Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 79 Middle Grade Spiritual Stone

After taking two more water dew pills to let his body recover slowly, Qin Sang couldn't wait to open the mustard bag and poured the contents on the ground.

On the way here, he had already refined the Mirror of Confusion and kept it for his own use.

It turns out that the Mirror of Confusion is not a mirror, but a set of eight bronze mirrors, stacked together, with one main mirror and seven auxiliary mirrors.

Eight bronze mirrors can be arranged into a mirror array to trap people. They are extremely strong and the mist emitted by the mirror array has a enchanting effect.

However, the mirror array is not so easy to set up. It requires a certain amount of time to prepare, and is even more difficult to use than the ebony sword. The mirror array cannot be moved and is placed in one place. You can only wait for the opponent to jump in, otherwise it will not have any effect.

In addition, the mesmerizing effect of the fog cannot last long. It can only be effective if you seize the moment when the mirror array is just opened and the opponent is still unable to get rid of the fog.

When he was in the mirror array, Qin Sang didn't feel psychedelic at all. After thinking about it, the only reason was the Jade Buddha.

There is no doubt about the power of the God of Confusion Mirror, but unfortunately it is difficult to exert its maximum power in the Bagua Forbidden Land, and I don't know whether Shen Jing's luck is good or bad.

Compared to the Divine Mirror of Confusion, what pleased Qin Sang the most was the Chilong Sword and Ping Xufeng.

With these two magic weapons, if Yang Yuanzang hadn't fallen into the hands of himself and Shen Jing, he would have definitely won a spot.

Needless to say, the power of Chilong Sword can be called the best among spiritual swords, and the Blood Sword and Bibo Sword are far behind.

Although Qin Sang's ebony sword is sharp, it consumes a lot of money and requires preparation in advance before using it. The Chilong Sword can be used directly to deal with the enemy, and its power is not much different.

Pingxu Feng is a high-grade magic weapon, shaped like a wisp of gray-white wind smoke, and as smooth as satin in the palm of your hand.

This was the first time Qin Sang saw this kind of magical weapon, and he couldn't help but marvel.

Just by practicing the Pingxu Wind Sacrifice, you can control the strong wind and fly off the ground at a very fast speed, which does not consume much spiritual power. Although it can only fly one or two feet above the ground, it is enough to cross mountains and ridges. Avoid danger.

For monks in the Qi refining stage, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Qin Sang immediately put his spiritual consciousness into Pingxu Feng and refined it easily. He opened his mouth and sucked Pingxu Feng into his stomach, hiding it in the sea of ​​air. With just a thought, the wind would rise under his feet.

After being fully armed, Qin Sangzhi was very proud. His only regret was that he lacked a useful defensive weapon. Unfortunately, the golden ring was destroyed in the collision with the ebony sword.

Yang Yuanzang's wealth was quite rich. In addition to Ping Xufeng, he also had a few low-end magic weapons and some spiritual stones. Shen Jing's mustard bag was full of worthless things, such as silk and satin, rouge and gouache, etc. Jewelry and jade ornaments are all available.

The only thing that surprised Qin Sang was that there was a middle-grade spiritual stone in Yang Yuanzang's mustard bag!

In terms of value alone, one medium-grade spirit stone is equivalent to a hundred low-grade spirit stones. However, in actual transactions, there will be some fluctuations, depending on how the two parties bargain.

The spiritual power contained in middle-grade spiritual stones is not only more abundant than that of low-grade spiritual stones, but also purer. If used to absorb it, the refining speed will be faster.

But for Qin Sang, the middle-grade spiritual stone has a more important meaning.

According to the description of the realm of swordsmanship in "The Sword Art of the Song Family", Qin Sang can now basically control the sword with his spiritual consciousness and move the sword at will. This can be regarded as his first glimpse of the realm, but his cultivation level is too low and the flying sword cannot leave the body too far.

When he improves again in the way of swordsmanship, he can reach the state where sword energy is generated, and even the sword energy is like a rainbow.

