Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 286: Three Bows and Nine Kowtows

Yan Wu took the opportunity to escape from the wind mass, and finally entered the wind tunnel at the last moment and escaped from danger.

"Thank you, Senior Yu, for saving your life."

Yan Wu may seem rough and arrogant, but he is also a man who appreciates kindness. He bowed to Yu Kong with a grateful face, and almost burst into tears and prostrated himself on the ground.

It seems a bit exaggerated, but after all, it is a life-saving grace, and everyone can understand it.

After this incident, the others looked at Yu Kong with less guarded eyes.

Luo Xingnan and Sheng Yuanzi's previous words more or less left some seeds of disharmony, but now most of them have been diluted. For a time, the atmosphere in the team relaxed a lot.

Finally, they passed through the formation without any danger and entered the cave. Everyone's mood was settled and they hurriedly observed the cave in front of them.

The wind howled and the rain poured down.

The wind was blowing, the rain was cold, and even though they were all monks, they couldn't bear it anymore, and they all activated their spiritual power to protect their bodies.

What's strange is that after these raindrops fall on them or on the ground, they disappear. It seems to be an illusion, but it is real. You can clearly feel that the raindrops hitting the body have a certain destructive power.

These winds and raindrops are actually manifestations of chaotic spiritual energy. Not all of the cave is filled with heavy rain. In other places, there are fires falling from the sky and yellow sand filling the sky.

There are all kinds of strange phenomena.

The mixed visions blocked the line of sight, so that everyone could only see the shadow of the mountain in front, and could not clearly see the people and buildings on the mountain. The most eye-catching thing was the Patriarch's Hall on the top of the mountain, and only the outline of an ancient palace could be seen.

The mountain is steep and steep, like a sword piercing the sky.

A man-made stone staircase starts from the foot of the mountain and extends to a place where no one can see clearly.

At this time, there were dots of light shining through the rain curtain in some places in the mountain. It was a flickering light. Many people had already entered the cave before them and started their treasure hunting journey.

"These scenes are chaotic scenes caused by the leakage of the power of the guardian formation. Now the formation is at its lowest point. As long as you use spiritual power to protect yourself, there will be no big problem. But it is best to walk up the mountain. Flying to high altitudes can easily cause chaos. You have to use your wits to get involved, otherwise it will take a lot of effort to get out..."

Yu Kong was not in a hurry to climb the mountain, but repeated the things that needed to be paid attention to in the cave, warned everyone, then turned around and pointed behind him.

"Everyone remember where we came in from. Before the trough period is over, the formation will not change much. When you leave from the origin, you will still encounter the same wind gust as before. Everyone is already familiar with the changes in the wind gust. And it’s much easier to go out than come in, and you don’t have to worry about being trapped in the formation.”

Behind them was a chaotic scene formed by boundless clouds, like a huge eye of the wind.

Everyone followed the instructions and remembered the location where they came in.

These are all common sense after entering the cave, and Yu Kong took the trouble to remind them so that no one would make any mistakes.

"There are still a few fellow Taoists who have not replied to Yu." Yu Kong's eyes fell on the sisters surnamed Xiu, the old man Mu Teng and others. "Now that they have entered the cave, I don't know what the plans of these fellow Taoists are. Is it to follow Yu to the mountain?" Lingbao Pavilion later, or do you act alone?"

Qin Sang had already agreed to Yu Kong's invitation and took a step forward to stand behind Yu Kong. Yan Wu also stood over without hesitation, followed by Shangguan Li Feng.

The others looked at each other, hesitating.

Old Man Mu Teng coughed lightly and asked seriously: "Fellow Daoist Yu said before that after entering Lingbao Pavilion, whoever finds the treasure first will get it, and others are not allowed to fight for it. I wonder what Daoist Friend Yu will do if someone sees the treasure and violates it. ?”

Yu Kong looked around and said calmly: "Yu will kill him together with other fellow Taoists. I believe other fellow Taoists, like Yu, despise this kind of petty behavior. If Yu violates the rules, fellow Taoists don't have to worry!"

Hearing this, Old Man Mu Teng's eyes flashed, he nodded, and walked to Yu Kong's side.

Wu Chen struggled for a while and then followed.

There were only three women left. Yue Yaxian smiled charmingly and leaned over pitifully. "The slave family is alone. I can be taken care of by Senior Yu and have a few Taoist friends to help me. It's too late to be happy, so how can I refuse?"

The sisters surnamed Xiu discussed for a while, saluted Yu Kong together, and said with a hint of apology: "We sisters have other goals, but unfortunately we are not in the back mountain and cannot go with Senior Yu. Please forgive me, Senior."

Yu Kong didn't think he was dissatisfied, he stretched out his hand and said calmly: "Yu has said before that you can come and go freely. You two cultivators please do as you wish. I hope you can get what you want."

"Thank you, senior!"

The Xiu sisters handed over their hands and left, disappearing into the rain curtain in front of everyone.

Yu Kong smiled and said: "Although the power of the Returning Formation is greatly reduced due to the absence of two Taoist friends, you are all people with outstanding strength. I believe you will be able to return with a full load this time. Let's go up the mountain as soon as possible, everyone can follow."

After saying that, Yu Kong's figure flashed and rushed into the rain. Everyone hurriedly set up their escape lights and followed closely.

The stone steps are steep, and many places are severely damaged, but they are not obstacles to the immortal cultivators. Everyone followed Yu Kong and rushed towards the mountain. When encountering other people on the road, they all avoided it. Someone is having a conflict here.

Not long after, everyone appeared on the top of the mountain. Just when everyone thought that Yu Kong was going to directly cross the worship hall and run to the back mountain, Yu Kong actually walked straight to the front of the worship hall and walked in.

This made everyone extremely surprised. They didn't know why he wanted to stay in this place that was already confirmed to be ruins.

The worship hall has been turned upside down. No one will waste time here. There is no one in the hall.

It rained heavily outside and the ancient palace was reduced to ruins.

The only clay sculpture was crooked and had been moved from its original place. The color on it had long since peeled off, showing its age, but it could be seen that it was a Taoist.

Yu Kong stood in the main hall, looking up at the crooked clay sculptures. This posture seemed to be on a pilgrimage.

Everyone followed in.

Yu Kong looked at the clay sculpture and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoists, don't be surprised. Yu just remembered what a friend said, you should always feel a little grateful when you receive favors from others. Yu deeply believed this. Last time I was there I got a spiritual elixir here that helped Yu break through to the middle stage. Unfortunately, the owner of the cave is no longer here, and I don’t know his name. Yu has nothing to thank me for. Now that I’m back in the cave, I’ll come in and pay my respects. It won’t take long.”

With that said, Yu Kong walked to the clay sculpture, stretched out his hand to gently straighten the clay sculpture, brushed off the dust on it, and then walked to stand a foot in front of the clay sculpture.

Put your feet together and let your hands hang naturally.

The chin is retracted, the tongue and gums meet, and the chest, top and back are held.

After making some gestures, Yu Kong bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to the clay sculpture!

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, but seeing Yu Kong's serious look, no one said anything to disturb him.

Qin Sang's eyes flickered, and a strange feeling lingered in his heart. He couldn't tell whether Yu Kong was sincere or a traitor!

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