Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1087: Split Yuan Zhan Shen

The next moment, the ancient demon opened his mouth wide, and a demonic howl came.

The whistle is sharp, and it can crack gold and stone!

The sound of the magic howling seemed to sound from the bottom of everyone's heart, shaking the primordial spirit, and it could not be blocked by ordinary means.

The ancient demon devoured the demon green bamboo and roared in the sky.

He stood out of thin air, with his hands outstretched, his hair danced wildly, like a devil.

Hearing the sound of the demonic howl, the boy and girl turned pale, let out a scream, and fell to the ground.

The shield that the old man had placed for them didn't work. Fortunately, the magic whistling wasn't aimed at them. All they heard was the reverberation. Otherwise, the two of them would have died on the spot.

Even so, they were very miserable, their seven orifices were bleeding, and they were seriously injured.

Qin Sang's primordial spirit shone with golden light, revealing the golden Buddha.

Yuanshen was attacked by the magic howl, which stimulated the Jade Buddha's reaction, protected Qin Sang, and was not injured.

But after seeing the tragic state of the young girl, Qin Sang jumped on the ground alertly, broke several meridians, and pretended to be bleeding from the seven orifices.

He was horrified, anxious, and closed his eyes.

No one noticed that Qin Sang was holding a magic flag at this time, and the strands of nine secluded magic fires were wrapped by him with divine consciousness, introduced into the body, and gathered in the Zifu.

At a time like this, he actually focused on cultivating the "Tinder Golden Lotus"!

Since the lotus seed contained traces of Old Demon Mou, which could not be erased for a while, Qin Sang could only abandon the lotus seed and use his own strength to forcefully cultivate.

However, the biggest role of lotus seeds is to act as a carrier of spiritual fire to reduce the damage of spiritual fire to practitioners, so as to prevent practitioners' primordial spirit from being burned by spiritual fire.

Qin Sang has the Jade Buddha to protect himself, so he doesn't have to rely on lotus seeds.

If Old Demon Mu saw this scene, he would definitely be stunned and scolded Qin Sang as a lunatic.

When he was condensing the Winter Nether Flame, he was careful and careful every time. He failed so many times, almost freezing his primordial spirit several times, and then he made the fire.

Jiuyou Demon Fire is an existence that even Old Demon Mu does not dare to provoke lightly.

For the first time, Qin Sang dared to condense magic fire into fire!

If it wasn't for the protection of the Jade Buddha, Qin Sang would have already set himself on fire, and even so, he had endured great pain. His Purple Mansion space seemed to be boiling, completely disturbed by the demonic fire.

Demon fire is unruly.

It is not realistic to cultivate the "Golden Lotus on Fire" to the highest level in a short period of time.

As for Qin Sang's purpose, he only needs to tame a wisp of Jiuyou Demonic Fire and condense it into the original Demon Seed.

According to the secret technique in "The Golden Lotus of the Fire Seed", the primordial spirit embraces the magic fire, relies on the Jade Buddha, is completely unafraid of burning, concentrates on guiding the Jiuyou magic fire, and gradually reveals the prototype of the fire.

Unexpectedly, the ancient demon split the soul suddenly, and the originally good situation turned sharply.

The breath of the ancient demon's soul fluctuated extremely violently, and along with the whistling sound, an invisible wave suddenly appeared in the void.

In an instant, Ling Zhuzi and the others felt alarmed in their hearts and paled in horror.

In the void in front of their foreheads, a transparent primordial blade suddenly appeared, and then there was a split-like pain in their brains. Everyone was caught off guard, and a scream came from their mouths, and then the whole body trembled, and they couldn't control their bodies, and they all fell to the ground.

The screams came one after another.

Everyone hugged their heads tightly, their faces full of pain, their facial features were twisted to the extreme, and they suffered unimaginable pain.

Their Taoism and magic weapons are also unable to maintain at this time.

The ancient demon's soul-splitting technique at this time was precisely the technique of splitting the soul and beheading the gods, and the effect was astonishing.

