Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1299: spy

After a while.

Everyone quickly descended the mountain.

This time, their expressions all had a bit of confidence and joy. They tried their best to hide their breath and figure, and swept away in the direction of Yucheng.

The route they traveled looked like a mess and had no rules, but they went smoothly all the way until they came to Yucheng, and no one was disturbed.

Outside Yucheng.

Qin Sang and others appeared in the dark, observing the big city, and seeing the chaos in the city, they made no secret of it and rushed into the lotus formation!


Among the three Nascent Soul cultivators who stayed in Yucheng, there was one with the surname Qi, who was related to the two masters of the righteous path, Master Canghong and Elder Tianzheng, and was highly regarded.

At this time, a cultivator surnamed Qi was standing on the city wall, personally sitting in the town and commanding the defense of the city.

The enemy army has not yet arrived, but the Nascent Souls of the two-domain alliance have basically arrived. Even with the help of the great defense formation, the situation is still very critical.

Worrying about the battle situation, the cultivator Qi frowned.

Unexpectedly, the words just came true, the information of the alliance between the two regions far exceeded their expectations, and they came to the door so quickly.

He stared at the figures outside the city, not daring to relax.

Fortunately, the soldiers of Sinyuan have been in battle for a long time, and they cooperated very tacitly. As soon as an order was issued, a tidal wave of attacks immediately shot out and submerged in the large formation.

Although Qin Sang and the others had Nascent Soul cultivation, they were in the enemy's great formation and were attacked by thousands of people.

Seeing this scene, cultivator Qi didn't have much joy on his face.

Master Canghong went to chase Old Demon Ye, but he didn't turn around for a long time. It was the most empty time in Yucheng.

Due to the lack of masters, the only thing they can do is to delay the defense, unable to rush out to fight the enemy, and there is no means to threaten the enemy's life, so the enemy does not have to worry too much and dares to rampage in the array.

If things go on like this, it will be a matter of time before the great defense formation is broken.

At this moment, a hurried voice came from a distance.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, the situation is not good. The previous defense formation was built to cooperate with the Crystal Pagoda. The destruction of the Crystal Pagoda caused the defense formation to be implicated, revealing flaws. They came too quickly to repair the formation. There are only three of us left in the city, and we are unable to plug all the loopholes. Once they see through it, Yucheng will be in danger!”

The sound goes from far to near.

The next moment, a figure flew up the city wall, it was another Yuan Ying cultivator who stayed in Yucheng, named Qu Huan.

Seeing the critical situation of the battle, Qu Huan hurriedly came over to discuss with the cultivator Qi.

Falling beside the cultivator Qi, Qu Huan looked at the wreckage of the Crystal Pagoda next to him and sighed softly.

The base of the Crystal Pagoda is intact, but the tower body is in tatters, some are full of cracks, some are simply turned into a pool of rubble, and the crystal ball at the top of the tower is missing, all of which have been taken away by Ye Laomo .

The monk surnamed Qi frowned. Of course he understood the truth, but he couldn't think of a good strategy for a while, so he could only stick to it. Seeing that Qu Huan seemed to have a solution, he hurriedly asked, "What is the best strategy for fellow Daoist Qu?"

"Abandon the outer city!"

Qu Huan said flatly, "When necessary, you must make a choice, wait for the outer city to be destroyed, and then it will be too late to shrink the force, please make a quick decision! The inner city is the former site of Yucheng, and the defense formation is the ancestors. It has been tested for a long time. Even if the alliance of the two regions is dispatched, it is impossible to break in in a short time, enough to last until the real people come back. "

The cultivator surnamed Qi looked solemn and struggled in his eyes.

Abandoning the outer city is not as simple as losing land.

Treasure houses in the outer city, now full of resources prepared for the war, will all fall into the hands of the enemy.

There is also the great defense formation that Sin Yuan has spent a lot of resources deploying. Without the barrier of the outer city, they will have no way out!

"Fellow Daoist Qu..."

After hesitating for a while, the monk surnamed Qi opened his mouth and was about to speak, when a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, a cold light flashed, and he came straight to his door.

Suddenly there was a stinging pain in the eyebrows.

"It's you!"

The cultivator surnamed Qi's complexion changed greatly, he shouted angrily, his figure flew back, and then his whole body burst into blue light.

In the blue light, a phantom of the treasure armor appeared.

This treasure armor is vigorous and simple. To put it mildly, it can be said to be old and dilapidated, like pieces of old bark, which are simply spliced ​​together.

The treasured armor, which looked torn apart, revolved rapidly around the monk surnamed Qi, with countless runes flickering on its body, which was very wonderful, exuding a rich, thick blue light.

'Ding! ’

A thumb-sized dark golden flying sword penetrated the blue light and stabbed on the treasure armor, but there was a sound of gold and iron symphony.

Seeing that the treasure armor could not be penetrated, Qu Huan recalled the golden sword, a look of surprise flashed on his face. He didn't expect that a cultivator surnamed Qi could block his sneak attack so easily.

"Shameless, have you forgotten the kindness of your teacher's upbringing? You actually betrayed Sin Yuan and are willing to be the lackey of the Tianxing Alliance!"

The cultivator Qi was furious and couldn't believe it.

Qu Huan was born in the Haotian Mansion of the Righteous Dao Sect of Sinyuan, and now his status is second only to the Supreme Sect Master.

"What lackey? Qu was born in the Sky Xing League, and he was nothing more than an idiot and a coward before. When he was young, his talent was not very good and he was not taken seriously. It is thanks to the secret support of the Sky Xing League and Qu's own efforts~www. Haotian Mansion is just the icing on the cake, I really don’t have much kindness to Qu…”

Qu Huan said without shame on his face.

"What? You were sent to Haotian Mansion by the Sky Xing Alliance?" The monk surnamed Qi was shocked.

Both Tianxingmeng and Sinyuan are well aware that there must be spies from the other side in their own camp, but it is rare for spies to achieve such achievements as Qu Huan.

"Impossible! If you had been controlled by the Sky Walk Alliance, it would have been impossible to hide until now!"

Qu Huan looked disdainful, "Control? The old man really wanted to control me by means, but it was a pity that I secretly cracked it. Before today, even when Xingbing attacked the Tianxing League, Qu had never sent a message to the Tianxing League. I have done something sorry for Sin Yuan, and of course you can't find it on Qu! It depends on Qu's mood. Of course, I will bet on both sides. This kind of thing happened today, and the situation is already clear. Qu Mou judged the situation and decided to take a gamble. I just didn't expect that fellow Daoist Qi was quite capable. He was hit by my non-phase poison, but the true essence in his body had no effect at all, and he could block my Chen Xijian. With these two methods, Qu Mou has killed a big monster in the transformation period!"

Hearing this, the cultivator Qi no longer pretended, and said coldly: "Really, you are so clever that everyone can only be at your mercy? You and Old Monster Feng took the initiative to stay and help me stay in the city. , of course, I have to take precautions, just in case. No matter how powerful your innocence is, it is in vain that you can't penetrate into my body. However, I am more on guard against the old monster Feng, and I suspect that he is pretending to be like this on purpose. Think it's you who's in trouble!"

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