Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1105: Accident

The immortal world is unpredictable.

Before leaving, he left Aunt Mei with few resources. For a sect, it was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Such a weak sect, and it is in the realm of the devil, has persisted until now and has not perished.

After a hundred years of war, many of the top sects and forces of the year declined because of this, and there were countless sects that were destroyed.

Among them, the pure Yang sect, the largest sect in the Little Cold Domain, gradually declined after the fall of the red-haired ancestor.

However, the status of Shaohua Mountain and Dongyangbo is getting higher and higher.

The rise and fall is the same, I don't know how the Demon Flame Gate survived in the cracks.

"It turned out to be a disciple of the Demon Flame Sect."

Qin Sang nodded and said in a kind tone, "Many years ago, I had a relationship with a fellow Taoist named Mei Gu. She also came from Moyan Sect, and she is said to be the head of Moyan Sect."

"Senior knows the head master?"

The young man exclaimed, "The junior is rude and has no eyes, and I hope the senior will forgive me."

Qin Sang didn't care, he waved his hand and continued to ask, "Daoyou Mei is still the head of the Demon Flame Sect? At first, when we made friends, she was only in the foundation-building stage. After so many years, she should have formed the elixir, right?"

The young man nodded again and again, "Senior Master has already formed pills many years ago, and it is thanks to the guidance of Master Master that this junior is able to cultivate today."

"I remember that when Daoist Mei talked about Moyan Sect, she was full of worries. As the head of the Sect, she can lead Moyan Sect to this day, and she can form a pill by herself, which is really amazing."

Qin Sang said with emotion.

These words came from his heart.

Think about yourself, how difficult it was to form a pill back then, and I didn't dare to be distracted by foreign things.

Qin Sang had almost forgotten Mo Yanmen and Aunt Mei, but did not expect that they would survive in the world of cultivating immortals where the weak eat the weak.

The young man's eyes turned and said, "The head master once said that it is not only her credit that the master's school is today, but also thanks to the protection of the ancestors."

"Ancestor of Moyan Sect, I heard Daoyou Mei mention it once. However, it is said that the senior has been out and hasn't shown up for a long time, right?"

Qin Sang's eyes flashed and he said lightly.

Seeing that Qin Sang knew so much about the ancestor of Moyan Sect, the doubts in the young man's heart gradually disappeared, and he hesitated: "Although the younger generation has not seen the ancestor with his own eyes, he has heard it from the head master more than once. The ancestor was inconvenient for special reasons. Appeared, but has been secretly guarding the division gate."

Qin Sang could naturally see it.

Even he himself did not believe what the young man said. If he didn't show up for so long, the ancestor probably had already turned into a skeleton.

However, no matter if Aunt Mei was talking about the tiger's skin, or for some other reason, she finally did not forget his ancestor.

Qin Sang nodded and asked a few more questions.

By this time, the fool also saw that Qin Sang was abnormal.

The sky is raging outside.

In the huge sanctuary, all the monks were silent, secretly observing the actions of Qin Sang and the youth.

In less than an hour, the celestial phenomenon was coming to an end.

Qin Sang glanced outside, stood up, and walked out.


The young man chased after him quickly, bowed and said, "I don't know the name of the senior? The junior will report to the master master. Hearing the news of the old friend, the master master will be very happy."

Qin Sang paused for a moment, and said lightly, "Pin Dao Qingfeng, if I have time, I will visit in person."

After that, Qin Sang flickered a few times before disappearing into the storm.

The young man stood there, frowning at the direction where Qin Sang disappeared, with the word 'Qingfeng' in his mouth.

Immediately, the three companions also chased out.

Qin Sang was not seen.

The charming woman asked in surprise: "Huo Demon, that person is really a senior at the stage of forming an elixir? It's no wonder that my charm skills have no effect on him..."

The young man looked at the woman and warned: "You have to be more restrained in the future. We are now called the king without tigers in the mountains, but maybe we will encounter hard stubble anytime. Fortunately, the seniors are generous."

The charming woman nodded again and again with lingering fears.

Another monk asked: "Why did that senior find you, do you have any connection?"

The young man shook his head: "Listen to the tone of the seniors, I have an old relationship with the master, and recognize the "Seven Suns Technique" that I practiced. Three fellow Daoists, I want to go back to the gate and send a letter to the master, I can't talk to you this time. went together..."


After leaving the shelter, Qin Sang went straight to Yinshan Pass.

He thought to himself.

Accidentally learned the news of the Demon Flame Gate, which made Qin Sang have more ideas.

Shaohua Mountain is thriving, until he has the strength to face Uncle Dongyang, he dare not reveal his true origin.

But his cultivation can't be hidden.

Now that the alliance between the two domains is facing off against Sin Yuan, once the situation becomes tense again, no force or individual can be alone.

Even casual repairs.

Unless you have been hiding in the cave to cultivate and successfully conceiving a baby.

He will soon be able to return to the late stage of the formation of pills. As long as this cultivation base shows up, he will definitely be missed by the alliance of the two domains.

There are no eggs under the nest.

The other party puts pressure on righteousness, and once they refuse, they will become the public enemy of the two domains.

Before that, you need to plan ahead and prepare a suitable identity.

The ancestor of the Demon Flame Sect is a good choice.

But Magic Flame Gate can be said to be developed by Mei Gu with her own strength, this kind of action is tantamount to picking peaches.

Qin Sang can't believe it, Moyan Sect really misses his ancestor.

If possible, Qin Sang would like to develop his own power based on the Demon Flame Gate, so that he can have the capital to compete with Dongyang Bo after the baby is born.

It is not advisable to use force to oppress people, it will only lead to detachment from morality.

There must be an explanation for the upper and lower levels of the Demon Flame Gate and Aunt Mei.

This can be planned slowly.

at dusk.

Qin Sang came to a large square market outside Yinshan Pass and found a black market.

Sure enough, there is a way to disguise his identity and deal with the investigation.

After disguising as a loose cultivator and successfully infiltrating the city, Qin Sang did not rush to leave. He frequently contacted the major chambers of commerce, and while purchasing the spiritual items he needed, he searched for news everywhere, and finally understood the situation in the entire immortal world.

One thing surprised Qin Sang.

After leaving the Ziwei Palace that year, Shaohuashan has never wanted him.

I don't know if it was because the invasion of Sin Yuan affected all his energy, and Uncle Dongyang forgot about it, or what was the reason.

Contrary to Canglanghai, he hunted demons in the demon sea, and the demon bones and other items he had accumulated were the rarest treasures in Xiaohanyu, and they were very valuable.

In order to avoid suspicion, Qin Sang only took out a small part, and then stopped when he got the spiritual material he needed.

The Demon Pill remained unmoved.

Now that the idea of ​​conquering the Demon Flame Gate and forming a force has arisen.

How to use these evil demon pills needs to be carefully considered.

Qin Sang made a decision. After leaving the city, he found a secluded place, inscribed a new killing talisman, and returned to the middle stage of cultivation.

Then, he set off again and flew straight out of the edge of the swamp, a hundred thousand mountains.

After galloping for a while, Qin Sang came to a desolate snow-capped mountain.

Tan Hao's former cave dwelling is here.

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