Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 133: Ask the exercises

(The last chapter was written too vaguely, as if some book friends had misunderstood it, so I revised it a bit.

I used to read the book first without this chapter, and secondly, I like to get fat and read it again. I didn't care about a lot of things. After I wrote the book, I found many problems.

There are some foreshadowings that don't need to be buried, they are not helpful to the plot, but will misunderstand the book friends who are chasing the update. Sometimes a sentence is put in the next chapter to make a fuss, and it is better to write clearly.

Writing books is indeed a technical job. Many pits are only known until you step on them. I am still a beginner, and try my best to correct my faults. )

What's more terrifying is that the foundation is damaged, which will also affect the future breakthrough. Qin Sang's hope of forming a pill is very slim. If he wants to attack the pill, he must seize all the opportunities that may increase the probability and erase any unfavorable factors. It is bound to find a way to restore the foundation.

And listening to the tone of the head of Yu and the monk surnamed Gong, it is very difficult to restore the foundation.

Qin Sang had been in retreat in the cave mansion, and it took ten days to stabilize his cultivation level and restore his body.

However, he is still unable to practice for the time being.

"Xuan Mi Yu Ding Zhen Jing" can not be used as a fundamental exercise method. He has not yet established the exercise method during the foundation period. He must wait to change the jade book at Zhangmen Peak before he is eligible to enter the Pagoda Peak.

But he didn't know anything about the foundation-building period, what kind of exercises were good, what was bad, and he didn't know which kind of exercises his qualifications of waste materials were suitable for.

The choice of exercise method is extremely important to the cultivator. If you can choose a exercise method that suits you, you will get twice the result with half the effort and make progress smoothly, and you will have more possibilities in the future.

But he was just a little monk in the Qi refining period before, and the monk in the foundation building period only knew Master Wen, and he suddenly succeeded in building the foundation, and there was no chance to understand this.

He now has two paths, one is to ask the monks who are also in the foundation building period, and the second is to look forward to being accepted as a direct disciple by the master Jindan of the division.

It’s best to get the guidance of Master Jin Dan, and he can avoid many detours, but his talent is already extremely poor. Now the sea of ​​Qi has shrunk by 10%. Even if there is no such twists and turns, no Master Jin Dan will Fancy yourself blindly, right?

Qin Sang smiled secretly and found that even if he succeeded in building the foundation, the road ahead was still rugged and full of thorns.

After refining the power of the Nine Sun Pill, Qin Sang left the cave.

For ten days, Shao Huashan seemed to have forgotten him, and no one paid any attention to him.

Qin Sang pondered for a moment, before taking off Tissot.

The first thing to go to is naturally Headmaster Peak, replace the jade book, and come to the Headmaster Hall, but from Dao Tong's mouth, she learns that Headmaster Yu is not in the Master's Gate at this time.

Qin Sang waited for a while, but never saw the head of Yu come back. After thinking about it, he set off and flew to Daomen Peak.

He walked down to escape light, and just arrived in front of the wooden hall, he saw a few teenagers walking out of the wooden hall talking and laughing. They were all Qi-refining cultivators, and Qin Sang knew them all.

Whenever Master Uncle taught the Fa, he would come back from Di Shendong to listen to the sermon.

Among these people, a young man named Qian Yuanzhu also discussed the cloud escape method with Qin Sang.

Suddenly seeing Qin Sang, Qian Yuanzhu's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and said hello, "Oh! Junior Brother Qin..."

As soon as he called out, Qian Yuanzhu was suddenly violently dragged by the teenager next to him.

I saw that young man bowed, saluted Qin Sang meticulously, and said respectfully: "The disciple Zhou Yan has seen Uncle Qin."

Several other people did the same.

Qian Yuanzhu was suddenly sluggish. Only then did he realize that Qin Sang was already a monk in the foundation construction period.

His lips squirmed, and he saluted in a panic tone: "The disciple has just been impolite and offended Shishu Qin, please don't blame Shishu Qin."

