Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1130: star platform

Come near that light.

"You have entered Zhitian Peak before, you should know the situation inside. After entering, you should concentrate on cultivating secret techniques, and you should not shoot at will..."

Qingjun called Qin Sang to step forward, and the handprints changed continuously, putting a series of restrictions into Qin Sang's body.

Qin Sang did not make any resistance.

Forbidden to enter the body, I suddenly felt that the cultivation base was suppressed in the foundation-building stage.

After completing the ban, Qingjun stopped.

Jiu Gu and the demon cultivator were not at ease, so they also took action, adding layers of seals to Qin Sang.

Suddenly, Qin Sang's expression changed, and the treasures such as the mustard seed bag, the spirit beast bag, and the Thousand Ton Ring on his body were all sealed by Jiu Gu and Mo Xiu. .

"You can't bring out a star element stone from Zhitian Peak! After coming out, I will release these seals with my own hands."

Jiugu stared at Qin Sang's eyes and warned in a deep voice.

This person has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his eyes seem to have a strong **** aura.

Qin Sang glanced at Senior Sister.

This move is obviously to guard against Yuan Mirage and Qingjun.

The Yuan Mirage Gate is good at the way of formation, and all the treasures in the gate fall into the hands of Qingjun. There must be an ancient formation that needs to be formed with star stone. Otherwise, Leng Yuntian would not have planned to compete for the immortal mansion and sent someone to sneak into the Zhitian Peak. Steal the star stone.

If Qingjun dedicates the ancient formation to the alliance of the two regions to resist Sin Yuan, they are happy to see it succeed, but if Qingjun secretly hides the star stone, it is obviously not what other forces want to see.


Qingjun didn't take it seriously.

Qin Sang nodded, kept silent, turned and flew towards the entrance.

Eddy whirlpools and storms appear on the water.

Without any hesitation, Qin Sang escaped into the whirlpool.

The storm that refers to the entrance of Tianfeng, at this time, has caused no trouble for Qin Sang, who has a powerful body. The suction added to his body, and Qin Sang broke free one after another.

Soon, Qin Sang entered Zhitian Peak.

The scenery in this space is the same as before. The glow formed by the ancient prohibition is fused into pieces with the star element stone. The abundant star element power is everywhere, especially the peak of Zhitian Peak.

Unexpectedly, Qin Sang went the opposite way and swept straight down the mountain.

Before going to Cangheng Island, Qin Sang and Qingjun had expected this and went to Xianfu in advance. Qin Sang put a treasure such as a star spirit net and a star platform in the fairy mansion in advance.

The Protoss Net is used to capture the Astral Stone.

Qingjun helped Qin Sang, and also had the idea of ​​stealing the star stone.

The Xingtai is the Banyue Stone Platform that Qin Sang snatched from the monks of the Wu clan in Landoumen. Breaking through the third layer of "Tian Yao Refining Form" is to rely on its star energy to fill the body.

This treasure can gather Xingyuan, and maybe even help him.

With his powerful body, Qin Sang didn't have to use his true essence at all, so he could reach the teleportation formation without any obstacles.

Here, Qing Jun moved his hands and feet to cover up the teleportation formation.

Qin Sang easily opened the teleportation array, suppressed the cultivation to the Qi refining period, teleported to the opposite immortal mansion, and retrieved the treasure.

Then, he swept towards the top of the peak while collecting the Star Primordial Stone recklessly.

"What a strong star power!"

The joy on Qin Sang's face grew stronger and stronger.

Going on like this, you don't even need to go to the top of the mountain to meet the requirements of Xingyuan's body.

After a while, Qin Sang stopped, sensed it, and secretly said, "This is enough."

After walking around Zhitian Peak, Qin Sang found an open space without restrictions, took out the star platform, sat down with his knees crossed, and silently recited the secret of the practice.

As he activated the secret technique, the power of the surrounding Xingyuan was attracted in a certain way, and they began to gather towards Qin Sang.

The ethereal and mysterious power entered the body, mixed with the dark and incomprehensible Xingsha.

As he expected, the power of Xingyuan in Tianfeng also has a sinister Xingsha, which is no different from the outside world, and can be used as Xingyuan to fill the body.


Qin Sang sat still.

The power of Xingyuan is continuously attracted like a stream of water, and the star platform is also helping to condense.

After entering Qin Sang's body, it was like a turbulent sea, and it was violently impacted in Qin Sang's body.

The skin and flesh began to tremble slightly, being tempered by Xingyuan.

Having experienced Xingyuan infusion in the past, Qin Sang had long anticipated the pain of instillation, and endured it with perseverance.

Around Qin Sang, the power of Xingyuan became stronger and stronger, and his whole body was bathed in starlight, shining brightly.

The speed of the gathering of star power is getting faster and faster, finally meeting the requirements of the exercise.

Qin Sang's complexion was slightly condensed, and the seal changed abruptly.

'boom! ’

The abundant Xingyuan power rushed into the body frantically, ravaging Qin Sang's body, tearing flesh and blood, and the bones seemed to be crushed into **** by the torrent.

Qin Sang groaned, his face was red, and he gritted his teeth.

He ignored the pain and urged the practice.

Blood oozes out, and new impurities are extracted. The baptism of Xingyuan brings terrifying pain, but also brings transformation to Qin Sang.

The bones seem to be broken, the marrow is washed by Xingyuan, and the flesh and blood have been replaced a few times.

I don't know if all the cultivators have to endure this kind of pain, or it's because he practiced sorcery.

Qin Sang's will is firm, and under the impact of waves of severe pain, the exercises are still uninterrupted. After the physical body is destroyed again and again, it has been remodeled again and again.

'boom! ’

Xingyuan rolled in.

Qin Sang's body was shaking violently.

He screamed in his heart: "Why haven't you broken through?"

The power of Xingyuan attracted by him has clearly exceeded the limit described in the exercise method. Qin Sang is almost at the limit, but there is still no sign of breaking through.

He ignored the pain and visualized Qingluan, but he still couldn't comprehend the most crucial thing—the Heavenly Demon Dharma Sign!

Qin Sang clearly felt that his physical body was stronger than before, and he took a step further at the peak of the third floor. The fourth floor seemed to be within reach, but it was like a moat!


There was a sudden roar.

Stars scattered.

'Snapped! ’

Qin Sang put one hand on the star stone, and blood flowed from the cracked skin on his body.

His hair was disheveled and his body was covered in wounds, but he had no intention of healing.

Breakthrough failed!

Qin Sang's brows were tightly knitted together. Although he had also benefited from the Xingyuan infusion, he still could not condense the Heavenly Demon Dharma and could not break through the fourth floor.

"Sure Just visualizing the puppet, isn't Qingluan's true meaning enough?"

Qin Sang murmured.

At the beginning of his cultivation, he had this kind of worry, but now it has become a roadblock.

He tried a few more times after resting, but not only did he fail to gain the benefit, but the bottleneck was always firm.

"It's an alien cultivation technique!"

Qin Sang sighed, "The immortal cultivator conjures a baby, it is a great transformation that requires calamity! The fourth level of "The Heavenly Demon Refinement" and the first three levels must not only be the difference between physical strength, but also involves the magical aspect of the heavenly demon. It's not enough to visualize the puppet, is it enough to see the real Qingluan phantom?"

Qin Sang was a little worried.

If this road doesn't work out, I may not be able to continue to practice "Tian Yao Refining Shape" in the future.

Qin Sang shook his head and was about to get up and put away the star platform.

Surprisingly, he discovered that the star platform under him had undergone unexpected changes when he was concentrating on breaking through, and was absorbing the power of the star itself!

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