Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1317: cassowary

"The junior Void Spirit faction deacon Yunlan, but Senior Qin face to face?"

Three men and one woman, four Void Spirit Sect disciples flew to Qin Sang in the blink of an eye, seeing Qin Sang's face clearly, their faces showed shock, and they saluted respectfully.

Surprisingly, the female disciple was actually at the Jindan stage.

Jindan period disciples guard the gate.

Qin Sang recalled that Qingjun had commented before that the imaginary faction made a fortune in the war. Now it seems that it is true. The background of Qingyangguan is still incomparable to these famous schools.

The woman looked in her twenties, with a graceful figure and pretty face, wearing a red palace dress, and it was she who spoke just now.

Qin Sang did not hide his true appearance. He is now well-known in the entire Beichen Realm. There are not many monks in the two domains who don't know him, so the female cultivator recognized him at a glance.

"it's me!"

Qin Sang looked calm, nodded and said, "Qin had made an agreement with fellow Daoist Binghan that he had spare time today, so he specially came to visit, and hoped that the little friend would pass it on on his behalf."

Yunlan looked happy, "There is no need to communicate in advance. Senior Qin, please go to the door with the junior. The junior is waiting for Senior Qin here on the order of my suzerain."

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Binghan has a heart, then Qin Mou should be respectful rather than obedient."

Qin Sang nodded slightly.

Yunlan motioned for the other three disciples to step back and lead the way by herself.

Qin Sang deliberately slowed down and looked at the surrounding scenery leisurely.

When flying over these extinct volcanoes, Qin Sang noticed that there were some spirit beasts that looked like leopards and not leopards, and were running wildly in the mountains. The spirit beasts were very small, about the size of a cat, but there was a fur that was twice as long as the body. long tail.

The fur of the whole body is red, without the slightest variegation, and the bright luster flows between the animal hairs, as if magma is flowing on the body, only the eyes are black.

The spirit beast is bowing its head, searching for something on the ground.

When Qin Sang and the others flew by, they raised their heads, their eyes were gentle, with a bit of innocence and curiosity, they tilted their heads and glanced, then retracted their eyes and continued to do their own thing.

Behind the spirit beast, some Ethereal Sect disciples were panting and were led by the spirit beast to run around. After seeing Yunlan, they hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"These are the famous fire-eating beasts of your sect, aren't they?"

Qin Sang asked.

Although other sects are not like Yulingzong, they are not lacking in similar secret techniques. The spirit beasts that can be selected by them and cultivated all the time have special abilities.

What surprised him was that there was no murderous intent in the fire-eating beast's eyes, like a naive child who didn't seem to have experienced combat.

"Yes, it's the fire-eating beast, but there are many corruption in the rumors outside. It doesn't deserve its fame, and it certainly won't be in the eyes of Senior Qin."

Yunlan smiled, and seeing Qin Sang's curiosity, she explained the reason, "I think fire-eating beasts are not weak, but they don't know that what they are talking about is actually another kind of spiritual beast, the red-tailed leopard, similar in shape to fire-eating beasts. Of course, these The news is also deliberately released by our Ethereal Sect to protect the fire-eating beast. The fire-eating beast's natal supernatural ability has the ability to control fire, which can help us stabilize the spiritual fire during the refining process and improve the probability of success. There is not much in itself. combat power."

Saying that, Yunlan pointed to the ground, "The fire-eating beasts are looking for food, but their food is special. It is the fire energy that has not been transformed into the fire spirit in the underground flame veins. These days, the underground flame veins have been turbulent. , the flames of fire buried deep in the ground were shaken out."

Qin Sang followed the sound and looked.

Then I saw a fire-eating beast that seemed to sense something, let out a shrill cry, and suddenly plunged into the ground, digging a big hole.

A plume of red smoke rose from the ground and fled into the distance like a living creature.

The surrounding fire-eating beasts swarmed up immediately, eating the smoke completely.

Immediately afterwards, flames of fire came out from the cracks in the surrounding ground, which made the fire-eating beast happy, screaming in joy, and rushing to eat everywhere.

However, Qin Sang was concerned about the underground.

In his perception, there was no sign of a wave of fluctuations in the subterranean flame veins.

However, the source of the fluctuation is obvious. It is in the depths of the Ethereal Sect. After the fluctuation has been weakened by the large array, it can still have such momentum, which is a bit intriguing.

Qin Sang remained calm and looked back.

It was impossible for Yunlan to guess what Qin Sang was thinking, so she took care of herself and led the way.

It didn't take long for the two of them to pass through an invisible barrier, and the heat around them suddenly disappeared, becoming as warm as spring. The front is no longer desolate, it is lush and full of life.

This place is close to the Ethereal Sect Mountain Gate, and it is the place where the underground flame veins gather, and it is such a thriving scene.

And in the deepest part of the jungle, there is a mountain. The mountain is not high, but it is extremely thick and extremely rare.

Qin Sang looked at the mountain from afar, remembering his previous understanding of Ethereal Sect.

This mountain should be the most important forbidden area for Ethereal Sect. The top of the mountain is not flat, but a huge crater. The legendary mountain in the mountain is in the middle of the mountain.

Along the way, I met many disciples of the Ethereal Sect. When they saw Yunlan, they saluted respectfully and peeked at Qin Sang with curious eyes. Some of them recognized Qin Sang's identity and were shocked.

Qin Sang pays attention to the fact that these Ethereal Sect disciples, regardless of their cultivation bases, are full of energy, full of breath, and extraordinary talent, which shows the background of Ethereal Sect and Binghan's method of training the disciples.

After the incident, you might as well ask her for advice on how to develop a sect.

While thinking about these trivial matters, Qin Sang was surprised to find that Yunlan took him straight to the forbidden area and flew without any intention of stopping.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

After a while, the two entered the forbidden area and landed in front of a beautiful palace halfway up the mountain, known as the Pavilion of Exhausted Fire.

Seeing that the palace was not restricted, Qin Sang swept away his consciousness and found that there was no one inside, so he could not help frowning slightly.

At this moment a streamer of light descended from the sky and fell into Yunlan's palm.

A hint of surprise flashed in Yunlan's eyes, he hesitated a little, and said with a look of embarrassment: "Senior Qin, the junior just got the news that the sect master is cultivating in the mountains in the mountains. The Fire Pavilion will rest for a few days, and I hope the seniors don’t mind.”

"It's Qin who came here by accident. Since Daoist Binghan has something important, it's okay to wait a few days."

Qin Sang naturally wouldn't embarrass a junior, so he waved his hand carelessly and walked into the hall.

Yunlan breathed a sigh of relief, and made a proposal in person to offer Lingguo Immortal Brew, but Qin Sang refused.

Qin Sang ordered Yunlan not to be too polite. When Binghan came out of the gate and called him again, he blocked Yanhuo Pavilion with a ban, isolating the inside and outside. However, Yunlan did not dare to neglect, and she personally guarded the surroundings, waiting for dispatch.

After inspecting the Huoyan Pavilion, it was confirmed that there were no strange restrictions in it. Qin Sang untied the spirit beast bag, and a red light shot into his hand, which was the fire jade centipede.

The fire jade centipede couldn't fly out of Qin Sang's palm, and it swirled around in his hand, very anxious.

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