Of course Qin Sang wouldn't care about such trivial matters, so he said in passing: "Brother Qian, why do you have to be polite between you and me?"

Qian Yuanzhu was even more apprehensive, repeatedly saying: "The disciple dare not."

Qin Sang suddenly realized that his identity had changed. There was already an insurmountable gulf between them. Unless Qian Yuanzhu can break through the foundation building period, the two people he used to know will drift away and it will be impossible to return. Once upon a time.

In the world of cultivating immortals, power is respected, and the hierarchy is strict.

Qin Sang sighed secretly, and stopped doing unnecessary things. His tone became cold. On the contrary, the expressions of Qian Yuanzhu and others became much lighter than before, and he hurried away after saying goodbye.

After waiting for their backs to disappear, Qin Sang turned and walked into the wooden hall. Fortunately, he did not encounter solemnity in the wooden hall.

In Shaohua Mountain, the person who has the best friendship with Qin Sang is Solemn. Qin Sang has the opportunity to sell himself and build a foundation this time. I also want to thank Solemn for informing him in time. If he also becomes the posture of Qian Yuanzhu and others, Qin Sang I'm so happy.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Qin for building the foundation!"

Before, it was called Senior Uncle Wen, but now it should be called Senior Brother Wen. He didn't seem surprised that Qin Sang broke the threshold, and when he saw him walk in, he immediately stood up and congratulated him with a smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, Junior Brother Qin was so tough that he not only lived through the treasure gourd illusion, but was also recognized by Uncle Ma Wu. The senior brother was ashamed, and only spent a few hours in the illusion. !"

Seeing that Senior Brother Wen's tone was kind of flattering to him, Qin Sang was slightly startled, and immediately understood.

Except for the head of Yu, and the six other people who have been through the illusion of the treasure gourd, everyone else does not know the inside story, and really thinks that they are the dual monks of Mawu real person.

I'm afraid this incident has spread throughout Shaohua Mountain. No wonder the eyes of Qian Yuanzhu's previous companions looked a little weird.

My family knows about my family Qin Sang knows in his heart that there is no backing behind him, it is just a transaction, even Chenyan Fairy will not care about the life and death of the medicine residue.

But he would not be so stupid to expose himself, for one thing he didn't dare to leak the secrets, and secondly, through Ma Wu real human fox and fake tiger prestige, as long as he didn't act madly, he would accept it when he knew what was good, and he would have many hidden benefits without any explicit disclosure.

I wanted to ask Brother Wen for the exercises, but it didn't work.

Qin Sang and Senior Brother Wen exchanged tea for a while, and then said: "Brother Wen, I just went to Sovereign Peak, and Sovereign Brother is not in the door, and the jade book has not been replaced. It is still the waist card during the Qi refining period. I don't know Pagoda Peak. Can your brother be accommodating?"

Senior Brother Wen arrogantly said: "Why is this difficult? If Junior Brother Qin is not at ease, use my waist card first, they will definitely not dare to embarrass you."

After taking the waist card, Qin Sang came to Baota Peak, and first went to the main hall where he collected the pill plaques and other foreign classics.

The monk surnamed Zhang was leaning on a chair and fell asleep. There was tea on the table. It seemed that he was already quite old. It is estimated that he had already given up the immortal way to be so lazy.

"Qin Sang has seen Senior Brother Zhang," Qin Sang hit the inspector.

The brother Zhang stretched his waist and opened his muddy eyes. It seemed that he was awakened in a beautiful dream. His expression was a bit dissatisfied, but after hearing Qin Sang's report, Senior Brother Zhang was suddenly startled and leaned forward to look at Qin. Sang glanced, "Which Qin Sang are you?"

Qin Sang smiled and said, "As far as I know, I should be the only Qin Sang in Shaohua Mountain, right? Brother Zhang has seen other Qin Sang?"

"No no..."

Senior Brother Zhang waved his hand again and again, got up and said eagerly, "Brother, I'm sleepy, don't blame Senior Brother Qin, I don't know why Senior Brother Qin moved here?"


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