Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 136: Yuanshen Raising Sword

  The Xuanming Tortoise Array takes both concealment and defense into consideration, and it meets Qin Sang’s requirements. After Qin Sang thanked the head of Yu, he put away the Xuanming Tortoise Array flag.

   The head of Yu got up and returned to the inner hall, took out the disciple's jade book, and left Qin Sang's name on the jade book of the disciple in the foundation building period.

   At the moment the name was written, a faint light flashed on the jade album, and a jade waistband was condensed.

After changing the waist cards of the disciples of the foundation building period, you can enjoy the benefits of the disciples in the foundation building period. What Qin Sang looks forward to most is that the disciples who have just entered the foundation building period can watch the exercises collected by the pagoda peak at will within a month. , And you can choose one exercise for free.

"These five middle-grade spirit stones are rewards for the disciples of the foundation-building period by the teacher, only this time, but there will be annual records every year in the future, and the value of spirit stones, elixir, etc. can be chosen at will, and the value is not satisfactory. Originally, the teacher would also reward In a cave, since Junior Brother Qin chooses to open a cave outside, he can go directly to the Spirit Beast Palace. According to the rules of the division, disciples in the foundation building stage do not need to do any handy duties, but there are always many tasks in the division, and it is difficult for the disciples to complete the gas refining stage. The rewards are quite high. Among them, the Ancient Immortal Battlefield is the most generous. If Junior Brother Qin is interested, he can take some. However, if the teacher sends the decree and arranges the task, it must be done with all his heart. No excuses are allowed to disobey, otherwise Betrayal of the teacher’s argument, Junior Brother Qin must be careful in the future..."

   The head of Yu eloquently talked about a big deal, and summed up the rights and obligations of the disciples during the foundation-building period.

   Compared with the Qi refining period, Shaohua Mountain is absolutely generous to the disciples of the foundation building stage. Except for the sect of the teacher's decree, which is rarely encountered, the foundation stage disciples are very free.

   If money is tight, go to Zhangmen Peak to find something to do.

   I want to retreat and practice hard, and pass the Dong Mansion, basically no one disturbs.

   When hitting the pill formation, the teacher will also provide free spirits to assist the formation of the pill. Although it is not the best thing, it is also a good thing that the casual cultivator can't ask for.

   is a realm different, and the status is so different that Qin Sang can't help but secretly sigh.

The two chatted for a while, and Qin Sang knew about it. Anyway, the head of Yu knew him well, so he stopped pretending, so he arched his hands and said: "I didn't want to continue to disturb the head of the brother, but I have little knowledge. I don’t know much about the practice after the foundation building period, and I have not been sure which exercise method to choose. Please give me your advice!"

   Head Yu asked, "Does Junior Brother Qin have any ideas?"

   Of course, Qin Sang had long considered that the Jade Buddha sheltered the soul. After being reclaimed, the only influence on him is the foundation. Repairing the foundation is something that must be done, otherwise you don't want to consolidate the pill in the future.

   "Is there any technique that can make up for vitality and restore the foundation?"

   Head Yu took a deep look at Qin Sang, as if he had already anticipated his choice, and said: "The Baota Peak does treasure a few powerful methods for repairing the foundation..."

Without waiting for Qin Sang’s face to show joy, Head Yu suddenly changed his words, “It’s just that Junior Brother Qin, your situation is different from that of others, and what you lose is the most original vitality. Only the heaven and earth born of heaven and earth can repair your foundation. Bao, these exercises are not as effective as Nine Sun Pills. Junior Brother Qin had better not waste time on them."

   Hearing this, Qin Sang looked slightly startled, shook his head and gave a wry smile. He had expected this, but he couldn't help being disappointed.

   "Brother head, you know my talent, but I'm not reconciled. I don't know if there is a cultivation technique that will allow me to reach the threshold of the pill formation stage in my lifetime?"

Head Yu relieved Qin Sang a few words and said: "Since Junior Brother Qin has this desire, he must choose the exercises that are easier to enter. However, most of these exercises lack the magical power of self-protection. If there is no other means of defeating the enemy, In the future, you will inevitably suffer a loss when you fight with others. When you encounter opponents of the same realm, you will have to hide. This kind of defect is not obvious in normal times. It’s only regrettable. If Junior Brother Qin can accept it, Pagoda Peak will have, and so on, all such exercises."

   Hearing this, Qin Sang's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his foundation was damaged. Qi Hai has shrunk by 10% compared to the monks of the same realm. If he chooses this method, how can he fight with others in the future?

   The world of cultivating immortals cannot be improved by cultivating in retreat, and fighting with others is indispensable in many cases.

   For example, the pill formation, except for the proud son of the heavenly root, which one has not traveled for many years, competing for the first opportunity, and increasing the chance of formation as much as possible.

   Is it possible that in the future, if you encounter problems, you can only be a tortoise with your head, and give up your chances in vain?

   But Qin Sang is not an innocent person, he understands that the cultivation technique with powerful magical powers that can take advantage of the fight is bound to be extremely difficult, and it is indeed not suitable for him.

At this moment, Qin Sang suddenly moved in his heart and asked: "Brother head, since joining Shaohua Mountain on the first day, I have often heard the legend of Senior Green Bamboo. And the strength is not weaker than that of I don’t know what kind of exercises Senior Qing Zhu practiced?"

   "You mean that exercise!"

   What surprised Qin Sang was that the head of Yu, like Senior Brother Wen at the time, had a somewhat fearful expression when he mentioned the practice of Senior Qingzhu.

"The exercise is called, apart from the senior Qingzhu, no one else has practiced it in Shaohua Mountain. Not only is the exercise only a fragment, but the bigger reason is that this exercise requires the cultivator's appalling requirements, which is by no means normal. People can do it. Brother Qin, you can go to the pagoda peak and you will know why."

   Qin Sang became more curious as soon as he said this.

  Especially, the name of the exercise method contains the word ‘Yuan Shen’, which makes him feel excited and dream.

  After chatting with Zhangmen Yu for a long time at Zhangmenfeng, the jade book on the table remained silent.

Head Yu gave Qin Sang a weird look, and said in an embarrassing tone: "There is no Jin Dan master who is willing to accept Junior Qin as his apprentice, and Master Ma Wu did not respond... But Junior Brother Qin, don’t be discouraged. A few, as long as they work hard and practice hard, they can also stand out, and they will definitely be seen by the masters."

   There is also a copy of this jade book in every Jindan Master’s cave.

  When the name of the disciple of the foundation-building stage falls on the jade book, other jade books will also get news. If the master Jin Dan happens to see it and thinks this child has a good talent, he will be included in the school.

   Although it may not be able to get the careful guidance of the Golden Core Master, it is much better than one person's groping.

   Qin Sang had a hunch for a long time, not to mention disappointment, feeling that the attitude of the head of Yu was a little cold, and he sighed in his heart, and immediately said goodbye to the head of Yu and returned to the pagoda peak.

  When he came to the hall where the mantras were collected, Qin Sang met an acquaintance, the monk surnamed Gong who refused to be a pot furnace.

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