Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1226: present and future

In the secret technique of "Fire Seed Golden Lotus", there is no saying that the spirit fire is refined before refining, but it is simple and rude, directly absorbing the spirit fire body and refining it into fire.

It would be better if there were only one or two spirit fires.

If a cultivator wants to continue to improve in this secret technique, he must constantly absorb and refine various spiritual fires, and fuse these spiritual fires into a fire lotus seed.

Different spirit fires may have conflicts in the first place, and the cluttered aura will accumulate more and more, and the foundation will be unstable. It will be even more difficult to refine it in the future.

Will it cause that one day the fire will suddenly be out of control?

Fire is rooted in the primordial spirit, and it is inevitable.

I don't know if the sages who created "Golden Lotus on Fire" ignored this matter, or they have long confirmed that there is no such hidden worry, and you can cultivate with confidence.

In fact, Qin Sang didn't think about this before, after all, the avenues are all connected.

The Jiuyou Demon Fire is artificially cultivated, and it also needs to be refined in order to obtain the pure source of the Demon Fire.

But firstly, there is no relevant record in the secret technique, and secondly, he has been very reluctant to refine the Nine Nether Demonic Fire, and he has no ability to refine the Nine Nether Demonic Fire at all.

This secret technique of the Qingyang Demon Sect coincides with his thoughts!

Qin Sang remained silent, fascinated by the secret art.

This secret technique was created on the basis of Qingyang Demon Sect's exercises and Qingyang Demon Fire. It cannot be copied to Jiuyou Demon Fire, but it provided Qin Sang with an idea as a reference.

"Do you choose to believe in "Tinder Golden Lotus", or follow your own intuition?"

Qin Sang fell into contemplation, weighing the pros and cons.

If you believe in secret techniques and creators, and directly absorb Jiuyou Demon Fire, you will be able to have a powerful method in the future, and the temptation is too great.

Looking at the previous performance of Jiuyou Demonic Fire, when all the demonic fires sealed in the nineteen-pole demons were refined, he could be called invincible in Nascent Soul and overwhelm the world.

Maybe, when encountering the power of the God Transformation Stage, there is also the power to fight.

If you refine the Nine Nether Demon Fire first and then refine it, you will lose some of its power, but it will lay a solid foundation for the future.

In this world, the gods are hidden, and the ancestor of Yuanying is the top existence. The first choice seems to be no problem.

But Qin Sang wasn't after these things.

He seeks longevity and long-term vision, no decline and no calamity!

When he arranges the funeral and cultivates to a certain level, he will definitely go out of the Beichen realm, travel around the world, find opportunities for spiritual transformation, or get out of the storm belt, and explore the real secrets of this world.

His eyes were always on Nascent Soul, beyond the storm!

It will never stop there.

Otherwise, wouldn't the grand wish made in front of the county master become a joke?

Qin Sang doesn't need to think too much, he chooses the future.

"Thank you for the gift of the secret technique to fellow Daoists."

Qin Sang sincerely thanked him, glanced at the Ancestral Sacred Fire, and then withdrew his gaze, "Before I continue to try, I want to retreat for a while and learn the secret technique."

Xiang Qing had no choice but to take Qin Sang down the mountain immediately.

Binghan said with a smile: "Daoist Mingyue seems to be quite sure that it is useless for me to stay, so I won't disturb the two of you. I wish the two of you a successful victory."

"Why don't you stay for a few days, fellow Daoist?"

Xiang Qing saved.

Binghan insisted on leaving, "There are still some trivial matters in the sect of this palace that need to be dealt with. It is a well-deserved trip to see Daoist Mingyue today. Daoist Mingyue is well-deserved. If you have time, I hope you can go to Voidling. Send as a guest. This palace also wants to ask fellow Daoists to teach the art of controlling fire.”

She and Xiang Qing exchanged glances, which seemed to mean something.


Qin Sang responded with a full mouth.

