Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1171: gap

Remember [New] for a second,! The Snake King looked left and right, pointed to two mountains in the distance, and drew a circle, "The battlefield is limited to the open space between the two mountains. Anyone who flies out of the range will be regarded as defeated."

Qin Sang and the Demon King of the Machine have no objection.

Set the rules.

The Snake King dodged and flew to a mountain outside the battlefield to watch the battle, and Qin Sang and the Demon King flew into the battlefield.

Between the two mountains, there is an open area, like a ring.

They stood on opposite ends of the battlefield, looking at each other from afar.

The top-notch existence in the Xiuxian world released its aura, and the terrifying coercion made the birds and beasts in the surrounding mountains terrified and fled in a panic.

The ebony sword is not yet formed.

Qin Sang could only choose other spirit swords instead.

At this time, he has already displayed the Heavenly Demon Transformation, and the other hand is secretly choking, ready to sacrifice the magic flag at all times.

The other party came prepared, of course he had to go all out.

Like the snake, the eyes of the Demon King Qiangji are also vertical pupils, his eyes are cold, and there is no need for extra expressions. When others stare straight at him, there will be bursts of chills in their hearts.

'call out! ’

Qin Sang's thoughts moved slightly, and with a flick of his sleeve robe, a sword light flew out from his fingertips.

The spirit sword swirled and danced around Qin Sang, and there were bursts of harsh sword whistles. Qin Sang was surrounded by bright lights, and countless real and illusory sword lights were intertwined.

For a time, Qin Sang's figure was covered by the sword light, and it was difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye.

For the first time, he really faced an opponent at the Nascent Soul level, and he was very cautious. He did not choose to take the initiative to attack, but planned to see tricks and dismantle tricks, first weighing the opponent's ability.

The Demon King Pulling Machine had long known that Qin Sang was proficient in swordsmanship, and seeing this scene, he was not surprised at all.

He glanced at Qin Sang coldly, and suddenly there was a layer of black air on his face, and then he opened his mouth and spit out black mist.

The black mist is thick and unusual, and as soon as it appeared, it quickly spread.

The black fog was not aimed at Qin Sang on purpose. It quickly spread to all directions, then converged and quickly enveloped the entire battlefield.

For a time, the battlefield was pitch black, and the five fingers could not be seen.

Where Qin Sang stood, the black mist closed and surrounded him.

At the same time, Qin Sang smelled a sweet fragrance, her complexion changed slightly, and her heart suddenly became alert.

He tried to expel the black mist, but then kept replenishing it.

The Demon King is a snake demon. This kind of black fog is likely to be a supernatural power he has cultivated for many years.

The fat silkworm is still awake. No matter how violent the black fog is, it will not be much stronger than the three poisonous grounds of the Seven Killing Hall. Wearing poison-proof armor, there is no need to worry.

After breaking through Yuanying, Qin Sang tried many times to communicate with the dumb girl and the fat silkworm.

Never got a response.

The mute aunt is heavier than the one who 'slept' before.

At the beginning, there was a fat silkworm as the anchor, Qin Sang could feel the fluctuations of the dumb girl's soul, but now the anchor point is also asleep, and the dumb girl's body is dead silent.

Fortunately, there is a soul tree, otherwise I really don't know if the dumb girl can survive.

Qin Sang was worried about the dumb girl, but she couldn't do anything for the time being. Bai may take a long time to refine the corpse soul beads. For the time being, he can only start with Tan Hao's clues to investigate the corpse sect.


The black mist really began to corrode the spirit armor on his body.

Qin Sang nodded secretly, this kind of loss is acceptable, not too much burden in a short time.

Although the black fog blocked his vision, it could not isolate the divine power of the sky.

Qin Sang looked around and found that the entire battlefield was shrouded in black fog. He was secretly confident that the Demon King was obviously prepared, and they had also calculated the scope of the battlefield.

It's not just to consume this little real energy, Heiwu may have other unknown uses.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

This thought flashed through his mind, Qin Sang's expression condensed, and he found that the demon king had moved.

A figure silently leaned towards him.

In the dark fog, the Demon King of the Machine was very good at concealing it, and he didn't make the slightest fluctuation.

Unfortunately, it is doomed to be useless under the supernatural power of Tianmu.

‘Zheng! ’

The sound of sword chants was loud, and the sword light suddenly cut into the depths of the black mist.

The black fog vibrated, and a black shadow ****.

At this time, the Demon King of the Machine was still some distance away from Qin Sang. Seeing that his deeds were exposed, his face flashed with a ferocious expression, and he let out a low roar, and then the speed skyrocketed, and the Dapeng flew towards him like spreading his wings.

Qin Sang was also a little surprised by the speed that the Demon King was showing.

‘Shuh! ’

Qin Sang's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

As the electric light passed through the black fog, Qin Sang's first reaction was to cast Lei Dun to avoid the edge for a while.

Immediately afterwards, his guess was confirmed, and he felt strange. Flying away in the black fog seems to be restricted in some way, and there is a sense of stagnation for no reason.

On the other hand, the Demon King is several times more dexterous than before.

As soon as Qin Sang set off, he immediately judged Qin Sang's movement and followed closely.

At the same time, the black mist around Qin Sang suddenly came alive, twisted into something indescribable, and entangled Qin Sang. Although it was quickly shattered, it also had a certain limiting effect.

The black mist billowed, and the two actually competed in it.

The Demon King's escape technique was not as good as Qin Sang's, but in the dark fog, he was very flexible.

The scope of the battlefield is so large, Qin Sang can't use Lei Dun to the extreme, and is restricted by the black fog.

Qin Sang knew that it would be unfavorable for him to drag on like this, but instead, the demon king was happy to see it.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang stopped abruptly, turned to look at the demon king who was chasing after him, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but instead of urging the spirit sword to defend the enemy, he turned towards the opponent.

Qin Sang came with lightning and greeted him with a heavy fist!

The boxing shadow grew rapidly in the vision of the Demon King Pulling Machine, and the momentum was like a thunderbolt, and he took the face of the Demon King Pulling Machine.

The Demon King's expression changed slightly, and then there was a sneer on his face, his right hand poked forward, and the surrounding black mist continued to converge towards his arm.

In the blink of an eye, his arm seemed to turn into a black snake, twisted a few times weirdly, and grabbed Qin Sang's fist.

'boom! ’

Not much momentum but there is nothing fancy about this collision.

The two figures separated at a touch and flew several feet upside down.

Qin Sang clenched his fist and felt an extra feminine force in his body. A burst of numbness spread from his fingers to his shoulders, secretly urging his true essence to dissolve.

He didn't take advantage of it, and even suffered a small loss.

The demon king's body is really strong.

The Demon King is even more proficient in physical combat skills.

In comparison, since Qin Sang has practiced so far, Guan has used swordsmanship and magic weapons to fight the enemy, and he has only fought very few times with his physical body.

The Demon King Pulling Machine shook his arm and looked at Qin Sang with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, already aware that Qin Sang's combat skills were ordinary.

'Congeal! ’

The demon king drank lowly, and the demon mist gathered again, condensed into black armor on his body, and then crossed his arms, bullying Qin Sang with a flash.

At this moment, Qin Sang only saw two snake shadows, which contained countless changes! (To be continued)

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