In the early morning of the next day, after seeing the rising sun, Qin Sang returned to the cave, took the treasure left there with him, and then closed the cave again, allowing the Nine Fantasy Orchid to grow quietly.

When passing by the island, he didn't see Yun Youzi and Li Yuaxu, so he left a transmission note on it and agreed with Yun Youzi to meet here in a month.

Yun Youzi's whereabouts were also uncertain. The two discussed communicating through this island, and Qin Sang tried to stay as long as possible.

After that, Qin Sang returned to the Earth Sinking Cave and summoned the Flying Yaksha from the earthly evil spirit.

The evil spirit of the earth is rolling.

A demonic shadow that seemed to be born in the netherworld slowly emerged from the evil spirit.

Even when it saw its owner, there was no expression on its face.

It has been almost a year since he put Feitian Yaksha in the sinkhole to recover on his own. During this period, Qin Sang concentrated on preparing to form the elixir and never came to see him.

From the outside, the wound on Feitian Yaksha's Dantian has been closed, and all the external injuries on his body have recovered. His body is no longer as shriveled as when he was first injured. It looks like he is in good condition.

But when Qin Sang's spiritual consciousness penetrated Feitian Yaksha's Qi Sea, he was disappointed to find that Feitian Yaksha's Corpse Pill was still full of cracks and dim.

It looks like almost nothing has changed from a year ago.

Qin Sang frowned secretly. After carefully checking Feitian Yaksha's golden elixir, he realized that it was not that there was no improvement, but that the process was slow and could not be seen without careful identification.

If there are signs of improvement, it means you have chosen the right method of healing.

But the recovery speed is too slow!

"Three years..."

Qin Sang muttered something silently, frowning.

Three years later, Ziwei Palace will be opened.

If he cannot form the elixir, Feitian Yaksha will be his biggest support in dealing with danger, and he must bring it with him no matter what.

"That's not necessarily impossible..."

Qin Sang suddenly realized that he had gone too far.

Feitian Yaksha's recovery was slow in the first year because the injury was too serious. The initial stage was definitely the most difficult, and the recovery speed should be faster and faster in the future.

Moreover, after Feitian Yaksha's injury is half improved, he will not be afraid of accidentally destroying Feitian Yaksha's corpse elixir. He can try to control Feitian Yaksha to speed up the speed of swallowing the earthly evil energy, which may help to improve the injury.

However, this way, his plan will not be able to get the help of Feitian Yaksha.

After checking, Qin Sang put Feitian Yaksha back into the sinkhole.


Xianglong Mountain.

The fog formation halfway up the mountain has persisted for hundreds of years, making it impossible for ordinary people to enter the mountain and think it is a miracle.

It is widely rumored that this mountain is where immortals reside, and it is a fairy mountain known to everyone within hundreds of miles. In the past hundred years, the name of this mountain's immortals has not only spread throughout Guyuan Kingdom, but also to people outside Guyuan. Hear.

There is an endless stream of people seeking immortality.

In the past hundred years, the village in front of the mountain developed into a town. Gradually, the town could no longer accommodate so many seekers. The leader of Guyuan Kingdom actually ordered the construction of a city at the foot of Xianglong Mountain.

As time goes by, a small city rises from the ground.

And the king personally chose a very popular name - Xianyuan City.

Due to its location, Xianyuan City is very close to the capital of Guyuan Kingdom, and it is not a dangerous place. An acropolis stands abruptly, and new merchants can't help but ask curious questions.

Although no one has ever obtained immortality in this mountain, there are countless legends spread from Immortal City, and new tricks are created every year.

This year Zhang San was favored by the immortal master and was taken up the mountain; next year Li Si was recruited by the fairy as a Taoist companion because of his handsome appearance; there are also Taoist boys, medicine-gathering boys, and medicine-refining boys...

There are many, many, many, and every paragraph is an extremely beautiful story.

The twists and turns are bizarre and fascinating.

It makes people fascinated and can't wait to replace it.

In previous years, only common people and immortal seekers would kneel down at the foot of the mountain and pray for the blessings of immortal gods during every solar term.

Five years ago, Guyuan Kingdom suddenly designated Xianglong Mountain as a holy mountain and set up an altar on Xianglong Mountain. Every winter solstice, the king personally dragged his old body up the mountain to offer incense and preside over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky.

After the sacrifice to heaven is completed, the king will retreat to the left and right sides and stay alone at the altar for an hour.

Every time, I go down the mountain with a disappointed look.

The winter solstice has just passed this year. What is unusual is that the person who presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was replaced by the prince. Snowflakes started to fall on the night of the winter solstice, and it was suddenly cold overnight.

The earth is covered with silver.

The next morning.

The residents of Xianyuan City got up early to clean the snow in their courtyards, while their children played wildly in the snowdrifts. There were not so many merchants entering the city today. There were only a few people on the street, except for the charcoal seller who was shouting.

Xianyuan City is located due west of Xianglong Mountain. The main street in the city is opposite Xianglong Mountain, so this street runs east-west. The west is connected to the west gate of Xianyuan City, and a straight gravel road outside the city leads directly to the capital.

At this time, a young Taoist priest came from the east on the street.

He was wearing a clean old Taoist robe. It had snowed and the sky was clear. Some of the snow on the street had begun to melt. There were specks of mud on his leggings, but this did not affect the impression of a Taoist priest.

He looked young, only about twenty years old, but he had a temperament that no one could ignore.

This person is Qin Sang.

He returned to Xianglong Mountain and read all the transmission notes in Huilong Temple. He found that there was nothing urgent. Remembering Qi Yuanshou's suggestion, he escaped into the city, put on an ordinary Taoist robe, and pretended to be a mortal Taoist priest.

He didn't use his spiritual power and walked in the snow and mud, not caring about the dust. He looked aimlessly, looking left and right, not knowing what he wanted to see.

At this time, he had realized that he had gone down the mountain at the wrong time.

It's a cold winter, and ordinary people rarely go out. There are only a few people on the streets. Even if you want to see the world, you can't find those many people.

"Little Taoist priest..."

Qin Sang strode along the street, thinking whether he should go to the capital, where there should be more people.

Suddenly a call was heard.

Qin Sang looked around and saw that he was the only Taoist priest on the street. Following the sound, he saw the door of a courtyard beside the street was half open, and an old woman in front of the door was waving to him.

The old woman was wrapped in an old cloth jacket, which was patched layer by layer, but it was neat and clean.

Her face was covered with wrinkles, and she looked like she was probably over seventy years old. However, with Qin Sang's eyesight, he could see that the woman was not that old in real age. She was aging prematurely due to a difficult life.

"Little Taoist priest, are you also seeking immortality?"

The old woman took a step outside, but her foot slipped. She quickly held on to the wall and greeted Qin Sang warmly, "It must be too cold to go down the mountain this early in the morning. Who would have thought that the snow would come so early this year! I haven't eaten yet. Right? I just made it at home, come here to have something to eat and warm yourself up."

Qin Sangzheng didn't know where he was going, but after a change of thought, he nodded, walked over, and saluted: "Thank you female benefactor. Xiaodao is indeed hungry, so it is better to be respectful than to obey."

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