Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1268: true

The jade bone was pulled by the magic weapon's qi, involuntarily, like a dead object.

The shackles are entangled, and the shackles are still connected to the seal of the blood pool.

Everyone could not feel the breath of the jade bones, and could not tell whether Gu Xiu was trapped by the shackles or was already dead.

'Whoa! ’

At this time, Old Demon Ye and Qing Jun flew into the blood pool at almost the same time.

Qingjun rode out on Qingluan, surrounded by mountains and mountains, and the Qingluan puppet cried out in anger.

Jing Yu was at the end, her feathers were messy, her breath was sluggish, and it took a lot of time to break the bloodshot, and she was injured in the battle.

She broke the bloodshot curse on the bones and got the corpse flower blood amber. When she rushed over, she saw that Ye Laomo had opened the cage and released the jade bones, and hurriedly urged the Lei Rosary to help Qingjun.

Ye Laomo is worthy of being the first person in Beichen Realm.

She and Qingjun joined forces, but they couldn't help Old Demon Ye.

Jing Yu did not dare to approach the two who were fighting head-on, so he used his natal supernatural powers on the periphery, and dispatched Lei Ting to shoot thunder pillars to attack Ye Laomo.

Ye Laomo fights two with one.

Wherever he passed, the snow swirled and the blood froze.

Beside him, there is always a white shadow, which is the combination of the previous white shadows, sometimes like a living thing, fluttering its teeth and claws, pounces on Qingjun, preventing her and Qingluan puppet from approaching the jade bone.

Sometimes it turns into a cloud of ice.

Jingyu's Leizhu and Qingjun's attacks fell into the ice fog, and they were like a stone sinking into the sea, and they were absorbed by the ice fog.

Bai Ying was because Ye Laomo accidentally got a piece of ten thousand-year-old mysterious ice in Yuanxu, and it was sacrificed by ancient monks before.

He secretly refined others' Nascent Soul, fused with Xuan Bing, and turned into an ice demon.

Although the ice demon looks like a puppet controlled by Ye Laomo, in fact, his consciousness is chaotic and unable to act on his own. It is more like a magic weapon, capable of attacking and defending.

However, even though Old Demon Ye had an Ice Demon, he did not dare to ignore the attacks of Qingjun and the two of them. He was forced to retreat when he approached Yugu several times.

The minds of the three are somewhat contradictory, and they have scruples about the jade bones, but at the same time they are worried that the jade bones are fragile and will be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, and the bamboo basket will be empty.

Therefore, the hands and feet are tied, from the bottom of the blood pond to the outside of the blood pond.

'Crack! ’

Finally, a shackle on Yugu's body was shattered by the aftermath of the magic weapon.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

The jade bones were upside down in everyone's sight, and there was still no sign of resurrection.

Qingjun snorted, and the scene of the hidden moon map in the mountains and rivers came into reality.

Qingjun's expression did not fluctuate at all, she looked at the jade bone, and silently chanted the tactic, and saw a moonlight shining through the jade bone, and the moon opened a passage for Qingluan.


Qingluan raised his head and shouted, and by the power of the moonlight, he dashed away.

Ye Laomo's face sank, and he also reached out and grabbed the jade bone.

At this time, there was still some distance between him and the jade bone, and the ice demon turned into a cloud of ice mist, flew into his palm, and then turned into a big hand of mysterious ice, which appeared under the jade bone in an instant.

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the other side.

Gorefiend incarnates all means, struggling to support under the devil fire.

Qin Sang made no reservations, and completely showed the power of the magic fire in front of everyone.

The blood light of the blood moon wheel has been suppressed to the limit by the magic fire, and it can only barely protect the incarnation of the blood demon.

The blood light is in jeopardy and may be broken at any time.

Since the three blood shadows couldn't dodge, they didn't have the slightest chance to breathe, and the consumption was terrifying.

Seeing that Qing Jun and Jing Yu were safe and sound, Qin Sang felt a little relieved. Seeing this scene, he knew that the outcome was on the line.

Looking at the incarnation of the Gorefiend who desperately blocked him, Qin Sang's eyes flashed with cold light, and he snorted coldly.

A look of shock appeared on the face of Gorefiend's incarnation, knowing that he might not be able to stop the blow.

Old Demon Ye glanced here, his lips moved slightly.

The expression of the incarnation of the blood demon suddenly stiffened, and then three blood shadows rushed towards the middle and merged into one, but they did not change back to their original appearance, but became a blood bead the size of a fist, instead of retreating, they advanced straight towards Qin Sang.

Qin Sang frowned, secretly saying that it was not good, and without hesitation, he took out the tortoise shell shield.

The next moment, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in the middle of the magic fire.

'Boom! ’

Ye Laomo actually turned the blood demon into self-destruction!

The magic fire faced the impact and was torn apart by the aftermath.

In an instant, countless demonic fires flew in all directions, the fire waves covered the sky, the blood demon incarnations and blood beads all disappeared, and the battlefield was in chaos.

Qin Sang didn't expect that Ye Laomo would be willing to incarnate himself as a blood demon, but he couldn't dodge in time.

Together with Mo Fan, he was also overwhelmed by the demonic fire that was rolled back, and he did not know what would happen.

Everyone's minds were being attracted by the competition for jade bones, but the battle between Qin Sang and the incarnation of the blood demon had such a tragic result.

Ye Laomo's blood demon incarnates to fight Qin Sang alone, and without help from both sides, he is forced to go to a dead end!

Everyone had a new understanding of the power of the Demon Fire and the strength of the Bright Moon Demon King, and they all showed a look of astonishment, and some even wondered if the Feather Demon King was disguised.

Xiao Hanyu was both surprised and happy.

Ye Laomo incarnates himself and explodes, which is equivalent to cutting off his arm, which will definitely hurt his vitality. Even if he fails to regain the jade bone, it will be worthwhile.

But what worries them is that the center of the magic fire is dead silent, and they don't know what the situation of the bright moon demon king is.

The power of Gorefiend's incarnation self-destruction is not and went straight to the bright moon demon king.

If you are caught off guard, you won't fall, right?

'call! call! ’

Suddenly, the demonic fires flying around came back one after another.

The scene in the center of the magic fire was exposed to everyone's sight.

Eighteen pole magic flags are crooked.

The magic flag formation was impacted, but most of it was endured by the magic fire.

Among the many demons, a figure appeared behind the tortoise shell.

His breath was very fast, his hair was disheveled, his face was ashen, but he still stood tall!


Some people noticed that the mask on the face of the bright moon demon king disappeared, and it was destroyed when the blood demon incarnation exploded, revealing his true face.

Ever since the Mingyue Demon King was born, he has been wearing a mask.

Seeing the true face of the Mingyue Demon King, everyone couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Although he looks a little too young, straight like a teenager, there is nothing strange about his appearance and facial features. Why is there any need to hide it with a mask and pretend to be mysterious?

However, several of the people who had participated in the Cangheng Island discussions felt familiar when they saw this face, and suddenly recalled that incident.

This person, Qin Sang, appeared unexpectedly and asked for the reward that the Alliance of Two Domains had promised him two hundred years ago.

He was originally a disciple of Shaohua Mountain, but he stood beside Leng Yuntian, namely Qingjun, and was at odds with his ancestor, Uncle Dongyang.

"It's him!"

"This person is a monk of my human race, not a demon king. It is a blessing for my clan, a blessing for Xiaohanyu!"

"I see!"


These people are all human beings, and they suddenly figured out the reason why Qin Sang hid his identity, and suddenly realized. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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