Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1188: stalemate

The three sat on the ground to share the spoils.

As the ancestor of Yuan Ying, Lao Mo Pei had a lot of savings.

Magical treasures, elixir of spirit materials, spirit stones, etc., have everything.

Sidi and Jinglin insisted on letting Qin Sauna take the lead, but Qin Sang was not polite, and chose some of the things he needed urgently to fill the ring.

His net worth has always been unworthy of his identity and cultivation, and now that he has paid a Nascent Soul, he finally doesn't look shabby anymore.

However, even though a few magic weapons were allocated, they were all unsatisfactory. Although Old Demon Pei's natal magic weapon was a high-grade magic weapon, it would be a great loss for outsiders to use it.

These are far less than the twelve devil flags and the ebony sword, so they are temporarily used and can only be given to the younger generation in the future.

Sidi and Jinglin divided the rest equally, and were quite satisfied.

"When the military exploits are reported, there are still great harvests waiting for us!"

Jinglin said happily.

Nascent Soul who slays Sin Yuan is no small matter, and the Alliance of the Two Domains has never been stingy.

Although Qin Sang killed the man, without their cooperation, Qin Sang would be hard-pressed to succeed, and the three decided to divide the battle equally.

"This time, fellow Daoist was a blockbuster. It scared both Chan Ling and Old Demon Tan. He retreated with all his heart, but had no intention of fighting. Sin Yuan knew the name of fellow Daoist Mingyue, so he would definitely investigate you secretly and try his best to deal with it."

Jing Lin kindly reminded.

Qin Sang is not worried, it is not so easy to ambush himself.

Of course, prudence is definitely necessary. There are more than ten million magical powers in the world, and maybe you will encounter an opponent who restrains you.

Qin Sang thanked him and turned his head to look at Sidi, "Huo Fan and Lei Fa are both ways to kill the enemy. Sin Yuan can prepare several ways to protect himself in advance, which has little impact. Fellow Daoist Si is different. Now, the life-saving supernatural powers have been exposed in front of Chan Ling and Tan Laomo, so be careful in the future."

Qin Sang admired Sidi's determination and courage.

It is very rare that the Yuan Ying Patriarch is willing to take risks as bait. He and the natal magic weapon shift position, no doubt a weapon for escape. But once it is known, taking precautions in advance will greatly reduce the effect.

Hearing this, Sidi and Jinglin suddenly looked at each other and laughed.

Qin Sang was puzzled.

With a smile on his face, Sidi explained briefly, "Fellow Daoist Mingyue doesn't know, the conditions for using that door technique are extremely harsh, and it's impossible to use it when fighting. The arrangement was made here a month ago before it can be used. If the opponent spends his energy on this martial art, he will not be able to ask for it! In addition to the military exploits he has obtained this time, he will be able to exchange for a long-cherished spiritual material. , when it is integrated into the Yuejinjian, this magic weapon will undergo qualitative changes, and then they will be able to take care of the plan, and then let them fall for it..."

"Fellow Daoist has even calculated this level, I admire it."

Qin Sang secretly sighed that these Nascent Soul old ghosts are really not fuel-efficient lamps, one pit is another pit.

"Since Fellow Daoist Si was in Sandieguan, Pei Tan Ermo has never taken advantage of it, and it's not just his cultivation!"

Jinglin praised.

Sidi Liandao was ashamed.

The three of them joined forces to kill the enemy, and their relationship was obviously much closer than before. The two of Sidi became more and more interested in Qin Sang, and they were very knowledgeable.

Under Qin Sang's deliberate guidance, he talked about the Crystal Pagoda and the Soul Extinguishing Cone.

"Before, the black shield talisman could not completely block the soul-killing cone, but it could buy time and let us dodge it calmly. Old Demon Pei didn't know what secret technique he used, and the power of the soul-killing cone is far greater than before. This situation must be taken seriously. Upload a letter to a true friend."

