Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 70: Opportunity

It's not night, but it's not the bright day outside either.

There seems to be a layer of mist, which makes the vision not so clear when looking into the distance. Only the outlines of some mountains can be seen. The scope of the forbidden area is larger than imagined.

His nose smelled a strong putrid smell. Qin Sang immediately held his breath and looked around. In front of him was a stinking swamp, and behind was a dark jungle with no edge.

There are branches growing in the jungle, and it is filled with thick fog. I don’t know whether it is water vapor or miasma, causing the shadows of those trees to look like countless evil ghosts, with their teeth and claws waving.

After entering the Bagua Forbidden Land, where you land depends on luck. If you happen to land in a lair where a monster lives, you can only blame fate.

This place doesn't look like a kind place no matter how you look at it. Qin Sang pondered for a moment, then wings appeared on his back, and clouds formed on the wings, wrapping his figure, and then disappeared out of thin air.

After climbing up a tree and waiting for a moment, there was no unusual movement around. Qin Sang then silently jumped down from the tree, used the cloud escape method, and flew in the direction he was looking for.

After walking through the forest for a while without any danger, Qin Sang finally came to the foot of a mountain. The mountain was not big, but according to Qin Sang's observation, it should be the highest point around.

However, when he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Qin Sang quietly led behind a big rock.

A moment later, another Qin Sang came out from behind the boulder and climbed up in a swaggering manner. When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, 'Qin Sang' suddenly turned into a puddle of water with a splash, soaking the ground.

After a while, the real Qin Sang came out from behind the big rock.

The previous one was naturally a clone he created using the Appearance Spell. In order to prepare for this Immortal Ascension Conference, he practiced another spell.

Due to limited time and energy, he did not choose the too difficult condensation barrier and fog-locked river.

Even though he transformed, Qin Sang's achievements were not perfect, and the clone he created was not without flaws. But if the opponent does not observe carefully, Qin Sang may succeed even if he is negligent.

As Qin Sang's realm improved, his horizons also broadened, and he discovered that in fact, every spell has a unique purpose. Transformation, which was originally thought to be of no use, actually has countless wonderful uses. It is only one of them to explore paths and lure enemies. .

Acting so cautiously will inevitably waste a lot of time, but in such a crisis-ridden place, it is also a last resort.

It seems that there is no danger on the mountain, but Qin Sang's inner vigilance has not diminished at all. The mountain has a vast view and is easy to observe the surrounding terrain, which is a big advantage, but there are also dangers hidden in it. If there are other people around, they may also Have the same thoughts as yourself.

Qin Sang held the Purple Soul Ling in the palm of his hand, and his consciousness was always ready to activate the Ice Silkworm Armor. Although this armor was only a mid-level magic weapon, it would be no problem to help block a sneak attack and buy some time.

After being fully prepared, Qin Sang continued to activate Luo Yun Chi and quietly moved toward the top of the mountain. He looked around cautiously every few steps and it took him a long time to reach the top of the mountain.

The field of vision suddenly became vast, and within the range that could be seen clearly, the terrain was actually all kinds of strange.

The place he just came out of is on the left hand side, which is the junction of the swamp and the jungle. Whether it is the swamp or the jungle, the range is extremely broad and there is no end in sight.

From time to time, you can see a treetop swaying in the jungle. I wonder if there is something underneath or it is blown by the wind.

That swamp was not a good place, and the edges were fine. The depths of the swamp seemed to be boiled, with mud bubbling up all the time. There were clouds of colorful mist gathering above it, which was most likely to be toxic.

You must not enter those two places!

Qin Sang was afraid that he would be eaten by the monsters and poisonous insects inside before he met anyone.

You know, there are monsters in the mortal demon stage in the Bagua Forbidden Land.

Birds and beasts, vegetation, ghosts and even mountain stone artifacts, if they have deep blessings or are enlightened by instinct, can absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun, moon and stars, and are called demons.

The fairies and ghosts mentioned in the world are all like this.

These monsters only have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and their intelligence has not yet been developed. They are called monsters in the mortal monster stage. Some monsters in the mortal monster stage are very weak and can be killed by mortals using special means.

If they are old demons, many of them already have considerable wisdom and various strange abilities, which would be very difficult for monks in the Qi refining stage.

The monsters that are at the peak of the mortal demon stage and are about to give birth to demon spirits are as powerful as monks at the thirteenth level of the Qi refining stage.

The demon pregnant true spirit begins to give birth to sanity, which is called the demon spirit stage, which can be compared to the foundation building of human monks.

Fortunately, there are no big demons in the demon spirit stage in the Bagua Forbidden Land, but it is said that there are monsters in the late mortal demon stage or even at the peak of the mortal demon stage. Even if Qin Sang possesses the best magic weapon, he does not dare to provoke them easily.

Kuiyin Sect did not have a map of the Bagua forbidden area, and Qin Sang did not know which area he was sent to.

You can go anywhere in all directions. Only when you collect all the jade tokens will you know which direction the core area is. Before that, you just want to survive and grab the jade tokens.

Qin Sang looked at the surrounding terrain, pondered for a moment, and finally decided to go to the right direction. There was a large mountain range with lush vegetation, but it was not as dark as the dark jungle. This kind of complex terrain was most suitable for him.

After making up his mind, Qin Sang was about to go down the mountain when he suddenly felt something was wrong and suddenly raised his head to stare at the oriole-like bird in the sky.

Not long after he climbed the mountain, this oriole flew over. There were also wild animals in the forbidden area. At first, Qin Sang took one look at it and ignored it.

But this yellow warbler never stopped to eat. After it appeared, it has been circling the mountain peak, patrolling like a goshawk, especially at the top of the mountain, where it has circled several times.

Qin Sang stared at Huang Ying. The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong. He pondered for a moment, then looked down the mountain, searching every inch, but found nothing.

Just when Qin Sang suspected that he was being careless, the oriole suddenly spread its wings and flew down the mountain. Qin Sang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he chased the oriole, and saw it fell into a clump of grass and disappeared.

There is a mountain col, covered with wormwood as tall as a person, very hidden.

Then I saw the wormwood clump shaking, and a figure emerged from it. The oriole stood on his shoulder, combing its feathers with its beak.

The man looked around and then hurried towards the top of the mountain.

"Fortunately, the Qiluo Yunchi was never confiscated."

Qin Sang couldn't help but secretly rejoice at her caution. She didn't expect someone to fall so close to her, and at the same time, she suddenly felt nervous.

He has lost countless lives under his command, but this is the first time he has encountered an opponent who is also an immortal cultivator.

Qin Sang hurriedly used Zhanzhan Qi Technique and found that the person's cultivation level was similar to his own, so there was no need to avoid him.

However, there are many strange methods used by immortal cultivators, so one should not be careless.

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