Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 98 Jiuding Mountain Phoenix Peak

The cassocks issued by Yuan Zhaomen were all blown up in the cave, and Qin Sang did not bother to clean up himself. After several months of running away, he became as good as a savage.

The weather was getting warmer, the population gradually became denser, and the towns along the way became more and more prosperous. Qin Sang felt that it was almost done, so he put on clean clothes, sneaked into a small town, and inquired about his current location.

"Zheng Guo..."

Qin Sang was devouring big steamed buns with fresh meat in the bun shop. He just asked if this place was in the territory of Zheng State, and he always felt a little familiar. Suddenly he remembered that Zheng State was on the Kanyu map that Han Xianshi gave him.

After leaving the bun shop, Qin Sang found a deserted place, took out the Kanyu map from the mustard bag, and secretly said he was lucky.

Sure enough, there was Zheng State up there, and it was at the westernmost position on the map. If you go further west, you will be out of the scope of the map.

Zheng State is located in the southwest of Youshan Mountains, with a large distance in between.

In the south of Zheng State, there is a place called Jiuding Mountain. It is the tip of the iceberg on the map. Although it is not as good as Youshan, it can be regarded as a famous mountain nearby.

Qin Sang thought for a while and decided to go to Jiuding Mountain to find a beautiful and secluded place to open a cave. He would heal his old wounds first, see if he could find other immortal cultivators, find out some information, and then continue to go south and escape. Go to the hinterland of the righteous forces.

Although Qin Sang didn't know the outcome of that night, thinking about that terrifying day and the unexpected appearance of Master Jindan at the end, he felt that Kuiyin Sect might not be able to get a good deal.

For such a long time, no one from the Kuiyin Sect has caught up, which gradually calmed down his uneasy heart.

Jiuding Mountain, Phoenix Peak.

Phoenix Peak was once the most beautiful place among the nine peaks of Jiuding Mountain, with countless touching legends.

Looking at Phoenix Peak from a distance, it looks like a divine phoenix spreading its wings and about to fly. Unfortunately, an inexplicable earthquake occurred on Phoenix Peak and the Divine Phoenix Stone collapsed and was destroyed.

Although Jiuding Mountain is still called Jiuding Mountain, Fenghuangding has been gradually forgotten and turned into an extremely ordinary mountain.

Then one day, Phoenix Summit was suddenly shrouded in thick fog that persisted all year round. Anyone who strayed into the fog would get lost and have to wander around for a long time before they could come out. Various legends gradually began to increase.

Who knows, this former Phoenix Peak has now become a gathering place for immortal cultivators near Jiuding Mountain. The dense fog surrounding it is actually just the simplest small restriction, blocking only mortals.

At the end of every tenth day, loose cultivators and some monks from small cultivating families near Jiuding Mountain gather at Jiuding Mountain. The number of people may not be large, and it cannot compare with Xiuxianfang City, and they are all low-level cultivators, but they can also communicate with each other. No, just exchange cultivation experiences and some gossip.

Today is the end of October. Several rays of light came together early in the morning, and then some people walked into the fog one after another.

When the sky was bright, a woman in her thirties landed in front of the Phoenix Peak. She said to the young man next to her with a face of surprise: "Fellow Daoist Qin, your cloud escape method is really easy to use. It is better than my water escape method." The escape technique is more subtle and much faster, thank you fellow Taoist for being willing to teach me."

Qin Sang nodded with a smile.

The woman he was traveling with was named Li Youniang. She was in her thirties. She was originally an ordinary person from a small mountain village outside Jiuding Mountain. She had been married in her teens.

Later, her husband rescued an injured immortal cultivator when he went up the mountain to cut firewood. The immortal cultivator was seriously injured and was dying. In order to thank him for saving his life, he decided to teach them the immortal method before he died. Unfortunately, only Li Youniang had spiritual roots, and she was The four spiritual roots have been practiced for many years before reaching the third level of the Qi refining stage.

However, after receiving the inheritance from the immortal cultivators, Li Youniang did not leave the village and go out to seek immortality. She did not despise her husband for being a mortal. Instead, she always hid in the world and lived an ordinary life.

Now there are three children, and the family is enjoying themselves happily.

Half a month ago, her husband suddenly fell seriously ill. Li Youniang anxiously went to Fenghuangding to seek medicine. She happened to pass by Qin Sang Cave Mansion and was stopped by Qin Sang.

At that time, Qin Sang found a hidden mountain stream in Jiuding Mountain, opened a cave, and has been in retreat to heal his injuries.

He originally planned to contact the nearby casual cultivators to inquire about information, but Li Youniang came to his door, and he was naturally willing to make friends. When he heard about her difficulties, he immediately took out a magic pill and gave it to her, and the medicine cured her illness.

Li Youniang regarded Qin Sang as her savior. After hearing Qin Sang's request, she promised to take him to Fenghuangding for the party. And told him that if he wanted to find out the news, it was best to wait until the end of the month.

During her lifetime, her master had a good friend named Yu Lian, who was a disciple of the Yu family, a cultivating family near Jiuding Mountain. He was well-informed and liked to make friends. He would talk loudly at Fenghuangding at the end of each month.

The nearby casual cultivators basically learned everything they knew about the world of immortality from his mouth.

Qin Sang stayed at Li Youniang's house and waited until the end of the month before leaving. Seeing the happy life of Li Youniang's family, although they disagreed, they admired her persistence.

Li Youniang suppressed her joy and said: "Fellow Daoist Qin, follow me, and I will help you introduce him to Master Yu."

The psychedelic restrictions on Phoenix Peak are useless to immortal cultivators. As long as they use the Outlook Qi Technique, they can see a road leading directly to the top of the mountain. Qin Sang followed Li Youniang and was surprised to find that Phoenix Peak had a unique scenery.

There is a hollowed-out white rhinoceros horn placed on the remnant stone of the divine phoenix. It is a low-grade magic weapon. It can only condense water vapor. The gap is facing the stream below. The gurgling water flows out from the white rhinoceros horn in a steady stream. The stream is tinkling. It meanders down the mountain, with pavilions, waterside pavilions and meandering water bottles along the way, making it extremely elegant.

There were already many immortal cultivators in the large and small pavilions, gathering together in twos and threes. Li Youniang came up saying hello. She looked very familiar. They were all casual cultivators near Jiuding Mountain.

Everyone was curious when they saw Qin Sang's unfamiliar face, but no one asked much.

Li Youniang took Qin Sang all the way to the top of Phoenix Mountain and came to a bamboo pavilion. Inside, there were seven people surrounding an old man with a goatee in his seventies, drinking and talking.

"Several major events have indeed happened in the world of immortality recently..."

The old man with the goatee took a sip of wine and became slightly drunk. He became interested and deliberately raised his voice. Just halfway through speaking, he saw Li Youniang and Qin Sang and waved enthusiastically, "Young lady is here. Come in and sit down. Help the teacher." Bowen has two bottles of wine. Huh? Who is this fellow Taoist?"

"Uncle Yu, this is fellow Daoist Qin, Shiro's savior," Li Youniang introduced Qin Sang and told him the whole story.

Qin Sang took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Qin Sang pays homage to Senior Yu."

The drunkenness on Yu Lian's face disappeared, his little eyes looked around Qin Sang, and said: "Young mother and Si Lang are really lucky to meet such kind-hearted friends as Daoist Qin, please come in quickly."

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