Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1265: Jade Bone Brocade

'boom! ’

'boom! ’


After being attacked, the cage affects the black cable, and the rune keeps flashing.

Jing Yu sensed the danger, and hurriedly sacrificed the thunder rosary to form a barrier.

'Crack! ’

Dozens of blood-colored lightning bolted out, hitting the barrier.

The thunder rosary trembled for a while, and quickly stabilized, firmly blocking the blood-colored lightning.

After the test, Jing Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of joy, but she did not rush for success, but while attacking the seal, she carefully observed the bones in the cage.

The bones are in the shape of a human, and their face is similar to that of a human race, but their skeleton is thicker than ordinary people.

Not only is it sealed at the bottom of the blood pool, there are several similar cages.

Among them, the cage in the center of the blood pool has the strongest seal. What Ye Laomo and Qingjun are looking for is Gu Xiu who was imprisoned in that cage.

Gu Xiugou has survived to this day, Bai Gu and him were suppressed at the bottom of the blood pool, and his cultivation base was probably not much worse than him.

This is the core of the blood prison. There is a black tower outside, and a blood pool cage inside. The layers of defense are not enough. It is still tied with shackles.

Those corpse flowers and blood are rooted in the crevices of the bones, and they were born from the power of ancient corpses.

Now the ancient corpse has turned into white bones, and the corpse flower has also turned into blood.

The seal where the cage was damaged was the weakest. Jing Yu successfully broke the seal and entered the cage, where the corpse flower blood was at hand.

Looking at the dead bones in front of her, Jing Yu hesitated a little, and used the Thunder Rosary to separate a phantom again.

The phantom flew to the top of the white bone in a flash, stretched out its sharp claws, and grabbed a corpse flower blood amber on the white bone bone.

The moment the phantom touches the corpse flower blood, the mutation suddenly arises!

There was no sign of the bones, and a thick blood color suddenly poured out of the whole body, and then countless bloodshots appeared.

‘Shuh! ’

The phantom had no resistance, was pierced by bloodshots, entangled with bloodshots all over the body, and shattered on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, these bloodshots were unrelenting, like eyes, along the connection between the phantom and the main body, found Jing Yu, and shot out.

The bone mutation happens very fast.

Bloodshot rushed to Jing Yu in an instant.

Jing Yu was shocked. She had carefully probed several times before, but found nothing unusual. Before she could think about it, Jing Yu hurriedly urged the Thunder Prayer Bead, and at the same time, her whole body shone with thunder.

'boom! ’

The bloodshot was finally blocked by Lei Rosary and the thunder mang on Jing Yu, but it still spread like a gangrene attached to the bones, turning into a blood cocoon, wrapping Jing Yu in it.

Jing Yu's body trembled slightly, looked at the source of the bloodshot, and noticed that the white bone had turned into a **** bone, but there was no other action other than releasing the bloodshot.

Seeing this scene, she was surprised and didn't feel like a corpse.

While resisting the bloodshot invasion, she stared at the blood bones, and finally found that there were faint runes emerging from the blood bones, and those runes were the source of the bloodshots.

"Is it the curse that the blood and bones had left on themselves before they died, and killed everyone who touched the bones? Or was it the trap that the ancient Xiu set here?"

Jing Yu thought to himself.

Back then, she was lured by Gu Xiu to the top of the Blood Pond. Fortunately, she saw through Gu Xiu's conspiracy and did not touch the blood bone.

"I can't see any signs of man-made manipulation. If it was the trap set by the ancient cultivator, that person seems to be in a bad situation. He is extremely weak and has lost the ability to manipulate bloodshots. Otherwise, I will be in big trouble. With so many people coming in, that person has been quiet, which is enough to explain everything."

Surprised Yu said.

Since it wasn't a corpse transformation, she was relieved.

Although the bloodshot is strange, it is an unowned thing after all. It only takes a lot of effort to find a way to crack it, but it will take some time.

Thinking of this, Jing Yu made a full effort to counter the bloodshot.


the other side.

Qingjun followed Old Demon Ye and had already come to the bottom of the blood pool.

The scene in front of him was similar to what Jing Yu saw.

The black cables are densely packed, extending from all directions, meeting on a huge cage, but every pillar of this cage is intact.

In the cage, a figure sat cross-legged.

Seeing this man's face clearly, Qing Jun's expression was startled.

He was sitting in the cage with his face facing Qingjun.

This man is like a skeleton, and his whole body has been hollowed out, leaving only bones and skins.

There is only a thin to almost transparent skin, which is attached to the skeleton, like a layer of brocade, tight and smooth. The meridians, five internal organs, flesh and blood, etc. in the middle disappeared, and the body was shriveled, no different from a skeleton.

The same is true of the head, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and there seems to be a dim light in the eye hole, but the teeth are intact, and can be clearly seen through a layer of skin, and the expression is like a smile but not a smile.

The strange thing is that his bones are scarlet as blood, not the usual white bones, and exudes a jade-like luster, but a jade bone!

Less like a person, more like a statue made of jade and brocade!

Seeing such a strange sight, Qing Jun couldn't help but feel a chill in his was very afraid of jade bones.

Jing Yu said with certainty that this person was alive before and has been making waves here, but at this time the jade bones were motionless and could not feel the slightest vitality.

This person turned himself into an inhuman appearance. Could this be the reason why he has survived until now?

At this time, she saw that Ye Laomo, who came down one step before her, was standing in front of the cage, looking at the jade bones.

Ye Laomo's pupils and whites all disappeared, and his dark eyes stared straight at the jade bones.

Sensing the arrival of Qingjun, Old Demon Ye turned around, his eyes darkened and returned to normal, he said lightly, "You want to stop me?"

With a move of Qingjun's jade hand, the Five-square Pagoda spun and fell lightly in her palm.

"You and I are enemies or not, why do you need to ask more? Unless you swear to withdraw your troops, quell the war, and hand over the jade bones and everything you know, under the common control of the three domains!"

Ye Laomo sneered without saying a word, and suddenly waved his sleeves, and a streamer flew out from his sleeves. In the streamer, there was a crystal clear arrow, which was refined like mysterious ice.

As soon as the arrow was released, a terrifying chill was emitted, and the surrounding blood was frozen, and the black cable was covered with a layer of frost, which quickly spread to the cage.

'Snapped! ’

The arrow shattered at the sound, and a few white shadows floated out, like a hungry tiger rushing towards the cage, spitting cold air at the cage.

The ice on the cage is getting thicker and thicker, making a rattling sound.

The seal seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and the runes were frozen by the cold, unable to fight back, and the light became weaker and weaker. Ye Laomo has obviously planned for a long time, and has prepared treasures to restrain the seal in advance.

Seeing this scene, Qing Jun frowned slightly.

The cage is integrated, the seal is intact, it is difficult to find out for a while, whether the jade bone is pretending to be dead, or is it really exhausted and trapped by the seal.

Isn't Ye Laomo worried that after the seal is opened, Yugu will escape while the two of them are fighting?

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