Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1193: Jinken Mountain

Qin Sang is very familiar with Che Yutao.

When he was in Shaohua Mountain, Che Yutao was already a Jindan cultivator.

Many years ago, Che Yutao became a top master of Jindan. It is said that he is the one with the greatest hope for advanced Nascent Soul among the monks of Shaohua Mountain.

Qiu Mubai was the most valued disciple of Uncle Dongyang, and he had also broken through the late stage of Jindan.

Mu Yifeng is only in the middle stage of Jindan.

But others, including Mu Yifeng, are all talented.

Uncle Dongyang is obviously protecting the talented disciples, hoping that someone can advance to the Nascent Soul and continue the Dao lineage, lest they fall into the battlefield.

This is in line with Qingzhu's evaluation of him.

After confirming that Mu Yifeng was safe, Qin Sang was relieved and did not have to rush to meet.

As a disciple of Shaohua Mountain, Mu Yifeng must not lack the support of medicinal pills. At most, Qin Sang gave Mu Yifeng a few treasures to protect himself, and gave him a copy of his baby-born experience, so that he could learn from it.

As for the secret techniques, most of Qin Sang's practice is biased, relying entirely on the Jade Buddha, and others can't practice it at all.


Inside the high-rise.

Qin Sang meditated for many days, and the seventh sword soul finally showed signs of integrating into the primordial spirit!

No one bothers.

Three more days passed.

Qin Sang's eyes suddenly widened, his eyes were like lightning, and a sword shadow appeared in his pupils.

Then, he pointed to the void in front of him.

'call out! ’

Jin Shenjian shot out and suddenly stopped in the center of the quiet room.

The dazzling golden light filled the entire quiet room, and then it suddenly dimmed, and the Seven Soul Killing Array formed silently.

In an instant, the quiet room suddenly became dark and incomprehensible.

In the past, Qin Sang used a sword formation, and each sword was bright and clearly visible.

At this time, in the Seven Soul Killing Formation, all the sword shadows seemed extremely illusory, looming, and even the outline of the sword formation was difficult to see clearly, but the entire sword formation looked dark, deep and mysterious.

"In the future, when the opponent tries to find flaws, it will not be so easy."

Qin Sang nodded secretly.

However, the surprises don't stop there.

When Qin Sang changed the sword technique, he saw the endless changes in the sword formation, which was even more mysterious. At the same time as the sword lights were cut out, there was a strange aura that had never been seen before.

After feeling a little, Qin Sang's eyes lit up again and again, "No wonder it's called the Seven Soul Killing Array! It can actually hurt the opponent's Yuanshen, and when he achieves certain attainments in the Seven Soul Killing Array, he will have the opportunity to use the power of the sword array to destroy the opponent's soul. The baby is left together. Although the Nine Nether Demonic Fire can also make the opponent feel dazed, the Demonic Fire is not one's own and cannot be truly subdued and controlled. In the face of a strong-willed Nascent Soul cultivator, it is of little use."

Nascent Soul cultivator is very difficult to kill.

Even if they are defeated, they can still escape from the body and escape.

Unless there is a huge disparity in strength, there is no chance for the Nascent Soul to emerge from the body.

Therefore, among the Yuan Ying cultivators, when they were not sure of keeping their opponent Yuan Ying, they did not want to provoke a life-and-death enemy, and they used gambling, exchanges and other methods to resolve conflicts.

"Yeah! Although the Seven Soul Killing Array is not bad, in order to show all the power, I still need to continue to improve in Kendo, and it is also related to my cultivation and the rank of the spirit sword."

Qin Sang sensed the Seven Soul Killing Formation and experienced various changes in the Sword Formation, hoping to master it as soon as possible.

After a while, he put away the sword array and summoned the ebony sword.

The ebony sword has been nourishing the primordial spirit, devouring the soul tree.

The devouring has not yet been completed, and the spirit sword is still in the shape of a sword.

He was about to take a closer look at how long it would take, when he suddenly felt that the restraint in the quiet room had been touched, and his consciousness swept away, and found that Fat Chicken and Tan Yien had returned.

"I thought you were caught by Sin Yuan!"

Qin Sang pushed out the door, looked at one person and one demon, and snorted coldly.

These two guys went out to look for someone, but they have been away for so long and only come back now.

The fat chicken smiled and ran over to ask for credit, "Master Mingjian, when Sinyuan first started to attack, we were almost caught in it. Fortunately, the little clever, seeing the situation was not good, immediately took Tan boy to hide, otherwise I'm afraid we will see I won’t be there for the master! On the way, I heard that the master is famous for beheading the Nascent Soul. The master’s martial arts are unparalleled in the world, and he will definitely dominate the Xiaohan Territory! No!

Qin Sang ignored the fat chicken and looked at Tan Yien.

Tan Yien has more rules.

"Report to Master, it didn't take long for the disciple to find the two old friends of his father, but the news from them pointed to another person. After discussing with the senior, the disciple decided not to disturb the master for now, and wait until he finds them. People, get the exact news and report back to the uncle.”

Qin Sang was very satisfied when he heard that, the younger generation was smart enough to do things neatly.

"That person is also a senior from the Jindan period, surnamed Tong. Senior Tong is not a monk from the Two Domains, but comes from a desert oasis. After being attacked by Sin Yuan, he was forced to lead his relatives and friends to flee to the Tianxing Alliance. After a lot of twists and turns, we only met the real Senior Tong. From his mouth, we learned some news related to my father. However, it is difficult for us to distinguish the truth from the fake. …”

Tan Yien said.

Qin Sang nodded, and already knew the man's thoughts, "This matter is not a secret, go and bring him in. Tell him that as long as the news is valuable, the old man will not be stingy with ~Yes!"

Tan Yien stepped back, and after a while, he led a middle-aged monk with a high crown and robe in.

"Junior Tong Jinshan, meet the senior demon king!"

Tong Jinshan couldn't help but feel a little scared when faced with a famous big monster. Fortunately, he was also a Jindan cultivator, and his performance was not so unbearable.

"What's your relationship with Tan Hao? Know his whereabouts?"

Qin Sang didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic.

"The younger generation's home was destroyed by Sin Yuan, and he hated Sin Yuan to the core. On the battlefield, he joined hands with Daoyou Tan to fight the enemy and share weal and woe. Daoyou Tan is righteous Bo Yuntian, and the younger generation was helped by Daoyou Tan."

Tong Jinshan showed hesitation and glanced at Tan Yien, who was beside him, "If others ask about Daoyou Tan, the younger generation will never tell you easily. Since Yien's nephew is looking for his father, it will certainly not be detrimental to Daoyou Tan. Moreover, Daoyou Tan goes deep into the abyss of sin. If I go and never return, I have been missing for a hundred years, and the younger generation is also very worried..."

"He really went to Sinyuan!"

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly.

I just listened to Tong Jinshan continuing, "We once joined forces to kill a sin Yuan Jindan, this person is a corpse cultivator, but his corpse refining is quite strange, the strongest one is comparable to the flying Yaksha, and the refining The corpse is not yin qi but earth suffocating qi. For some unknown reason, when Daoyou Tan saw this person, it was as if he had encountered a life-and-death vengeance. Bufan, and Feitian Yasha to help, the battlefield was too chaotic, and he almost escaped, so he had to be beheaded. Finally, we learned from the other captured people that this person was a loose cultivator, who was in the Jinhen Mountain of the Sinyuan faction before. Activities nearby…”



Thanks to the starting point Wang Duoyu for rewarding the leader.

I owe three chapters, the pressure is so great (⊙o⊙)!


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