Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 255 Little Cleverness

The branches followed closely, and the afterimages shattered one after another, but they still failed to catch Qin Sang.

Qin Sang's figure was erratic, and with the power of thousands of illusory divine sounds, he moved extremely fast. At the beginning, his steps were a bit chaotic, and it seemed that he had difficulty controlling the sudden soaring speed, and he even almost got wrapped up in branches a few times.

But as time goes by, Qin Sang's figure becomes more and more steady. If you look carefully, you can find that the rhythm of his movements is completely consistent with the changes of the branches. Every time the branches try to encircle and suppress him, he avoids it as if he has predicted it in advance.

There were more and more afterimages, like countless clones of Qin Sang. The branches swung more and more violently, and gradually couldn't keep up with Qin Sang's movements. They became tangled together and became a mess.

However, Qin Sang's expression became more solemn.

After a moment, Qin Sang's eyes suddenly lit up, his figure paused, and he retreated.

The moment Qin Sang flew back, a black light suddenly burst out from the tangled branches, shooting out like lightning, like a bottle of ink being thrown out, chasing after Qin Sang.

Because Qin Sang saw the opportunity very quickly and retreated in time, the black light never reached Qin Sang. Finally, it was exhausted and slowly dissipated.

The two dead trees were back to normal again.

Qin Sang looked down at the corner of the cassock. There was a black hole the size of a thumb, and it exuded a foul smell. It was caused by the black light, and it was a flaw left intentionally by Qin Sang.

This made Qin Sang realize the power of black light.

Black light is extremely corrosive and is the most banned killing move here.

After this trial, Qin Sang already understood 70% to 80% of the restrictions.

Fortunately, he had the Tianyin Snail in hand, otherwise he would not dare to test the law like this. Only by himself, observing with naked eyes from outside, the possibility of penetrating the restriction is very slim, and breaking the restriction is even more remote.

Staring at the branches on the dead tree, Qin Sang pondered for a while, and already made plans in his mind to set off again.

The scene is still almost the same as last time.

After being forced back by black light several times in succession, Qin Sang's face became more and more confident.

For the last time, Qin Sang responded to the siege of the dead branches with great calmness, keeping his eyes locked on the depths of the dead branches. At the moment when the black light was born, he suddenly activated the Tianyin snail with all his strength and wrapped it with the power of thousands of illusory divine sounds. whole body, and then made a shocking move.

Ignore the black light coming toward you and rush in!

Qin Sang fell into the boundless darkness, and felt a sharp pain in his body. The omnipresent force squeezed hard towards the middle, crushing him into a pulp. The power of the thousand phantom divine sounds wrapped around his body was compressed to the point of deformation. , but still tough and never broken.

Everything in front of him was obscured by darkness, and his vision returned the next moment.

Qin Sang stepped firmly on the ground, took a quick breath, and turned around to look.

The black light disappeared, and the dead branches drooped down listlessly like dead snakes, revealing a path below.

"Very good! Keep going!"

Old Man Dique's voice came from the Yuan Shen Space. Qin Sang sneered secretly and turned around.

The dead forest seemed to have no boundaries. There was a winding path behind Qin Sang. He could retreat at any time, but there was still a ghost land in front of him.

The layers of restrictions were cracked by Qin Sang, which was not without danger. During this process, he accidentally touched a hidden restriction and was almost sucked into the vortex by the strong suction force.

At that time, the Tianyinluo was restrained. Qin Sang lost a magical weapon and sacrificed a zombie, so he barely managed to buy some time to turn the Tianyinluo upside down and escape from the whirlpool.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a crisis at every step.

Qin Sang's whole body was covered in sweat, his energy was rapidly depleted, and he did not dare to relax at all. He secretly admired Taoist Priest Xuan Yu for not only easily breaking the restrictions, but also having the energy to leave a secret mark.

Along the way, Old Man Dique discovered three spiritual talismans and a hidden restriction.

Taoist priest Xuanyu was extremely cautious.

One of them was cleverly embedded in the restriction. Once the restriction broke out, the talisman would be activated immediately. Fortunately, the old man was not distracted by other things and was able to detect it in time and seal it.

Another layer of restrictions was broken, Qin Sang's expression suddenly relaxed, and the dead forest disappeared!

Finally coming out, Qin Sang used his spiritual power to sweep away the sweat on his body, but the fatigue on his body could not be eliminated. He turned around and looked down. Old Man Dique and Ren Hong had just set off to enter the dead forest.

After they walked out of the dead forest, the three of them continued climbing. After a peaceful journey, they came to a hut. The wooden door of the thatched cottage was ajar, but the inside was filled with dark and yellow light, and the furnishings inside the house could not be seen.

Qin Sang has handed Tianyin Luo to Ren Hong to let him get familiar with it.

The hut was naturally broken into by Ren Hong.

Ren Hong took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to push open the wooden door, and walked in.

Qin Sang's energy was greatly exhausted, so she took the time to sit quietly and recover. I don't know how long it had passed, but Qin Sang suddenly heard the old man Dique sneer.

"Quite clever!"

Before he finished speaking, the wooden door banged.

Ren Hong was wrapped in the Tianyin snail. He was knocked out of the wooden door stiffly and fell hard to the ground. There was a long and narrow knife wound on his chest, and there was a sharp knife qi squirming around the knife edge, causing wanton destruction.

Ren Hong's face was extremely pale, and it was obvious that his injuries were serious and had already affected the inner palace.

Old Man Dique turned a blind eye to the injuries on his body, waved his hand and threw him a jade bottle containing a spiritual elixir, and said coldly: "Take an elixir yourself and take it. I have already prepared enough healing elixirs for you!" Now there are only two of you around the old man, one person per level. As long as you don't die, no one can escape. The power of the restriction will only become stronger and stronger. If you are injured and your strength is greatly reduced, you will die faster! After taking the elixir, you can't run away. Get in."

After saying that, Old Man Dique glanced at Qin Sang, with a hint of warning in his eyes.

Qin Sang knew in his heart that Ren Hong might have been injured intentionally and was discovered by Old Man Dique. No wonder Old Man Dique sneered. Even if there was a restriction, any actions he and Ren Hong made could not be hidden from Old Man Dique's eyes.

After experiencing this incident, Ren Hong also understood this. Without arguing, he silently took the elixir, healed the wound, and pushed the door open.

Not long after, Ren Hong's figure appeared behind the hut.

In this way, one restriction after another was broken by them.

The three of them quietly walked towards the top of the mountain and slowly approached Taoist Master Xuanyu.

Qin Sang and Ren Hong are becoming more and more skilled. Although they are inevitably injured, they can survive every time without any danger. What the old man Dique said is true. The healing elixir in his hand is extremely abundant, and he gives them one after another. Take it without hesitation, as if there is no end to it.

Dark clouds are pressing down on the mountains.

Getting closer to the clouds, Qin Sang's heart seemed to be covered with a layer of dark clouds.

The power of the ban is becoming more and more terrifying.

Although some of the restrictions he passed through along the way impacted his soul, they were all accompanied by other terrifying attacks. Without the protection of Tianyin Luo, Qin Sang would definitely die.

Only when encountering a simple maze, or a restriction that tests one's state of mind, can one gain a little room to maneuver with the help of the Jade Buddha.

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