Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1196: alone

After secretly talking for a while, the Snake King added some more conditions, but Qin Sang rejected them all.

Qin Sang has no shortage of magic weapons, Ebony Sword is about to transform into a superb magic weapon, and the power of the magic flag is not inferior, which is enough to ensure that he does not need to deliberately run around for the magic weapon in the Yuan Ying period.

Seeing that Qin Sang really didn't want to go, not bargaining, the Snake King had to leave with regret.

Send away the snake king.

Qin Sang thought to himself that he couldn't wait for the ebony sword all the time. He set off as soon as possible and let it slowly refine on the road. When he first arrived in Sinyuan, he tried to keep a low profile.

Otherwise, if the Snake King and the others caused any disturbance in Sinyuan, which would lead to martial law in Sinyuan, he would also suffer unwarranted disasters.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang quickly arranged various affairs.

He found Jing Lin and the two and proposed to leave for a while. Although they were not happy, they also knew that there was no reason to stop Qin Sang.

Fortunately, Sin Yuan's momentum has not been so fierce recently, and Chan Ling is even more of a tortoise.

"Xiao Xiao has already refined Qingluan's thunder power, and the technique of thunder escape has been greatly improved, and he has already felt that the bottleneck in the later stage has loosened. Master, you are alone in Longtan. If you encounter something and do not have the ability to clone yourself, wouldn't it be embarrassing? Xiao wish The liver and brain are on the ground, serving the dog and horse for the master, and I will definitely obey your orders."

Before leaving, Fat Chicken came to the door and begged Qin Sang to take it with him.

Qin Sang glanced at Fat Chicken, "Aren't you afraid, if you are hunted down by Sin Yuan Yuan Ying, sir, will I throw you out as bait?"

The fat chicken looked stiff, and said with difficulty: "As long as I can fight for a life for the master, the little one is willing to die!"

I don't know if I believe it or not.

Qin Sang sneered, but he still brought the fat chicken, maybe it would be useful.

Less than half a month after the snake king left, Qin Sang set off.

According to the route he planned, he couldn't cross the enemy line, cross the grassland and enter Sinyuan. It was better to detour from the desert. It would take more time to do so, but it was safer.

He first went westward, crossed Shiqu Mountain, and came to the vicinity of Hukou Pass, where the monsters were garrisoned.

Sin Yuan's defense here is much more relaxed.

Qin Sang found an empty space and quietly left the Tianxing Plateau. The surroundings became more and more desolate. After walking for a distance in the Gobi, he saw endless yellow sand.

The desert is extremely hot, and compared with the cold Tianxing Plateau, it is simply two worlds.

Between the huge sand dunes, the fiery wind prevailed, and the prototype of the sandstorm gradually appeared.

At this time, a figure quietly appeared on the top of a hill, frowning tightly, looking ahead, seeing that the sky and the earth were dim, and the sandstorm was coming!

There seems to be an invisible shield around him, blocking all the wind and sand, and turning a blind eye to the terrible sandstorm.

This person is Qin Sang. He observed the road ahead and muttered to himself, "There are fewer and fewer patrols. After walking for a while, I should be able to rest assured and drive at full speed."

With his cultivation level, unless he encounters the Yuan Ying of Sin Yuan, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Considering that this place has been occupied by Sin Yuan, and causing as little trouble as possible, Qin Sang was very low-key this way, and his speed was naturally not fast.

'Boom! ’

In an instant, it was dark.

A dust storm swept in.

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed, and his figure disappeared out of thin air. He passed through the sandstorm with extreme ease, and continued to fly for a while. Suddenly, a touch of green came into view in front of him.

"Another oasis, the aura seems to be quite strong..."

Qin Sang thought about it for a while, urging the breath-holding technique, and flew to the oasis.

After a while, Qin Sang stood on a green hill in the center of the oasis, looked at the surrounding ruins, and let out a faint sigh.

This is obviously where a cultivator's sect was once.

Today, all the gates of the mountain have been destroyed by Sin Yuan, and the disciples in the sect do not know whether they are dead or alive, and where they are living.

Fortunately, Sin Yuan was not so mad enough to kill mortals that the mortals in the oasis could still survive, but without the protection of the cultivators, it was much more difficult to survive in the desert.

Along the way, similar scenes are not uncommon. The immortal cultivators in the desert encountered the sinful butcher knife very early.

"What exactly does Sin Yuan want to do? And Ye Laomo, is it just to be the co-owner of Beichen Realm?"

Qin Sang shook his head and moved on.

The vast desert seems to never end.

This trip is also an experience.

Qin Sang is mainly on the road, but when he encounters the unique features of the desert, he will stop and watch, and even deliberately go deep into the desert, contact the desert cultivation world, and the influence of Sin Yuan here, and want to know as much as possible about Sin Yuan.

During this journey, he has seen the cultivators in the desert, and has seen many Taoist techniques unique to desert cultivators. Among them, there is a top sect with Nascent Soul in charge, with a long heritage, no less than the sect of Xiaohan Domain Name.

Unfortunately, this sect was originally located in an oasis near Sinyuan, and the situation forced it to abandon the mountain gate and move into the depths of the desert to avoid disasters. Fortunately, the Beichen Desert is big enough, and the claws of Sinyuan cannot reach every place. place.

But what surprised Qin Sang was that Sin Yuan had the ability to fight on two fronts!

Qin Sang traveled so far, and happened to meet the Supreme Sect Master.

The two met by chance and did not explore each other's secrets.

There are many forbidden places in the desert, but Qin Sang has no intention to go in and hunt for treasures. It took nearly two months to stop and go like this, and it took nearly two months to cross the Beichen desert and enter the sinful abyss.

It was during the war that Sin Yuan did not dare to relax at all.

Immortal cultivators who stayed behind the sect often patrolled.

Qin Sang's speed was forced to slow down again, just in time to understand the features of Sin Yuan a little bit, enrich the map of senior sister, and slowly approach the direction of Jinken Mountain.

This is not the kind of demon domain that the Two Domains Alliance advertised, full of blood, mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In the hinterland of sin, the mortal world lives and works in peace and contentment.

Since most of the cultivators are concentrated on both sides of Tianhen, Sin Yuan's strategy for mortals is different from that of Xiaohanyu. Instead, he dispatches low-level disciples who have no hope of cultivating immortals to be kings, manage mortals, and select talented disciples.

But for some reason, the mortal world still needs to fight.

Qin Sang didn't delve into it, but after getting a general understanding, he quickened his pace.

The gate of Jinhen Mountain is on the east bank of Tianhen.

After avoiding the patrols again and again, Qin Sang finally saw the legendary Tianhen!

The scenery in front of you is really No wonder it is called Tianhen!

The earth is split here, it is a thousand miles wide, bottomless, and reaches Jiuyou!

People can't help but suspect that one day, the two continents will be completely separated.

The endless white mist rises from the depths of Sin Abyss. Even if the cultivator pours spiritual power into his eyes, it is difficult to see the scenery on the other side. There are forbidden fragments floating in the mist, which is splendid and extremely mysterious.

Ordinary cultivators dare not cross the sky marks directly from the air.

In some of the narrowest places in the sky marks, there will be teleportation arrays set up by various forces. The teleportation distance is far less than that of the ancient teleportation array, which just happens to play a role here.

"What a day mark!"

Qin Sang praised.



There is another chapter today, which will be a little later.

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