Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 394 Essence and Blood Feeding Ghost

The Five Elements Breaking Spell Sword is a spell designed to break restrictions.

After all, Gu Tiannan was only in the Qi refining period, and the spiritual objects he collected were limited. The five-element spiritual sword he refined to match the spells was not of high quality, and Qin Sang rarely used it later.

Qin Sang had completely mastered the spell. Later, he collected some spiritual materials and asked someone to refining the Five Elements Spiritual Sword. The quality was even better than before.

He has found the key to breaking the ban.

The spiritual swords advanced together, turned into a rainbow, and pierced the barrier.

Waves of spiritual light lit up on the barrier, rippling like running water, illuminating the entire side room in colorful colors.

Qin Sang put Yu Hua behind and focused on the restrictions, not daring to miss every change. He had to control the Five Elements Breaking Sword with extreme precision and use the power of the Five Elements to break through a layer of delicate and complicated restrictions in order to succeed. .

Even so, it took Qin Sang thirty breaths to open the barrier.

Fortunately, Yu Hua was not able to trap Feitian Yaksha yet.

Breaking the ban doesn't seem like a fierce battle on the surface, but the mental drain is no less than the battle just now. One wrong step will cause the ban to counterattack, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

Qin Sang was exhausted both physically and mentally. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned his head to look with an abnormal paleness on his face.

The battle outside is extremely fierce. It is not easy for Yu Hua to concentrate on breaking the restriction under the entanglement of Feitian Yaksha. This restriction should buy him some more time.

Thinking about this, Qin Sang took a step and stared into the darkness in front of him.

The road ahead is uncertain and we don’t know what we will face.

Yun Youzi kept secret about this. He once said that the road ahead was extremely dangerous and Yun Youzi himself was not sure about it, so he asked Qin Sang to leave directly so as not to involve him.

However, several important treasures such as Qin Sang's Silver Sword Talisman, Black Dragon Stone, Soul Binding Cord, and Living Corpse were destroyed one after another. He was running out of gas and faced an almost desperate situation. He could no longer heed Yun Youzi's warning.

Even if it's really a near-death situation, it's still better than now.

Only when the situation is chaotic can we gain a glimmer of hope from the impossibility!

Thinking of this, Qin Sang looked determined, summoned the ebony sword for defense, and walked into the darkness.

The next moment, the world was spinning.

This feeling is very familiar.

Qin Sang's heart moved. Hidden in the darkness, it turned out to be a teleportation array. When his vision returned, Qin Sang found another empty ice palace in his field of vision.

It is completely different from the Ice Palace outside. There are obvious traces of artificial excavation here.

The square ice palace was completely carved out with swords.

There was also darkness behind him, and there was a strange light flowing on the ice wall opposite. Qin Sang could tell at a glance that these restrictions were the function of the solid ice wall, and they seemed to be mainly for the outside world.

Qin Sang quickly observed the environment of the ice palace. He was a little surprised that it was very quiet here and there was no danger as imagined. Then his figure flashed and rushed to the ice wall.

The ice wall is somewhat transparent, and one can barely see the outside environment through the ice wall.

Outside the ice wall, the hurricane rolled up endless wind and snow, which continued to impact the ice wall, and the vision was completely white.

Other than that, there seemed to be no obvious danger, and no ancient beasts could be seen.

Qin Sang's mind was racing, but he did not break the ice wall's restriction and continued to move forward. Instead, he sat down cross-legged against the ice wall, summoned the Ten Directions Yama Banners, and took out something from the mustard bag.

It was the magic weapon of the Ten Directions Yama Banners obtained from Sun De!

Not only did Yu incarnate possess a magic weapon, he also had one!

Qin Sang stared at the huge flag flag and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness. As expected, the magic weapon showed no reaction.

"It seems that we need to set up the formation first."

Qin Sang murmured to himself, looked inside and saw that his injuries had improved a bit, then he waved his hand to create the Ten Directions Yama Formation and arranged the formation in front of him.

"come out!"

Qin Sang shouted low, the Yin Qi shook, and ten main souls appeared from the ghost flags.

At this moment, Qin Sang still couldn't feel the connection between the main soul and the magic weapon.

Do you need blood?

Qin Sang recalled all the details he saw in Youtan. He knew that the Demon Sect had many similar blood refining techniques, but he didn't know whether it was enough to feed ghosts with essence and blood, or did it require the cooperation of secret techniques?

If a secret method is needed, he can only give up the attempt to use the magic weapon, open the restriction, and continue to escape.

Success or failure depends on this!

The spiritual power turned into a small knife and cut Qin Sang's fingertips open.

Qin Sang forced out some blood essence, divided it into ten drops, and flew to the ten main souls respectively.

Sensing the aura of Qin Sang's essence and blood, the main soul was like a nestling bird waiting for food. It couldn't wait to open its big mouth and rush forward to swallow the essence and blood into its belly.

You can clearly see with the naked eye that Qin Sang's blood essence flows into the body of the main soul, and the body surface of these main souls is filled with a faint blood light.

Qin Sang tried to activate the magic weapon, but there was still no response.

It seems that's not enough!

Qin Sang was thoughtful.

In the deep pool, the main soul under Yu Hua's command was almost covered in blood, and the blood on his body was several times richer, so he could barely carry the magic weapon.

Qin Sang's heart skipped a beat. Regardless of his own weakness, he forced out most of the essence and blood in his body and fed it to his main soul.

"Ho! Roar!"

The main soul roared even more excitedly, bloodshot threads began to spread throughout their bodies, and the blood light became more intense.

Qin Sang's abnormally pale skin became as if transparent, but an expression of surprise appeared on his face.

At this moment, he finally felt the response from the magic weapon!

This method works!

Qin Sang was overjoyed, looked down at the magic weapon, suddenly waved his hand to throw the magic weapon, and then forcibly restrained the excited main souls to gather together and work together to lift the magic weapon.

'boom! ’

The extremely powerful aura blasted out from the magic weapon, making people tremble!

The ten main souls struggled to carry the magic weapon and roared with difficulty, but they successfully withstood the pressure of the magic weapon and persisted.

Qin Sang stuffed a handful of elixir into his mouth and quickly focused on the magic weapon.

What surprised him was that there were no billions of living souls in the magic weapon as he had imagined. Instead, it was filled with endless Nine Nether Demonic Flames, covering the sky and the sun, and nothing else could be seen.

I wonder if my cultivation level is too low to detect the full picture of the magic weapon.

This thought flashed through Qin Sang's mind. Time was tight and he didn't delve into it. Being able to control the Nine Nether Demonic Flames was enough!

The mind and the magic weapon were connected, Qin Sang thought, and a whirlpool immediately appeared on the flag, and the Nine Nether Demonic Flames flew out of the whirlpool, gathered into one, and revolved around Qin Sang.

The power of the Nine Nether Demonic Flames was extremely terrifying. Qin Sang had no doubt that if it were restrained by illegal weapons, he would be easily burned to ashes.

At this time, Jiuyou Demon Flame was very obedient and allowed Qin Sang to control him.

At the same time, Qin Sang also knew how terrifying the consumption of the magic weapon was, like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring his spiritual power. Fortunately, his injuries were partially recovered, and he took a few spiritual pills in advance to survive.

That's not a bad thing, though.

It shows that Yu Hua cannot use the magic weapon for a long time!

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