Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1209: decision

'boom! ’

Ice hockey and Qingguang collided equally.

For a time, the ice chips flew horizontally, and a huge impact swept out.

The ice ball shattered, and the snow bead was immediately taken back by the cold lizard.

But Qingguang still had more power, and went straight to the monk named Lu.

Seeing that he was about to be engulfed, a black light slashed towards him, which was the black sword magic weapon of the Snake King.

At this time, the power displayed by the black knife was incomparable with that of the demon king who led the machine. He successfully chopped up the aftermath of the blue light. At the same time, the black light turned and shot towards the rear, and the torrent of the two sinners was smashed. Block for a moment.

The Snake King and the others won precious time, and their figures hurriedly moved sideways.

The next moment, a long shadow passed them by, dangerous and dangerous, it was the tail of the evil spirit.

Attack after attack, not giving them time to breathe.

If it is just an evil spirit without spiritual wisdom, or if there are only two Nascent Souls in Sin Yuan, even if the cultivator surnamed Lu is injured, it is not a cause for concern, but the current situation is not very good.

All three of the Snake King regretted their actions before.

It took them more than ten days to follow the vine and crack the ancient ban little by little. It took a lot of energy and exhausted them.

After successfully opening the Great Demon Cave Mansion and seeing the treasures in the room, he was naturally excited.

In this state, the three did not lose their vigilance, and they were sure that there was no danger, so they could take the treasure with confidence.

Unexpectedly, they still overlooked one point. This place is not a demon king's cave at all, but a cage where a terrifying evil spirit is imprisoned.

Unprepared, the cultivator surnamed Lu at the front was attacked by an evil spirit and immediately vomited blood.

The snake king and the cold lizard reacted and protected themselves in time to escape the catastrophe.

The three of them wanted to join hands to take the treasure and then leave, but they didn't expect the evil spirit to make such a terrifying move.

At this time, they no longer have the intention of winning the treasure, and they know that if they continue, they will attract more Sin Yuan Yuan Ying.

The 'dong mansion' is just below, it is a deep hole, which has been pierced by them when they fought. The three tried to rush into the crypt several times to escape, but they were all blocked, and it seemed that they had to pay some price.

'Boom rumble...'

In an instant, everyone fought back into a group, and the battlefield was changing rapidly, making it dazzling.

Qin Sang watched from a distance.

After a few rounds, Qin Sang almost understood the situation on the battlefield.

I don't know if the Snake King and the others have found out that there are not two Yuan Yin Yuan Yin here, but three!

On the periphery of the battlefield, there is actually a sinful Yuan Ying lurking. This person hides his breath, hides in the dark, and is ready to strike a fatal blow at any time.

It's a pity that I can't hide it from Tianmu Butterfly.

Jiang Chenzi and the two were so resolute that they dared to stop the Snake King, which was related to the existence of this person, and they only attracted attention on the bright side.

Qin Sang looked away from the battlefield temporarily, and carefully observed the surroundings to make sure that there were no more people.

He now has two options.

First, when you don't see it, turn around and leave.

This is the old nest of Sin Yuan, the variables are too great, and other Nascent Souls may be attracted at any time. It is normal to stay away from the storm out of prudence.

The second is to capture treasures and save people at the same time.

He joined forces with the Snake King and others. As long as there are no accidents, it should not be difficult to escape.

Jiang Shenzi and the one in the dark place were only in the early Nascent Souls. If there were no evil spirits, they could even kill one or two.

The biggest concern is the evil spirits.

However, according to the description of the exercises, the Seven Soul Killing Formation should have a certain restraint on this kind of spiritual body.

Qin Sang reckoned that if he made his own move and seized the treasure from the evil spirit, he would have a great chance, but he could only take away one of the three treasures at most, and there was no time to observe the effect of the treasure.

He is also very envious of blood jade and broken axe, but he must aim at cupronickel. The white copper has such a big temptation for the fire jade centipede, at least it can guarantee that what I risk to get is not waste.

The longer the time taken into consideration, the greater the variable.

Qin Sang made a decision almost instantly and chose to take action.

'Boom! ’

Another shocking collision.

On the battlefield, blue light, snake shadow, ice, black knife and blood-colored torrent add radiance and radiance to each other.

Qin Sang approached secretly, there was still a certain distance from the battlefield, and at the moment of the collision, he did not hesitate to put his sword together, turning into a startling rainbow, penetrating the cloud!

The thunder and the sword are one, and the sound of thunder can be heard incessantly.

Everyone was stunned.

The sinful cultivator who was hiding in the dark was concentrating on observing the battle situation, looking for the opportunity to make a move.

On the battlefield, everyone looked different.

The Snake King was the first to realize that it was Qin Sang, and was immediately surprised and delighted, "Monster King Mingyue!"

His expression changed continuously, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

In Sandie Pass, he personally went to the door and invited the Mingyue Demon King to come along to hunt for treasures and made a heavy promise. The other party clearly refused, but suddenly appeared in Yuanxu, how could he not let the snake king be surprised.

If the Bright Moon Demon King was here, they would definitely not be so embarrassed.

The Snake King first suspected that the Mingyue Demon King had been secretly following behind him, and he refused on the surface, but he actually had a bad heart.

But after thinking about it, he and fellow Daoist Lu are both better than the Demon King of the Even if the Demon King of the Moon has some kind of concealment technique, it is impossible to track the Sin Yuan from the Tianxing Plateau, and they don't notice it. .

Then he wondered whether the Mingyue Demon King might be a spy of Sin Yuan.

This also doesn't make sense, the Mingyue Demon King once slaughtered Old Demon Pei in front of everyone's eyes.

Sin Yuan lost a genuine Yuan Ying Patriarch and paid such a huge price just to install a Demon King near the Heavenly Demon Hill, which is simply nonsense.

There was only one possibility left. The Demon King Mingyue also had something important to do. He also sneaked into the Yuan Ruins secretly, sensed the fluctuations in the fight here, and found out that it was them, and came to the rescue.

This makes sense, no wonder the Bright Moon Demon King would categorically reject him. I can only blame myself for the untimely invitation, and I bumped into one.

It's hard for the Snake King to think so much in an instant.

Then, Qin Sang's voice transmission reminder sounded in his ear, confirming his speculation.

Although monk Lu and Han Li had never seen Qin Sang with their own eyes, they heard the Snake King talk about him more than once, and heard the Snake King exclaim.

The three were long-renowned experts. Seeing Qin Sang Dunguang pointing at the treasure inside the evil spirit, they guessed his purpose.

They didn't blame Qin Sang for thinking about winning the treasure at this time.

There is no benefit, why should others take the risk to rescue?

Qin Sang took the snake spirit directly, which just helped them share the greatest pressure. If they still can't get out, they simply kill themselves.

One family is happy and the other is worried.

The mutation suddenly occurred, and the two Yuan Yings of Sin Yuan were already winning, but unexpectedly changed into the armpit, and they were suddenly furious.

Another Nascent Soul didn't bother to hide, and hurriedly offered up the magic weapon and appeared from the shadows.



I can go to bed at twelve o'clock today, it's okay, I will adjust slowly.

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