Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1310: Ghost in the dark

"Conjecture out of thin air, confuse the public with evil words!"

Cang Hong snorted coldly.

Zhenyi's long eyes suddenly lit up, and he sent a voice transmission to Qin Sang, and replied: "Why should the real person be angry, since Daoist Tianzheng will recover after a while, and then appear on the battlefield, won't the truth be revealed? If you have time, we can still afford it, if Daoist Tianzheng is safe and sound, then the poor Daoist will apologize to him on behalf of Daoist Qin..."

From the beginning of the negotiation, the real Canghong was aggressive, throwing out one after another tempting offer.

It is easy to get so much, including the most important Ye Laomo secret.

Let's talk about it again, forcing Master Canghong to agree to a few conditions, which is barely acceptable.

It is normal for the sins to undergo a sudden change and to be anxious for peace talks. They have been pushed by Master Canghong, and they didn't think deeply for a while.

If the old man Tianzheng was assassinated by Ye Laomo, now there is only one top expert left in Sinyuan, Cang Hongren, and it is difficult to support him alone. Moreover, the monks who have taken Ku Yuan Dan have been troubled by future troubles, and the strength of Sin Yuan will become weaker and weaker.

"We all know the conditions of Sin Yuan. It is difficult to decide now. There is no need to continue the discussion today. Farewell!"

Everyone cupped their hands, turned around and flew down the cloud platform, leaving behind the ashen people in Sin Yuan.

Zhendao said in a long low voice: "Xingheng Sect is the number one faction in Sinyuan, and I have also placed Anzi in it, whose status is far inferior to that of fellow Daoist Qu, but the Xingheng Sect can also spy on any troubles. Cang Hong is anxious. The peace talks, it is estimated that the news of Tianzheng's accidental death could not be concealed, and we will know the result in a few days..."


Sin Shrine.

An unknown mystery shrouded in darkness.

There are five fingers out of sight here, and there is no sound.

There is a stale smell in the air.

Suddenly, a **** light lit up in the darkness, disappeared in an instant, and was submerged in darkness again.

What followed was a sound of footsteps that seemed to be absent, and it seemed that a person was slowly walking towards the depths of the darkness.


The footsteps are getting louder and clearer, and the time interval between each step is exactly the same.

As the man slowly approached, a sigh suddenly sounded in the depths of the darkness.

"How many years? You're finally here..."

The voice was hoarse, like two iron plates rubbing against each other, as if lost in the desert, the sound of a person who was extremely thirsty.

There was another person, apparently trapped here for a long time.

‘Om! ’

The void suddenly shook slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a faint blue light erupted, the source of the faint blue light was a layer of ancient forbidden, and the person who spoke was sealed in the ancient forbidden.

The mysterious man hit the seal and inspired the power of the ancient ban.

The visitor stopped at the edge of the ancient ban. This pale face, half under the faint blue light, half hidden in the dark, was very strange, it was Ye Laomo!

Ye Laomo was in a hurry, and his body was torn and bloodstained. It was not easy to be chased and killed by Cang Hong, and his injuries were very serious.

However, his expression was as usual, his eyes were indifferent, he didn't care about his injury, and looked down at Gu Jin.

The interior of the ancient forbidden is also endlessly dark, and nothing can be seen.

The mysterious man in the seal suddenly became extremely excited and shouted in a harsh voice, "Where do I want something? Have you succeeded?"

Ye Laomo didn't say a word and threw something.

'boom! ’

A skeleton fell to the ground, it was the jade bone brocade skin.

He was also brought in by Old Demon Ye.

"Be careful!"

The mysterious man screamed in pain.

He seemed to be looking at the jade bones and brocade skin, and he was silent for a while before laughing: "As expected! My younger brother will definitely practice this secret technique to refine his own body in order to survive! It's a pity, it's a pity, there is no blood. Shi, I almost failed to make a jade bone. However, this body is enough to help me withstand the seal and help me get out of trouble! Have you seen him? Did you tell him that I led you there?"

The mysterious man is gloating at the misfortune, and I don't know what kind of hatred there is.

Ye Laomo lowered his head and looked at Yugu Jinpi's left foot.

The little finger of the left foot is incompatible with the whole jade bone, not jade, but blood bone.

"When I went in, his consciousness was already dead," Ye Laomo shook his head. "However, he has been tirelessly looking for blood food. If he swallows a few more Nascent Souls, it may not be easy to kill him."

"He's already dead?"

The mysterious man's tone suddenly fell, and he was silent for a while, and then said: "Only this jade bone is not enough, what else? Time is running out! Looking at your miserable appearance, not only was you seriously injured, but even the incarnation of the blood demon was killed by others. If you kill it, you won't fail, right? Back then, you insisted on going your own way and guarded me strictly, but the tone was very big!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Old Demon Ye's eyes, and with a flick of his sleeves, streams of light flew out from his sleeves.

In the stream of light, there is a round crystal ball, which is the core of the crystal tower.

The rest are Nascent Souls who were imprisoned by Ye Laomo.

These Nascent Souls were full of resentment and wanted to eat their flesh and sleep on their skins, but they were all imprisoned and had no power to resist. The only thing they could do was to curse Old Demon Ye with the most vicious curse.

Seeing the crystal ball and Nascent Soul, the mysterious man's tone changed immediately, tsk tsk admiring, "Good! Good! I didn't expect you to do it, to play with the world, it's really ruthless! As expected of being able to get rid of my control, it is against me. people!"

Ye Laomo was unmoved, there was no smug look on his face, and he asked: "All the things you want have been gathered, what should you do next?"

"What's the hurry? The time has not yet come. As long as you help me get out of this ghost place, you will naturally tell everything to you and won't hide anything."

The ancient ban kept flickering, and the mysterious man couldn't wait. "Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng! Don't you throw the jade bone over and help me get out of trouble?"

However, Old Demon Ye ignored the urging of the mysterious man at all, sat down with his knees crossed, and said lightly, "Since the time has not come, I will let you out when the time comes."


The mysterious man is furious.

The ancient ban was shaken again and again, and Ye Laomo closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, turning a blind eye.

After venting his anger, the mysterious man regained his composure, and suddenly sneered a few times with a sarcastic tone, "Now help me break free from the I will take advantage of this time to recover some of my strength and seize a greater chance. The chance is only this time. , you have been planning and planning for nearly a thousand years. Once you miss the opportunity, are you really willing? What are you afraid of? I have sworn to you that it will never be bad for you, and I can let you leave a ban on me. The oath, the oath of cause and effect... I've made it all over again."

Old Demon Ye raised his eyelids, and was finally willing to open his eyes.

"The devil's oath, as far as I know, there is no way to break it. As for the oath of cause and effect..."

A tone of voice.

Old Demon Ye glanced at the Nascent Souls floating around, and finally landed on the most eye-catching one, the old man Tianzheng.

The old man Tianzheng was not as hysterical as other people, without panic or resentment, Yuan Ying sat in a squat posture and calmly waited for the next fate.

Ye Laomo took a deep look at the old man Tianzheng and said categorically: "Ye never believes in cause and effect!"

The ancient ban brightened, and gradually dimmed.

Back to dead silence.

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