Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 821: Mingmen

As she was injured again and again, the woman's strength was obviously weakened. Her strongest method was ineffective against Qin Sang. Now she no longer wanted to kill people, but just dodged when faced with attacks.

But when Qin Sang wanted to get rid of her, she would choose to burn her soul and chase after him. It's like a dog-skin plaster, which annoys Qin Sang.

Obviously, the woman is not a confused and resentful spirit.

She is smart and knows Qin Sang's intentions. He sees the situation very accurately.

However, Qin Sang did not gain anything at all. He was always observing when he was fighting with the woman. He didn't believe that a soul in the elixir formation stage would have an immortal body. He must have overlooked something.

As the woman's strength weakened, something strange was finally exposed.

The third eye butterfly opens the third eye.

It was discovered that every time a woman's soul was broken, there would be unusual fluctuations in the soul.

At first, Tianmudie tried her best to stare, but she could only see a trace of undetectable light, flowing inside her body, and it was fleeting, making people wonder if it was an illusion.

As the woman's strength declined, she finally couldn't hide it completely.

‘Whoosh! ’

The ebony sword pierced the chest again.

Qin Sang made Tianmudie keep its eyes on her, and finally captured the essence of that glimmer of light.

He was surprised to find that there was a small transparent crystal in the light, which was invisible to the naked eye. Whenever the woman is injured, the crystal emits light.

And the crystals kept swimming around her body.

"What is this? I've never heard of it before, let's call it soul crystal..."

Qin Sang remained calm and secretly guessed that his understanding of the corpse ghost path was not bad, and it was the first time he had seen such a strange soul body. It was worthy of being the refined soul of Nascent Soul.

His intuition told him that the soul crystal was very important to women, and it might be something similar to the life gate.

But it is not easy to break the soul crystal. The soul crystal is hidden and swimming all the time. It will only be exposed when the woman is severely injured, and the woman must be very nervous about the soul crystal.

Qin Sang's mind was racing, and he gradually had a plan in his mind. After discovering that the woman could burn the soul, he completely gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

The woman must die, and it must be done quickly.

With every breath that passed, his situation became more dangerous.

At this moment, the woman seemed to hear something. She paused slightly and turned to look at the sea next to her.

In this passage, Qin Sang also heard the sound of escape light.

Following the sound, a black spot appeared on the sea. A monk was coming with a sword. The target was the direction of the Nascent Soul battle. He was obviously attracted by the vision.

At the very beginning, strange lights appeared frequently on Liangqiu Island, which was indeed like a sign of the birth of a strange treasure. It was not surprising for people who saw the strange phenomena to have this idea.

When Qin Sang left the island, he discovered that there were monks on the nearby island who were ready to move.

These people were attracted by the treasures, and even if a shocking war broke out later, they still came here to fish in troubled waters.

The woman laughed strangely and disappeared on the spot. She gave up pestering Qin Sang for the first time and rushed towards the man as fast as possible.

Qin Sang's expression changed slightly, and she secretly said something bad, but it was too late to stop her. Not long after, she heard a scream, and the light was extinguished in an instant.

When Qin Sang arrived, he saw that the man's body had shriveled up rapidly, with fear still remaining on his face. The woman's flesh, flesh, and essence had been swallowed up, turning him into a mummy.

Man dies for wealth and birds dies for food, nothing better than this.

The woman jumped out from the mummy, licked the corners of her mouth, with an intoxicated expression on her face, and her soul suddenly solidified!

"Can swallow blood food to restore itself."

Qin Sang looked gloomy.

There are many monks around Quheng Island. If it drags on, more and more people will be attracted. If the woman finds enough blood food, all her previous efforts will be wasted.

"The evildoers deserve to die!"

Qin Sang cursed loudly, and Lei Ting took action without mercy.

The woman changed her strategy and instead of fighting Qin Sang head-on, started a free fight. The Nine Nether Demonic Fire was astonishingly powerful, but it repeatedly failed, leaving Qin Sang helpless.

It cannot be killed or thrown away.

The woman laughed wildly, her eyes looked strange, as if she was already looking forward to the delicious blood food from Qin Sang.

'boom! ’

The Nine Nether Demonic Fire hit the air again, but this time it was different. It suddenly exploded at the moment when it was in contact with the woman.

The woman was in pain and quickly retreated, but then there was sword light coming from under her body. The woman did not panic at this, she dodged continuously, and seeing that she could no longer dodge, she suddenly turned sideways, avoiding several of the sword lights, and was only stabbed by one of them.

The woman's soul was damaged, but she recovered during the battle and her wounds were healed.

In Tianmudie's sight, light emerged from her body and rushed toward the wound, while the soul crystal revealed its wandering trajectory on her chest.

It's now!

Qin Sang has been waiting for this moment, shouting in his heart, "Go!"

'call out! ’

A bit of blue light appeared in Qin Sang's dantian, sliding along a beautiful line.

Star snail!

After getting this rare treasure, he has been condensing the true energy in his Dantian, and it has already reached its strongest power, but he has never seen blood.

The star snail only has one chance, and it is a rare treasure that can seal the victory.

Qin Sang will only use it if he can ensure that it can play its role.

The same treasure.

Qin Sang's roles were reversed and he became the person holding the treasure, while his target was changed to a woman.

The blue light emitted by the star snail appeared in front of her in an instant, and the smile on the woman's face disappeared and turned into panic. Not only because of the astonishing power displayed by the star snail, what made her even more horrified was that the target of the star snail was her most important soul crystal.


The woman screamed in despair.

At this moment, pale light erupted from her soul body, quickly gathering towards the soul crystal, forming a barrier and wrapping it up layer by layer.

The snail strikes.

'boom! ’

The pale light and blue light collided, canceling each other out, and ultimately the blue light gained the upper hand.

The barrier was shattered.

The soul crystal was completely exposed to the star snail.

The woman looked down at her chest with disbelief on her face. She watched helplessly as her soul crystal was shattered by the star snail, and the look in her eyes completely disappeared.

The star snail passed through the woman's chest, revealing her true body.

This time, the woman's soul finally could not recover. Starting from her chest, cracks quickly spread throughout her body, shattered on the spot, and dissipated in the night wind.

Qin Sang rushed over and activated the Nine Nether Demonic Fire to sweep across a large area. He was relieved when he found that the woman was indeed dead and could not be resurrected. There was nothing left.

Women are not the most dangerous opponents he has ever encountered, but they are the most difficult to deal with. With the help of magic weapons and the help of Tianmu Butterfly, the opponent was completely destroyed.

Qin Sang feels exhausted now, but it's not the time to rest yet.

He put away the magic weapon and looked into the distance.

At this time, there was a thick yellow light beam shining in the night sky. It had not changed for a long time, which indicated that the occupation might have been stable, and the Nascent Soul behind Luo Daotong was likely to suffer a serious blow.

After those people succeeded, their next target was themselves. Fortunately, they killed the woman.

Qin Sang did not dare to stay, so he took a few elixirs and fled.

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