Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1281: Battle of Double Mirror Mountains

The moment Qin Sang took the jade hairpin, he heard a breathtaking roar, which came from the unicorn hairpin and sounded in his heart.

Without Madam Luo's instructions, Qin Sang knew it after passing the talisman, and threw the unicorn hairpin up.


A roar came out.

The unicorn hairpin turned into a ball of blue light, circling around Qin Sang, sometimes in the shape of a jade hairpin, and sometimes a small unicorn.

The two made all arrangements and walked out of the snow cave.

Mrs. Luo, disguised as Qin Sang, flew directly to the middle of the formation and appeared in the formation to assist Qingjun.

Qin Sang swayed gracefully and flew to the front line. He would lead the low-level cultivators and take the lead in breaking into the great formation of Sin Yuan.

On the way, those low-level monks didn't know the inside story, and they didn't know that there was actually a man under this graceful body, and many people showed eager eyes.

Fortunately, the war was urgent, and Mrs. Luo was also the founder of Yuan Ying, so no one dared to speak up.

But there are bound to be people in the know.

"Uh... Fellow Daoist Luo."

Jing Lin knew their plan, his eyes were weird, and he greeted Qin Sang as usual, but when he saw Qin Sang's charming smile, he was a little horrified and fled as if flying.

Qin Sang's heart was numb at this moment, and he flew to the front line without changing his face, looking up at the lake in the sky that covered all directions, convincing himself that it was a sacrifice for the overall situation.

'boom! ’

With a loud bang, Shuangjingshan shook, sounding the horn of attack.


Countless sharp winds suddenly resounded through the battlefield, and the overwhelming gust of wind suddenly blew up.

In the center of the gust of wind, the figures of Qingjun and Mrs. Luo were looming. There are also some figures around them, as well as strange wooden signs arranged neatly.

These wooden plaques, each as large as a door panel, were engraved with peculiar runes, and they seemed to be the source of the wind.

On the battle formation, some monks stood around similar wooden plaques. These wooden plaques were smaller. The runes on the wooden plaques flickered, forming a mysterious formation. Echoing with Qingjun and others.

All the wooden signs were shining with dazzling rays of light, and the spiritual energy was converging wildly here, and the wind became more violent. Those with weaker cultivation bases could not open their eyes, and they felt that they were about to stand firm.

Just then, a vision suddenly appeared.

The gust of wind reached its peak, and with the naked eye, one after another of gray air could be seen swimming in the void. It was the power of the hurricane that manifested, and then the gray air began to gather.

Straws of gray gas merged and devoured each other, and a gray funnel shape appeared where they gathered.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the spirit formation would evolve into a terrifying tornado.

The wind column was bound in place, formed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and expanded rapidly. The thick wind columns pointed directly at the blue water waves above. These wind columns twisted and turned frantically, sweeping away everything on the mountain.

Gravel, snow, dead wood...

What was left was a mess.


"Sundae Formation! The Alliance of the Two Regions is willing to take out this formation, it's really worth it! Find an opportunity to destroy their core array, I see if they can refine another set!"

On the top of Shuangjing Peak, Sin Yuan's Nascent Soul hid in the great formation, overlooking the mountain, and one of them shouted fiercely.

"Huh? Those two people seem to be the two guys who stopped Ye Lao in the lake of blood."

One person activated the secret technique, and vaguely saw two figures in the center of the big formation, but they were quickly blocked by the gust of wind, and the divine sense could not penetrate, and said doubtfully, "It seems that these two people attacked Shuangjingshan. They are really timid as mice, and they don't even come up to attack and kill themselves, are there other masters?"

"Maybe they are not in a hurry to take down Shuangjing Mountain at all, but to test and contain us. The main force must be the army of Wangdongcheng and Shiqushan. It is not so simple to preside over the Xunfeng Great Formation. Although the treasures on the body are strong, the foundation is definitely not as deep as Ye Lao and the others, and they need to work together to maintain the great formation..."

Some people speculate, but it is reasonable.

"For the time being, let's focus on defending and see what they are planning. Look for opportunities to destroy the core of the Sunda Wind formation, and at the same time wait for the news of Senior Cang Hong!"

The purple-shirted woman made a decision, turned back, and personally presided over the great formation.


The hurricane seemed to tear apart the sky.

The wind is transmitted to the top of the twin mirror mountain.

The lake in the sky was affected, waves appeared, and then the waves rose one after another, but the waves hit the bottom, and the scene was very strange.

Qin Sang stood in the battle formation, maintaining a graceful stance, with lightly white fingers bent slightly, holding a palm-sized wooden sign.

This is the wind card that can be linked with the power of the Sunda Wind Formation, ensuring that after attacking the opponent's spiritual formation, they can sense each other and maintain the formation, so as not to accidentally leave the shelter and be hunted by the opponent.

The power of the Sundae Formation is no trivial matter. It is one of the most powerful formations refined by the Alliance of the Two Domains.

The thicker and thicker wind column is gradually showing signs of losing control.

All of a sudden, all the wooden signs shone with strange light and shook violently, as if they were about to shatter.

At this moment, the battlefield was eerily calm for a moment, and then all the wind columns rose from the ground, like air guns, shooting in salvo towards the top of Shuangjing Mountain!

The lake in the sky felt threatened, and the layers of water waves converged in this direction, becoming deeper, blue and black.

However, the power of the Xunfeng Great Array is not inferior to the ban carefully arranged by Sin Yuan, and under the deliberate manipulation of Qingjun, all the wind pillars are concentrated in one area.

In countless eyes, all the wind pillars inserted into the sky lake without hindrance, submerged deeply into the lake water, and then there was a deafening loud noise.

'Boom rumble...'

If a heavy hammer smashed on the Shuangjing Mountain, it also slammed into the hearts of everyone.

The mountain that has been standing here for countless years seems a little fragile, as if it is about to collapse, and the terrifying scene in the sky is deeply reflected in everyone's Everyone is amazed, longing, or looking forward to...

'Whoa! ’

The power of the Sunda wind burst out in the depths of the lake in the sky, the terrifying force directly tore the lake surface, and the river water poured back, but the cracks became bigger and bigger, and they could not be closed for a long time.

Through the cracks, everyone could clearly see the sinful monks who were waiting for them, and they could even see their horrified expressions.

The two large formations collided, and the strongest wave of aftermath dissipated, falling into a stalemate, swallowing and destroying each other.


A cannon shot.

The sound of shouting and killing resounded all over the sky, and on the sloping hillside, countless black shadows rushed forward bravely and rushed towards the great lake in the sky.

War is brutal and shocking.

Qin Sang has experienced war more than once, but this is the first time he has led troops and rushed to the forefront in such a large-scale battle. In a place where great power is attributed to him in the world of immortals, low-level monks can still burst out with amazing energy.

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