The Ethereal Sect is not only famous in the Little Cold Domain, but also has a lot of fame in the entire Beichen Realm.

Qin Sang's entry into the refining tool began with the experience of a Jin Dan of the Ethereal Sect.

However, he didn't get a good inheritance later, so he could only explore by himself.

It would be difficult to learn alchemy from scratch, and he didn't have that many elixir to practice his hands, but the craft of alchemy couldn't be given up. In addition, to refine the magic weapon to conquer Nanming Lihuo, you also need to ask Bing Han, the master of refining.

Being able to get to know Binghan is really worth it for Qin Sang.

Together with Xiang Qing, he sent Binghan to the outside of the mountain, and then returned to the cave house arranged by Xiang Qing to concentrate on comprehending the secret technique.

Until the end of the alliance, Sect Master Dong did not see Qin Sang, so he could only return to the sect with an uneasy mood.

The unknown ancestor of the Demon Flame Sect suddenly advanced to Nascent Soul!

This news is like a hurricane, blowing into every corner of Xiaohanyu.

For a time, the magic flame gate was very popular, and the door was like a city.

Even Yuan Ying sent a message to Xiang Qing to ask him for confirmation.

Knowing that this newly promoted Yuanying is the Mingyue Demon King, they all laughed it off.

In the past, the Demon Flame Sect would definitely be driven to the Heavenly Demon Hill. Now it is not appropriate to have a bad relationship with the demon clan, and tolerate it for the time being.

Zhao Shanran, who stayed behind at Moyan Sect, didn't know why at first, but after hearing the news, he stood there for a long time, unbelievable. It wasn't until Aunt Mei returned the news that she dared to believe it.

He was both surprised and delighted, seeing the once mighty Jin Dan and his peers discussing friendships and calling him a daoist, like a dream.

But after waiting for a long time, the ancestors did not return.

After Zhao Shanran was excited remembered the instructions from his ancestor before he left, and hurriedly concentrated on dealing with the affairs of the sect.

Countless forces have released goodwill to Moyan Sect. Countless cultivators have come to visit and want to worship under Yuanying Sect. One after another, the sect's affairs are extremely complicated, but he never tires of it.

He knew in his heart that the Prosperity of the Demon Flame Gate was imminent!

At this time, Qin Sang was still in the Qingyang Demon Sect. He had already penetrated into the secret technique and had some experience, so he decided to learn from it and use it on the Jiuyou Demon Fire.

The essence of this secret technique is to use the combination of divine consciousness and spiritual power to form unique restrictions, such as the water flow to wash away the 'impurities' in the spiritual fire, leaving the purest source of the spiritual fire.

He called out the fire, and without hesitation, scattered the Jiuyou Demonic Fire that had been carefully refined before.

Then, a wisp of Jiuyou Demonic Fire was drawn from the magic flag, and after failing many times, the impurities were finally quenched, and the purest Demonic Fire was refined.

After re-condensing the prototype of the fire, Qin Sang contacted Xiang Qing and returned to Shengang Peak.

This time, Qin Sang guided a ray of ancestral sacred fire into the fire, first refining the ancestral sacred fire with secret techniques, and then refining, and it was a success.

In this way, Qin Sang refined the ancestral sacred fire little by little like a Paoding Jie an ox.

What Qin Sang did not expect was that refining the Ancestral Sacred Fire and cultivating the "Golden Lotus of Fire" was much smoother than expected.

Qin Sang pondered for a while, and could only attribute the credit to the soul tree.

The ebony sword integrated into the soul-raising wood emits soul light at all times, warms his soul, and condenses his consciousness.

If others wanted to find a piece of soul-cultivating wood, it would be difficult to refine a wooden token. He grabbed a large portion from Bai, and most of it was used for sword refining.

After decades of warming up, the effect finally became apparent.

This may be the benefit of condensed consciousness!

Divine Consciousness is condensed, so it will be easier and faster to cultivate secrets related to Divine Consciousness.

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