Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 6 Living Immortal

Qin Sang was silent, touched his chest, stared into Bai Jianglan's eyes persistently, and said, "Brother Bai, you haven't said yet, if I learn martial arts now, will I be able to succeed?"

Bai Jianglan was a little surprised and said with a smile: "What do you think is success?"

Qin Sang asked tentatively: "Refining internal power?"

Bai Jianglan shook his head, "Difficult!"

Qin Sang thought of the scene that Bai Jianglan insisted on leaving behind, and said, "What about the thieves who can kill evildoers?"

"The thieves also have people with strong martial arts skills, but..."

Bai Jianglan's expression moved slightly, "It's rare that you have this intention. If you really want to learn it, I can teach you a few moves of "Fuhu Long Fist" to teach you some self-protection. This Kung Fu is not a profound martial arts. It is the most common fist and kick technique in the martial arts world, and it can also be performed with a gun and a stick, and most bodyguards can perform several techniques."

Qin Sang was overjoyed and bowed down, "Qin Sang kowtows to thank my mentor!"

"Don't be too polite!"

Bai Jianglan pulled Qin Sang up with a smile, "Three Witches City will be here soon. I can only teach you three moves. From now on, the world will be different. It's hard to see each other again. I don't dare to call myself a teacher. You and I are still brothers. This sect "Fuhu Changquan" has ten moves in total. If you can really persevere, you can find a martial arts school to learn the next seven moves. However, don't despise the rudimentary kung fu. Although it is a rudimentary kung fu, if you practice hard and practice hard, your understanding will be improved. If it is enough, you can achieve great things. It is said that there was a wizard in the martial arts who used the simplest "Arhat Fist" to develop a powerful body of Qi. Of course, he is the only one."

"Watch it!"

"The first move, the angry dragon goes out to sea..."

"The second style, the fist reaches the sky..."

"The third form, King Kong Crouching on the Tiger..."

"Fuhu Changquan" is indeed superficial, especially the first three moves. Bai Jianglan memorized the moves and formulas after practicing Qin Sang twice.

When it was Qin Sang's turn to fight, he realized that there was something going on inside, and it was far from being as simple as it seemed. He and Bai Jianglan seemed to perform the same move exactly the same, but they were full of mistakes in their exertion.

Next is the process of directing strength and correcting mistakes. Fortunately, the first three movements of "Fuhu Changquan" focus on the arms and fists. The footwork is not complicated, and Qin Sang's injured leg has little impact.

"Pay attention! Pay attention to your figure. Is there a King Kong like you?"

"Moves are for the outside, strength is for the inside. If you use the wrong strength, you will never be able to develop your inner strength in your life!"

When it came to teaching martial arts, Bai Jianglan showed no mercy, and scolding was taken lightly.

After those people finished practicing, they gathered around and laughed and watched the fun. Qin Sang was slapped on the back several times and did not dare to be distracted anymore. By the time of meal, he had mastered all three postures.

After dinner, the sun came out, and the fog on the river became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye. Suddenly someone on the bow of the boat shouted, "Three Witches City has arrived!"

Qin Sang stood up holding the side of the ship and saw the mist in the middle of the river dispersed into the green mountains. The exposed river was lined with ships of all sizes, stretching as far as the eye could see. The glow of the morning sun was flowing in the river, and the scenery was extremely magnificent.

In the center of the gathering of ships, the first ferry should be on the shore. It is said to be a ferry, and it is almost the same size as a town, several times bigger than the small town where Qin Sanwa works.

It’s hard to imagine what a majestic city Sanwu City behind the ferry is!

The boat moved forward in a low-key manner. The water monkey jumped to the bow of the boat and waved flags. He waited for a small boat to come gently by, negotiated the price with the boatman loudly, turned around and shouted: "Brother Qin, get off the boat!"

It's time to disembark.

"See you later!"

Although the time with Bai Jianglan and others was brief, Qin Sang felt extremely reluctant to leave. After saying goodbye one by one, he tied the basket with a rope and put it on the small boat, and watched the big boat leave.

The water monkey was still waving at the bow of the boat.

"Is this your first time coming to Three Witches City, young master?"

The boat shuttled swiftly in the river and slowly approached the ferry. The man holding the boat was an old man. Seeing that Qin Sang had been looking at the ferry with his head propped up, he started talking to him.

Qin Sang withdrew his gaze, looked at the old man, and joked: "Boatman, my surname is Qin, I don't dare to be a young man. I'm here to see the gods. Judging from your skills, you have been running boats on the river for many years. Have you ever Have you ever seen a god?"

The old man laughed heartily, "Brother Qin, please don't make fun of me. I have been sailing with my parents since I was eight years old. I have been running on the river for more than fifty years, but I have never seen any gods. Brother Qin , are you coming to Sanwu City to do business, to visit relatives and friends, or to find a way to make a living? This little old man has been all over Sanwu City and beyond, maybe you can help out a little."

"Look at my leg," Qin Sang lifted the injured leg and said with a wry smile, "I can't stand firm now and don't want to think about anything. Let's heal the leg first. I don't know where there is a miracle doctor at the ferry. Please tell me. Please give me some advice, sir.”


The old man lowered his head and looked at Qin Sang's legs carefully, shook his head and said: "The miracle doctors are all in the city treating the nobles, so why would they stay at the ferry? It's still thirty miles from here to Sanwu City... But the old man knows a few of them. The old man has a good reputation at the ferry. If you can trust me, I will take you there..."

While they were talking, the dock appeared in their sight. The ferry was crowded with people. Most of them were in ragged clothes and they were noisy and chaotic.

Qin Sang was surprised and said: "There are so many people at the ferry?"

"Brother Qin doesn't know something..."

The old man looked pitiful and sighed: "In the past, the ferry was not so lively. Recently, many people fleeing from the north came from the north. They said that there was a severe drought in the north and there was a locust plague. There was no grain harvest in the fields. I heard that some people were raising flags to rebel, and military disasters were everywhere. . They are all poor people who cannot survive in their hometown and have no choice but to flee south. To be honest, little old man, I am almost sixty. I have seen similar scenes several times, but I have never seen such a world. Not only the Once at the ferry crossing, the following crossings were crowded with poor people looking for a living. Dozens of people were vying to be the poorest trackers. Not to mention outside the Three Witches City, everyone said that the new emperor was stupid and ignorant..."

The old man suddenly shut up and glanced at Qin Sang with a stern expression.

Qin Sang didn't take it seriously and looked at the dock while holding the side of the boat. As the old man said, 90% of them were poor people with yellow faces and skinny muscles.

The old man was speechless and hurriedly changed the subject, "Brother Qin, when we talked about poor people, the little old man suddenly remembered. The little old man has never seen a real immortal, but he has heard that there is a living immortal in the Qingyang Temple in Cuiming Mountain! "

Qin Sang exclaimed, "What kind of living god?"

Seeing that Qin Sang's attention was indeed attracted, the old man said with a smile on his face, "Speaking of this living god, he has a good reputation in the neighborhood. He refers to the Taoist Master Jixin of Qingyang Temple. Is there any Taoist temple on Cuiming Mountain? Young Master, Qingyang Temple has never been famous. Later, the Master of Qingyang Temple appeared and its reputation became bigger. Speaking of Master Qingyang Temple, the most famous thing is his benevolence as a saint. It is true to say that he is a living god. "

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