Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1152: passerby

The latest website: After a while, the big demons came one after another.

What caught Qin Sang's attention the most was Fat Chicken and Bai He. In just a few months, these two were extremely familiar with each other, and they looked like they were flowing.


The white crane fell to the ground, shook his feathers arrogantly, and smiled at Qin Sang.

Qin Sang was stunned for a while, then glanced at Fat Chicken.

"My brother!"

The fat chicken stretched out its wings, embraced the white crane, and said righteously.

Qin Sang slandered, it really was this kid.

Yunyouzi's emperor Liujiao has already been destroyed in a catastrophe.

It's not surprising that the fat chicken has a mother in the metamorphosis period, and she has the emperor's jelly on her body.

However, even the big demon who changed shape was reluctant to take out too much of the emperor's pulp to turn the little demon, and the fat chicken was willing to use it on the white crane he just met.

These two birds are greedy and lustful, and they really smell like each other!

"In the future, if you are looking for a Taoist companion, don't look for a descendant of the Phoenix clan."

Qin Sang warned Fat Chicken from the bottom of his heart, which was meaningful.

The fat chicken was stunned, not knowing why.

Bai He rolled his eyes a few times, turned around and embraced the fat chicken, and said sternly: "Brother and wife, don't bully!"


Qin Sang has no time to pay attention to the two birds for the time being. If he dares to cause trouble for him in the future, he must discipline him well.

Now, the concentric ring of Hunyuan and Baihe are of little use to Qin Sang, so he decided to untangle Baihe's body and let it stay in the sea of ​​bamboos.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, nothing major happened recently, right?"

Qin Sang looked at the spirit of the willow tree and asked.

The spirit of the willow tree said in a somber tone: "There have been several fights on the front line, and it is said that the momentum of Sin Yuan has slowed down again. The other demon king's subordinates meet up and go to the battlefield. Apart from this, the feather demon king has no new orders."

"They're leaving now?"

Qin Sang frowned, knowing that he couldn't stop this kind of thing.

The best way to reduce casualties is to smash Sin Yuan's attempt.

"Don't worry, I have already decided to start attacking the Nascent Soul. After the breakthrough, I will personally go to the battlefield to see it."

As soon as this statement came out, the demons burst into an uproar.

"The old man will go to open the big formation..."

Before the Spirit of Willow finished speaking, Qin Sang stopped him.

"The two clans, the human and the demon, are different from the heavens. I can't cross the calamity in the sea of ​​​​Qianshan and bamboo. Going to Yuncang Daze is the best choice. Although I have a lot of confidence, just in case, some things should be explained to you first. ."

Qin Sang said in a deep voice.

He attached so much importance to Qianshan Bamboo Sea and all the demons because of Yunyouzi's last words.

Hearing this, all the demons had solemn expressions on their faces.

Looking around for a week, Qin Sang issued a series of orders.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, Xiaobai, if I fail to cross the calamity, I will be entrusted by my predecessors. You can't continue to stay in the sea of ​​​​Qianshan Bamboo, withdraw into the sea of ​​ice as soon as possible, and hide for as long as you can."

"Bai He, I'll set you free, but you have to assist Fellow Daoist Liu and Xiao Bai until they are safe."

"Fat chicken, we are old acquaintances, I know your origin and background. If I die under the catastrophe, the previous conditions will be voided, and I will not force you to stay. But you must promise me a condition, Fellow Daoist Liu and the others, if they are in danger, you need to ask your mother for help and ask her to come forward to resolve it once."

The fat chicken laughed dryly, "Master, you are too cautious, you dare to fight the demon king now, and the mere calamity should be no problem?"

Willow Spirit and White Cat are far less optimistic.

They were defeated by Yunyouzi twice, leaving a psychological shadow.

Bai Mao's eyes were full of worry, and he said timidly, "Young Master Qin, can I accompany you to Yuncang Daze to protect the law for you?"

Qin Sang didn't refuse. After thinking about it, he said, "Alright, Fat Chicken and Bai He, you all come with me. I still have a few juniors in the human race, you know each other. Fellow Daoist Liu will stay..."


After making arrangements, Qin Sang and Bai took the three demons to set off and returned to the human world.

This time, Qin Sang hurried at the fastest speed, over the mountains, and headed straight for the Great Sui.

All three are there.

Bai Hanqiu is retreating, hitting the bottleneck of foundation building.

After traveling for a while, Li Yuax finally realized something and returned to the cave.

Tan Yien's cultivation has also improved a lot.

When Qin Sang came back, the three immediately went out to greet him.

Qin Sang introduced the three demons to them, checked their cultivation base, gave some pointers, gave them a few treasures, and then stated his plan.

The three of them were startled, both happy and worried.

Qin Sang made it clear that if he failed to survive the calamity, he would entrust Tan Yien and Bai Hanqiu to Li Yuaxe and join the Qingyang Temple in the future.

Didn't stay too long.

A few days later, everyone rushed to Yuncang Daze, accompanied by Li Yuaxe.

Qin Sang went to Cangheng Island, and the others scattered to search, and it didn't take long to find an island suitable for tribulation.

"Labor and teachers! So many people protect the law for me."

Qin Sang and Bai stood side by side on a mountain in the island and sighed.

Bai Yan laughed, "Others don't know your true strength, am I still not clear? You are too careful, making everyone worry about it!"

Qin Sang shook his head and said nothing.

Bai Qi would know the secret of his life experience.

Yunyouzi is an anomaly, and he is not normal. Although Qin Sang felt that it was impossible for him to encounter such a thing as a two-color thunder robbery, even if he had infinite confidence, with his character, he had to make arrangements for the funeral and plan ahead.

"It's time for you all!"

Qin Sang clenched his fists.

Bai nodded, took people away from the island, and stood guard on the periphery.

Qin Sang first arranged a protective spiritual formation around the mountain, then took out twelve magic flags and inserted them on the ground beside him.

The Great Array of Twelve Demon Banners is one of Qin Sang's strengths to transcend the calamity.

Then, bottles of medicinal pills and magic weapons were put away by Qin Sang in different categories, ready to be used at any time.

Arrange external objects.

Qin Sang took out Du'erdan and took a closer look.


After a long time, Qin Sang lowered his eyebrows and let out a faint sigh. He didn't rush to take the pill, and closed his eyes slowly.

In the Qianshan Bamboo Sea.

I don't know which of the four-transformed spirit insects and the four-layer body refinement has a greater effect.

Qin Sang successfully sensed a chance for a breakthrough. This kind of opportunity is extremely precious, and he can take this opportunity to defeat the bottleneck.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

After pondering, Qin Sang decided not to wait any longer.

He was adjusted himself, started from scratch, and combed the exercises over and over again.

It took three full days.

Qin Sang's sea of ​​qi was full of true essence, and his whole body was full of essence and blood, adjusting the state of his physical body and true essence to the peak state.

But these alone are not enough, Qin Sang is still not in a hurry to take the next step.

At this time, Qin Sang's thoughts were flying, recalling the past, and returning to the place where he was born.

Scenes of deep memories emerged from his mind, the voices and smiles of his relatives, and everything was more than two hundred years ago. With his cultivation, these memories began to blur.

"Everyone is a passerby..."

Qin Sang remembered what Senior Sister Qingjun had said.

Entering the path of cultivation, Qin Sang has already realized it. He did not have any turbulence in his heart and continued to sort out his own cultivation path. These were the most important things. (To be continued)

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