Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1334: Broken ancient illusion

Similar scenes appeared frequently in Ziwei Palace.

There was a Nascent Soul from the desert who had a similar experience to Qin Sang.

But he didn't notice it for the first time, he took a wrong step, bumped into it, and then the figure disappeared, and there was no more waves, I don't know if it was dead or alive.

The lake is clear.

Bamboo forest fragrance.

Qin Sang took a deep breath, but felt a trace of unease from the quiet scene. He stepped back cautiously, around the small lake, and his speed was three points faster.

This Ziwei Palace is not the other Ziwei Palace, and in the future, I am afraid that the Nascent Soul cultivator will be unable to move an inch.

After bypassing the ancient medicine garden, Qin Sang walked for a while, and then saw a familiar place, the Hall of Sword Path where the teleportation formation was located.

Here is no exception, beyond recognition.

The sight in front of him made Qin Sang a little stunned.

Standing on the ground, he raised his head high, and from the depths of the five-colored auspicious clouds, he could barely see the entrance to the Jianjing Hall.

You know, originally this mountain was not prominent among the peaks.

This mountain actually grows out of the ground like a living creature. There are some surrounding peaks showing similar changes, but not as pronounced.

The mountains are guarded, and one peak is unique!

The ebony sword moved for a while.

Familiar fluctuations came, indicating that the ban on the sword path hall has not changed, and the ancient teleportation formation should still be there.

The good news is that the entrance to the Jianjing Hall is still an ordinary cliff, and there is no difference in it, otherwise this passage connecting the two domains will be exposed.

"Has the Hall of Seven Kills been affected, or is it only the Ziwei Palace that has had an accident? Time is running out. Let's go to the other side to take a look when things are over."

Qin Sang's thoughts turned, his figure kept moving, and he went straight to Jianhen Mountain.

Traveling through countless secret realms, Qin Sang and Tianmu Die were both in high spirits. There were no dangers along the way, and they finally reached Jianhen Mountain.

From a distance, you can see that the clouds and mist on Jianhen Mountain are expanding, shrouding the surrounding mountains. When I got closer, as expected, the entire mountain range was affected by the magic formation.

Qin Sang didn't dare to act rashly, walked around the edge of the phantom array, and came to the position closest to the sword mark.

The sword marks are shocking, and the sword energy lasts forever!

The escaping sword energy still continued to impact the phantom array, but it was also suppressed by the phantom array.

They keep fighting.

This ancient fantasy formation is really dilapidated and full of flaws. Although it is far more dangerous than before, it is not without opportunities.

No one around.

The Tianmu Butterfly flew out of the sea of ​​qi and landed on Qin Sang's shoulder, flapping its wings gently, the Tianmu on the butterfly wings was gathering with thunder, becoming more and more agile and spirited.

The eyes are deep and deep, and there seems to be a piece of sky hidden inside, which is extremely pure.

Qin Sang turned his head to the side, while observing the magic formation, he communicated with Tianmu Die, silently activating the secret technique of the Wu clan, and helping Tianmu Die to activate the magical powers of his life.

From the cluttered illusion, Qin Sang found a way, but he could only see the first section clearly, he could only take one step at a time, and adapt to the situation.

To be on the safe side, Qin Sang also called out the Yuan Ying Fu Puppet and ordered it to walk ahead to explore the way.

One person and one puppet walk up the mountain.

The moment he stepped into the illusion, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

The palace on Jianhen Mountain disappeared.

Instead, there is a wide magma river, the magma flows, and the hot breath blows, which is extremely real. The waves splashed and the waves emitted had a power that shocked Qin Sang.

However, there is a fault not far upstream of the magma river, as if the two worlds are stacked together and there is a conflict.

With the help of Tianmu Die, Qin Sang could easily find these flaws and walk through the illusion.

Everything went very smoothly, Qin Sang silently calculated the distance.

I should have already climbed the Jianhen Mountain. No accident, it won't take long to reach the pill room where Nanming Lihuo is located.

At this moment, a change suddenly appeared, the Nascent Soul Talisman in front stopped in place, the redness in the eyes faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the eyes were empty.

At the same time, Tianmudie's wings suddenly froze.

Qin Sang only felt the consciousness of the lake coming from Tianmu Die, and he lost the sense. Looking down, Tianmu Die seemed to be asleep.

He was shocked, if Tianmu Die and Yuan Ying Fu Pup had an accident due to Nan Ming Li Huo, it would not be worth the loss.

He stabilized his mind, glanced around, made sure there was nothing abnormal, and began to examine himself.

I am no exception.

Looking at Tianmu Die and Yuan Ying Fu Pup, the connection with him has not been broken, but they both fell into a deep sleep. At this time, Yuan Ying Fu Pup's eyes turned slightly, as if struggling, fighting against something.

"It's the Jade Buddha again!"

Qin Sang probably guessed the whole story. It seems that the magic array also has the effect of confusing the mind.

The Jade Buddha saved himself again.

Even the ancient illusion formation can't affect him.

Qin Sang breathed a sigh of relief, and felt more and more that the higher his cultivation, the more means he encountered against the primordial spirit, and the greater the role of the Jade Buddha.

After that, it's up to you.

Qin Sang took Fu Puppet and Tianmu Die back, becoming more and more vigilant in his heart.

Pass through a pavilion corridor and water pavilion.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound ahead, as if something was moving through the jungle.


Qin Sang was taken aback.

On second thought, apart from Old Demon Ye, no one else could have come here faster than him.

Ye Laomo doesn't go to Tianshan, what is he doing here?

Qin Sang felt that it was unlikely, so he restrained his breath, walked forward for a while, and hid in a dark place. After waiting for a while, he saw a few red foxes appearing on the edge of the jungle, playing and playing. It was they who made the movement.

I didn't expect to encounter living creatures here.

Qin Sang knew that these red foxes could not be real, otherwise Yunyouzi would have discovered it long ago. He poured his true energy into his eyes and stared for a while, and he really found something.

These red foxes seem to be real, but from time to time there will be strange fluctuations in their, you can see their illusory nature. Sure enough, they were the spirit beasts transformed by the ancient magic formation. The ancient magic formation was broken, so they also became weaker.

The red fox is so agile and vivid.

The formation of this kind of spirit beast must have a special effect. Even if the formation was remnant, Qin Sang didn't want to learn the red fox's ability.

But here is the only way to go to the stone temple!

Just as Qin Sang was pondering inwardly, he suddenly found that one of the red foxes stopped laughing, his pointed ears moved slightly, as if he had sensed something.

Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly stepped back. Linghu's perception was too keen. If it weren't for the great loss of the power of the phantom array, I'm afraid he would have been discovered long ago.

He frowned, thought for a moment, and turned his eyes to the other side.

The sword mark is in that direction, and being here, you can already feel the edge of the sword qi.

The origin of the red fox is unknown, so there is no need to force it. Taking advantage of the terrain, leading the red fox to the sword mark, and using the sword energy to kill the fox, is also an option, and it is more labor-saving. (To be continued.)

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