Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1185: Flip

Yue Jinjian is extremely dazzling.

Endless golden light rolled down like a waterfall, suppressing the fuse!

Fusuo did not show weakness and resisted frantically.

The situation changed for a while.

Above the void, water and fire **, the two magic weapons combined, the fuse received a steady stream of help, madly attacked the golden light, and went against the trend, gradually forcing the momentum of the golden light back.

Sidi pushed Yue Jinjian with all his strength, but he was still unable to resist the combined attack of the two magic weapons. Seeing Yue Jinjian falling behind, not only was he a little anxious, but he hurriedly patted his waist, and he would sacrifice other treasures.

at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared silently.

It is the Zen spirit that has been hiding for a long time!

Chan Ling saw the opportunity, and when the two sides fought the most fiercely, he appeared from under the matte veil and appeared behind Si Di.

There was something odd about his posture.

Instead of standing, he sat cross-legged in the void, holding a jade bottle in one hand, while the other hand spread out his fingers, probing for the defenseless Sidi.

The jade bottle has been opened, and it contains a black venom. There is no smell or other visions, but there is a sense of incomparable evil.

His other palm is even more sinister, with a spider tattoo on the back of his hand.

The spider came alive, like a real spider lying on his hand.

Put away the matte yarn.

The spider tattoo on Zen Ling's hand lit up with black light, transforming into a black spider. His fingers were dancing like spider legs. The spider was monstrous and not good.

Ordinary people will feel cold in their hearts when they see this kind of evil spider.

At the same time when the evil spider appeared, the other hand of the Zen Spirit shook slightly, and the venom in the jade bottle shot into the evil spider like a sharp arrow.

After swallowing all the venom completely, the evil spider became more and more gloomy, and it made a strange scream, like a low magic sound, which could be directly poured into the brain.

The two rows of evil eyes exude viciousness and greed, staring directly at Sidi's back.

At the moment when the Zen spirit appeared.

Old Demon Tan shouted loudly, "Do it!"

The three Nether Towers shook all of a sudden, and Old Demon Pei kept paying attention to the battle situation, and immediately urged the Nether Tower to provide support according to the previously agreed plan.

The crystal ball was pitch-black as ink, shooting out three huge beams of light, which disappeared into the cold fog formation in a flash.

These three beams of light were not aimed at Sidi, but converged in mid-air, turning into a black mask, appearing over the battlefield of Sidi and others, and descending!

At this moment, the ice, snow and cold wind were blocked by the mask.

The intention of this move is to resist the power of the Hanling Great Array, to prevent those who manipulate the Hanling Great Array from rescuing Sidi and affecting the hunting plan.

As long as the power of the crystal tower isolates the big formation.

Sidi will be alone!

However, the role of the Crystal Pagoda is not only that, Old Demon Pei aimed the Pagoda completely at Sidi, and the mask had a power of oppression and restraint to suppress Sidi.

The three Nascent Souls conspired and cooperated very closely.

At the same time when the Chan Ling appeared and the mask fell, Old Demon Tan suddenly pressed the pennant with his palm.

Immediately, the two magic weapons turned upside down, the fuse suddenly dimmed, and the pennant's momentum skyrocketed.

For a long time, the two magic weapons of Old Demon Tan have been dominated by fuses and supplemented by pennants.

Now it can be reversed, using the pennant as the main attack.

This is the real water and fire!

The opponent concentrates on resisting the fuse, surprises, and it is easy to succeed.

That's exactly what Sidi did.

The water waves merged into a big river, and they went upstream and rushed towards Sidi's legs from below, which was extremely tricky.

Sidi was caught off guard, too late to manipulate Yue Jinjian's savior, and was about to dodge, but the mask in the air had already fallen.

‘Crack! click! ’

The rivers were frozen and turned into icebergs. The space around Sidi was blocked. The power of Xuanshui was as sharp as a sword, rushing towards Sidi frantically and participating in the siege.

Two forces sandwiched Sidi in the middle.

However, these two are not the ultimate move, as long as Sidi reacts and gets reinforcements from the Hanling formation, there is still a chance to escape.

The real killer move is in Zen Spirit!


Zen Ling softly spit out a word.

The evil spider turned into a black light and appeared behind Si Di the next moment.

The iceberg transformed by the pennant failed to stop the evil spider, and then, the evil spider directly got into the Divine Shield of Sidi without being hindered in the slightest.

The corners of Zen Ling's mouth showed a wicked smile, and other magical powers were delayed, and this sorcerer, which was not long in the making, just matched the matte veil.

The evil spider transforms into a shape, feeds it with strong poison, and is designed to break the body-protecting spirit of the cultivator.

At this moment, Sidi had already inserted his wings and could not escape, and the three Nascent Souls all showed confident expressions.

However, they wanted to keep Si Di's Nascent Soul together, so Old Demon Pei and Old Demon Tan tried their best to guard against the Hanling formation and prevent reinforcements.

The next moment, the evil spider bit on Sidi.

The next scene made the three Nascent Souls freeze.

The evil spider 'quack', and what came out was the sound of gold and iron symphony, and the evil spider's painful roar. And Sidi's figure flickered and disappeared out of thin air, replaced by Yue Jinjian!

On the mirror surface in the middle of the Yuejinjian, the shadow of Sidi appeared.

Sidi Zhenshen somehow broke free from the trap and appeared in the place where Yue Jinjian was just now.

At a critical moment, he actually switched positions with his magic weapon!

All three of Zen Ling were stunned for They watched helplessly as Sidi disappeared in the circle they carefully set up, but they couldn't see how he did it.

Sidi's face was dark, his breath was fast, and his expression was full of sarcasm.

He was unscathed, and the magic weapon Yuejinjian had received it on his behalf.

Chan Ling and Tan Lao Mo are both veterans, and the failure of the ambush did not affect their determination in the slightest, so they immediately urged the magic weapon to continue hunting.

Looking at the state of Sidi, using this secret escape technique obviously consumes a lot of money, and there is still a chance!

As soon as this thought flashed by, there was a sudden thunderous noise from outside the great formation, as well as Old Demon Pei's screaming.

The two finally changed color!

Outside the great formation, on the edge of the Crystal Pagoda, two figures appeared at some point, and they were both masters of the Nascent Soul series.


When Old Mo Tan saw Sidi's sarcastic expression, he suddenly understood something.

No wonder it was so easy to succeed. When they started besieging and killing Sidi, the Hanling Great Array did not have the expected counterattack, because manipulating the Great Array was not Nascent Soul at all!

They thought they were infallible.

As everyone knows, the other party is also fishing!

Zen Ling's face was extremely gloomy, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind instantly.

It is not clear now that the other party had set such a trap to entrap Pei and Tan, and he happened to meet them. Or he has already been exposed, and the other party will count on it.

If he had been discovered long ago, what Zen Ling had to consider was not the victory or defeat this time.

As long as he doesn't face Shinichi Laodao and others, Zen Spirit can almost do whatever he wants on the battlefield, that is, relying on the matte veil. But the three people who appear now are not among those few people.

Could it be that the Two Domain Alliance has come up with a solution to the matte yarn?


Zen Spirit drinks coldly. (To be continued)

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