Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1216: ask for help

Qin Sang just ran away, and didn't have time to think about the blood lake.

Ye Laomo is not on the front line, hiding quietly in the blood lake, there must be a plot.

When fighting against Ye Laomo and others, Qin Sang had a feeling that Jiang Shenzi and others seemed to be eager to keep them all and not let one get away.

After his own appearance, he showed three masters whose strength was comparable to that of the middle Nascent Soul. Han Li was only slightly worse. It and the cultivator Lu were proficient in the secret technique of joint attack.

Although the number of people on the side of Sin Yuan was equal, except for the unfathomable Ye Laomo, their strength was lackluster, and they could only rely on the three-pole flag.

Even if the evil spirits help them and want to keep all four of them, it is unrealistic.

Unless you want to cover up a secret.

Thinking of it this way, the Blood Lake is definitely not simple.

It's just that Qin Sang didn't expect that Blood Lake could be related to Wuyagu.

Qin Sang suddenly remembered the **** miasma on the periphery of Wuya Valley, blocking the entrance of the entire Wuya Valley.

The **** miasma is full of crises. When he and Yunyouzi entered the Wuya Valley, they both had a foundation-building stage and needed to find a guide to lead the way, which was quite a thrilling journey.

Blood miasma, will it be related to the blood lake?

Qin Sang called out the fat chicken and motioned for the fat chicken to continue.

"The Blood Lake is in the deepest depths of the third floor of Wuya Valley. After my mother transformed herself, she moved the cave to Wuya Valley. I am already familiar with it, but I am still very careful when going to the Blood Lake. I listen to my mother..."

The fat chicken hesitated for a while, and said cautiously, "That Infinite Blood Mulberry was born in the Blood Lake."

Qin Sang glanced at Fat Chicken with a funny look, he was the one who robbed him of his treasure at first, but he didn't steal his own, so he didn't know why he was afraid.

The Wujianxuesang actually came from the Blood Lake. It seems that the Blood Lake is also a treasure place, but I don't know whether Ye Laomo simply went in to hunt for treasures or had another purpose.

"You suspect that the Wuyagu Blood Lake is connected to the Yuanxu Blood Lake? Has your mother ever been there, what kind of place is in the blood lake?"

Qin Sang asked back.

Fat Chicken recalled: "The breath of this blood lake is exactly the same as that of Wuyagu, and it must be deeply related. But my cultivation base was too low at that time, and my mother didn't tell me too much about the blood lake."

After a pause, the fat chicken showed a hesitant look, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I want to ask you one thing..."

"Is it related to your mother?"

Qin Sang showed a faint smile.

"Master, you already knew that?" Fat Chicken was stunned.

Qin Sang said leisurely: "Haha, I've been waiting to see how long you can hold it back."

The fat chicken is the heir of the demon prince in disguised form, the real second generation of demons, with the protection of the demon queen, who can walk sideways in the world of immortals, and the human monks do not want to provoke such demonic beasts.

Its own talent is also good, it is about to break through the late stage of the demon core, and it is expected to change shape.

This kind of background, this kind of talent, the temperament cultivated will definitely not be like a fat chicken, who will always be low and small, cheating and slippery, shameless.

The fat chicken is more like crawling outside alone, having eaten enough of the beatings of the Xiuxian world.

Qin Sang had long suspected that something might have happened to the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King, otherwise how could the fat chicken be reduced to this. Otherwise, the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King is ruthless enough to kick the fat chicken out to fend for itself.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him, and there may be some secrets involved. If Fat Chicken is not himself, Qin Sang is not inconvenient to ask more.

The fat chicken said embarrassingly: "My mother disappeared shortly after I hatched. Fortunately, my mother left me a few treasures before she left, so that I can successfully form the pill and have today's cultivation base. I thought that I would follow the master first. , make some credit for the master, and then shamelessly ask the master for help. I didn't expect to see the blood lake here..."

Qin Sang was a little surprised, "Did your mother disappear in the blood lake?"

"Back then, my mother suddenly told me that the ancient ban on the blood lake was loosened, and there was a vision, so I decided to go into the lake to explore. Later, I waited in the cave for a long time, but I never saw my mother come back. But I found that it is impossible to break the ancient ban on the blood lake. I don't know that her old man is now..."

The fat chicken nodded, with deep sadness and longing in his eyes, rarely seen when he was so serious.

Qin Sang frowned and said, "Your mother was capable of fighting against the two Nascent Souls back then, but she was trapped in the blood lake. I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything if I go in."

The fat chicken hurriedly said: "The little one also knows that the blood lake is very dangerous, and dare not let the master take the risk of rushing into the blood lake alone. However, if the blood lake is related to the abyss, will the alliance of the two regions decide to open the blood lake and go in to destroy the abyss. Conspiracy? With so many people, the danger should be much less. I also know that my mother’s relatives are more fortunate and less fortunate. I just ask the master to take me in to look for it. Whether it’s life or death, it’s good to die. The little one is willing to admit it. The master is the master, and he is the cow and the horse for the master..."

Fat Chicken was eager to save his mother, and he did not hesitate to agree to be Qin Sang's mount.

Its mother has been missing for two hundred years, and this is probably the only chance.

Qin Sang fell into deep thought.

If these news are sent back, the Alliance of Two Domains will definitely send people into Wuya Valley to investigate the Blood Lake. As for whether it will enter the Blood Lake and compete with Sin Yuan, it is not good. It is necessary to find out the intentions of Ye Laomo first.

The Demon Dao of the Little Cold Region, especially the Qingyang Demon Sect whose sect is just outside the Wuya Valley, should know some secrets of the Blood Lake.

However, the Alliance of Two Domains must ask the details before making It still needs to be considered at that time, so go back and discuss with Senior Sister Qingjun first.

If the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King is still alive, it must be a good thing to rescue her.

It doesn't matter whether the fat chicken recognizes the master or not, and Qin Sang does not lack spirit beasts in the demon stage.

Being able to save his mother's life is what Qin Sang values ​​most. If he can have another demon king ally, he will be more confident in dealing with Uncle Dongyang in the future.

Uncertainly, if he can swallow the Thunder Falcon Demon King and stay in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea, he will have no worries when he travels by himself.

He had to travel everywhere, looking for fragments of killing swords, and he was destined to not be able to stay in Xiaohanyu forever.

Most of the establishment of the sect and the protection of Qianshan Bamboo Sea are to fulfill the wishes of Yunyouzi's predecessors, and it is not easy to trouble Senior Sister Qingjun.

After thinking for a while, Qin Sang waved his hand and said, "I'll wait for this matter to go back, give me what you know carefully..."


The fat chicken couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that Qin Sang was gone.


The journey back was very smooth.

Arriving in the desert and stepping out of the sinful abyss, Qin Sang swept to the agreed meeting place.

Stay away from the abyss of sin.

In the depths of the desert, there is a ruined ruin lined with boulders.

Some of these boulders are several zhang high, and some are several tens of zhang high. This used to be a mortal city, but at this time there was no one, and it was dead silent.

However, Qin Sang suspected that it was the handwriting of immortals, and it was impossible for mortals to dig thousands of boulders in the desert.

He stood far away on a dune, looked at the ruins of the city, and confirmed that there was no abnormality. He crushed a bone tooth in his hand, and the fragment turned into a phantom of the snake king in front of him.

Seeing that Qin Sang was safe, the Snake King breathed a sigh of relief. At that time, he saw Old Demon Ye chasing Qin Sang with his own eyes.

"I knew Mingyue you would definitely escape!"


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