Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1143: Qingluan

Stun the demon king's favorite concubine.

The falcon demon looked around, then closed its wings, and lightning surged, silently gathered in the middle, and condensed into a silver-white thunderball in the void.

Inside the thunderball, countless slender lightning bolts are constantly swimming.

The falcon demon said something.

I don't know what secret technique it motivated, and the lightning ball suddenly fell down, pointing to the ground.

"It really is here!"

Falcon Yao was overjoyed when he saw this, and said proudly: "I have long felt that there is something nearby that caused the power of thunder in my blood to change. Who would have thought that the treasure house of the demon king is actually hidden in the concubine's cave?"

The falcon demon carefully probed, but found nothing. .

Divine Consciousness swept over, and could not feel the slightest fluctuation, or the trace of forbidden existence.

With the guidance of the lightning ball, I just found a very hidden entrance. The ground beneath the jade bed cracked silently, revealing a step.

"The old demon is really treacherous, and he used a mortal organ!"

Falcon Yao secretly cursed, and dodged into the tunnel.

This tunnel leads straight to the ground. The interior is not dark. There are rows of night pearls inlaid on the walls, and the end of the tunnel leads to a stone gate.

A dim light appeared on the stone gate, which was obviously a restriction left by the Demon King. The time is limited, a flash of urgency flashed in Yao Yao's eyes, he hurried forward, and concentrated on breaking the ban.

at this time.

A voice suddenly came from behind, "Thank you, fellow Daoist, for helping me find the treasure house."

In an instant, all the feathers of the falcon demon exploded.

Someone was lurking behind it, and it didn't notice it!


The falcon demon was terrified, and without even thinking about it, lightning flashed all over his body, condensed into a thick arm of lightning and shot out behind him fiercely.

Then, the falcon demon figure turned sharply and saw a scene that made it desperate.

A man wearing a mask with green wings on his back stood behind it at some point.

In the face of the falcon monster's blow, the masked man did not dodge or evade, but just raised a hand, the palm of his heart surged with true energy, and he held the lightning tightly in his hand, and his figure only flickered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the falcon demon only felt his eyes lit up, and a sword light flashed.

The next moment, a terrifying sword force came.

The falcon demon's mind trembled, and before it could do anything, the surrounding space was blocked by the sword formation, and the sword lights vibrated gently in the void, and the sword tip pointed directly at the falcon demon.

Shrouded by the sword formation, the falcon demon's eyes were terrified.

Although the other party is not a big demon, but his strength is extremely strong, the falcon demon has no doubt that once he changes, he will be pierced by Wanjian in the next moment.

"Jian Shi! Are you a human race?"

The falcon screamed.

It has heard that the most talented human sword cultivator can comprehend the sword power in the stage of forming the core, and the combat effectiveness is amazing.

Now that this has been confirmed, it is powerless to fight back.

"Don't be impulsive, fellow Daoist, because of your love for treasure hunting for the old man, the old man has no intention of hurting your life. If you are nervous and miss your hand, it will be bad."

Qin Sang said lightly, and shot a stream of light to seal the Falcon Demon's cultivation.

The falcon demon was embarrassed, and the other party returned what it said to the demon king's favorite concubine just now.

Its eyes rolled around, and at this time there was still a treasure hunt, just thinking about how to get out of this person's hands.

The other party claimed that he would not take its life, but the falcon demon knew very well that there were countless means more painful than death.

Qin Sang didn't care what the falcon demon was thinking.

He suspected that the falcon demon might be a fat chicken, but he didn't have time to ask now.

If it is really a fat chicken, he must have a very good understanding of the interior of Wuya Valley. After asking clearly, if there is a chance in the future, he will go to Wuya Valley to look for Wujixuesang.

I don't know how this guy got involved, where did the elders go.

Qin Sang remembered that when the fat chicken had just broken his shell, he had a cultivation level of the demon spirit stage, and he beat him badly, but now he was easily captured alive by him.

Qin Sang looked at the restrictions on the stone gate. With the help of Tianmu Die, he saw the weak points. After a lot of effort, he finally cracked the restrictions and pushed in the door.


Seeing the items displayed in the treasure house, Qin Sang also felt a little dazzling.

The most precious treasure must be brought by the Demon King, and the most treasured treasures are boxes and boxes of spirit stones, all of which are mid-grade spirit stones.

At the rear is a row of wooden racks, on which are placed various magic weapons.

Baoguang is overflowing, and the rank may not be very high. It is the kind of magic weapon that the demon king can't use, but he is not willing to throw it away directly.

On these treasures, there are restrictions left by the demon king.

Qin Sang was not attracted by so much wealth, his eyes swept across quickly, and finally found a boxy slate on the wooden frame.

It's exactly the same as what Sister Qingjun described!

"that's it!"

Qin Sang was overjoyed, and walked quickly to the wooden frame, staring at the slate.

Seeing that Qin Sang's target was actually a slate, and his cultivation base was sealed, the Thunder-Swallowing Falcon, who was standing at the door and couldn't move, was very surprised, and secretly said that he was unlucky.

He could feel that it was this slate that attracted him!

There are several layers of prohibition on the slate left by the demon king who pulls the machine, and it is obvious that he attaches great importance to this treasure. Qin Sang observed it, found the loopholes in the ban, stimulated the real essence, and carefully tried to crack it.

It is necessary to instill real essence into it, in order to stimulate the illusory shadow of Qingluan in the slate.

The layers of restrictions were broken by Qin Sang in turn.

The slate body was finally revealed.

The surface of the mysterious slate is uneven, and it is gray-white. At this time, it is lying quietly on the wooden frame. There is no phantom of green luan. It looks like an ordinary slate.

With such an easy success, Qin Sang decided to take the slate directly away, leaving Wan Sheyuan first, not to stimulate Qingluan phantom here to avoid accidents.

Unexpectedly, when his finger touched the slate, a sudden change occurred!

A layer of blue light suddenly appeared on the stone slab.

This layer of azure light was like a living thing, wrapped around Qin Sang's fingers, and quickly poured into Qin Sang's body.

Qin Sang was caught off guard, and his complexion changed drastically.

He didn't know what that layer of blue light was. He didn't expect that the mysterious slate would change itself, and Qingjun never mentioned that such a thing would happen.

"not good!"

Qin Sang cried out in his heart.

No matter whether the cyan light is good or bad, you can't let it enter your body without knowing the details.

Qin Sang reacted very quickly, and immediately pulled back his frantically stimulated his true essence, trying to prevent the blue light from spreading to his body.

Suddenly, there was a loud 'bang'.

The slate suddenly burst!

Rocks fly.

In the smoke and dust, a phantom shadow of Qingluan spread its wings and flew high.

At this time, the treasure house seemed extremely narrow, Qingluan's phantom hovered slightly, lowered his head, and looked down at Qin Sang.

They seemed to be facing the real Heavenly Demon, their hearts trembled, and the Falcon Demon shivered.


Just heard a long beep.

The next moment, the phantom of Qingluan suddenly turned into a blue light, which could not help but enter Qin Sang's body.

In a trance, Qin Sang seemed to have come to the wild.

He seemed to see that there was a vast aura between heaven and earth, and a green luan walked through the thunderclouds, seeing the terrifying thunder as nothing!

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