Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 562: The Demon Clan’s Treasure

At the moment when Tianmen appears.

Dozens of figures flew out from the warship and the four-colored clouds one after another and stood in front.

Among them, Xiaohanyu and Tianxing Alliance each accounted for half, headed by Master Zhenyi and the red-haired ancestor respectively. In the middle of them, stood a strange-looking man in feathers.

This person has a slender figure, slender eyes, an underturned nose, and a somewhat feminine look in his eyes. He is wearing an unusually exquisite robe, colorful, as if it is woven with pieces of beautiful feathers.

On his head, he wears an exquisite crown. The crown is full of jewels, but if you look closely, you will be surprised.

The skeleton of the crown was actually made of the white bones of an unknown monster. However, Bai Sensen's stubble was covered by the precious light.

This kind of attire does not look like that of a monk, but more like that of a mortal prince.

"Tianmen is here. Without further ado, please ask the Feathered Demon King to use the noble treasures to find out the weakest point of the Immortal Formation as soon as possible," said the red-haired ancestor and Zhenyi Old Master to the man in feathers.

He is actually the Demon King of Tianyaoqiu!

The man in feathers tilted his head slightly, took off the crown, and said: "I will begin now, fellow Taoists, please take a step back."

The red-haired Ancestor, Master Zhenyi and others stepped back one after another.

The man in feathered clothes stood alone at the front and waved back.

Two monks with the same strange appearance flew forward, one male and one female, who were also the Demon King of Tianyao Qiu. They stood between the human monks and the man in feathers, watching the human monks warily.

After a moment, the man in feathers flew forward for a distance, getting closer to the eye of the storm. Only when he could no longer withstand the chaotic power emanating from the eye of the storm did he stop and look up at the sky.

After watching for a long time, the man in feathers suddenly threw up the crown in his hand, muttering something in his mouth, a faint look of pain flashed across his face, and then he opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of blood.

Impartially, it falls right on top of the crown and is absorbed completely by the crown.

After swallowing the blood, the crown glowed with strange light.

In an instant, countless strange lights of different colors shone out, thousands of rainbows, not only the crown itself could not be seen, but even the man in feathers was shrouded in strange lights.

At this moment, an unusually sharp cry suddenly came from the center of the strange light, and even the roar of the wind and cloud cyclone could not suppress it.

Along with the increasingly louder chirping, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the depths of the strange light.

The phantom golden rooster is independent, like a divine bird. Because of the layers of strange light blocking it, it is impossible to tell what race it is.

However, the powerful aura emanating from that divine bird could not be concealed by the strange light. All those present were Nascent Soul cultivators, all of them looked solemn, even the red-haired ancestor and Zhenyi.

‘Bah! ’

The divine bird let out a scream, suddenly spread its wings and flew high into the sky, rushing towards the eye of the wind without fear of death.

How could Fengyan be so easy to break into?

The chaotic power inside, like countless sharp swords, strangles the divine bird. Even as strong as the divine bird, it is difficult to resist. As it flies along, countless light shavings scatter, like feathers that have been chopped into pieces, leaving a path like the tail of a comet.

But it showed no fear and moved forward bravely, its eyes extremely bright and piercing.

The eye of the storm also began to be affected by the divine bird.

The divine bird cut into the eye of the storm with strong power, and the scattered clouds were stirred by the divine bird and began to radiate to other places.

However, this did not prevent the demise of the divine bird. Its body became smaller and smaller, and it was about to be completely strangled by the eye of the wind.

Suddenly, the divine bird let out a long cry.

Its body burst into flames.

While his spiritual thoughts were actively burning his body, his eyes suddenly shot out two substantial gazes, like two sharp swords, piercing deeply into the depths of the eye of the wind.

'boom! ’

The eye of the storm shook wildly, and strange phenomena suddenly appeared.

Under the Tianmen, mysterious runes appeared out of thin air, and their existence was very short, fleeting.

This time, the divine bird made the immortal formation appear!

As the divine bird disappears.

The strange light suddenly dispersed, revealing the man in feathers and the true form of the crown.

The man in feathered clothes stretched out his hand to grab the crown, his figure flashed, and he quickly retreated. The other two demon kings immediately stepped forward to respond, protecting him on the left and right, and flew back together.

The man in feathers looked abnormally pale, and the originally radiant crown also dimmed a bit.

It seems that driving that magical bird is not easy.

"Every time I use this treasure, I have to swallow most of my essence and blood first. With my cultivation level, I can hardly control this treasure. I can only do it at the cost of damaging the origin of the treasure. After returning, I have to warm it for a long time before it can recover. .”

The man in feather clothes took a green elixir, and his complexion recovered a bit. He sighed softly, turned around and pointed at the eye of the storm, "Thank you for your honor! You fellow Taoists have already seen it. That is the most vulnerable point of the immortal formation. It won’t change within a stick of incense.”

The red-haired ancestor and Zhenyi looked at each other, cupped their hands and said: "Let the Feather Demon King worry, the noble treasure is really extraordinary! Without the help of the noble treasure, the Little Beichen Star Formation alone will never be able to break through the immortal formation. A noble treasure, I don’t know how many precious spiritual materials it has saved us!”

The Feather Demon King waved his hand and said calmly: "The ancestors who led our clan back then were able to gain a foothold in the Lesser Cold Territory and fully help break the Ziwei Palace Immortal Formation. This was one of the conditions set with your human clan. Of course we, the descendants of the saint clan, will I will abide by the agreement and do my best to help you break the immortal formation. What's more, we can also benefit from entering Ziwei Palace. I have just taken the healing elixir and need to adjust my breath for a while to refine the elixir's power. Please do so."

The Feather Demon King flew back to the colorful monster alone, but the other two demon kings stayed behind.

The red-haired ancestor and the old Taoist Zhenyi both stepped forward, and at the same time, one person came out from behind them, namely Leng Yuntian of the Yuan Mirage Sect, and a young Taoist priest wearing a black and yellow Taoist robe.

The four people discussed briefly, then suddenly separated, each occupying a corner and sitting cross-legged in the void.

Others also flew forward and formed a ring around the four of them, also sitting cross-legged and closing their eyes.

The qi machines of all the Nascent Soul cultivators are integrated into one.

Then, the red-haired ancestor and Zhenyi took out a bag at the same time and threw it into the sky.


There was just a tinkling sound, and tens of thousands of crystal beads flew out of the bag, reflecting dazzling light, rushing out like water, and forming a stream in the air.

These beads are the star stones collected by the two realms.

The red-haired ancestor and the old Taoist Zhenyi chanted the secrets together.

These star stones began to look very scattered. Under the tug of the two, they flew to the middle of the four of them and gathered into a ball in the sky, hovering motionless.

The red-haired ancestor shouted softly: "Fellow Taoists, it's time to start!"

Leng Yuntian and the yellow-robed Taoist priest looked stern and hurriedly settled down, fully cooperating with them in setting up the formation.

All of a sudden, one after another seals were formed on the fingertips of the four people, flying towards the star stone balls continuously. Each seal could pull out several star stones, varying in number.

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