Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1252: startled feather

"The Thunder-Swallowing Falcon Demon King is really here?"

Qin Sang looked surprised and stared at Lei Rosary, but couldn't see why, and waited patiently for the fat chicken to complete the secret technique.

But I saw two lines of clear tears flowing from the corners of Fat Chicken's eyes, and his whole body was shaking.

Mother and son are separated for two hundred years.

The fat chicken finally found the news of his close relative and cried with joy.

It was difficult for the fat chicken to suppress his excitement. After completing the secret, he couldn't wait to open his eyes, looked at Qin Sang, and shouted, "Master..."

"Can you determine your mother's location!"

Qin Sang asked in a deep voice.

The fat chicken immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said in a continuous voice: "It's a little vague, but the general direction can be determined. The closer the distance, the clearer the guidance of the Thunder Rosary!"

Qin Sang pondered for a moment, put away the sword talisman, and said, "Let's go! Go and rescue your mother first!"

The Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King was able to fight one against two in the past, but he was trapped here for two hundred years and could not escape. It seems that there are dangers in the black tower formation that they do not know about.

She must know the black tower formation very well. If she can rescue the demon king, she can also help them deal with Ye Laomo.

The Nascent Souls in the Xiaohan Region are basically here, so it shouldn't be difficult to help her get out of trouble.

However, Qin Sang was going to check the situation first, and then decide whether to ask others for help.

Of course, it would be best if he could rescue the demon king by himself. The demon king has been trapped for so many years, and I don't know how it is now. In case someone sees the demon king weak and becomes malicious, it will turn out to be a bad thing.

Qin Sang asked Fat Chicken to concentrate on urging Lei Rosary, and Jianguang wrapped the two of them, rushing into the blood mist.

at this time.

An unknown space.

It's dark and cold here, the space is very small, and only one person can be accommodated. If two people stay here, they will feel crowded.

The space is surrounded by black walls.

There is no slate at the top, but a blood-colored vortex appears in the void, constantly reversing.

Not only did not the slightest blood mist pour in from the vortex, but a trace of spiritual energy infiltrated.

At this time, a woman was sitting cross-legged in the space.

This woman does not wear Fendai, her silver hair naturally hangs down her shoulders, the bridge of her nose is upturned, and she has a graceful appearance.

She was wearing a soft silver robe, and after a closer look, she realized that the robe was woven with lightning.

However, there was a pair of wings behind her, originally from the demon clan.

This woman is the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King, and her name is Jing Yu!

She didn't know how long she had been here, and she had become accustomed to this kind of narrow space. She closed her eyes carelessly and went into meditation.

Trapped in this kind of place, she didn't know what else to do besides cultivating.

After so many years, she had to accept her fate.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the prohibition here has been damaged, and it can only trap people, and will not impose many punishments, otherwise she would have been unable to hold on, and she would be wiped out.

Even so, this time was extremely difficult.

What's more terrifying is that I don't know if there will be a day to go out.

And what keeps her going until now is the biggest tie in her heart, her only relative.

But how difficult it is to practice, the vicissitudes of life, and the loss of her support, can that very weak child who was born not long ago persist?

In the dark space, the silence is abnormal, and you can't even feel the passage of time.

At this time, Jing Yu suddenly woke up, suddenly got up, and his hair was almost swept into a **** whirlpool.

She seemed to feel something and showed an expression of disbelief.

The feeling was too vague, and she even suspected that it was an illusion caused by her thinking too much.

Jing Yu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized that this was real, not an illusion!

Suddenly, thunder light transpired all over her body, lightning like rain, rushing in front of her, and finally forming a thunder ball the size of a dragon's eye, which was dragged by her and submerged between her eyebrows.

That feeling is clearer.

"Little fat! It's really fat!"

Jing Yu was full of surprise.

One is to finally know that her child is still alive, and the other is to sense that Lei Rosary is getting more and more advanced, obviously to save her.

Lei Rosary connects the blood between their mother and son, and they must be blood relatives, otherwise, even if other people of the same family push Thunder Rosary, it is impossible for her to give birth to induction.

"How did he come in, is he already transformed? Or is there something wrong with the blood lake?"

Trapped here, Jing Yu could only vaguely sense Lei Rosary, but did not know Xiao Pang's situation.

She couldn't help worrying about whether the child was threatened. Two hundred years of transformation, even after she has been nurtured for many years, she was born with a demon spirit stage, and she is a genius.

Moreover, this is a place of great ominousness. Little Fatty doesn't know the inside story. If he is eager to save his mother and rushes around recklessly, it will be very dangerous!

She was also forced to flee into this space in the past to avoid being poisoned.

Using this to escape the catastrophe, she found that she could not get out when she came in. No matter how hard she tried, she could not break the vortex.


Confused, Jing Yu couldn't sit still.

She bit her silver teeth and looked up at the blood-colored vortex above her head. She suddenly turned back into a demon body, her wings spread wide behind her, and countless thunder lights poured out silently.

The next moment, she turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the **** vortex.

'boom! ’

The **** vortex was in chaos.

The whirlpool was madly reversed, and countless blood lights rushed towards the middle.

I saw blood in the vortex agitating, flashing thunder from time to time, and the two forces caused a violent impact, but the space below did not move at all.

Victory was soon decided.

Jing Yu was defeated and fell down hard.

At this time, she was embarrassed, and many of the feathers on her body were damaged.

I don't know how many times this scenario has been repeated.


Black Tower Array.

Qin Sang walked through the formation with the fat chicken.

The direction sensed by the Thunder Rosary is constantly changing, and the big array is turning all the time. The black tower is not static, but I don't know what law it follows.

However, as time went on, the perception of the Thunder Rosary became clearer, indicating that they were getting closer and closer to where the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King was trapped.

'call out! ’

Just after passing through the blood fog, Qin Sang suddenly stopped, and then slowly retreated with the fat chicken.

At this time in front of them, there were more than a dozen giants nearly two feet tall hovering there.

The giant is unusually burly, holding a giant axe in each hand, fierce and vicious. Their bodies and their giant axes are all blood red, as if the blood plasma is condensed, like a flesh-and-blood puppet.

Not long after entering, Qin Sang discovered the flesh-and-blood puppets wandering in the great formation.

Fortunately, Tianmu Divine Ability saw it in advance.

These flesh-and-blood puppets are very sensitive, and Qin Sang was almost discovered by them when he got closer.

They don't seem to have high intelligence, but Qin Sang can clearly sense the danger from them. This feeling was a little familiar, reminding him of the unknown monster that was disturbed at the bottom of the blood river.

I don't know if there is a connection between the two. It was created by the people who built the blood lake at the beginning, but it was conceived on their own.

It seems that the blood lake is not only dangerous on the surface.

Qin Sang didn't want to taste the blood axe in their hands, so he took the fat chicken to avoid it carefully, and continued to look for the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King.

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