Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 862: Cold weather and fierce wind

far away.

Qin Sang and others stood empty on the sea, with solemn expressions on their faces, staring in the direction of the island. They saw the shadow of Kui Long and felt the pressure of the big demon, and everyone was on guard.

Waves splashed on the sea surface, and a black light flew towards Chu Heng and landed on Chu Heng's palm. Everyone's hearts tightened and they all looked over.

Chu Heng nodded lightly, "This monster is Kui Long, take action!"

Before he finished speaking, everyone held the crystal tablet, spread out their body skills, and approached the island.

During the flyby, the young man named Fang had already fought with Kui Long.

The storm is coming!

In mid-air, a golden light and Kui Long were entangled together. Between Kui Long's breath, silver light flashed, and even lightning falling from the sky could be triggered by Kui Long and strike at the golden light.

One person and one monster are fighting, and it's hard to tell who is stronger or weaker for a while.

Qin Sang and the others held their breath and quietly landed on the island, choosing an open place.

Not far above them, a young man named Fang fought fiercely with Kui Long, waving a golden rope and beating Kui Long to attract Kui Long's attention.

The young man named Fang is very powerful.

The golden rope hit Kui Long, and although it could not break through the scales' defense for the time being, it caused severe pain to it.

Kui Long's ferocity was aroused, and he spit out thunder and frequently knocked away the golden rope. It had a huge body, but was extremely flexible. It stretched and moved in the air, and its long tail was also gleaming with lightning, like a huge silver sword, forcing the young man named Fang to retreat repeatedly.

"So strong!"

Everyone looked up and were shocked by Kui Long's strength.

The bloodline power of this big monster must be extremely strong, and its strength is unmatched by ordinary monsters. If it weren't for the fierce cold wind, they might not be able to capture Kui Long.

"Let's set up the formation quickly!"

Chu Heng shouted lowly.

At this time, the young man named Fang was retreating in the direction where they were. It was not that he was completely unable to stop Kui Long, but he did so deliberately to lure Kui Long over.

Everyone acted quickly to set up a large formation before Kui Long arrived.

‘Swish, brush, brush…’

The crystal tablet fell to the ground, submerged into the ground, and disappeared.

Everyone was hundreds of feet away from each other, forming a huge open space in the middle. After the crystal monument was submerged into the ground, a cold air filled the ground. The roots of the grass and trees in the open space turned blue, but nothing could be seen from the ground.

The cold air accumulates deep in the ground and remains hidden.

Qin Sang and others went into hiding one after another, waiting for the opportunity.


Qin Sang stared at the two figures approaching quickly and saw Kui Long's true appearance. This monster is still different from the legendary beast Kui Long. It looks like a dragon with one leg.

The scales on its body are like fish scales, and its head is similar to that of a turtle.

The blood on this demon's body is mixed, and when these things are put together, it looks quite weird. However, its ability to control thunder is extraordinary, and it comes from Kuilong's bloodline.

Kui Long roared again and again, and thunder and lightning chased the young man named Fang, as if the thunder in the sky was controlled by Kui Long. The thunderball that Kuilong spat out from his mouth was even more powerful. It hit a mountain peak and the top of the mountain was immediately leveled.

The two figures chased each other and finally reached the sky above the formation.

The young man surnamed Fang flew over here, his speed suddenly bursting out, his figure speeding up and getting taller. Kui Long saw this and gave chase, but he didn't realize he fell into a trap and dived in headlong.

'boom! ’

The ground exploded, and debris of vegetation flew everywhere in the wind and rain.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of 'bang bang bang' continued, five crystal monuments rose from the ground, blue light burst out, a stream of cold air spewed out from the ground, and spread violently, and a cage made of cold air was born out of thin air.

The cage was square and square, which just happened to trap Kui Long inside.

The cold wind inside was like chains, whipping Kui Long.

The crystal stele stood on the ground, constantly braving the cold air and blending into the cage. Qin Sang and the others had also appeared long ago. Everyone was sitting cross-legged on the top of the crystal stele, activating the formation with all their strength.

When the young man surnamed Fang saw this, he suddenly stopped, turned around and flew back, with a look of surprise on his face. He looked at Kui Long who was trapped in the cold cage and laughed.

Kui Long was not low in intelligence. Seeing this scene, he immediately understood his situation and let out a shrill scream.

The cry was so harsh that Qin Sang and others couldn't help but frown. The dark clouds in the sky seemed to have been washed away, and they were rolling around.

Kui Long in the cage was almost crazy.

It seemed to be covered with thunder armor, and every scale was gleaming with silver, and tiny lightning burst out. The cold wind was hit by the power of thunder, and was scattered in pieces, unable to calm Kui Long at all.

For a moment, there was chaos in the cage.

The cold air collided with lightning, and the chaos continued. Kui Long's roar came from inside, followed by deafening thunder.

'boom! ’

A thunderball hit the cage hard.

The cage shook violently, and Qin Sang and others turned pale, secretly shocked. They did not dare to neglect, and poured all their true energy into the crystal tablet to strengthen the cage.

But before the cage could stabilize, Kuilong's tail whipped out again, with more power than the thunderballs it spit out, and it almost opened a hole in the cage.

Now is the time when the cage is reborn and is at its most vulnerable. Under Kui Long's crazy attack, it has become increasingly fragmented. Even the prison cage can hardly be maintained, let alone the other changes of the spiritual formation.

After discovering something strange in the cage, Kui Long went even crazier when he saw that there was hope for escape.

Its cry has an inexplicable rhythm, which can actually trigger the power of thunder in the air. Dark clouds roll, and the power of thunder and lightning is attracted from all directions and slowly condenses above their heads.

When the young man surnamed Fang saw this, he looked anxious and shouted loudly, "Hurry up and increase your true energy. Don't let the evil beast escape!"

While shouting, he hurriedly picked up the golden rope in his hand and flew into the air. The golden rope jumped up and stabbed into the sky, scattering the thunder and lightning.

Everyone knows that now is the most critical moment, and they can only focus on instilling true energy without caring about anything else.

The crystal monument is dazzling.

The cold air burst out, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the outside was also affected. The trees were covered with a layer of frost and were frozen to death.

Qin Sang frowned secretly at this moment. He felt that the real energy was being consumed a bit too quickly, and Kui Long's strength exceeded expectations. Trapping Kuilong is not the end, he still has to wait until the young man named Fang kills him.

If you really deplete your true energy, even a small accident may kill you. Looking at the other people, they all looked solemn, but they were forced by the situation and had to do it.

Qin Sang thought for a while, silently unsealed the Corpse Pill, and then consumed the true energy in the Corpse Pill. Naturally, he would not let himself fall into that situation. Once he found that something was impossible, he would get out immediately.

The island is a mess.

On the battlefield, a pillar of cold air with a diameter of several hundred feet rose into the sky, spinning rapidly like a tornado. In the center of the cage, a slender figure was clearly visible. It was extremely ferocious, its body wrapped in lightning, and it continuously hit the cold air cage.

Under the violent shaking, the terrifying momentum made everyone's hearts beat, which showed how fierce the battle was.

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