Jinglin's tone was solemn.

The wound on his body has not yet healed, and when he speaks of the soul-killing cone, his tone is very dreadful.

The Black Shield Talisman is invalid, and the Alliance of Two Domains must find stronger means of protection as soon as possible.

Sidi continued: "This kind of soul-killing cone should not be played at will. I noticed that at the last moment, Old Demon Pei was not normal. The two fellow Taoists are close, so they should see it better than me."

The two looked at Qin Sang.

Qin Sang nodded slightly, "Shi Daoyou is right, before Old Demon Pei hit the soul destroying cone, his appearance instantly aged several hundred years, as if most of his vitality had disappeared."

After a moment of contemplation, Jing Lin's expression suddenly changed, "Old Mo Pei is sacrificing himself to the Nether Crystal Pagoda! This thing really is an uncompromising evil weapon!"

"With the level of Yuan Ying old ghost cherishing his life, it is not a last resort, so we should not be willing to sacrifice ourselves. However, we must take great precautions. Pei old demon can still hurt two fellow Daoists in a hurry, in case anyone is selfless Dedication, scheming, no one knows how much damage can be done."

Sidi said solemnly.


The three talked secretly for a full hour.

Qin Sang asked them about Sinyuan's situation in detail, especially the Nether Crystal Pagoda, but he didn't find the information he wanted.

Send Jinglin and Sidi away.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged on the ground, his thoughts restless.

His intuition told him that there was a high probability that the Crystal Pagoda had something to do with the ancient demon, but there was no evidence, so he couldn't get it on the table.

"This big defeat and loss, Sandieguan should stop for a while. It's time to go to Shiqu Mountain to see Senior Sister. In any case, you must find a way out for yourself first..."

Qin Sang thought to himself.

The demon king killed Yuan Ying like mowing the grass, Qin Sang did not refuse to do his part in defending against Sin Yuan, but he didn't want to risk his life in As for now, she is scared to hide for a thousand miles Besides, it doesn't have to be.

Sin Yuan's strength is not that strong, and there may be other secrets.


After the war, Sandieguan returned to peace, and they finally received news from Shiqu Mountain.

This time, Sin Yuan almost came out in full force, with great momentum.

Sin Yuan therefore set up a suspicious array, and Shiqu Mountain and several nearby important places were the main attack targets. Fortunately, the Two Regions Alliance had already prepared, and asked the demon king to come out in advance.

He was caught off guard at the beginning, but as reinforcements arrived, he gradually blocked Sin Yuan's offensive and stabilized his position.

The most exciting thing is undoubtedly that San Dieguan counter-killed the opponent's Nascent Soul when his strength was slightly inferior.

The name Mingyue Demon King spread quickly and became famous.

a few days later.

Qin Sang found Jinglin and the two and said that he was going to Shiqu Mountain because the little demon from Qianshan Bamboo Sea brought it back.

Sidi had already exchanged for the treasure he liked, his face was full of spring breeze, and he said to himself: "Chan Ling is as timid as a mouse. If he does not thoroughly study the magical powers of fellow Taoists, he will definitely not dare to do it lightly. Don't worry, fellow Taoists, when you bring them, We will take good care of it.”


Stone Mountain.

This was originally a heavy city of the Skywalking Alliance, and all the mortals in the city had been evacuated, and the huge city was desolate.

Shiqu Mountain is heavily guarded.

Qin Sang showed his identity and was able to enter the city.

A cultivator at the stage of forming a pill led Qin Sang into a hall of the City Lord's Mansion, and quickly went to report to Zhendao Chang.

The real leader personally sits in Shiqu Mountain, while Tongyou Demon Lord is stationed in Wang Dongcheng.

Others, such as Senior Sister Qingjun, are also in Shiqu Mountain, Dongyang Bo is assisting Tongyou Demon Lord in Wangdongcheng, and the masters of Tianxing Alliance are also stationed in the two places. (To be continued)

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