The masters were unable to resist even this blow, and were instantly seriously injured and lost their combat power.

Seeing a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, the ancient demon laughed wildly.

After performing Split Yuan Zhan Shen, he also paid a great price, his breath was greatly weakened, and his strength was no longer the same as before, but he was much better than Ling Zhuzi and others.

‘Whoosh! ’

The figure of the ancient devil's soul flickered, and he was the first to find the Jiu Ming Xuan Turtle.

Jiu Ming Xuan Gui's body was convulsed by pain, and he had no power to fight back.


Jiu Ming Xuan Turtle showed its original shape, struggled desperately, was punched through the abdomen by the ancient demon, blood splashed, and made a final scream.

The body of the huge black tortoise is like a toy in the hands of the ancient demon, and can be kneaded at will.

Flesh was blurred, bones were broken.

Jiu Ming Xuan Turtle stepped into the footsteps of the Flood Dragon King. The mysterious turtle's soul and flesh and blood were extracted by the ancient devil's soul using secret techniques, and they were thrown into the blood coffin.

Obtaining the essence of the Nine Lives Mysterious Turtle, the power of the blood river formation greatly increased, and the blood coffin regained part of the blood. On the other hand, the blood in the sword energy became more and more intense.

In an instant, Jiu Ming Xuan Turtle ended up like this.

Everyone was sad and sad, and their hearts were sad.

The top masters of the two clans of the dignified, calling for wind and rain in the outside world, but all of them will die here, becoming the sacrifice of the ancient demons.


The ancient demon split the soul and crushed the Jiu Ming Xuan Turtle, and was about to kill the next person. Fairy Nangui, who was closest to the Jiu Ming Xuan Turtle, suddenly felt a strange fluctuation.

He turned his head suddenly and looked at the corner of the blood-colored crystal wall.

There, there was a fist-sized withered leafhopper lying motionless on the blood-colored crystal wall. It was Old Demon Fang.

Compared with the human body, the dead leafhopper is very inconspicuous and easily overlooked.

However, the strength that Fang Laomo showed before was not inferior to brought a lot of trouble to the ancient demon.

Fang Laomo was also targeted by the ancient demons, but he was not spared. Moreover, he is an insect Gu, his primordial spirit seems to be more fragile than others, and if there is no breath, he is already dying.

A scene that everyone did not expect appeared.

The dead leafhopper lay dead on the blood-colored crystal wall, and a gap suddenly opened in its abdomen, and a spirit cicada, only the size of an adult thumb, crawled out of its body.

Lingchan's body is as crystal clear as jade, and its thin wings are dotted with stars.

Seeing the world-shattering scene, even the ancient demons were stunned.

"Star Wing Chan! Twin Gu?"

Da Wuzhu exclaimed in surprise.

She and Fang Laomo belong to the same witch clan. Before that, she never knew that Fang Laomo not only merged with the body of the dead leafhopper, but also hid another life bug.

Moreover, twin Gus have different bloodlines.

One is the bloodline of the dead leafhopper, possessing the supernatural power of the way of sound waves, which is unexpected and makes the opponent hard to guard against.

The other is Xingyi Chan, with an extraordinary escape technique.

Both are strange worm-level spirit worms, which are hard to find in this world, but do not know how to cultivate them.

When he was in the Witch God Continent, Qin Sang once met a Witch Clan cultivator with a twin Gu, Cui Xuanzi, the head of the Five Insect Sect, but one of his Life Insect Gu stagnated after growing to a certain extent, unable to advance an inch.

Fang Laomo's twin Gu and Cui Xuanzi seem to be different.

Xingyi Cicada appeared, and the dead leaf cicada shriveled down at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a piece of paper falling off Xingyi Cicada's body, as if the whole body's essence had been absorbed by Xingyi Cicada.

Star Wing Chan still looks so weak, but a small part of its body is already embedded in the blood-colored crystal wall!



This is from yesterday.

I'm typing on my phone on the train, two chapters will be a little later today.

It was written in a hurry, and there was no time for proofreading. I will practice meditation tomorrow.

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