Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 464: Jingshi

Many light groups have been entangled with the restriction, regardless of each other.

Once these Star Essence Stones are forcibly taken away, the entire body may be affected, and the restrictions may undergo unknown changes.

Time is limited, and Granny Jing is unable to stabilize the restraint, so she warns Qin Sang not to cause trouble, because if the space of Zhitian Peak collapses, they will not be able to escape.

No wonder Deputy Island Master Xiao has not mentioned this matter before. It is difficult to remove the star essence stones that are entangled with the restriction with only the spirit lock bracelet. Only the star spirit network can do it.

"Go in here."

Grandma Jing did not choose to walk up the waterfall and leave the grassland along the waterfall that seemed the safest.

Instead, he raised his hand and pointed at the stone path leading to the forest. Seeing Qin Sang's hesitation, he said calmly: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han, I will show you how to pass through the restriction. The star yuan stones collected along the way are enough for you to defeat the others." .”

The light in the forest was dim and the silence was almost breathtaking.

But it's not quiet. There are colorful light spots beating inside, as if there are countless spirits, but in fact they are fluctuations caused by forbidden fragments.

The glow on the top of the tree is just a part of the restricted fragments in the forest, and it is everywhere inside. Because of the existence of these restrictions, it can be said that it is difficult to move in the forest.

In the end, Qin Sang chose to trust Granny Jing.

When he was about to enter the forest, Qin Sang raised his head as much as possible and looked upward.

The height of Tianfeng Peak is far beyond imagination, and the shadow of the towering mountain reaches straight into the sky.

Qin Sang vaguely saw a flying peak like a goshawk, which was one of the few symbols on the Tianzhi Peak that Deputy Island Master Xiao had said.

Seeing Feilai Peak here means that he should be halfway up the Zhitian Peak.

To be honest, his luck wasn't the best.

It means that the light clusters on Tianfeng Peak are distributed regularly. The closer to the top of the mountain, the greater the number of light clusters and the more dangerous they are.

The restrictions and terrain there are more dangerous and complex, but there are also many light groups that are not entangled by the restrictions and are easy to collect.

Unlike here, there is not a single light group in this huge grassland.

An hour is neither short nor long.

Looking at the surrounding terrain alone, without Grandma Jing and the Star Spirit Network, Qin Sang has a chance to get the reward, but if he wants to win the leader, he must make up his mind and enter the forest regardless of his own safety.

Only by collecting the star stones one by one in the cracks of the restriction can there be a glimmer of hope.

Of course, there is another way, provided that you can meet someone else.

One step into the forest.

Qin Sang's eyes suddenly lit up, and half of his face was dyed red and half blue.

The source of the light is the glow between the two ancient trees in front. The green and red glow are squeezed together, but they do not blend with each other, forming a distinct thin line in the middle.

They seemed to regard each other as enemies, refusing to give in to each other, but they were bound in this space and could only squeeze each other. Sometimes the green light had the upper hand, and sometimes the red light swallowed up a piece of the green light.

Qin Sang ducked in front of the two-colored glow and heard Granny Jing say: "Take away the Xing Yuan Stone above."

Hearing this, Qin Sang raised his head and noticed that there were five light groups floating between the treetops of these two ancient trees.

As luck would have it, three of them were floating on the edge of the two-colored glow.

The other two are just embedded in the gap between the two colors of rays of light, swaying with the rays of light.

"Don't move the two in the middle," Granny Jing added.

Qin Sang understood in his heart that the two light groups in the middle were deeply involved in the restriction. Once they were taken away, the two colors of rays of light were likely to clash violently.

He gently raised his palm upwards, and the ball of silk threads in his palm flew toward the treetops. After leaving Qin Sang's palm, it quickly stretched out and turned into a fine net.

Qin Sang had already refined the Star Spirit Net to his heart, and quickly completed the seal. Then he saw that the Star Spirit Net had approached the three light groups and opened into a large net, just covering them within the net.

'call! ’

The Star Spirit Network burst into flames and rushed towards the three light groups without hesitation.

Under Qin Sang's precise control, the Xingling Network did not touch the two-color glow.

The light group has no entity, it is just a clear starlight condensed by the power of stars. If it were not for special magic weapons such as the Star Spirit Net and the Soul Locking Bracelet, it would only pass through the light group.

It is impossible to condense into a star stone.

At the moment when it was enveloped by the Star Spirit Net, Starlight seemed to have encountered a nemesis. The light fluctuated erratically. It tried to resist or escape, but was unable to break free from the constraints of the Star Spirit Net.

The Soul Locking Bracelet can only capture one light group at a time, and the Soul Locking Bracelet is far less powerful than the Star Spirit Net. It is very difficult to suppress a group of starlight, and the user needs all the help.

If you can't suppress the light group, you have to give up decisively. Otherwise, if the restriction is triggered when the light group resists, the fragile soul locking bracelet will not be able to block the impact of the restriction.

Even if he uses the Star Spirit Network, Qin Sang must be careful when being resisted by the light group.

Fortunately, he had good control and was able to restrain all three light groups without any danger.

Under the continuous suppression of the Star Spirit Network, the resistance of the light group became weaker and weaker, its size became smaller and smaller, and the starlight slowly compressed inward.

Gradually, the light group turned into an irregular small crystal bead.

'call out! ’

The Star Spirit Net wrapped three crystal beads of similar sizes and flew back to Qin Sang's palm.

This is the Xing Yuan Stone.

It's called a stone, but it's actually a pearl.

Qin Sang felt a cold feeling in the palm of his hand. The star stones were very light, like catkins, almost weightless, but very hard. Qin Sang could not crush them even if he squeezed them tightly with his fingers.

As his spiritual consciousness swept over the Xing Yuan Stone, Qin Sang could only feel an indescribable ethereal meaning. This was a strange object that Qin Sang had never seen before.

Can you use them to set up a formation?

Qin Sang was curious, but knew it was not the time to look through them, so he immediately put them into the special pocket issued by Stargazing Island, held the Star Spirit Net tightly, and turned to look at Granny Jing.

Only a few breaths of time passed from the launch of the Star Spirit Net to the capture of the Star Essence Stone. It was faster than imagined and much more efficient than the fragile Soul Locking Bracelet.

Thinking of the two spiritual objects waiting for him outside, Qin Sang felt extremely comfortable.

Grandma Jing had known the power of the Star Spirit Network for a long time. Her eyes did not waver as she stared at the gap between the two colors of rays of light. She raised her jade finger lightly and said, "Enter from here!"

The time was too short, and Qin Sang could not see through the details of this forbidden fragment, so he could only follow Granny Jing's order.

The ancient trees in the forest are not densely packed and extend in all directions, but Granny Jing insists on choosing this most dangerous road.

If she wanted to harm me, there would be no need to go to such trouble!

This thought flashed through Qin Sang's mind, and she followed Granny Jing's order without hesitation. Her figure flashed, turning into a stream of light and rushing into the gap between the two colors of glow.

At this moment, two extremely terrifying pressures suddenly appeared on Qin Sang's left and right sides. If this kind of pressure came on him, the robe would not be able to hold on for even a moment, and he would be crushed into a pulp immediately.

Fortunately, the moment he felt the pressure, Qin Sang had already passed through the gap between the two colors of glow and appeared on the other side.

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