Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 28 The Crane's Seal

After entering the Dongyang Prince's Mansion, Qin Sang was placed in a small courtyard. He was provided with three meals a day, but was not allowed to go out and wander around.

Qin Sang didn't see Princess Dongyang for several days, nor was she summoned by King Dongyang. During this period, Bai Jianglan only came once.

He came here to seek immortality and waited patiently.

However, this kind of environment is very suitable for cultivation. Qin Sang calmed down and devoted himself to practicing the "Netherworld Sutra".

With the help of soul pills, Qin Sang feels that his cultivation speed is faster than when he was on the first level. If there is no shortage of soul pills, he will probably be able to break through the third level of "Netherworld Sutra" in one year.

Of course, this is just an ideal situation.

Under his crazy cultivation, one soul pill would be exhausted in half a month at most. Qin Sang took two soul pills in a row. When he took the third soul pill, the body of the King of Hell was extremely thin and scattered like a candle in the wind. .

Like this, I'm afraid that if I take another one, the King of Hell will collapse.

Qin Sang was not sure whether the King of Hell would be able to recover after being squeezed dry, and he would not do anything stupid like fishing in the lake. What he was worried about was how to continuously obtain soul pills.

It was difficult for Qin Sang to figure out what the evil spirit was in a short time.

There is an inexhaustible supply of human souls, but he may have to kill one village after another in order to meet the needs of cultivation.

Slaughter of innocent people, not to mention the fact that he felt sad about it. He was so unscrupulous and would be slaughtered by other immortal masters as a demon before his cultivation level improved much. The black-clothed demon was cut into two halves. Qin Sang is still The memory is still fresh.

There was a slight tingling sensation in the meridians. Qin Sang stopped practicing and opened his eyes to find that the sky outside was already slightly brighter. Although he practiced all night, he was still energetic. However, Qin Sang was still used to taking a nap and sometimes slept all day long. He felt That's true rest.

Just as he was about to undress and lie down, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

"Brother Bai, you are here."

Qin Sang opened the door and saw Bai Jianglan standing outside. It was drizzling in the sky. Bai Jianglan was wearing a bamboo hat, a raincoat, and a sword on his back. He looked like a knight walking in the world.

Bai Jianglan entered the room, took off his raincoat, took out a few books from his arms, and handed them to Qin Sang, "Brother Qin, these are some excellent martial arts that the princess asked me to select from the palace arsenal. Since ten months, outside Many important things happened, I followed the princess on the road, and I just came back today."

No wonder no one bothered me for so long.

He practiced hard in the small courtyard for more than a month without leaving the house. Except for the maid who brought food, he never saw a stranger. He was almost isolated from the world, but he didn't know what big things were happening outside?

Qin Sang thought to himself, took it and looked through it. There were three secret books in total.

A copy of "Soul Seizing Gun" is just right for him to use. Although "Fuhu Long Fist" can also be used with a stick, after all, it is only the most superficial kung fu, and it is not a pure marksmanship.

After learning this "Soul Seizing Gun", Qin Sang will be able to use Yama Banners in the future to cover up people's ears more easily.

The second book is "Ming Wang Gong", which is an internal skill and mental method. Qin Sang can't see it at first glance. He plans to study it carefully in the future to see what the difference is with "Netherworld Sutra".

When he turned to the third book, Qin Sang's eyes suddenly lit up. This was a light martial art called "Shadowless Step".

The body is as light as a swallow, flying over the eaves and walking on the wall, treading on the snow without leaving a trace, crossing the river with a reed...

He has coveted the legendary Qing Kung for a long time. Unfortunately, none of the martial arts escort agencies in Sanwu City teaches Qing Kung. At most, there are a few practical footwork.

Seeing Qin Sang's delighted expression, Bai Jianglan also laughed, "I saw that brother Qin was good at using guns and sticks, so I helped you choose this "Soul Seizing Gun". This gun technique was created by a famous martial arts master who used guns." , soul-stirring, extremely exquisite. "Ming Wang Gong" is one of the top internal skills in the world, but it is difficult to achieve results in internal skills. Brother Qin, don't be impatient, you must keep your mind calm and practice patiently. If you can really do it in With the Dantian nurturing a trace of true energy, your martial arts will surely reach a higher level. There is also this "Shadowless Step". Since Brother Qin doesn't know how to use internal energy, I will help you choose it. The ability to breathe and hide is of its own, and when practiced to the depths, it is no weaker than the top Qinggong and Shenfa... Are Brother Qin still satisfied?"

Qin Sang cupped her hands and thanked her, "Thanks to the princess for your kindness, brother, I'm grateful for your trouble. Qin Sang is very grateful."

The two sat across from each other, drinking tea and talking. Bai Jianglan pointed out the key points of the three martial arts secret books to Qin Sang. Qin Sang wrote them down carefully, but he could only truly understand them after practicing.

Speaking of the water monkey's condition, Bai Jianglan's tone became less sad, "Zhou Ning is a child with a cheerful nature and can see clearly. Now that his injury has improved, he can get up and practice swordplay, and he is much more diligent than before. After this catastrophe, If you change your lazy temperament, your martial arts might not be able to improve to a higher level."

Qin Sang nodded in agreement, but he would not take such words of relief seriously. For martial arts people, missing an arm would have a great impact on martial arts.

Bai Jianglan took a sip of tea, looked at Qin Sang and asked, "Brother Qin, do you still insist on your previous idea?"

Qin Sang put down the tea cup, sat upright, and solemnly replied: "Brother Bai, I have admired the immortal way since I was a child, and this heart has never changed!"

A month ago, Bai Jianglan came to the small courtyard to meet Qin Sang and asked Qin Sang about his plans for the future.

Qin Sang knew that Bai Jianglan was testing him on behalf of Princess Dongyang.

King Dongyang's status in the Sui Dynasty was second only to the emperor's, and he was one of the people who had the best chance of contacting the immortal master.

He was grateful to Princess Dongyang for saving his life twice. When he returned to Dongyang County by boat, he could clearly feel that Princess Dongyang valued him very much. Qin Sang had a lively mind and simply pointed out his desire to find a fairy fate.

Not knowing what answer Bai Jianglan would bring him, Qin Sang was secretly nervous.

In fact, Bai Jianglan saw through Qin Sang's thoughts when he was on the boat last year, but he did not expect him to be so determined. He pondered for a moment and said: "Under the ancestral system of the Sui Dynasty, whenever a new emperor ascends the throne and inherits a great treasure, he must go to the pilgrimage mountain in the imperial capital. The enthronement ceremony was held, and the heaven and earth were consecrated to show that the king's power was divinely conferred and that he was appointed by heaven. At that time, the sky was full of fairy clouds and there were bursts of divine music. God sent cranes to carry the emperor's seal, and then he became a true human king."

Qin Sang has understood this. There are many differences between this world and the ancient times in previous lives, but there are also some similarities. For example, the methods of fooling the people are similar.

However, because martial arts and gods actually exist, the methods are more realistic than those done in previous lives.

"Who didn't know..."

Bai Jianglan paused and said: "I have only recently learned that the so-called being ordered by heaven is just an illusion, but the crane's seal is real. However, the imperial seal does not come from heaven, but from the immortal master."

Qin Sang was shocked when he heard this and said in surprise: "Brother Bai, do you need the recognition of an immortal master to be an emperor?"

Bai Jianglan nodded.

Qin Sang frowned, "Then who will be the emperor can't be appointed by the immortal master. Why are we arguing?"

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