Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1025: girl

Qin Sang stood on the top of the mountain and unexpectedly found that there was a thousand-ren cliff in front of him.

Road is broken!

The cliff is not difficult for the cultivator, Qin Sang can fly over with his sword, but reason tells him that it is best not to be so impulsive.

In the depths of the thick fog, the shadows of the mountains are faint, as if they are real and illusory.

There seems to be a mountain range, but it may not be real. The fate of reckless actions is likely to fall into the trap of Qianshan Formation and fall into real danger.

Tianmu Die danced around Qin Sang, and observed everything around her with her supernatural powers, but found nothing unusual.

After pondering for a while, Qin Sang decided to step back.

He went down the mountain the same way, killed several beasts, returned to the foot of the mountain, turned his head to look at another real mountain, and then walked over without hesitation.

Along the way, fierce beasts appeared frequently, similar to the experience on the mountain.

When we came to the top of the mountain, the same scene appeared again.

Road cut off.

After leaving the valley, the road is divided into three parts, two real and one virtual, and they are all dead ends.

Qin Sang frowned, looked around for a week, recalled the experience along the way, and showed a thoughtful expression.

It seems that if you want to break through, you need to find a real way out among the three mountains.

It is good for those who are proficient in the way of the magic formation. The residual formation cannot be perfect. After spending some energy and careful analysis, they should be able to find a way out or flaws in the spiritual formation, and the danger will be much less.

Cultivators who don't understand the magic formation and have no countermeasures, I am afraid they can only use brute force to force their way.

In this way, even if the strength is extremely strong, the efficiency of breaking the formation will be very low, and it will take too much time and energy to be afraid of the traps in the illusion formation.

"Ferocious beasts are ghosts and ghosts, and the virtual and real in the array can change. Is the third mountain must be an illusion?"

Qin Sang muttered to himself.

He went back down the mountain again.

This time, Qin Sang discovered other changes in the phantom formation. The beasts born from the phantom formation became a little stronger than before. It can be seen that the longer they stay in the formation, the stronger the opponents they meet.

He quickened his pace and came to the foot of the third mountain.

Tianmu Die saw that this mountain was an illusion, and only when she got closer did she realize that there was reality in reality.

Qin Sang hesitated for a moment, walked to a cliff, and took a step forward.

There was wind in his ears, and the thick fog remained, but the surrounding scenery changed, and there was a rustling noise. Qin Sang looked around and found himself in a dense forest, surrounded by tall ancient trees.

The jungle was dark and damp, and the strange roars of beasts could be heard in the distance.

This time, there is no road guidance underfoot.

If you want to find a way out, you can only rely on yourself.

With the help of Tianmu Butterfly supernatural power, Qin Sang chose a direction to start, and changed directions one after another on the way, and finally successfully found a way of life hidden in the illusory.

"With the help of Tianmu's supernatural powers, it is possible to travel unimpeded in the Qianshan Formation."

Qin Sang was overjoyed, he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Immediately, he did not hesitate to speed up.

The phantom array is not static. In some places, there are no beasts attacking, but there will be many hidden traps and mechanisms.

But firstly, there was Tianmudie, and secondly, Qin Sang's own strength was not weak, and the various arrangements in the illusion did not cause him much trouble, and the journey went quite smoothly.

As time went by, Qin Sang gradually found out some laws of the magic array.

After all, for the sake of the Eighteen Magic Fans, he had devoted himself to the study of Yuan Mirage's "Tai Xuan Formation Fragment" for a period of time, and he also had a certain understanding of the way of the spiritual formation.

Without Tianmu Die, Qin Sang could also figure out a way out, but it took much more time than now.

Passing through many mountains and ravines. Valley

Qin Sang appeared on a Feilai Peak, frowned and stared ahead, and muttered: "I don't know how long it will take to pass through the Qianshan Formation. When I get here, the power of the Illusory Formation is getting stronger and stronger, and Tianmu Die is also a little struggling. Sometimes it takes a while to observe the truth. It seems that I can't be idle, try to calculate the illusion, and help Tianmudie..."

From the distance came the roars of beasts one after another.

This walking scene is normal in the Qianshan Array, but Qin Sang seemed to notice something, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the direction of the beast's roar, with a look of surprise on his face.

"There seems to be someone there?"

Qin Sang was surprised that someone was faster than him.

This was the first person he met after entering the Thousand Illusions Array.

"The disciples of the Eastern Pole League can determine the position of the dumb girl, and other forces are expected to have similar methods. These people are masters, and it is indeed much easier to cooperate with each other than to fight alone. It seems that I can't take it lightly."

Qin Sang murmured, withdrew his gaze, and swept down the mountain on his own.

Deep mountains and jungles.

A young girl is fighting with a ferocious beast that looks like a fox.

However, this fox was the size of a calf, with sharp fangs and extremely vicious.

The girl's body is light, flying up and down like a colorful butterfly, waving her cloud sleeves, leaving trails of fluttering clouds in the air. The cloud is as light as nothing, and it surrounds one person and one beast. It seems that humans and animals are harmless.

The beast didn't sense any danger, and still fiercely attacked the girl.

Two more clouds floated out of his sleeves.

All around them were shrouded in clouds.

At this moment, the girl flicked her figure and flew out backwards, getting rid of the At the same time, her red lips parted lightly, and she said crisply: "Tangling!"


Before he finished speaking, the cloud Qi suddenly changed, changing the light appearance just now, and suddenly turned into white silk threads, which slammed around the fierce beast in the middle.

In an instant, the beast turned into a zongzi.

The girl's handprints changed continuously, only to hear a burst of bones in the middle of the cloud, blood splattered everywhere.

When the girl withdrew the cloud energy, the beast had already died.

After slaughtering the beast, the girl breathed a sigh of relief without the slightest hint of joy on her face.

"There are more and more mistakes in the calculation. Instead of finding a way out, I break into a trap. This time I have encountered such a strong beast. I don't know what will happen next. If this continues, the opportunity will be missed..."

The girl sighed softly and gently stroked the talisman that her grandfather gave her, looking a little anxious.

At this moment, the girl's ears moved slightly, and she suddenly raised her head to look into the depths of the forest, holding the life talisman tightly, her figure flashed, and quietly swept to the nearby tree canopy, holding her breath.


The girl looked solemn.

The thick fog blocked her, but she also heard the unusual roar of the beast.

She immediately realized that the movement of her killing the beast was not small, and it might have been exposed.

Thinking of this, the girl immediately stayed away from this place and deliberately distanced herself from the other party.

But she soon discovered that the other party did not go to find her, but went straight to the other direction, at an extremely fast speed, with almost no pause along the way.

The girl was secretly surprised.

The other party's behavior is very strange, and it seems that he doesn't make calculations at all. If the other party is not a reckless man, he may know the Qianshan Formation very well, and he can see through the reality of the illusion at a glance.

How can someone who can come here be a reckless man?

"Is he really that powerful?"

The girl was surprised, and then found that the movement there suddenly disappeared.

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