"Song Family Sword Technique" says that if you understand the sword energy, and the ebony sword is supported by the sword energy, not only will the power be doubled, but the speed will also increase dramatically, as fast as lightning, and once used, it will be like a white rainbow piercing the sun.

But similarly, the consumption of spiritual power will also increase several times.

For cultivators below the tenth level of the Qi refining stage, low-grade spiritual stones alone are no longer enough to support them, and they can barely activate their sword energy with the help of medium-grade spiritual stones.

Qin Sang was not yet at the realm of swordsmanship, but he still put away the middle-grade spiritual stone with a look of treasure.

Originally, Qin Sang had no chance to obtain the middle-grade spiritual stone. He planned to concentrate on improving his cultivation after reaching the level of divine sword control. Now it was time to put it on the agenda.

The dangers of being a spy in the Immortal Cultivation Sect can be imagined. Qin Sang doesn’t know what the Kuiyin Sect’s purpose is, and he doesn’t want to know. The only thing he can do is wait for an opportunity to escape. If he can’t escape, he can only try his best to improve his strength and deal with possible threats. Danger.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang lowered his head to search and picked up a jade bottle found in Yang Yuanzang's mustard bag. In the thumb-sized jade bottle, you could see a few drops of milky white liquid, as thick as paste. He opened the bottle cap and Then I felt a refreshing fragrance drifting into my nose, and the pain in my body subsided a bit.

This should be the century-old stone milk mentioned by Yang Yuanzang and Shen Jing, which may have been found in the crocodile's nest.

Although the treasures in the Bagua Forbidden Land have been looted by Yuan Zhaomen, it is normal for some to be omitted, and Yuan Zhaomen may not value this century-old stone milk.

Yang Yuanzang is already at the peak of the sixth level, and there is a high chance that the refined stone milk will break through to the seventh level. The power of the Qi Gathering Pill in Qin Sang's body is still under pressure, and he is still far from breaking through. What does the stone milk mean to him now? It's not big, so it is stored together with the middle-grade spiritual stone.

Ten jade tablets were lined up in front of him.

Yang Yuanzang has four pieces, Shen Jing has two pieces and Qin Sang has four pieces.

There shouldn't be many people in the forbidden area who could collect all the jade tiles faster than him. Qin Sang thought to himself that all the hard work was not in vain.

Ten jade tablets were closed together, shaped like a jade book. A layer of mist appeared out of thin air on the crystal clear jade tablets. There seemed to be mountains, rivers and lakes under the mist, but they were obscured by the fog and could not be seen at all. There was only a bright arrow. , no matter how Qin Sang moves the jade tablet, it always points in the same direction.

The more jade tokens you get, the thinner the mist on the jade book becomes and the clearer the guidance becomes. With ten jade tokens, you can only see an arrow. You don't know what kind of terrain is ahead and whether you can walk through it.

Qin Sang had known about this for a long time and was not surprised. After determining the direction, he put the jade tokens and useful objects on the ground into a mustard bag. He sensed the injuries in his body and felt that they were not serious, so he carried Chilong on his back. He raised his sword and flew out of the cave with Xu Feng.

Feng Xu Yufeng felt really good, but the target was too conspicuous.

The direction pointed by the jade sign is deep in the Great Plains. Fortunately, there is no need to return to the poisonous swamp.

Qin Sang flew out of the mountains in a blink of an eye and entered the plains. Pressing the wind and smoke, he flew through the grass.

The great plain has a wide field of vision, Ping Xufeng's speed is not low, and with three top-quality spiritual weapons close by, Qin Sang is not afraid of anyone who dares to provoke him. Even if he cannot defeat him, he can still escape.

He thought he could harvest a few jade medals in the vast plains with unobstructed views. Unexpectedly, he flew on the wind for a long time, but he didn't meet a single opponent, which was very strange.

In less than two hours, Qin Sang crossed the great plain, with countless rift valleys and cliffs appearing in front of him.

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