Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 216 An unexpected encounter

The Fire Jade Centipede was born of desire, and was not afraid of fire. It was extremely sensitive to spiritual objects with strong fire energy. The more abundant the fire energy, the more excited the Fire Jade Centipede would be.

The album said that this kind of strange insect is extremely rare in the world of immortality today, and is even suspected to be extinct. I don’t know where Yin Xingge got it. Maybe it was given to him by the Golden Pill Master.

After understanding the characteristics of the Fire Jade Centipede, Qin Sang understood that Yin Xingge originally wanted to use the Fire Jade Centipede to find the Crystal of Qian Yang. Unexpectedly, what he dug out was a demon and his life was lost.

It is not difficult to cultivate a fire jade centipede, but it is not cheap. It requires something rich in fire spirit like dry sun quartz, and each one is expensive.

Fortunately, the Fire Jade Centipede doesn't eat much, and Qin Sangmei put some dry-yang quartz in it, which is enough for it to eat for a long time.

Qin Sang bound the Fire Jade Centipede in the palm of his hand, cut off a small piece of Qianyang Quartz and threw it to it. The Fire Jade Centipede immediately wrapped itself around it and began to eat it.

The Fire Jade Centipede has a unique ability that might be useful in the future, so Qin Sang plans to stay.

After the Fire Jade Centipede had eaten and drank enough, Qin Sang put it back into the spirit beast bag, pushed it out of the cave, greeted the guards of the secret realm, and left the Tianjing Secret Realm, preparing to walk around in person.

The ancient immortal battlefield does not know spring, summer, autumn and winter, and sometimes it is not clear whether it is day or night.

Time flows like water.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years passed by.

An unknown high mountain, with countless cloud beasts entrenched on the mountain.

When the monk saw this situation, his first reaction was to turn around and leave. At this time, there was a figure lurking among the rocks, staring at a deep cave at the foot of the mountain, motionless.

There were nearly a thousand cloud beasts hovering over the entrance of the cave, and their roars were endless and annoying. Time passed little by little, and a full incense stick passed, but the black shadow remained motionless.

Finally, a dozen cloud beasts seemed to be tired of flying, folded their wings, and landed on the ground.

At this moment, the black shadow suddenly stood up and retreated silently. When it stood up, you could see it clearly. It looked like a human, but it looked very scary, with a green face and fangs.

It's actually a zombie!

Under the cover of the rocks, the cloud beast hovering in the sky could not see the zombie's movements, but the cloud beast that had landed on the ground noticed this 'living creature'.

But this 'living creature' did not have the aura of life that they hated most. The cloud beast did not fall into madness, but looked at it curiously, probably thinking that it was just a moving stone.

‘Click! ’

Seeing that the cloud beast did not take the bait, the zombie stepped hard, and the stone pieces under his feet made a slight cracking sound.

At this moment, the cloud beasts suddenly became alert. Two of them couldn't hold it any longer and flew over to take a look, followed by more than a dozen cloud beasts.

After reaching its goal, the zombie immediately accelerated its speed. It seemed to be very familiar with this place and retreated quickly, but it was still covered by the rocks and the cloud beast above could not see it at all.

Finally, after some distance away from the foot of the mountain, the zombie no longer hid, turned around and ran away. The unscrupulous look made the dozens of cloud beasts furious, and they flapped their wings and chased after them.

The wasteland is endless and there is no place to hide. The zombies run away with all their strength, but the cloud beast is faster and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

It didn't take long for the cloud beasts to catch up with the zombies. Amidst the angry screams, they rushed down from the air and tried to tear the little bug that disturbed them into pieces with their sharp claws and sharp beaks.

Unexpectedly, just when they pounced low in the sky and were about to catch the zombies, demonic energy suddenly billowed in the originally empty wasteland, and six huge ghost flags 'grew' out from the ground, just covering these cloud beasts. Within the scope of the flag array.

If you look carefully, you can find that these ghost flags are not the same. Among them, four ghost flags are the thickest. The flagpoles are covered with dense evil patterns and emit a strange light. There are countless evil ghost patterns painted on the flag. These evil ghosts are crowded together, extremely ferocious, vivid, and abnormally evil.

As if coming from the Nine Netherworld, it will break out of the flag at the next moment.

Compared with these four ghost flags, the other two are much weaker and thinner.

'call! ’

The dark demonic energy instantly covered the area, making it impossible to see any fingers. Countless evil spirits roared loudly in the demonic aura and pounced on the cloud beasts inside.

Next to the flag formation, a figure turned from illusory to solid, it was Qin Sang.

He waved his hand to attract the zombies that were used as bait to him, and looked at the battle situation in the Ten Directions Yama Formation with calm eyes.

In the past twenty years, except for three Shadow Guard missions, he basically stayed in and around the Tianjing Secret Realm, hunting cloud beasts, understanding the killing talisman, and practicing at the same time.

He has done this kind of trapping and killing cloud beasts thousands of times and is very skilled at it.

Twenty years seemed to have left no obvious traces on him. The biggest change was that his aura was calmer and heavier than before.

Although he has not yet broken through the middle of the foundation building period, Qin Sang has almost understood the second killing talisman. After understanding the killing talisman, it is only a matter of time before he accumulates enough spiritual power to break through the middle of the foundation building period.

Qin Sang nodded secretly as he watched the process of the Ten Directions Yama Banners killing the cloud beasts.

He has been entrusting the black market to collect soul-refining magic weapons. The possessed evil objects and other gains obtained from hunting cloud beasts in the past twenty years have basically been used to exchange for magic weapons.

Life was tight, but he was able to get by, and he successfully upgraded the four-pole Ten Directions Yama Banner to Dacheng.

Even if only four poles have been improved, the power of the Ten Directions Yama Formation has soared to a higher level. Among these dozen cloud beasts, there are two that are as strong as the monks in the early foundation building stage. They can only struggle to death in the face of the strangulation of the large formation. .

By deploying the Ten Directions Yama Formation and combining it with other means, Qin Sang was confident that opponents in the middle of the foundation building period would not be able to gain favor from him.

Seeing that all the cloud beasts were about to be killed, Qin Sang put away his thoughts, and with a thought, the ebony sword sank into the formation to kill the cloud beasts, while Qin Sang quietly realized the true meaning of the killing talisman.

Soon, more than a dozen cloud beasts were wiped out. Qin Sang repeated his old trick and sent zombies to attract the cloud beasts.

Until late at night, all the cloud beasts hovering at the entrance of the cave were finally wiped out. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Qin Sang sneaked into the cave himself.

There was actually a small vein of fire elemental stone in the cave, which was discovered with the help of the fire jade centipede.

The fire element stone purifies the fire essence and can be used to assist in alchemy. It is not as valuable as Qianyang quartz, but it is also extremely rare. Fortunately, with the existence of this mineral vein, Qin Sang can support the consumption of cultivation.

The mustard seed bag was filled with fire element stones and evil spirits. Qin Sang set off overnight and headed straight to Changyangfang City.

Coming out of the small courtyard, Qin Sang sighed secretly. There were fewer and fewer magic weapons that could be collected on the black market. This time there was only one. It would take a long time to raise all the six poles and ten directions of Yama flags.

Qin Sang shook his head and walked to the Taiyi Dan Pavilion branch. Just as he was about to go in and sell the Huoyuan Stone, a white-haired old man walked out of the store.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Qin Sang felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Immediately afterwards, [Biquge] a long-standing memory suddenly emerged.

Qin Sang's heart was suddenly shocked!

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