenix flew like lightning, flying over numerous mountains and rivers, and arrived at the sacred mountain of the Wu people.

A young man from the Wu tribe led people to welcome him out of the mountain, his expression full of sadness.

"Are you Daoist Fang's adopted son?" Qin Sang asked.

The young people of the Wu tribe paid homage, "Junior Mingqiu, pay homage to Zhenren Qin and Guanzhu Li!"

"How is Fellow Daoist Fang's condition? Pindao thought it would take twenty or thirty years for Fellow Daoist Fang to..."

Qin Sang said regretfully.

Ming Qiu's face was full of self-blame, "The foster father helped the junior to break through, which led to the premature depletion of vitality... It is the junior's unfilial piety!"

Later, Ming Qiu invited Qin Sang and others into the Holy Mountain and came to Fang Laomo's palace.

Entering the palace, Qin Sang saw Fang Lao Mo sitting on the throne, motionless and could only sense an extremely weak breath.

"Fellow Daoist Fang," Qin Sang called out.

The cicada's wings trembled slightly, and an extremely weak but still heroic laughter came out, "With Master Qin working hard for Fang, what's the point of fearing the Netherworld Road? Ming Qiu!"

"The child is here!" Ming Qiu knelt heavily on the ground.

"From now on, you will be the new Great Priest of the Wu Clan!"

Ming Qiu kowtowed and said sadly, "The child obeys your order!"

"What objections do you have?"

Outside the palace, a group of Wu Clan elders saluted Ming Qiu and said in unison, "Greetings to the Great Priest!"

"Master Qin..."

As if he had consumed a lot of energy just now, Fang Lao Mo paused for a long time and said with difficulty, "Fang has selected some young people with potential according to Master Qin's instructions, and Ming Qiu will teach them in person in the future. And... if the descendants of my clan are not good and offend Master Qin, I hope Master Qin can show mercy and drive them out and let them fend for themselves."

Qin Sang sighed, "Now there is no worry inside the Storm Realm and no trouble outside. I also hope that the three clans can live in harmony and practice the Great Dao together."

Fang Lao Mo is a spirit cicada. His expression cannot be seen, but his cicada wings can be seen gradually drooping down, and his breath is dying.

"Master Qin, do you still remember the Seven Killing Hall?"

Fang Lao Mo's voice became weaker and weaker.

"How could I forget?"

Qin Sang couldn't help but flash through a series of images in his mind.

Fang Lao Mo used to be, and now he is the Great Witch.

Fang Lao Mo's fate should have changed at that time, from the moment he was saved by the Great Witch, right?

After a long silence, Fang Lao Mo's aura almost dissipated, just when everyone thought he had passed away.

"Fang in this life..."

Fang Lao Mo's voice was like a dying whisper.

"I have no regrets! I will not let down the Witch Clan, I will not let down... the Great Witch."

Fang Lao Mo's body shook, and his cicada wings fluttered high, and the long cicada cry resounded inside and outside the Holy Mountain.

The last life turned into a final sound.

It stopped abruptly!

"Adoptive father!" Ming Qiu cried.

"Farewell to the Great Witch!"

Around the Holy Mountain, countless Witch Clan monks who came to kneel on the ground spontaneously and cried out in grief.

In front of the palace, the elders of the Wu clan also knelt down involuntarily, which shows the prestige of Fang Lao Mo.

Li Yufu bowed solemnly.

Qin Sang sighed and murmured: "Fang Daoyou, rest in peace!"

From then on, the world lost another old friend.

The funeral followed Fang Lao Mo's last wish, everything was simple, but etiquette was indispensable, and some important figures had to be invited, such as the overlords of the Storm Realm. Knowing that Qin Sang was also in the Holy Mountain of the Wu Clan, there were far more people who came to pay their respects than expected. Except for those who were in seclusion, all the famous people had basically arrived.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Sang had a brief exchange with various forces, spread some rumors, and let them prepare.

It was not until the end of the funeral that Qin Sang left the Holy Mountain of the Wu Clan and returned to Qingyang Temple.

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