Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 795: Physical Training

"The battle between the two tribes of Nascent Souls has continued beyond the Seven Kills Hall. Hasn't it stopped yet?"

Qin Sang had not seen any trace of Yuanying before and thought the matter had calmed down.

He had been affected by the Nascent Soul War and did not want to make the same mistake again.

I never thought that whatever I was afraid of would just happen.

The two escaping lights chased each other and finally headed straight in this direction.

When Qin Sang saw this, he cursed secretly and couldn't care about anything. He immediately activated the secret talisman and the thunder sound of sword energy, and quickly fled from here without looking back.

The precious light is like an illusion, traveling at high speed through the storm.

Even in the storm, the battle between the two Nascent Soul monks was still fierce, and the momentum was even more alarming.

The hurricane roared.

The waves are huge.

Fortunately, this is the sea. If it were land, one can't help but suspect that the mountain peaks would be flattened bit by bit by the storm, and no living thing could survive here for a long time.

Seeing the Nascent Soul battle getting closer and closer to him, Qin Sang was frightened. He dodged with difficulty, drifted along the storm, and finally escaped from the Nascent Soul battlefield.


‘Crack! ’

Amidst the constant sound of the storm, there were bursts of thunder.

Two figures were chasing each other, one holding a sword, and the other with a black flute floating in front of him.

The flute played, but what came out was not the sound of music, but the deafening sound of thunder. One after another, illusory beast shadows flew out of the flute, looking fierce and fierce, and pounced on the opponent.

The man holding the sword flicked his wrist, and dozens of sword lights surrounded him, forming a sword formation, and finally turned into a galaxy-like waterfall of sword energy, falling from the sky, tearing the beast shadow into pieces, and slashing towards the flute.

The two seemed to be evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

They fought continuously in the storm, but they were also a little overwhelmed. They had a tacit understanding and moved out of the storm while fighting. Wherever it passed, the shadows of the sword beasts flew across the sky, and the aftermath was overflowing.

Although Qin Sang saw the opportunity quickly, he was still affected. He felt a sharp pain in his back, staggered, and was slammed into the sea by a huge wave caused by the sword energy.


Qin Sang turned pale and struggled to swim out of the sea. When he glanced around, he found that the two escaping lights had gone away, and he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a little worried. If the Nascent Souls of the two clans refused to give up and continued fighting like this, the storm outside might have become a mess, and a war between the two clans was possible.

At this moment, the accident happened.

The place where they were fighting was filled with strange lights, and the two Nascent Souls were even more fierce in their attacks.

A ray of green light struggled through the waves, running at full speed, and finally successfully avoided the impact of the aftermath, and persisted until the two Nascent Souls left.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the sword-wielding Nascent Soul used an extremely powerful sword formation. Countless sword shadows covered the sky and the sun, killing another person.

The other person was not afraid at all. The black flute suddenly surged, and a phantom that looked like a unicorn jumped out of it. The unicorn protected the body and blocked the blow.

Another equally matched blow, the two of them flew away while fighting, disappearing into the depths of the storm.

However, the impact caused by the sword formation was far from subsided. The green light had already avoided the battlefield, but unexpectedly suffered a sudden disaster. It was first knocked away by the aftermath of the explosion, and then struck by scattered sword shadows.

In the blue light was a young man with a thin face and a hooked nose.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and he did not panic when facing the sword shadow. He turned his eyes and stared at the direction where the two Nascent Souls disappeared, making sure that they were far away, and let out a long roar.

The whistle was very sharp, and immediately after, two groups of green light appeared on the back of the hook-nosed man.

The green light squirmed and turned into two huge wings.

Although the wings are made of cyan light, they look just like the real thing. They are covered with fine and delicate feathers. The feathers are also cyan, forming extremely beautiful wings.

With a 'swish', the wings spread out, and then closed suddenly, easily completely wrapping the aquiline nose.

At this time, the shadow of the sword struck.

'Bang bang bang...'

The wings were hit by the shadow of the sword, and the broken feathers flew around. There were many gaps in the wings and they were in tatters, but they protected the hook-nosed man very well.

However, the huge force still caused the hooked nose to fly backwards, and the body was like a ball, being hit far away by the shadow of the sword.

At the same time, Qin Sang, who had just come out of the sea, saw this scene. From a distance, he saw the man remove his huge strength and emerge from the wings. Unexpectedly, Qin Sang narrowed his eyes in such a situation.

"Although the sword array is at the end of the crossbow, and the cultivation of these two people is not as good as that of the Demon Lord and the Great Witch Zhu, their power cannot be underestimated. This person seems to be unscathed, and as expected, he is a peak master in the pill formation stage!"

Qin Sang made a judgment in his mind.

At this time, the hook-nosed man also noticed Qin Sang, turned around and looked over, frowning, his first reaction was to fold his wings, but then he realized that it was too late, and murderous intent filled his heart.

There might be other Nascent Souls fighting around. Qin Sang was at a loss as to the murderous intention of the hook-nosed man. He did not dare to stay here for a long time and had no idea of ​​contacting the hook-nosed man at this time. He glanced at him and turned around to leave. .

As long as he maintains constant contact with the bone flute, he is not afraid of losing track of the other party.

But Qin Sang had just walked not far when his eyes suddenly changed and his expression became gloomy. The other party followed up without saying a word, and burst out with astonishing speed, making no secret of the shocking murderous intention.

The distance between the two was rapidly closing.

Qin Sang turned his head suddenly.

The two looked at each other across the storm and waves.

Qin Sang felt the determination in the hook-nosed man's eyes and was extremely surprised.

He had no grievances with the man. He had been following the man until now. There had been no reaction before, which meant that the bone flute had not been exposed. Why did the man see him as if he was an enemy?

Even if he is killing people and grabbing treasures, he shouldn't have this look on his face.

Is it just because I saw his embarrassing scene?

Qin Sang suppressed the doubts in his heart, and there was a warning sign in his heart. This person may be the strongest opponent he has encountered after forming the pill. He did not hesitate to activate the secret talisman and flying sword, and his speed suddenly exploded.

Seeing Qin Sang's amazing escape skills, the hook-nosed man showed a bit of surprise on his face, but then he smiled contemptuously. The wings on his back have returned to their original shape, and they are flapping gently, like a blue lightning.

The stormy waves never cease.

Qin Sang ran away with all his strength in the cracks of the storm, with the hook-nosed man chasing after him.

After a chase, Qin Sang's expression became increasingly gloomy.

He had long known that the opponent's escape speed was much faster than his. However, the storm is changing rapidly, and it is not so easy for the other party to catch up with him.

Unexpectedly, in the storm, the gap was magnified.

Qin Sang had discovered at this time that the hook-nosed man's cultivation was not as high as expected, but what he dominated was the physical body. This man was actually a physical practitioner!

Facing the impact of the water waves, Qin Sang had to activate his true energy to protect his body. His escape speed was inevitably affected, but the opponent relied on his body to dash through the wind and waves.


I went out to play and came back late. Fortunately, it was the weekend and I could sleep in.

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