Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 617: Insect Gu

Qianhu Village is surrounded by rivers.

This is the largest river in the vicinity, flowing from north to south, and is called Qingyi River.

At night, there are several boats floating on the Qingyi River, and there are good people keeping watch to prevent wild beasts or enemies from breaking into Qianhu Village.

The river Qin Sang was rafting on was a tributary of the upper reaches of the Qingyi River. It originated from deep mountain streams and finally merged into the Qingyi River. There were countless similar tributaries.

During the rafting process, Qin Sang was sometimes unconscious and sometimes awake, but he still remembered the general direction.

The cold dew in the middle of the night was heavy and wet, but Qin Sang's physical injuries had recovered and he could bear it, so he let Feitian Yaksha release his speed and fly.

The place where the bag of spirit beasts was lost was further away from Qianhu Village than they remembered. Qin Sang and Feitian Yaksha walked and walked, searching for spiritual veins suitable for retreat.

Unexpectedly, this place was far poorer than Qin Sang imagined. In the middle of the night, after walking so far, he could only find a few small and insignificant spiritual veins, which were unfit for use.

Leaving the Qingyi River, the villages became increasingly rare, and there were no traces of people in the deep mountains and old forests.

Qin Sang looked carefully and found the small river where he drifted down. He flew along the river and in the early morning, he finally arrived near the location where the spirit beast bag was lost.

After arriving at the puddle, Qin Sang looked carefully and saw that the man in animal skin had been devoured by the blood-winged ghost-headed wasp, leaving no bones or residue.

I searched around wider, but there was no sign of the corpse bag.

Qin Sang recalled the scene that day.

He was only focused on escaping and did not see where the man in animal skin threw the body bag before he died. If he fell into the river, he would have been swept into the Qingyi River and would not be found.

Fortunately, there were no other strange insects in the spirit beast bag except the Blood-winged Ghost-headed Wasp, otherwise Qin Sang would really feel distressed for a while.

Unlike that day when it was full of life, the mountains on both sides of the river were completely silent at this time. Not a single sound of birds or beasts could be heard, not even the chirping of insects.

Such an abnormal situation must be caused by the Blood-winged Ghost-headed Wasp, as all the creatures on the mountain were eaten up.

Qin Sang jumped onto Feitian Yaksha and was about to follow the traces of the Blood-Winged Ghost-headed Wasp. Suddenly, he saw a green light like fireworks lighting up on a mountain on the west side. It was fleeting and he heard a few faint shouts. .

"Is there anyone?"

Qin Sang frowned and ordered Feitian Yaksha to take him into the dark and approach quietly.

"These strange bees are afraid of my will-o'-the-wisps! Priests, you use insect poison to lure the strange bees down, and I will ignite fire to burn them to death and take away the hive."

Three figures gathered in a mountain col, gathering their breath and looking at the cliff in the distance.

The corpses of two Blood-winged Ghost-headed Wasps were scattered around them. Judging from the marks on the corpses, most of them were burned to death.

At this time, there was a constant buzzing on the cliff, and a large group of Blood-winged Ghost-headed Wasps were still circling and flying, forming a large blood cloud. At a rough count, there were more than two hundred of them.

They were hovering on the cliff, as if they were protecting something. After a closer look, I realized that there was a black ball-like honeycomb on the cliff.

The three people didn't realize that someone was looking at them in the woods not far away.

The person who spoke was a young man with pale skin.

He was wearing a black robe, with a strange pattern on the back of the robe outlining the word "worm".

Behind him, stood three white-bone skeletons, with green will-o'-the-wisps coming out of their eye sockets. The joints all over their bodies were tied with transparent silk threads, and the other ends were wrapped around the fingers of the young man's hands.

Qin Sang knew the corpse path very well. He could tell at a glance that these three skeletons were bone puppets refined using a secret technique of the corpse path. Unlike Feitian Yaksha, who had a powerful body, the core was the will-o'-the-wisp in their eyes.

This method of refining corpses is very simple and is consistent with the young man's cultivation level at the twelfth level of Qi refining period.

The two old men beside the man were also in the Qi refining stage.

One is at the tenth level of the Qi refining period, and the other is only at the ninth level of the Qi refining period.

They should be from the same village. The patterns on their bodies are very similar, and they all have weird decorations such as animal skins and animal teeth. However, their style is different from the animal skin man who was buried in the bee's mouth.

On their foreheads, one has a waxing moon and the other a waxing moon.

Qin Sang secretly thought that they were the priests of Tianyue Village?

The sorcerer messengers in these villages have pitifully low cultivation levels. I don’t know where the young man came from.

The two priests seemed to be at odds with each other. They ignored each other and recited incantations to themselves. Immediately, a spiritual insect flew out from their Dantian.

One is shaped like a snake, with fiery red fine scales, but it has two wings and two heads. It is not as long as a human finger and is very strange.

The other one is in the form of a beetle, with a slender body and a back armor as thin as a cicada's wings, but it unfolds like a blade.

Qin Sang perked up and stared at the two spiritual insects. He only recognized the beetle, which the Yuling Sect named the Great Sword Divine Ox. It was not considered a strange insect.

It only has the potential to transform twice, but it is extremely fast, its back armor is as sharp as a magic weapon, and its combat effectiveness is good.

That day, he saw a jade mantis flying out of the beast-skin man's aura, and he became curious.

The monks' insect control skills here are two completely different systems from the spirit control sect.

These two spiritual insects, like the Jade Mantis, are connected to their masters by a strange qi mechanism, which is obviously formed by the intertwining of their lives.

Could it be that the spiritual insects were sacrificed to become their own spiritual insects?


The two old men obeyed the young man's orders and commanded the spirit insects to rush towards the swarm.

The two-winged two-headed monster snake opened its mouth in mid-air and spit out two streams of flames. The Great Sword God Ox also spread its wings and made several shadows of its wings, attracting the attention of the swarm, and then they ran away separately.


The blood-winged ghost-headed wasp was enraged and divided into two groups to pursue them. One of them was led by a strange snake and flew towards the young man.

The young man pulled three skeletons with his hook and faced them confidently. When the Blood-Winged Ghost-headed Wasp arrived, he ordered the skeletons to spit out will-o'-the-wisps.

I thought that the Blood-Winged Ghost-headed Wasps would die as soon as they were burned. Unexpectedly, a cloud of blood mist suddenly filled the swarm and swallowed up the will-o'-the-wisps. Only the outer circle of the swarm was burned to death, and the rest were burned to death by the three people. The eyes flew towards him.

"This idiot."

Qin Sang secretly shook his head.

The Blood-Winged Ghost-Headed Wasp is a transformation that occurred in the blood mist of Wuya Valley. It is not scary when alone. Once it forms a group, it will undergo a qualitative change.

The strange snake couldn't escape, and was surrounded by the Blood-Winged Ghost-headed Wasp, which spewed fire and fought back wildly.

The young man hurriedly continued to activate the will-o'-the-wisp and finally rescued the strange snake, but it was already scarred and almost lost its fighting ability.

The old man with the crescent moon forehead ornament on his head roared sadly, as if he was the one who was injured, and his breath was actually a little weaker.

"It is indeed a spiritual insect whose lives are intertwined!"

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly.

If a monk's magical weapon or magic weapon is severely damaged, it will bite back its owner, much like the old man.

Seeing the three people in a hurry, Qin Sang took out two huge cloaks, put one on Feitian Yaksha, and then ordered it to take action.

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